Add range op

This commit is contained in:
osmarks 2017-08-18 14:18:26 +01:00
parent c988be4fe4
commit 8c10af72a4
2 changed files with 32 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ type Op
| Multiply
| Divide
| Exponent
| Range
type Expr
= Num Float
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ op =
<|> stringIs "*" Multiply
<|> stringIs "/" Divide
<|> stringIs "^" Exponent
<|> stringIs "range" Range
|> map Op
group : Parser () Expr

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@ -55,20 +55,35 @@ view model =
] ++ calcOutput
-- Run a binary operation on a stack - returns updated stack or an error
binOp : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Stack Float -> Result String (Stack Float)
binOp f s =
let (maybeX, s1) = Stack.pop s
(maybeY, s2) = Stack.pop s1
maybeXY = Maybe.map2 (,) maybeX maybeY
result = (\(x, y) -> f y x) maybeXY -- x and y swapped round - this makes "5 1 /" become 5 instead of 0.2.
finalStack = (\r -> Stack.push r s2) result
in Result.fromMaybe "Stack underflow" finalStack
listToStack : List a -> Stack a
listToStack =
List.foldr Stack.push Stack.initialise
prependList : List a -> Stack a -> Stack a
prependList from to =
List.foldr Stack.push to from
prepend : Stack a -> Stack a -> Stack a
prepend from to =
Stack.toList from
|> List.foldr Stack.push to
prependList (Stack.toList from) to
type alias StackFunction = Stack Float -> Result String (Stack Float)
-- Runs a binary operation which returns a list on a stack
binListOutOp : (Float -> Float -> List Float) -> StackFunction
binListOutOp f s =
(maybeX, s1) = Stack.pop s
(maybeY, s2) = Stack.pop s1
in Maybe.map2 (,) maybeX maybeY
|> (\(x, y) -> f y x) -- x and y swapped round - this makes "5 1 /" become 5 instead of 0.2.
|> (\r -> prependList r s2)
|> Result.fromMaybe "Stack underflow"
-- Runs a binary operation on a stack
binOp : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> StackFunction
binOp f =
binListOutOp (\x y -> f x y |> List.singleton)
evalRec : Expr -> Stack Float -> Result String (Stack Float)
evalRec expr s =
@ -85,6 +100,10 @@ evalRec expr s =
Multiply -> binOp (*) s
Divide -> binOp (/) s
Exponent -> binOp (^) s
Range ->
binListOutOp (\x y ->
List.range (floor x) (floor y)
|> toFloat) s
eval : Expr -> Result (List String) (List Float)
eval e =