
23 lines
939 B

-- Contains functions for use of a list as a stack, specifically for use in the calculator
module Stack exposing (..)
import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..))
-- Gets the specified number of predicate-satisfying values from supplied stack. Returns new stack and values collected
pick : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Int -> Result Int (List a, Nonempty a)
pick pred stack qty =
let pick curr (values, newStack, num) =
if pred curr then (curr::values, newStack, num + 1)
else (values, curr::newStack, num)
foldF = \c (val, new, num) ->
if num < qty then pick c (val, new, num)
else (val, c::new, num)
(values, newStack, num) = List.foldl foldF ([], [], 0) stack
if num == qty then
Nonempty.fromList values
|> Result.fromMaybe qty
|> Result.map (\v -> (newStack, v))
Err <| qty - num