Historically CC has supported two modes when working with file handles (and HTTP requests): - Text mode, which reads/write using UTF-8. - Binary mode, which reads/writes the raw bytes. However, this can be confusing at times. CC/Lua doesn't actually support unicode, so any characters beyond the 0.255 range were replaced with '?'. This meant that most of the time you were better off just using binary mode. This commit unifies text and binary mode - we now /always/ read the raw bytes of the file, rather than converting to/from UTF-8. Binary mode now only specifies whether handle.read() returns a number (and .write(123) writes a byte rather than coercing to a string). - Refactor the entire handle hierarchy. We now have an AbstractMount base class, which has the concrete implementation of all methods. The public-facing classes then re-export these methods by annotating them with @LuaFunction. These implementations are based on the Binary{Readable,Writable}Handle classes. The Encoded{..}Handle versions are now entirely removed. - As we no longer need to use BufferedReader/BufferedWriter, we can remove quite a lot of logic in Filesystem to handle wrapping closeable objects. - Add a new WritableMount.openFile method, which generalises openForWrite/openForAppend to accept OpenOptions. This allows us to support update mode (r+, w+) in fs.open. - fs.open now uses the new handle types, and supports update (r+, w+) mode. - http.request now uses the new readable handle type. We no longer encode the request body to UTF-8, nor decode the response from UTF-8. - Websockets now return text frame's contents directly, rather than converting it from UTF-8. Sending text frames now attempts to treat the passed string as UTF-8, rather than treating it as latin1.

CC: Tweaked is a mod for Minecraft which adds programmable computers, turtles and more to the game. A fork of the much-beloved ComputerCraft, it continues its legacy with improved performance and stability, along with a wealth of new features.
CC: Tweaked can be installed from CurseForge or Modrinth. It runs on both Minecraft Forge and Fabric.
Any contribution is welcome, be that using the mod, reporting bugs or contributing code. If you want to get started developing the mod, check out the instructions here.
If you need help getting started with CC: Tweaked, want to show off your latest project, or just want to chat about ComputerCraft, do check out our forum and GitHub discussions page! There's also a fairly populated, albeit quiet IRC channel, if that's more your cup of tea.
We also host fairly comprehensive documentation at tweaked.cc.
CC: Tweaked is hosted on my maven repo, and so is relatively simple to depend on. You may wish to add a soft (or hard)
dependency in your mods.toml
file, with the appropriate version bounds, to ensure that API functionality you depend
on is present.
repositories {
maven {
url "https://squiddev.cc/maven/"
content {
includeModule("org.squiddev", "Cobalt")
dependencies {
// Vanilla (i.e. for multi-loader systems)
// Forge Gradle
// Fabric Loom
When using ForgeGradle, you may also need to add the following:
minecraft {
runs {
configureEach {
property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${buildDir}/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"
You should also be careful to only use classes within the dan200.computercraft.api
package. Non-API classes are
subject to change at any point. If you depend on functionality outside the API, file an issue, and we can look into
exposing more features.
We bundle the API sources with the jar, so documentation should be easily viewable within your editor. Alternatively, the generated documentation can be browsed online.