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// Hyperbolic Rogue - Complex features part II
// Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Zeno Rogue, see 'hyper.cpp' for details
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
/** \file complex2.cpp
* \brief Continuation of complex.cpp
* Includes: Brownian, Irradiated, Free Fall
#include "hyper.h"
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
namespace hr {
2019-08-09 20:37:11 +00:00
EX namespace brownian {
#if HDR
const int level = 5;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
map<cell*, vector<pair<cell*, int >> > futures;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
int centersteps = 0;
int totalsteps = 0;
void rise(cell *c, int val) {
if(c->wall == waSea) c->wall = waNone;
if(c->land == laOcean || c->land == laNone) {
c->land = laBrownian;
c->landparam = 0;
c->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
forCellCM(c1, c) {
c1->bardir = NOBARRIERS;
if(c1->mpdist > BARLEV) {
setdist(c1, BARLEV, c);
if(c1->land == laOcean) {
c1->land = laBrownian;
c1->landparam = 0;
c1->wall = waSea;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
c->landparam += val;
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
static const int FAT = (-100); // less than 0
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
void recurse(cell *c, int fatten_from) {
int dl = getDistLimit();
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
while(true) {
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
int cd = celldist(c);
bool fat = cd > fatten_from;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
if(cd >= dl * (fat ? 4 : ISMOBILE ? 2 : 3) + celldist(cwt.at)) {
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
cell *c1 = c;
while(true) {
cell *c2 = ts::left_parent(c1, celldist);
if(!c2 || c2->mpdist < BARLEV) break;
setdist(c2, BARLEV, c1);
c1 = c2;
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
futures[c1].emplace_back(c, fatten_from);
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
if(c->mpdist <= 7 || !among(c->land, laNone, laOcean, laBrownian) || (c->land != laBrownian && c->bardir != NODIR)) {
centersteps++; return;
cell *c2 = c->cmove(hrand(c->type));
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
int cd2 = celldist(c2);
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
// while(hrand(1000) < 1000 * chance) recurse(c);
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
if(!fat && (cd2 > fatten_from || hrand(100000) == 0)) {
recurse(c, FAT);
fatten_from = FAT;
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
else if(fat) recurse(c, cd + dl * 6);
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
rise(c, fat ? 256 : 1);
c = c2;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
EX void dissolve_brownian(cell *c, int x) {
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
if(c->land == laBrownian) {
if(among(c->wall, waNone, waStrandedBoat, waMineOpen, waFire)) {
if(c->landparam >= 4 * level) c->landparam = 4 * level - 1;
c->landparam -= level * x;
c->wall = waNone;
if(c->landparam < 0) c->wall = waSea, c->landparam = 0;
if(c->landparam == 0) c->landparam = 1;
EX void dissolve(cell *c, int x) {
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
if(c->land == laBrownian)
dissolve_brownian(c, x);
else if(c->wall == waRed2) c->wall = waRed1;
else if(c->wall == waRed3) c->wall = waRed2;
else if(among(c->wall, waRed1, waDeadfloor2, waRubble, waBoat, waFire, waCIsland, waCIsland2, waBigBush, waSmallBush)) c->wall = waNone;
else if(c->wall == waStrandedBoat) c->wall = waNone;
else if(c->wall == waFrozenLake) c->wall = waLake;
else if(among(c->wall, waReptile, waGargoyleFloor) || cellUnstable(c)) c->wall = waChasm;
else if(among(c->wall, waNone, waDock, waBurningDock, waFloorA, waFloorB, waCavefloor, waDeadfloor, waMineMine, waMineUnknown, waMineOpen, waOpenGate, waClosePlate, waOpenPlate, waGargoyleBridge, waReptileBridge))
c->wall = waSea;
else if(cellHalfvine(c)) destroyHalfvine(c, waNone, 4);
2019-08-09 20:37:11 +00:00
EX void init(cell *c) {
if(!hyperbolic) return;
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
recurse(c, FAT);
recurse(c, FAT);
EX void init_further(cell *c) {
if(!hyperbolic) return;
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
int dl = getDistLimit();
dynamicval<bool> be(generatingEquidistant, true);
int gdir = -1;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) {
if(c->move(i) && c->move(i)->mpdist < c->mpdist) gdir = i;
if(gdir < 0) return;
cellwalker cw(c, gdir);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
cw += revstep;
setdist(cw.at, BARLEV, cw.peek());
println(hlog, "from ", cw.peek(), " to ", cw.at, ", land = ", dnameof(cw.at->land), " lp = ", cw.at->landparam);
if(c->land != laOcean || !no_barriers_in_radius(cw.at, 2)) return;
println(hlog, "brownian::init ", cw.at, " in distance ", celldistance(cw.at, cwt.at));
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
recurse(cw.at, celldist(c) + dl * 3);
recurse(cw.at, celldist(c) + dl * 3);
cell *c2 = c;
while(c2->mpdist > 7) {
forCellEx(c3, c2) if(c3->mpdist < c2->mpdist) { c2 = c3; goto next; }
next: ;
if(!c2->monst && c2->wall != waBoat) c2->monst = moAcidBird;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
EX void apply_futures(cell *c) {
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
if(futures.count(c)) {
auto m = move(futures[c]);
2019-01-20 11:46:05 +00:00
for(auto p: m)
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
recurse(p.first, p.second);
printf("centersteps = %d futures = %d totalsteps = %d\n", centersteps, isize(futures), totalsteps);
2019-08-09 20:37:11 +00:00
EX void build(cell *c, int d) {
if(!hyperbolic) c->wall = waNone, c->landparam = 256;
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
if(hrand(10000) < min(250, 100 + 2 * PT(kills[moAcidBird] + kills[moBrownBug], 50)) * (25 + min(items[itBrownian], 100)) / 25 && c->landparam >= 4 && c->landparam < 24)
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
c->item = itBrownian;
if(hrand_monster(8000) < 15 + items[itBrownian])
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
c->monst = moAcidBird;
else if(hrand_monster(8000) < 15)
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
c->monst = moAlbatross;
else if(hrand_monster(8000) < 15 + items[itBrownian]) {
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
c->monst = moBrownBug;
c->hitpoints = 3;
2018-12-25 11:49:54 +00:00
EX colortable colors = { 0x603000, 0x804000, 0xA05000, 0xC09050, 0xE0D0A0 };
2019-01-03 16:21:11 +00:00
EX color_t get_color(int y) {
2018-12-25 11:49:54 +00:00
2019-01-03 16:21:11 +00:00
y < level ? gradient(colors[0], colors[1], 1, y, level-1) :
y < 2 * level ? colors[2] :
y < 3 * level ? colors[3] :
EX color_t& get_color_edit(int y) {
2019-01-03 16:21:11 +00:00
y < level/2 ? colors[0] :
y < level ? colors[1] :
y < 2 * level ? colors[2] :
y < 3 * level ? colors[3] :
2018-12-25 11:49:54 +00:00
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
2019-01-11 01:23:00 +00:00
int hrc = addHook(hooks_removecells, 0, [] () {
vector<cell*> to_remove;
for(auto p: futures) if(is_cell_removed(p.first)) to_remove.push_back(p.first);
for(auto r: to_remove) futures.erase(r);
2019-05-30 14:12:38 +00:00
}) + addHook(clearmemory, 0, [] () { futures.clear(); })
+ addHook(hooks_gamedata, 0, [] (gamedata* gd) { gd->store(futures); });
2019-01-11 01:23:00 +00:00
EX }
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00
EX namespace westwall {
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
EX void switchTreasure(cell *c) {
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
c->item = itNone;
if(safety) return;
if(hrand(5000) < PT(100 + 2 * (kills[moAirElemental] + kills[moWindCrow]), 200) && c->landparam >= 5 + items[itWest])
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
c->item = itWest;
else if(hrand(5000) < 20*PRIZEMUL)
EX int coastvalEdge1(cell *c) {
if(c->land == laWestWall && !c->landparam) buildEquidistant(c);
return coastvalEdge(c);
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
void build(vector<cell*>& whirlline, int d) {
cell *at = whirlline[isize(whirlline)-1];
cell *prev = whirlline[isize(whirlline)-2];
for(int i=0; i<at->type; i++)
if(at->move(i) && coastvalEdge1(at->move(i)) == d && at->move(i) != prev) {
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
goto again;
void moveAt(cell *c, manual_celllister& cl) {
if(cl.listed(c)) return;
if(c->land != laWestWall) return;
vector<cell*> whirlline;
int d = coastvalEdge(c);
whirlline.push_back(gravity_state == gsAnti ? ts::right_of(c, coastvalEdge1) : ts::left_of(c, coastvalEdge1));
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
build(whirlline, d);
reverse(whirlline.begin(), whirlline.end());
build(whirlline, d);
int z = isize(whirlline);
for(int i=0; i<z; i++) {
if(whirlline[i]->mpdist == BARLEV)
for(int i=0; i<z-1; i++) {
moveItem(whirlline[i], whirlline[i+1], true);
2019-11-22 17:48:51 +00:00
animateMovement(match(whirlline[i+1], whirlline[i]), LAYER_BOAT);
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
for(int i=0; i<z; i++)
EX void move() {
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
manual_celllister cl;
if(gravity_state == gsLevitation) return;
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
for(cell *c: dcal) moveAt(c, cl);
// Keys and Orbs of Yendor always move
using namespace yendor;
for(int i=0; i<isize(yi); i++) {
moveAt(yi[i].path[0], cl);
// println(hlog, "coastval of actual key is ", coastvalEdge1(yi[i].actual_key()), " and item is ", dnameof(yi[i].actual_key()->item), "and mpdist is ", yi[i].actual_key()->mpdist);
moveAt(yi[i].actual_key(), cl);
if(yi[i].actualKey) {
if(gravity_state == gsAnti) yi[i].age--;
else yi[i].age++;
setdist(yi[i].actual_key(), 8, NULL);
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
EX }
2018-12-21 13:41:23 +00:00
EX namespace variant {
#if HDR
struct feature {
color_t color_change;
int rate_change;
eMonster wanderer;
void (*build)(cell*);
extern array<feature, 21> features;
#define VF [] (cell *c)
array<feature, 21> features {{
feature{(color_t)(-0x202020), 5, moNecromancer, VF {
if(c->wall == waNone && hrand(1500) < 20) c->wall = waFreshGrave;
if(hrand(20000) < 10 + items[itVarTreasure])
c->monst = moNecromancer;
{0x000010, 5, moLancer, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moLancer; } },
{0x100008,15, moMonk, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moMonk; } },
{0x080010, 5, moCrusher, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moCrusher; } },
{0x181418, 5, moSkeleton, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moSkeleton, c->hitpoints = 3; } },
{0x180000, 5, moPyroCultist, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moPyroCultist; } },
{0x00000C, 2, moFlailer, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moFlailer; } },
{0x1C0700, 1, moHedge, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand_monster(80000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure] && valence() == 3) c->monst = moHedge; } },
{0x000c00,-1, moNone, VF { if(hrand(1500) < 30) createArrowTrapAt(c, laVariant); } },
{0x001200,-1, moNone, VF { if(hrand(1500) < 50 && c->wall == waNone) c->wall = waTrapdoor; } },
{0x000c18,-1, moNone, VF { if(hrand(1500) < 30) build_pool(c, true); } },
{0x040A00,-1, moNone, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && !c->monst && hrand(1500) < 10) c->wall = waThumperOff; } },
{0x080A00,-1, moNone, VF { if(hrand(1500) < 20 && !c->monst && !c->wall) c->wall = waFireTrap; } },
{0x0C0A00, 0, moNone, VF {
bool inyendor = yendor::on && specialland == laVariant && celldist(c) < 7;
int chance = inyendor ? 800 : 100;
if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand(5000) < chance) c->wall = waExplosiveBarrel;
} },
{0x060D04, 0, moNone, VF {
if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && pseudohept(c) && hrand(30000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure])
if(buildIvy(c, 0, c->type) && !peace::on) c->item = itVarTreasure;
{0x000A08, 0, moNone, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand(5000) < 100) c->wall = waSmallTree; }},
{0x100A10, 1, moRagingBull, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && hrand(10000) < 10 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moSleepBull, c->hitpoints = 3; }},
{0x00110C, 0, moNone, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand(5000) < 100) c->wall = waBigTree; }},
{0x000A28, 1, moNone, VF { if(hrand(500) < 10) build_pool(c, false); } },
{0x100A00, 2, moVariantWarrior, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand(40000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moVariantWarrior; }},
{0x100708, 1, moRatling, VF { if(c->wall == waNone && !c->monst && hrand(50000) < 25 + items[itVarTreasure]) c->monst = moRatling; }}
#undef VF
EX }
EX namespace camelot {
/** number of Grails collected, to show you as a knight */
EX int knighted = 0;
/** this value is used when using Orb of Safety in the Camelot in Pure Tactics Mode */
EX int anthraxBonus = 0;
EX void roundTableMessage(cell *c2) {
if(!euclid && !cwt.at->master->alt) return;
if(!euclid && !c2->master->alt) return;
int dd = celldistAltRelative(c2) - celldistAltRelative(cwt.at);
bool tooeasy = (roundTableRadius(c2) < newRoundTableRadius());
if(dd>0) {
if(grailWasFound(cwt.at)) {
addMessage(XLAT("The Knights congratulate you on your success!"));
knighted = roundTableRadius(cwt.at);
else if(!tooeasy)
addMessage(XLAT("The Knights laugh at your failure!"));
else {
addMessage(XLAT("The Knights stare at you!"));
else if(tooeasy) {
addMessage(XLAT("Come on, this is too easy... find a bigger castle!"));
addMessage(XLAT("The Knights wish you luck!"));
EX void knightFlavorMessage(cell *c2) {
if(!eubinary && !c2->master->alt) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"I am lost...\""));
if(tactic::on) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"The Knights of the Horocyclic Table salute you!\""));
bool grailfound = grailWasFound(c2);
int rad = roundTableRadius(c2);
bool tooeasy = (rad < newRoundTableRadius());
static int msgid = 0;
if(msgid >= 32) msgid = 0;
if(msgid == 0 && grailfound) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"I would like to congratulate you again!\""));
else if(msgid == 1 && !tooeasy) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Find the Holy Grail to become one of us!\""));
else if(msgid == 2 && !tooeasy) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"The Holy Grail is in the center of the Round Table.\""));
else if(msgid == 3 && cryst) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Each piece of the Round Table is exactly %1 steps away from the Holy Grail.\"", its(roundTableRadius(c2))));
addMessage(XLAT("\"According to Merlin, the Round Table is a perfect Euclidean sphere in %1 dimensions.\"", its(ginf[gCrystal].sides/2)));
else if(msgid == 3 && !peace::on && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"I enjoy watching the hyperbug battles.\""));
else if(msgid == 4 && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Have you visited a temple in R'Lyeh?\""));
else if(msgid == 5 && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Nice castle, eh?\""));
else if(msgid == 6 && items[itSpice] < 10 && !peace::on && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"The Red Rock Valley is dangerous, but beautiful.\""));
else if(msgid == 7 && items[itSpice] < 10 && !peace::on && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Train in the Desert first!\""));
else if(msgid == 8 && sizes_known() && !tactic::on) {
string s = "";
if(0) ;
else if(cryst)
s = crystal::get_table_boundary();
else if(!quotient)
s = expansion.get_descendants(rad).get_str(100);
if(s == "") { msgid++; goto retry; }
addMessage(XLAT("\"Our Table seats %1 Knights!\"", s));
else if(msgid == 9 && sizes_known() && !tactic::on) {
string s = "";
else if(cryst)
s = crystal::get_table_volume();
else if(!quotient)
s = expansion.get_descendants(rad-1, expansion.diskid).get_str(100);
if(s == "") { msgid++; goto retry; }
addMessage(XLAT("\"There are %1 floor tiles inside our Table!\"", s));
else if(msgid == 10 && !items[itPirate] && !items[itWhirlpool] && !peace::on && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Have you tried to take a boat and go into the Ocean? Try it!\""));
else if(msgid == 11 && !princess::saved && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"When I visited the Palace, a mouse wanted me to go somewhere.\""));
else if(msgid == 12 && !princess::saved && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"I wonder what was there...\""));
else if(msgid == 13 && !peace::on && in_full_game()) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Be careful in the Rose Garden! It is beautiful, but very dangerous!\""));
else if(msgid == 14) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"There is no royal road to geometry.\""));
else if(msgid == 15) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, "));
addMessage(XLAT("which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world.\""));
else if(msgid == 16) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"It is not possession but the act of getting there, "));
addMessage(XLAT("which grants the greatest enjoyment.\""));
else if(msgid == 17) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"We live in a beautiful and orderly world, "));
addMessage(XLAT("and not in a chaos without norms.\""));
else if(msgid == 25) {
addMessage(XLAT("\"Thank you very much for talking, and have a great rest of your day!\""));
else {
msgid++; goto retry;
EX }
EX namespace mine {
EX bool uncoverMines(cell *c, int lev, int dist, bool just_checking) {
bool b = false;
if(c->wall == waMineMine && just_checking) return true;
if(c->wall == waMineUnknown) {
return true;
else {
c->wall = waMineOpen;
b = true;
bool minesNearby = false;
bool nominesNearby = false;
bool mineopens = false;
auto adj = adj_minefield_cells(c);
for(cell *c2: adj) {
if(c2->wall == waMineMine) minesNearby = true;
if(c2->wall == waMineOpen) mineopens = true;
if(c2->wall == waMineUnknown && !c2->item) nominesNearby = true;
if(lev && (nominesNearby || mineopens) && !minesNearby) for(cell *c2: adj)
if(c2->wall == waMineUnknown || c2->wall == waMineOpen) {
b |= uncoverMines(c2, lev-1, dist+1, just_checking);
if(b && just_checking) return true;
if(minesNearby && !nominesNearby && dist == 0) {
for(cell *c2: adj)
if(c2->wall == waMineMine && c2->land == laMinefield)
c2->landparam |= 1;
return b;
EX bool mightBeMine(cell *c) {
return c->wall == waMineUnknown || c->wall == waMineMine;
EX hookset<bool(cell*)> *hooks_mark;
EX void performMarkCommand(cell *c) {
if(!c) return;
if(callhandlers(false, hooks_mark, c)) return;
if(c->land == laCA && c->wall == waNone)
c->wall = waFloorA;
else if(c->land == laCA && c->wall == waFloorA)
c->wall = waNone;
if(c->land != laMinefield) return;
if(c->item) return;
if(!mightBeMine(c)) return;
bool adj = false;
forCellEx(c2, c) if(c2->wall == waMineOpen) adj = true;
if(adj) c->landparam ^= 1;
EX bool marked_mine(cell *c) {
if(!mightBeMine(c)) return false;
if(c->item) return false;
if(c->land != laMinefield) return true;
return c->landparam & 1;
EX bool marked_safe(cell *c) {
if(!mightBeMine(c)) return false;
if(c->item) return true;
if(c->land != laMinefield) return false;
return c->landparam & 2;
EX bool safe() {
return items[itOrbAether];
EX void uncover_full(cell *c2) {
int mineradius =
bounded ? 3 :
(items[itBombEgg] < 1 && !tactic::on) ? 0 :
items[itBombEgg] < 20 ? 1 :
items[itBombEgg] < 30 ? 2 :
bool nomine = !normal_gravity_at(c2);
if(!nomine && uncoverMines(c2, mineradius, 0, true) && markOrb(itOrbAether))
nomine = true;
if(!nomine) {
uncoverMines(c2, mineradius, 0, false);
mayExplodeMine(c2, moPlayer);
EX void auto_teleport_charges() {
if(specialland == laMinefield && firstland == laMinefield && bounded)
items[itOrbTeleport] = isFire(cwt.at->wall) ? 0 : 1;
EX }
EX namespace terracotta {
#if HDR
// predictable or not
static constexpr bool randterra = false;
EX void check(cell *c) {
if(c->wall == waTerraWarrior && !c->monst && !racing::on) {
bool live = false;
if(randterra) {
if((c->landparam == 3 && hrand(3) == 0) ||
(c->landparam == 4 && hrand(2) == 0) ||
c->landparam == 5)
live = true;
else {
live = !c->landparam;
c->monst = moTerraWarrior,
c->hitpoints = 7,
c->wall = waNone;
EX void check_around(cell *c) {
forCellEx(c2, c)
EX void check() {
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++)
forCellEx(c, playerpos(i)) {
if(shmup::on) {
forCellEx(c2, c)
EX }
EX namespace ambush {
EX void mark(cell *c, manual_celllister& cl) {
if(!cl.add(c)) return;
forCellEx(c2, c)
if(c2->cpdist < c->cpdist)
mark(c2, cl);
EX int distance;
EX bool ambushed;
EX void check_state() {
if(havewhat & HF_HUNTER) {
manual_celllister cl;
for(cell *c: dcal) {
if(c->monst == moHunterDog) {
if(c->cpdist > distance)
distance = c->cpdist;
mark(c, cl);
if(c->monst == moHunterGuard && c->cpdist <= 4)
mark(c, cl);
if(items[itHunting] > 5 && items[itHunting] <= 22) {
int q = 0;
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++)
forCellEx(c2, playerpos(i))
if(q == 1) havewhat |= HF_FAILED_AMBUSH;
if(q == 2) {
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++)
forCellEx(c2, playerpos(i))
forCellEx(c3, playerpos(i))
if(c3 != c2 && isNeighbor(c2,c3))
havewhat |= HF_FAILED_AMBUSH;
if(havewhat & HF_FAILED_AMBUSH && ambushed) {
addMessage(XLAT("The Hunting Dogs give up."));
ambushed = false;
EX int fixed_size;
EX int size(cell *c, eItem what) {
bool restricted = false;
for(cell *c2: dcal) {
if(c2->cpdist > 3) break;
if(c2->monst && !isFriendly(c2) && !slowMover(c2) && !isMultitile(c2)) restricted = true;
int qty = items[itHunting];
return fixed_size;
switch(what) {
case itCompass:
return 0;
case itHunting:
return min(min(qty, max(33-qty, 6)), 15);
case itOrbSide3:
return restricted ? 10 : 20;
case itOrbFreedom:
return restricted ? 10 : 60;
case itOrbThorns:
case itOrb37:
return 20;
case itOrbLava:
return 20;
case itOrbBeauty:
return 35;
case itOrbShell:
return 35;
case itOrbPsi:
// return 40; -> no benefits
return 20;
case itOrbDash:
case itOrbFrog:
return 40;
case itOrbAir:
case itOrbDragon:
return 50;
case itOrbStunning:
// return restricted ? 50 : 60; -> no benefits
return 30;
case itOrbBull:
case itOrbSpeed:
case itOrbShield:
return 60;
case itOrbInvis:
return 80;
case itOrbTeleport:
return 300;
case itGreenStone:
case itOrbSafety:
case itOrbYendor:
return 0;
case itKey:
return 16;
case itWarning:
return qty;
return restricted ? 6 : 10;
// Flash can survive about 70, but this gives no benefits
EX int ambush(cell *c, eItem what) {
int maxdist = gamerange();
celllister cl(c, maxdist, 1000000, NULL);
cell *c0 = c;
int d = 0;
int dogs0 = 0;
for(cell *cx: cl.lst) {
int dh = cl.getdist(cx);
if(dh <= 2 && cx->monst == moHunterGuard)
cx->monst = moHunterDog, dogs0++;
if(dh > d) c0 = cx, d = dh;
if(sphere) {
int dogs = size(c, what);
for(int i = cl.lst.size()-1; i>0 && dogs; i--)
if(!isPlayerOn(cl.lst[i]) && !cl.lst[i]->monst)
cl.lst[i]->monst = moHunterDog, dogs--;
vector<cell*> around;
cell *clast = NULL;
cell *ccur = c0;
int v = valence();
if(v > 4) {
for(cell *c: cl.lst) if(cl.getdist(c) == d) around.push_back(c);
hrandom_shuffle(&around[0], isize(around));
else {
for(int tries=0; tries<10000; tries++) {
cell *c2 = NULL;
if(v == 3) {
forCellEx(c1, ccur)
if(c1 != clast && cl.listed(c1) && cl.getdist(c1) == d)
c2 = c1;
if(v == 4) {
for(int i=0; i<ccur->type; i++) {
cell *c1 = (cellwalker(ccur, i) + wstep + 1).peek();
if(!c1) continue;
if(c1 != clast && cl.listed(c1) && cl.getdist(c1) == d)
c2 = c1;
if(!c2) break;
if(c2->land == laHunting && c2->wall == waNone && c2->monst == moNone)
clast = ccur; ccur = c2;
if(c2 == c0) break;
int N = isize(around);
int dogs = size(c, what);
int gaps = dogs;
if(!N) return dogs0;
ambushed = true;
int shift = hrand(N);
dogs = min(dogs, N);
gaps = min(gaps, N);
for(int i=0; i<dogs; i++) {
int pos = (shift + (N * i) / gaps) % N;
cell *nextdog = around[pos];
nextdog->monst = moHunterDog;
nextdog->stuntime = 1;
return dogs + dogs0;
EX }
2018-10-25 00:43:14 +00:00