Completely redo everything and add partials
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
"exposed-modules": [],
"dependencies": {
"Bogdanp/elm-combine": "3.1.1 <= v < 4.0.0",
"elm-community/ratio": "1.1.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm-lang/core": "5.1.1 <= v < 6.0.0",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0",
"Bogdanp/elm-combine": "3.1.1 <= v < 4.0.0",
"mhoare/elm-stack": "3.1.1 <= v < 4.0.0"
"gilbertkennen/bigint": "1.0.1 <= v < 2.0.0",
"mgold/elm-nonempty-list": "3.1.0 <= v < 4.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.18.0 <= v < 0.19.0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Eval exposing (..)
import Expr exposing (..)
import Ratio exposing (Rational(..))
import Dict exposing (Dict(..))
import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..))
import Stack exposing (..)
type Error = MathematicalImpossibility | StackUnderflow Int | OpNotFound OpName
type alias Partial = (OpName, List Value, Int)
type Value =
Rational Rational | Partial Partial
evalGroup : List Expr -> Result Error (List Value)
evalGroup g =
List.foldl (\expr result -> Result.andThen (\stack -> evalRec expr stack) result) (Ok []) g
-- If anything but a StackUnderflow results, just let it go through.
-- If StackUnderflow occurs, convert it to Partial and push the Partial to stack.
handleOpResult : OpName -> List Value -> Result Error (List Value) -> Result Error (List Value)
handleOpResult opname stack r =
case r of
Ok x -> r
Err e ->
case e of
StackUnderflow missing ->
[Partial (opname, stack, missing)]
|> Ok
_ -> r
evalRec : Expr -> List Value -> Result Error (List Value)
evalRec e s =
case e of
Num x ->
Ratio.fromInt x
|> Rational
|> \v -> v::s
|> Ok
Group g ->
evalGroup g
|> (\groupStack -> groupStack ++ s)
Op o ->
case Dict.get o ops of
Just opF ->
opF s
|> handleOpResult o s
Nothing -> OpNotFound o |> Err
eval : Expr -> Result Error (List Value)
eval e =
evalRec e []
type alias Op = List Value -> Result Error (List Value)
ops : Dict OpName Op
ops = Dict.fromList [
("/", binaryOp Ratio.divide),
("+", binaryOp Ratio.add),
("*", binaryOp Ratio.multiply),
("-", binaryOp Ratio.subtract)
getNums : List Value -> Int -> Result Int (List Value, Nonempty Ratio.Rational)
getNums stack qty =
let selectRationals = (\v -> case v of
Rational r -> r
_ -> Ratio.fromInt 0)
Stack.pick (\v -> case v of
Rational r -> True
_ -> False) stack qty
|> (\(stack, nums) -> (stack, selectRationals nums))
binaryOp : (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Op
binaryOp f stack =
getNums stack 2
|> Result.mapError StackUnderflow
|> Debug.log "BINOP"
|> (\(stack, numbers) -> (f (Nonempty.get 0 numbers) (Nonempty.get 1 numbers) |> Rational)::stack)
prettyPrintValue : Value -> String
prettyPrintValue v = case v of
Rational r -> Ratio.toFloat r |> toString
Partial (op, stack, missing) -> String.join " " <| ["Partial:", op, "["] ++ prettyPrintValue stack ++ ["]", toString missing]
prettyPrintError : Error -> String
prettyPrintError e = case e of
MathematicalImpossibility -> "Does not compute"
OpNotFound n -> String.concat ["Operator \"", n, "\" not found"]
StackUnderflow n -> String.join " " ["Stack underflowed by", toString n, "items"]
@ -1,52 +1,46 @@
module Expr exposing (Expr(..), Op(..), parse)
module Expr exposing (Expr(..), OpName, parse)
import Combine exposing (..)
import Combine.Num as Num
import Combine.Char as Char
type Op
= Add
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Divide
| Exponent
| Range
type alias OpName = String
type Expr
= Num Float
| Op Op
= Num Int
| Op OpName
| Group (List Expr)
num : Parser () Expr
num =
(Num <$> Num.float <|> Num << toFloat <$>
<?> "expected a number (int or float)"
(Num <$>
<?> "expected a number (int)"
stringIs : String -> a -> Parser s a
stringIs str val =
string str *> succeed val
acceptableOperatorName : Parser () String
acceptableOperatorName =
regex "[A-Za-z\\^%*$£!@#~.,=+-_;:/\\\\]*"
op : Parser () Expr
op =
stringIs "+" Add
<|> stringIs "-" Subtract
<|> stringIs "*" Multiply
<|> stringIs "/" Divide
<|> stringIs "^" Exponent
<|> stringIs "range" Range
|> map Op
group : Parser () Expr
group =
between (string "(") (string ")") (sepBy1 whitespace (lazy <| \_ -> parser)) -- Avoid bad recursion issues using lazy parser evaluation
parens (sepBy1 whitespace (lazy <| \_ -> parser)) -- Avoid "bad recursion" issues using lazy parser evaluation
<?> "expected a group (whitespace-separated expressions between brackets)"
|> map Group
parser : Parser () Expr
parser =
(lazy <| \_ -> group) <|> op <|> num
(lazy <| \_ -> group) <|> num <|> op
parse : String -> Result (List String) Expr
convertErrorList : List String -> String
convertErrorList =
List.intersperse " or " >> String.concat
parse : String -> Result String Expr
parse =
Combine.parse parser
>> Result.mapError (\(_, _, errorList) -> errorList)
>> (\(_, _, expr) -> expr) -- Convert errors/results to nicer format
>> Result.mapError (\(_, _, errorList) -> convertErrorList errorList) -- Convert error data into only the error message
>> (\(_, _, data) -> data) -- Drop irrelevant parse data
@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Expr exposing (Expr(..), Op(..))
import Expr exposing (Expr(..), OpName)
import Eval exposing (eval)
import Stack exposing (Stack(..))
import Ratio
main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, update = update, view = view }
type alias Model =
{ result : Result (List String) (List Float)
{ result : Result String (List Eval.Value)
, expression : String
@ -28,16 +29,16 @@ update msg model =
case msg of
ExpressionTyped str ->
Expr.parse ("(" ++ str ++ ")") -- wrap str in brackets so it's recognized as a group
|> Result.andThen eval -- Convert stack underflow errors into a list
|> Result.andThen (eval >> Result.mapError Eval.prettyPrintError)
|> \r -> { model | result = r, expression = str }
error : String -> Html a
error err =
div [class "error"] [text err]
stackItem : Float -> Html a
stackItem : Eval.Value -> Html a
stackItem n =
let asString = toString n
let asString = Eval.prettyPrintValue n
minWidth = toString (String.length asString) ++ "em"
in div [class "item", style [("min-width", minWidth)]] [text asString]
@ -48,65 +49,10 @@ view model =
Ok stack ->
List.reverse stack -- Puts first items at the top, for nicer looks
|> stackItem
Err errors ->
|||| error errors
Err outputError ->
[error outputError]
in div [class "rpncalc"] (
[ input [onInput ExpressionTyped, value model.expression, class "exprinput"] []
] ++ calcOutput
listToStack : List a -> Stack a
listToStack =
List.foldr Stack.push Stack.initialise
prependList : List a -> Stack a -> Stack a
prependList from to =
List.foldr Stack.push to from
prepend : Stack a -> Stack a -> Stack a
prepend from to =
prependList (Stack.toList from) to
type alias StackFunction = Stack Float -> Result String (Stack Float)
-- Runs a binary operation which returns a list on a stack
binListOutOp : (Float -> Float -> List Float) -> StackFunction
binListOutOp f s =
(maybeX, s1) = Stack.pop s
(maybeY, s2) = Stack.pop s1
in Maybe.map2 (,) maybeX maybeY
|> (\(x, y) -> f y x) -- x and y swapped round - this makes "5 1 /" become 5 instead of 0.2.
|> (\r -> prependList r s2)
|> Result.fromMaybe "Stack underflow"
-- Runs a binary operation on a stack
binOp : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> StackFunction
binOp f =
binListOutOp (\x y -> f x y |> List.singleton)
evalRec : Expr -> Stack Float -> Result String (Stack Float)
evalRec expr s =
case expr of
Group es ->
List.foldl (\expr s -> Result.andThen (evalRec expr) s) (Ok Stack.initialise) es
|> (\newStack -> prepend newStack s) -- prepend new stack's contents to old stack
Num n ->
Ok (Stack.push n s)
Op o ->
case o of
Add -> binOp (+) s
Subtract -> binOp (-) s
Multiply -> binOp (*) s
Divide -> binOp (/) s
Exponent -> binOp (^) s
Range ->
binListOutOp (\x y ->
List.range (floor x) (floor y)
|> toFloat) s
eval : Expr -> Result (List String) (List Float)
eval e =
evalRec e (Stack.initialise)
|> Stack.toList -- Convert stack to list
|> Result.mapError List.singleton -- Wrap possible stackoverflow error in list
[ div [] calcOutput
, input [onInput ExpressionTyped, value model.expression, class "exprinput"] []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-- Contains functions for use of a list as a stack, specifically for use in the calculator
module Stack exposing (..)
import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..))
-- Gets the specified number of predicate-satisfying values from supplied stack. Returns new stack and values collected
pick : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Int -> Result Int (List a, Nonempty a)
pick pred stack qty =
let pick curr (values, newStack, num) =
if pred curr then (curr::values, newStack, num + 1)
else (values, curr::newStack, num)
foldF = \c (val, new, num) ->
if num < qty then pick c (val, new, num)
else (val, c::new, num)
(values, newStack, num) = List.foldl foldF ([], [], 0) stack
if num == qty then
Nonempty.fromList values
|> Result.fromMaybe qty
|> (\v -> (newStack, v))
Err <| qty - num
Reference in New Issue
Block a user