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module Eval exposing (..)
import Expr exposing (..)
import Ratio exposing (Rational(..))
import Dict exposing (Dict(..))
import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..))
import Stack exposing (..)
type Error = MathematicalImpossibility | StackUnderflow Int | OpNotFound OpName
type alias Partial = (OpName, List Value, Int)
type Value =
Rational Rational | Partial Partial
evalGroup : List Expr -> Result Error (List Value)
evalGroup g =
List.foldl (\expr result -> Result.andThen (\stack -> evalRec expr stack) result) (Ok []) g
-- If anything but a StackUnderflow results, just let it go through.
-- If StackUnderflow occurs, convert it to Partial and push the Partial to stack.
handleOpResult : OpName -> List Value -> Result Error (List Value) -> Result Error (List Value)
handleOpResult opname stack r =
case r of
Ok x -> r
Err e ->
case e of
StackUnderflow missing ->
[Partial (opname, stack, missing)]
|> Ok
_ -> r
evalRec : Expr -> List Value -> Result Error (List Value)
evalRec e s =
case e of
Num x ->
Ratio.fromInt x
|> Rational
|> \v -> v::s
|> Ok
Group g ->
evalGroup g
|> Result.map (\groupStack -> groupStack ++ s)
Op o ->
case Dict.get o ops of
Just opF ->
opF s
|> handleOpResult o s
Nothing -> OpNotFound o |> Err
eval : Expr -> Result Error (List Value)
eval e =
evalRec e []
type alias Op = List Value -> Result Error (List Value)
ops : Dict OpName Op
ops = Dict.fromList [
("/", binaryOp Ratio.divide),
("+", binaryOp Ratio.add),
("*", binaryOp Ratio.multiply),
("-", binaryOp Ratio.subtract)
getNums : List Value -> Int -> Result Int (List Value, Nonempty Ratio.Rational)
getNums stack qty =
let selectRationals = Nonempty.map (\v -> case v of
Rational r -> r
_ -> Ratio.fromInt 0)
Stack.pick (\v -> case v of
Rational r -> True
_ -> False) stack qty
|> Result.map (\(stack, nums) -> (stack, selectRationals nums))
binaryOp : (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Op
binaryOp f stack =
getNums stack 2
|> Result.mapError StackUnderflow
|> Debug.log "BINOP"
|> Result.map (\(stack, numbers) -> (f (Nonempty.get 0 numbers) (Nonempty.get 1 numbers) |> Rational)::stack)
prettyPrintValue : Value -> String
prettyPrintValue v = case v of
Rational r -> Ratio.toFloat r |> toString
Partial (op, stack, missing) -> String.join " " <| ["Partial:", op, "["] ++ List.map prettyPrintValue stack ++ ["]", toString missing]
prettyPrintError : Error -> String
prettyPrintError e = case e of
MathematicalImpossibility -> "Does not compute"
OpNotFound n -> String.concat ["Operator \"", n, "\" not found"]
StackUnderflow n -> String.join " " ["Stack underflowed by", toString n, "items"]