mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:28:13 +00:00
Update to the latest mappings
This is a preliminary for updating to 1.13, as many of the name changes apply to both. This will make it harder to remain consistent with actual CC, though that will be less of a consideration when 1.13 hits.
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ minecraft {
// stable_# stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team.
// Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not allways work.
// simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
mappings = "snapshot_20180324"
mappings = "snapshot_20180724"
// makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class TileEntityCableRenderer extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer<TileCable
buffer.setTranslation( x - pos.getX(), y - pos.getY(), z - pos.getZ() );
ForgeHooksClient.setRenderLayer( block.getBlockLayer() );
ForgeHooksClient.setRenderLayer( block.getRenderLayer() );
// See BlockRendererDispatcher#renderBlockDamage
TextureAtlasSprite breakingTexture = mc.getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite( "minecraft:blocks/destroy_stage_" + destroyStage );
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class BlockCommandComputer extends BlockComputerBase
super( Material.IRON );
setResistance( 6000000.0F );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:command_computer" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:command_computer" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH )
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class BlockCommandComputer extends BlockComputerBase
public IBlockState getStateFromMeta( int meta )
EnumFacing dir = EnumFacing.getFront( meta & 0x7 );
EnumFacing dir = EnumFacing.byIndex( meta & 0x7 );
if( dir.getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Y )
dir = EnumFacing.NORTH;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class BlockComputer extends BlockComputerBase
super( Material.ROCK );
setHardness( 2.0f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:computer" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:computer" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH )
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class BlockComputer extends BlockComputerBase
public IBlockState getStateFromMeta( int meta )
EnumFacing dir = EnumFacing.getFront( meta & 0x7 );
EnumFacing dir = EnumFacing.byIndex( meta & 0x7 );
if( dir.getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Y )
dir = EnumFacing.NORTH;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class ItemCommandComputer extends ItemComputer
super( block );
setMaxStackSize( 64 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:command_computer" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:command_computer" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class ItemComputer extends ItemComputerBase
super( block );
setMaxStackSize( 64 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:computer" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:computer" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class ItemComputer extends ItemComputerBase
public String getUnlocalizedName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
public String getTranslationKey( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
switch( getFamily( stack ) )
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class ItemDiskLegacy extends Item
setMaxStackSize( 1 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:disk" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:disk" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class ItemPrintout extends Item
setMaxStackSize( 1 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:page" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:page" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class ItemPrintout extends Item
public String getUnlocalizedName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
public String getTranslationKey( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
Type type = getType( stack );
switch( type )
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class ItemTreasureDisk extends Item
setMaxStackSize( 1 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:treasure_disk" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:treasure_disk" );
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class BlockCable extends BlockPeripheralBase
public BlockCable()
setHardness( 1.5f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:cable" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:cable" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.MODEM, BlockCableModemVariant.None )
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ public class BlockCable extends BlockPeripheralBase
if( meta < 6 )
state = state.withProperty( Properties.CABLE, BlockCableCableVariant.NONE );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.MODEM, BlockCableModemVariant.fromFacing( EnumFacing.getFront( meta ) ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.MODEM, BlockCableModemVariant.fromFacing( EnumFacing.byIndex( meta ) ) );
else if( meta < 12 )
state = state.withProperty( Properties.CABLE, BlockCableCableVariant.ANY );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.MODEM, BlockCableModemVariant.fromFacing( EnumFacing.getFront( meta - 6 ) ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.MODEM, BlockCableModemVariant.fromFacing( EnumFacing.byIndex( meta - 6 ) ) );
else if( meta == 13 )
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public class BlockCable extends BlockPeripheralBase
return result == null ? null : new RayTraceResult( result.hitVec.addVector( pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ() ), result.sideHit, pos );
return result == null ? null : new RayTraceResult( result.hitVec.add( pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ() ), result.sideHit, pos );
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockPeripheralBase
public BlockPeripheral()
setHardness( 2.0f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:peripheral" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:peripheral" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH )
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockPeripheralBase
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT)
public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer()
public BlockRenderLayer getRenderLayer()
return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockPeripheralBase
if( meta >= 2 && meta <= 5 )
state = state.withProperty( Properties.VARIANT, BlockPeripheralVariant.DiskDriveEmpty );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.getFront( meta ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.byIndex( meta ) );
else if( meta <= 9 )
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockPeripheralBase
state = state.withProperty( Properties.VARIANT, BlockPeripheralVariant.WirelessModemOff );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.getFront( meta - 4 ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.byIndex( meta - 4 ) );
else if( meta == 10 )
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockPeripheralBase
public boolean causesSuffocation(IBlockState state)
// This normally uses the default state
return blockMaterial.blocksMovement() && state.isOpaqueCube();
return material.blocksMovement() && state.isOpaqueCube();
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class BlockWiredModemFull extends BlockPeripheralBase
public BlockWiredModemFull()
setHardness( 1.5f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:wired_modem_full" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:wired_modem_full" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.MODEM_ON, false )
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class ItemAdvancedModem extends ItemPeripheralBase
public ItemAdvancedModem( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:advanced_modem" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:advanced_modem" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class ItemCable extends ItemPeripheralBase
public ItemCable( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:cable" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:cable" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class ItemPeripheral extends ItemPeripheralBase
public ItemPeripheral( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:peripheral" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:peripheral" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public abstract class ItemPeripheralBase extends ItemBlock implements IPeriphera
public String getUnlocalizedName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
public String getTranslationKey( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
PeripheralType type = getPeripheralType( stack );
switch( type )
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public abstract class TilePeripheralBase extends TileGeneric
if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "dir" ) )
m_dir = EnumFacing.getFront( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
m_dir = EnumFacing.byIndex( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "anim" ) )
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public abstract class TilePeripheralBase extends TileGeneric
public void readDescription( @Nonnull NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
super.readDescription( nbttagcompound );
m_dir = EnumFacing.getFront( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
m_dir = EnumFacing.byIndex( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
m_anim = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "anim" );
if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "label" ) )
@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ public class TileDiskDrive extends TilePeripheralBase
if( !destroyed )
EnumFacing dir = getDirection();
xOff = dir.getFrontOffsetX();
zOff = dir.getFrontOffsetZ();
xOff = dir.getXOffset();
zOff = dir.getZOffset();
BlockPos pos = getPos();
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class BlockAdvancedModem extends BlockPeripheralBase
public BlockAdvancedModem()
setHardness( 2.0f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:advanced_modem" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:advanced_modem" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH )
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class BlockAdvancedModem extends BlockPeripheralBase
public IBlockState getStateFromMeta( int meta )
IBlockState state = getDefaultState();
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.getFront( meta ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.byIndex( meta ) );
state = state.withProperty( Properties.ON, false );
return state;
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TilePeripheralBase
public EnumFacing getFront()
return m_dir <= 5 ? EnumFacing.getFront( m_dir ) : (m_dir <= 11 ? EnumFacing.DOWN : EnumFacing.UP);
return m_dir <= 5 ? EnumFacing.byIndex( m_dir ) : (m_dir <= 11 ? EnumFacing.DOWN : EnumFacing.UP);
public EnumFacing getRight()
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class ItemPocketComputer extends Item implements IComputerItem, IMedia, I
setMaxStackSize( 1 );
setHasSubtypes( true );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:pocket_computer" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:pocket_computer" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public class ItemPocketComputer extends Item implements IComputerItem, IMedia, I
public String getUnlocalizedName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
public String getTranslationKey( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
switch( getFamily( stack ) )
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class ItemPocketComputer extends Item implements IComputerItem, IMedia, I
public String getItemStackDisplayName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
String baseString = getUnlocalizedName( stack );
String baseString = getTranslationKey( stack );
IPocketUpgrade upgrade = getUpgrade( stack );
if( upgrade != null )
@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ public abstract class CCTurtleProxyCommon implements ICCTurtleProxy
// We have to use mappings.getAllMappings() as the mod ID is upper case but the domain lower.
for( RegistryEvent.MissingMappings.Mapping<Item> mapping : mappings.getAllMappings() )
String domain = mapping.key.getResourceDomain();
String domain = mapping.key.getNamespace();
if( !domain.equalsIgnoreCase( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID ) ) continue;
String key = mapping.key.getResourcePath();
String key = mapping.key.getPath();
if( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "CC-Turtle" ) )
mapping.remap( Item.getItemFromBlock( ComputerCraft.Blocks.turtle ) );
@ -438,10 +438,10 @@ public abstract class CCTurtleProxyCommon implements ICCTurtleProxy
// We have to use mappings.getAllMappings() as the mod ID is upper case but the domain lower.
for( RegistryEvent.MissingMappings.Mapping<Block> mapping : mappings.getAllMappings() )
String domain = mapping.key.getResourceDomain();
String domain = mapping.key.getNamespace();
if( !domain.equalsIgnoreCase( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID ) ) continue;
String key = mapping.key.getResourcePath();
String key = mapping.key.getPath();
if( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "CC-Turtle" ) )
mapping.remap( ComputerCraft.Blocks.turtle );
@ -414,10 +414,10 @@ public abstract class ComputerCraftProxyCommon implements IComputerCraftProxy
// We have to use mappings.getAllMappings() as the mod ID is upper case but the domain lower.
for( RegistryEvent.MissingMappings.Mapping<Item> mapping : mappings.getAllMappings() )
String domain = mapping.key.getResourceDomain();
String domain = mapping.key.getNamespace();
if( !domain.equalsIgnoreCase( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID ) ) continue;
String key = mapping.key.getResourcePath();
String key = mapping.key.getPath();
if( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "CC-Computer" ) )
mapping.remap( Item.getItemFromBlock( ComputerCraft.Blocks.computer ) );
@ -451,10 +451,10 @@ public abstract class ComputerCraftProxyCommon implements IComputerCraftProxy
// We have to use mappings.getAllMappings() as the mod ID is upper case but the domain lower.
for( RegistryEvent.MissingMappings.Mapping<Block> mapping : mappings.getAllMappings() )
String domain = mapping.key.getResourceDomain();
String domain = mapping.key.getNamespace();
if( !domain.equalsIgnoreCase( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID ) ) continue;
String key = mapping.key.getResourcePath();
String key = mapping.key.getPath();
if( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "CC-Computer" ) )
mapping.remap( ComputerCraft.Blocks.computer );
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class BlockTurtle extends BlockComputerBase
super( Material.IRON );
setHardness( 2.5f );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:turtle" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:turtle" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
setDefaultState( this.blockState.getBaseState()
.withProperty( Properties.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH )
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public void readFromNBT( NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound )
// Read state
m_direction = EnumFacing.getFront( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
m_direction = EnumFacing.byIndex( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "dir" ) );
m_selectedSlot = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "selectedSlot" );
if( nbttagcompound.hasKey( "fuelLevel" ) )
@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Write overlay
if( m_overlay != null )
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_mod", m_overlay.getResourceDomain() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_path", m_overlay.getResourcePath() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_mod", m_overlay.getNamespace() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_path", m_overlay.getPath() );
// Write NBT
@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Overlay
if( m_overlay != null )
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_mod", m_overlay.getResourceDomain() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_path", m_overlay.getResourcePath() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_mod", m_overlay.getNamespace() );
nbttagcompound.setString( "overlay_path", m_overlay.getPath() );
// Animation
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
m_lastAnimationProgress = 0;
m_direction = EnumFacing.getFront( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "direction" ) );
m_direction = EnumFacing.byIndex( nbttagcompound.getInteger( "direction" ) );
m_fuelLevel = nbttagcompound.getInteger( "fuelLevel" );
@ -998,9 +998,9 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
double distance = -1.0 + getAnimationFraction( f );
return new Vec3d(
distance * dir.getFrontOffsetX(),
distance * dir.getFrontOffsetY(),
distance * dir.getFrontOffsetZ()
distance * dir.getXOffset(),
distance * dir.getYOffset(),
distance * dir.getZOffset()
@ -1184,31 +1184,31 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
float pushFrac = 1.0f - ((float)(m_animationProgress + 1) / (float)ANIM_DURATION);
float push = Math.max( pushFrac + 0.0125f, 0.0f );
if (moveDir.getFrontOffsetX() < 0)
if (moveDir.getXOffset() < 0)
minX += moveDir.getFrontOffsetX() * push;
minX += moveDir.getXOffset() * push;
maxX -= moveDir.getFrontOffsetX() * push;
maxX -= moveDir.getXOffset() * push;
if (moveDir.getFrontOffsetY() < 0)
if (moveDir.getYOffset() < 0)
minY += moveDir.getFrontOffsetY() * push;
minY += moveDir.getYOffset() * push;
maxY -= moveDir.getFrontOffsetY() * push;
maxY -= moveDir.getYOffset() * push;
if (moveDir.getFrontOffsetZ() < 0)
if (moveDir.getZOffset() < 0)
minZ += moveDir.getFrontOffsetZ() * push;
minZ += moveDir.getZOffset() * push;
maxZ -= moveDir.getFrontOffsetZ() * push;
maxZ -= moveDir.getZOffset() * push;
AxisAlignedBB aabb = new AxisAlignedBB( minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ );
@ -1216,9 +1216,9 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
if( !list.isEmpty() )
double pushStep = 1.0f / ANIM_DURATION;
double pushStepX = moveDir.getFrontOffsetX() * pushStep;
double pushStepY = moveDir.getFrontOffsetY() * pushStep;
double pushStepZ = moveDir.getFrontOffsetZ() * pushStep;
double pushStepX = moveDir.getXOffset() * pushStep;
double pushStepY = moveDir.getYOffset() * pushStep;
double pushStepZ = moveDir.getZOffset() * pushStep;
for (Entity entity : list)
entity.move( MoverType.PISTON, pushStepX, pushStepY, pushStepZ );
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class TurtleCompareCommand implements ITurtleCommand
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
else if( selectedStack.getUnlocalizedName().equals( lookAtStack.getUnlocalizedName() ) )
else if( selectedStack.getTranslationKey().equals( lookAtStack.getTranslationKey() ) )
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ public class TurtleMoveCommand implements ITurtleCommand
if( entityBB != null )
AxisAlignedBB pushedBB = entityBB.offset(
if( !oldWorld.getCollisionBoxes( null, pushedBB ).isEmpty() )
@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
// Stop intersection with the turtle itself
if( turtle.getPosition().equals( position ) )
turtlePlayer.posX += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetX();
turtlePlayer.posY += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetY();
turtlePlayer.posZ += 0.48 * direction.getFrontOffsetZ();
turtlePlayer.posX += 0.48 * direction.getXOffset();
turtlePlayer.posY += 0.48 * direction.getYOffset();
turtlePlayer.posZ += 0.48 * direction.getZOffset();
if( direction.getAxis() != EnumFacing.Axis.Y )
@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
orientPlayer( turtle, turtlePlayer, playerPosition, playerDir );
// Calculate where the turtle would hit the block
float hitX = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetX() * 0.5f;
float hitY = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetY() * 0.5f;
float hitZ = 0.5f + side.getFrontOffsetZ() * 0.5f;
float hitX = 0.5f + side.getXOffset() * 0.5f;
float hitY = 0.5f + side.getYOffset() * 0.5f;
float hitZ = 0.5f + side.getZOffset() * 0.5f;
if( Math.abs( hitY - 0.5f ) < 0.01f )
hitY = 0.45f;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public class ItemTurtleAdvanced extends ItemTurtleNormal
public ItemTurtleAdvanced( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:advanced_turtle" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:advanced_turtle" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public abstract class ItemTurtleBase extends ItemComputerBase implements ITurtle
public String getUnlocalizedName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
public String getTranslationKey( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
ComputerFamily family = getFamily( stack );
switch( family )
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public abstract class ItemTurtleBase extends ItemComputerBase implements ITurtle
public String getItemStackDisplayName( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
String baseString = getUnlocalizedName( stack );
String baseString = getTranslationKey( stack );
ITurtleUpgrade left = getUpgrade( stack, TurtleSide.Left );
ITurtleUpgrade right = getUpgrade( stack, TurtleSide.Right );
if( left != null && right != null )
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class ItemTurtleLegacy extends ItemTurtleBase
public ItemTurtleLegacy( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:turtle" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:turtle" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class ItemTurtleNormal extends ItemTurtleBase
public ItemTurtleNormal( Block block )
super( block );
setUnlocalizedName( "computercraft:turtle" );
setTranslationKey( "computercraft:turtle" );
setCreativeTab( ComputerCraft.mainCreativeTab );
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ public class ItemTurtleNormal extends ItemTurtleBase
if( overlay != null )
nbt.setString( "overlay_mod", overlay.getResourceDomain() );
nbt.setString( "overlay_path", overlay.getResourcePath() );
nbt.setString( "overlay_mod", overlay.getNamespace() );
nbt.setString( "overlay_path", overlay.getPath() );
stack.setTagCompound( nbt );
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public Pair<IBakedModel, Matrix4f> getModel( ITurtleAccess turtle, @Nonnull TurtleSide side )
float xOffset = (side == TurtleSide.Left) ? -0.40625f : 0.40625f;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
return 3.0f;
private TurtleCommandResult attack( final ITurtleAccess turtle, EnumFacing direction, TurtleSide side )
// Create a fake player, and orient it appropriately
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( attackEvent.getFailureMessage() );
// Start claiming entity drops
List<ItemStack> extra = new ArrayList<>( );
List<ItemStack> extra = new ArrayList<>();
ComputerCraft.setDropConsumer( hitEntity, turtleDropConsumer( turtle, extra ) );
// Attack the entity
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "Nothing to attack here" );
private TurtleCommandResult dig( ITurtleAccess turtle, EnumFacing direction, TurtleSide side )
// Get ready to dig
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
// Consume the items the block drops
List<ItemStack> extra = new ArrayList<>( );
List<ItemStack> extra = new ArrayList<>();
ComputerCraft.setDropConsumer( world, blockPosition, turtleDropConsumer( turtle, extra ) );
TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity( blockPosition );
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ public class TurtleTool implements ITurtleUpgrade
// Destroy the block
boolean canHarvest = state.getBlock().canHarvestBlock( world, blockPosition, turtlePlayer );
boolean canBreak = state.getBlock().removedByPlayer( state, world, blockPosition, turtlePlayer, canHarvest );
if( canBreak ) state.getBlock().onBlockDestroyedByPlayer( world, blockPosition, state );
if( canBreak ) state.getBlock().onPlayerDestroy( world, blockPosition, state );
if( canHarvest )
state.getBlock().harvestBlock( world, turtlePlayer, blockPosition, state, tile, turtlePlayer.getHeldItemMainhand() );
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class CreativeTabMain extends CreativeTabs
public ItemStack getTabIconItem()
public ItemStack createIcon()
return new ItemStack( ComputerCraft.Blocks.computer );
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class CreativeTabMain extends CreativeTabs
public String getTranslatedTabLabel()
public String getTranslationKey()
return getTabLabel();
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ public class CreativeTabTreasure extends CreativeTabs
public ItemStack getTabIconItem()
public ItemStack createIcon()
return new ItemStack( ComputerCraft.Items.treasureDisk );
public String getTranslatedTabLabel()
public String getTranslationKey()
return getTabLabel();
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ public class InventoryUtil
// Look for entity with inventory
Vec3d vecStart = new Vec3d(
pos.getX() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getFrontOffsetX(),
pos.getY() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getFrontOffsetY(),
pos.getZ() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getFrontOffsetZ()
pos.getX() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getXOffset(),
pos.getY() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getYOffset(),
pos.getZ() + 0.5 + 0.6 * side.getZOffset()
EnumFacing dir = side.getOpposite();
Vec3d vecDir = new Vec3d(
dir.getFrontOffsetX(), dir.getFrontOffsetY(), dir.getFrontOffsetZ()
dir.getXOffset(), dir.getYOffset(), dir.getZOffset()
Pair<Entity, Vec3d> hit = WorldUtil.rayTraceEntities( world, vecStart, vecDir, 1.1 );
if( hit != null )
@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ public class WorldUtil
public static Pair<Entity, Vec3d> rayTraceEntities( World world, Vec3d vecStart, Vec3d vecDir, double distance )
Vec3d vecEnd = vecStart.addVector( vecDir.x * distance, vecDir.y * distance, vecDir.z * distance );
Vec3d vecEnd = vecStart.add( vecDir.x * distance, vecDir.y * distance, vecDir.z * distance );
// Raycast for blocks
RayTraceResult result = world.rayTraceBlocks( vecStart.addVector(0.0,0.0,0.0), vecEnd.addVector(0.0,0.0,0.0) );
RayTraceResult result = world.rayTraceBlocks( vecStart, vecEnd );
if( result != null && result.typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK )
distance = vecStart.distanceTo( result.hitVec );
vecEnd = vecStart.addVector( vecDir.x * distance, vecDir.y * distance, vecDir.z * distance );
vecEnd = vecStart.add( vecDir.x * distance, vecDir.y * distance, vecDir.z * distance );
// Check for entities
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class WorldUtil
if( closest != null && closestDist <= distance )
Vec3d closestPos = vecStart.addVector( vecDir.x * closestDist, vecDir.y * closestDist, vecDir.z * closestDist );
Vec3d closestPos = vecStart.add( vecDir.x * closestDist, vecDir.y * closestDist, vecDir.z * closestDist );
return Pair.of( closest, closestPos );
return null;
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public class WorldUtil
public static Vec3d getRayEnd( EntityPlayer player) {
double reach = player.getEntityAttribute(EntityPlayer.REACH_DISTANCE).getAttributeValue();
Vec3d look = player.getLookVec();
return getRayStart( player ).addVector( look.x * reach, look.y * reach, look.z * reach );
return getRayStart( player ).add( look.x * reach, look.y * reach, look.z * reach );
public static boolean isVecInsideInclusive(AxisAlignedBB bb , Vec3d vec) {
@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ public class WorldUtil
double zDir;
if( direction != null )
xDir = direction.getFrontOffsetX();
yDir = direction.getFrontOffsetY();
zDir = direction.getFrontOffsetZ();
xDir = direction.getXOffset();
yDir = direction.getYOffset();
zDir = direction.getZOffset();
Reference in New Issue
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