When exiting paint via the keyboard by typing "Ctrl" then "E"
separately, we consume the "key" event within paint, leaving the shell
to consume "read".
To avoid this, we run a sleep(0) to gobble any other left-over events.
Note, it's generally not enough to run a queueEvent/pullEvent here, as
the char event may not have ended up on the queue yet. Alas, as this
solution is pretty ugly.
- Move some shared Gui{Computer,Turtle} code into a new class. Using
entirely different naming conventions because of course (they are
consistent with MojMap, just not the rest of CC:T).
- Fix some mouse scaling issues in the terminal.
Speakers now play sounds using a custom set of packets.
- When playing a sound, we send the resource id, position, volume,
pitch and a UUID for the _speaker_ to all nearby clients.
- This UUID is then used when we need to update the sound. When the
speaker is moved or destroyed, we send a new packet to clients and
update accordingly.
This does have one side effect, that speakers can now only play one
sound at a time. I think this is accceptable - otherwise it's possible
to spam ward in a loop.
Notes still use the old networking code, and so will not be affected.
- Allow help files to use the ".md" suffix, and move changelog/whatsnew
to use them.
- When files end with ".md", the "help" program attempts to highlight
them. This involves:
- Colour code blocks with a lightGrey background.
- Replace lists to use bullet points instead of "-"/"*".
- Colours headings yellow.
The implementation of this is a bit janky because a) I wrote this and
b) we need to run this step before text wrapping, but preserve
colours and section positions over wrapping (thanks to Jack for
getting this working).
- Add section navigation to the help viewer, with left/right to move to
the next/previous section.
- Upgade to Gradle 7.0 and FG 5.0
- Allow running with any Java version - this now correctly compiles
Forge with the right version.
- Upload to Modrinth too. This is entirely untested, so may need some
Adds a sidebar to the computer and turtle GUI. This currently provides
- A power indicator, which turns on/shuts down a computer.
- Button to queue a "terminate" event
- Move registry code into the various *Registry classes.
I'm not sure this is any more sensible, but things being registered
in different places kinda irked me.
- Everything else (i.e. event listeners) goes in a {Client,Common}Hooks
class right now. It's not ideal, but I don't think we can split it up
- Fix double updateOutput() call in TileComputerBase - I guess a
merge/rebase gone wrong in the past.
- Don't call updateBlock() when creating a server computer. This used
to be needed when we sent the computer to the client, but this is no
longer the case.
- Don't call updateBlock() on TileMonitors when updating from the
client. We don't need to do a redraw here, as this is all stored in
the block state now.
- Don't update the block when reading turtle upgrades. See #643 for
some background here.
See #658
- Return a more sensible string for empty treasure disks (i.e. those
given by /give). This should help identify packs which are giving
items in non-supported ways.
- Fix NPE when the treasure mount doesn't exist.
- Simplify how the turtle's inventory is processed. We now copy all
items into the player inventory, attempt to place, and then copy the
items back.
This also fixes the problem where turtle.place() wouldn't (always)
update the item which was placed.
I'm also hoping this is more "correct" in how we process drops from
entities and whatnot. Though I've not had any reports of issues, so
it's probably fine.
- Replace the "error message" string array with an actual object. It'd
be nicer all these functions returned a TurtleCommandResult, but
merging error messages from that is a little harder.
Fun facts: the test suite was actually helpful here, and caught the fact
that hoeing was broken!