Adds `shadow` and `normal` flags to each entry in `changedTiddlers`,
indicating whether the corresponding version of the tiddler has changed.
Makes the saver handler ignore any changes that aren't flagged `normal`.
Will requires #7999 to work fully; for the moment when you switch between dark and light you will see the preview change, and then next time you select the palette it will be in the correct mode
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\About.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\Acknowledgements.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\Contributors.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\History of TiddlyWiki.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\License.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\releasenotes\Releases.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\roadmap\RoadMap.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\about\Archive.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Editions.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Empty Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Blog Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Full Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Resume Builder Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\Text Slicer Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\editions\XLSX Utilities Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Plugin Editions.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\ja-JP\tiddlers\languages\Languages.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\ja-JP\tiddlers\languages\Chinese (Simplified) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\ja-JP\tiddlers\languages\Chinese (Traditional) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\Castellano (Espana) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\German (Germany) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\German (Austria) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\French (France) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\Japanese (Japan) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\Korean (Korea Republic) Edition.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\languages\LanguageGallery.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Plugins.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Installing a plugin from the plugin library.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Uninstalling a plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Manually installing a plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\OfficialPlugins.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Amazon Web Services Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\BrowserStorage Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\CodeMirror Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\D3 Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\External Attachments Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Highlight Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\JSZip Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\KaTeX Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Markdown Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Railroad Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Share Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\TW2Parser Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Twitter Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\D3 Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Dynaview Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Consent Banner Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Innerwiki Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\Mobile Drag And Drop Shim Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\plugins\SaveTrail Plugin.tid'
* [ja-JP] Japanese translation of 'editions\\tiddlers\TiddlyWiki Docs PR Maker.tid'