This is a bit of an odd combination of a few bugs:
- When the terminal component is blurred, we fire a mouse_up event for
the last-held button. However, we had an off-by-1 error here, so this
only triggered for the right/middle buttons.
- This was obsucuring the second bug, which is when we clicked within
the terminal, this caused the terminal to be blurred (thus releasing
the mouse) and then focused again.
We fix this by only setting the focus if there's actually a change.
When adding/removing observers, we locked on the observer, then
acquired the global lock. When a metric is observed, then we acquire the
global lock and then the observer lock.
If these happen at the same time, we can easily end up with a deadlock.
We simply avoid holding the observer lock for the entire add/remove
process (instead only locking when actually needed).
This commit adds abstract classes to describe the interface for our
mod-loader-specific generic peripherals (inventories, fluid storage,
item storage).
This offers several advantages:
- Javadoc to illuaminate conversion no longer needs the Forge project
(just core and common).
- Ensures we have a consistent interface between Forge and Fabric.
Note, this does /not/ implement fluid or energy storage for Fabric. We
probably could do fluid without issue, but not something worth doing
right now.
Rather than assuming static methods are generic, and instance methods
are direct, the Generator now has separate entrypoints for handling
instance and generic methods.
As a result of this change, we've also relaxed some of the validation
code. As a result, we now allow calling private/protected methods
which are annotated with @LuaFunction.
This adds a new "java_allocation" metric, which tracks the number of
bytes allocated while executing the computer (as measured by Java). This
is not an 100% reliable number, but hopefully gives some insight into
what computers are doing.
Historically CC has supported two modes when working with file handles
(and HTTP requests):
- Text mode, which reads/write using UTF-8.
- Binary mode, which reads/writes the raw bytes.
However, this can be confusing at times. CC/Lua doesn't actually support
unicode, so any characters beyond the 0.255 range were replaced with
'?'. This meant that most of the time you were better off just using
binary mode.
This commit unifies text and binary mode - we now /always/ read the raw
bytes of the file, rather than converting to/from UTF-8. Binary mode now
only specifies whether returns a number (and .write(123)
writes a byte rather than coercing to a string).
- Refactor the entire handle hierarchy. We now have an AbstractMount
base class, which has the concrete implementation of all methods. The
public-facing classes then re-export these methods by annotating
them with @LuaFunction.
These implementations are based on the
Binary{Readable,Writable}Handle classes. The Encoded{..}Handle
versions are now entirely removed.
- As we no longer need to use BufferedReader/BufferedWriter, we can
remove quite a lot of logic in Filesystem to handle wrapping
closeable objects.
- Add a new WritableMount.openFile method, which generalises
openForWrite/openForAppend to accept OpenOptions. This allows us to
support update mode (r+, w+) in
- now uses the new handle types, and supports update (r+, w+)
- http.request now uses the new readable handle type. We no longer
encode the request body to UTF-8, nor decode the response from UTF-8.
- Websockets now return text frame's contents directly, rather than
converting it from UTF-8. Sending text frames now attempts to treat
the passed string as UTF-8, rather than treating it as latin1.
- Update Cobalt to 0.8.0, switching our Lua version to 5.2(ish).
- Remove our `load` wrapper, as we no longer need to inject _ENV into
the enviroment table.
- Update the parser to handle labels and goto. This doesn't check that
gotos are well formed, but at least means the parser doesn't fall
over on them.
- Update our docs to reflect the changes to Cobalt.
This tries to cover some holes in our existing coverage.
- Port some of our Java readable handle tests to Lua (and also clean up
the Java versions to stop using ObjectWrapper - that dates to
- Test a couple of discrepancies between binary and text handles. This
is mostly to do with the original number-based .read() and .write()
interface for binary handles.
- Fix a couple of edge cases in file-size accounting.
This is largely based on our existing wiki page. I've pruned out a
couple of entries which I think are largely irrelevant (config file
splitting, Java API changes).
10/10 job by me of changing nothing since 1.13. Shame to break that
streak really.
Does it count as an emulator when it's official? I hope not, as this'd
make it my fourth or fifth emulator at this point.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Developing/debugging CraftOS is a massive pain to do inside Minecraft,
as any change to resources requires a compile+hot swap cycle (and
sometimes a `/reload` in-game). As such, it's often more convenient to
spin up an emulator, pointing it to load the ROM from CC:T's sources.
However, this isn't practical when also making changes to the Java
classes. In this case, we either need to go in-game, or build a custom
version of CCEmuX.
This commit offers an alternative option: we now have our own emulator,
which allows us to hot swap both Lua and Java to our heart's content.
Most of the code here is based on our monitor TBO renderer. We probably
could share some more of this, but there's not really a good place for
it - feels a bit weird just to chuck it in :core.
This is *not* a general-purpose emulator. It's limited in a lot of
ways (won't launch on Mac[^1], no support for multiple computers) - just
stick to what's there already.
[^1]: We require OpenGL 4.5 due to our use of DSA.
In practice, we're never going to change this to true by default. The
old Tekkit Legends pack enabled this[^1], and that caused a lot of
problems, though admittedly back in 2016 so things might be better now.
If people do want this functionality, it should be fairly easy to
replicate with a datapack, adding a file to rom/autorun.
[^1]: See
Hate that I remember this, why is this still in my brain?
- Move most error message constants to a new MountHelpers class.
- Be a little more consistent in when we throw "No such file" vs "Not a
file/directory" messages.
The two implementations aren't entirely compatible - the implementation
returned by .of will throw an NPE on .contains(null), whereas the
Collections implementations just return false. However, we try to avoid
passing null to collections methods, so this should be safe.
There's no strong reason to do this, but it helps make the code a little
more consistent
As of 1.20, sign messages are immutable - we need to do
text = text.setMesssage(...) instead. Also do a tiny bit of cleanup to
this function while we're here.
Probably not the best use of my lunch break :D:.
This is an attempt to enforce better separation between ComputerThread
and ComputerExecutor. Both of these classes are pretty complex in their
own right, and the way the two bleed into each other makes it all the
more confusing!
This effectively splits the ComputerExecutor into two separate classes:
- ComputerScheduler.Executor (with the actual implementation inside
ComputerThread): This holds all the ComputerThread-related logic
which used to be in ComputerExecutor, including:
- before/after work hooks
- is-on-thread tracking
- virtual runtime computation
- ComputerScheduler.Worker: This encapsulates all the computer-related
behaviour. The actual implementation remains in ComputerExecutor.
The boundaries are still a little fuzzy here, and it's all definitely
more coupled then I'd like, but still an improvement!
There are several additional changes at the same time:
- TimeoutState has also been split up, to better define the boundary
between consumers (such as ComputerExecutor and ILuaMachine) and
controllers (ComputerThread).
The getters still live in TimeoutState, but the core logic lives in
- We no longer track cumulative time in the TimeoutState. Instead, we
allow varying the timeout of a computer. When a computer is paused,
we store the remaining time, and restore it when resuming again.
This also allows us give a longer timeout for computer
startup/shutdown, hopefully avoiding some of those class-not-found
issues we've seen.
- We try to make the state machine of how ComputerExecutors live on the
queue a little more explicit. This is very messy/confusing -
something I want to property test in the future.
I'm sure there's more to be done here, especially in ComputerExecutor,
but hopefully this makes future changes a little less intimidating.
Allows registering arbitrary block lookup functions instead of a
platform-specific capability. This is roughly what Fabric did before,
but generalised to also take an invalidation callback.
This callback is a little nasty - it needs to be a NonNullableConsumer
on Forge, but that class isn't available on Fabric. For now, we make the
lookup function (and thus the generic peripheral provider) generic on
some <T extends Runnable> type, then specialise that on the Forge side.
Hopefully we can clean this up when NeoForge reworks capabilities.
This is the second time I've rewritten our class generation in a little
over a month. Oh dear!
Back in d562a051c7b3b114d6821c4a3a5d9d025a782f0a we started using method
handles inside our generated ASM, effectively replacing a direct call
with .invokeExact on a constant method handle.
This goes one step further and removes our ASM entirely, building up a
MethodHandle that checks arguments and then wraps the return value.
Rather than generating a class, we just return a new LuaFunction
instance that invokeExacts the method handle.
This is definitely slower than what we had before, but in the order of
8ns vs 12ns (in the worst case, sometimes they're much more comparable),
so I'm not too worried in practice.
However, generation of the actual method is now a bit faster. I've not
done any proper benchmarking, but it's about 20-30% faster.
This also gives us a bit more flexibility in the future, for instance
uisng bound MethodHandles in generation (e.g. for instance methods on
GenericSources). Not something I'm planning on doing right now, but is
an option.
Or rather, being published to the wrong place. The java-convention
plugin sets the group, but that was applied after the publishing one - I
was hoping it'd read that property lazy, but clearly not!
Wow, some of this is /old/. All the Maps.newHashMap stuff dates back to
Java 6, so must originally be CCTweaks code?!
We're unlikely to drop our Guava dependency (we use too much other
stuff), but we should make the most of the stdlib where possible.
This should be significantly faster than LoadingCache (2.5x in my
benchmarks, but not sure they're representative). This isn't super
important - a lookup only takes 6us - but still worth using!
Previously we had the invariant that if we had a server monitor, we also
had a terminal. When a monitor shrank into a place, we deleted the
monitor, and then recreated it when a peripheral was requested.
As of ab785a090698e6972caac95691393428c6f8370b this has changed
slightly, and we now just delete the terminal (keeping the ServerMonitor
around). However, we didn't adjust the peripheral code accordingly,
meaning we didn't recreate the /terminal/ when a peripheral was
The fix for this is very simple - most of the rest of this commit is
some additional code for ensuring monitor invariants hold, so we can
write tests with a little more confidence.
I'm not 100% sold on this approach. It's tricky having a double layer of
nullable state (ServerMonitor, and then the terminal). However, I think
this is reasonable - the ServerMonitor is a reference to the multiblock,
and the Terminal is part of the multiblock's state.
Even after all the refactors, monitor code is still nastier than I'd
like :/.
Currently redirects would be returned from the proxy, and then
immediately followed by XMLHTTPRequest. The proxy now follows requests
(when requested), so that should no longer happen.
We should probably switch over to fetch(...) here, to allow setting
follow_redirects to false, but that's a job for another day.
Haha, so many web emulator related commits of late. This'll die down
We can't use FriendlyByte.readCollection to read to a
pre-allocated/array-backed NonNullList, as that doesn't implement
List.add. Instead, we just need to do a normal loop.
We add a couple of tests to round-trip our recipe specs. Unfortunately
we can't test the recipes themselves as our own registries aren't set
up, so this'll have to do for now.
- Update to Rollup 4.x
- Replace terser and postcss with swc and lightningcss. This is
definitely more code for us to write (maybe I should turn them into
proper plugins we can depend on), but both speedier and fewer
- Drop dependency on glob - we can get away with fs.readdir for what we
needed it for.
Oh, this was a really nasty bug to reproduce. I'm not sure why - it's
very simple - I guess I've only just seen screenshots of it, and never
sat down to try myself. Reminder to actually report your bugs folks!
In this case:
1. Place down three down three monitors and then a computer.
2. Display something on the monitor (monitor left paint a) is my go-to.
3. Break the middle monitor.
We'd expect the left most monitor to be cleared, however it actually
preserves the monitor contents, resizing (and skewing it) to fit on its
new size!
This is because we clear the server monitor, but never sync that over to
the client, so the client monitor retains the old contents. To fix that,
instead of nulling out the server monitor, we null out the underlying
Terminal. This causes the change to be synced, fixing the bug.
Paint implements its menu slightly differently to edit, in that it takes
control of the event loop until the menu is closed. This means that the
term_resize event is ignored, and so the canvas not redrawn when the
menu is open.
Historically we've used copy-cat to provide a web-based emulator for
running example code on our documentation site. However, copy-cat is
often out-of-date with CC:T, which means example snippets fail when you
try to run them!
This commit vendors in copy-cat (or rather an updated version of it)
into CC:T itself, allowing us to ensure the emulator is always in sync
with the mod.
While the documentation goes into a little bit more
detail here, the general implementation is as follows
- In project/src/main we implement the core of the emulator. This
includes a basic reimplementation of some of CC's classes to work on
the web (mostly the HTTP API and ComputerThread), and some additional
code to expose the computers to Javascript.
- This is all then compiled to Javascript using [TeaVM][1] (we actually
use a [personal fork of it][2] as there's a couple of changes I've
not upstreamed yet).
- The Javascript side then pulls in the these compiled classes (and
the CC ROM) and hooks them up to [cc-web-term][3] to display the
actual computer.
- As we're no longer pulling in copy-cat, we can simplify our bundling
system a little - we now just compile to ESM modules directly.
Had an issue last week where testFixtures had a couple of issues which I
didn't pick up on, as the pre-commit hooks only check the main and test
source set.
We now add a per-project "checkstyle" task, which dependes on the
per-source-set checkstyle tasks.