- Bump MinecraftForge version so we don't crash on load. Oh boy, all
the deprecation warnings.
- Inject IBundledEmitter and IBundledReceiver capabilities onto all
- Register a IBundledRedstoneProvider instance for IBundledEmitter.
This is a preliminary for updating to 1.13, as many of the name changes
apply to both. This will make it harder to remain consistent with
actual CC, though that will be less of a consideration when 1.13 hits.
- Add additional maven metadata and strip dependencies
- Shift ICommand registration into the proxy, to avoid class loading
issues. This is probably rather temperamental, but classloading
always is.
- Ensure pocket computers and turtles are distinguished by upgrades and
computer family.
- Ensure disks are distinguished by colour.
- Hide treasure disks from the list
- Convert most recipes to JSON
- Add JSON factories for impostor and turtle recipes.
- Several mappings changes
- Migrate to Forge's new registry system
Updated the source code to the version shipped as the 1.80pr0 alpha
release. Also removed some unnecessary files from the LuaJ subfolder
which were bulking up the repository.