The commit introduces conversion from raw signature (r, s values) into DER format for the ossl3 region, after realising that that was making the verification fail.
* substitute std::cout with google log outputs, blend out some couts
* add check that the final time matches the Kroot time during tesla key verification
* introduce variable 'd_validated_key'
This commit introduces two new unit tests for the osnma_msg_receiver class: 'TeslaKeyVerification' and 'OsnmaTestVectorsSimulation'. The first test verifies the Tesla key handling within the class. The second test uses real-world test vectors to simulate osnma message receiving and verifies correct parsing and processing of messages.
* rename unused variable d_old_GST_SISto d_last_verified_key_GST and use it for tesla key verification
* fix bug on verify_tesla_key during the comparison of computed and received key
* deleted d_old_OSNMA_buffer
* fill PRNa and TOW for MACK message when parsing it
* fix parameter bug for verify_macseq()
* immplement tag_has_key_available
* delete old verify_tag implementation
Several changes were made on gnss_crypto to ensure that the unit test passes. Public key copying and hex printing features were added. The OpenSSL header includes were updated.
[TAS-140] Tag verification: accumulation tags of PRNd and ADKD for T_COP
This update introduces updated time verification functions and DSM block processes. TAS-140 introduces work (in progress) for taking into account the COP when validating tags. This accounts for significant structural changes in process_mack_message(). The update also resolves several TODO comments and includes minor adjustments to unit tests and system parameters.
The OSNMA message receiver has been refactored to correct errors. It introduces new functions to process local time verification as well as DSM blocks. Flow of information between these functions is also changed, to improve readabilty and responsibility. Several TODO comments have been addressed as part of the changes. This commit also includes minor changes to the unit tests and system parameters classes.
Introduced unit tests in `` to verify the functionality set_public_key and verify_signature. The added tests check the correctness of signature verification and public key import processes. Further minor changes
The time difference limit between local time and OSNMA subframe time has been increased from 15 to 120. Additionally, key length retrieval condensed. Minor adjustments in tesla key, padding of bits, and success messaging during data verification.