in my tests listening for the dragend event and removing the tc-dragover class in that case removes the `tc-dragover` every time it should ...
without this, firefox often doesn't remove it and the green bar sticks at the top
investigating now if the droppable widget has a similar problem
There are other ways we could add maths to TW5 (including @EvanBalster's awesome but the approach here has the merit of simplicity because it reuses the existing filter evaluation mechanism. That means that it's not ordinary "2+2" maths, it's a unique list processing language...
Docs to come
As per the discussion in #3749, the original purpose of the removed condition is unknown, and so we cannot be certain that removing it is safe, but doing so seems the best way of discovering more...
* Fix search method for search tokens spread across fields
Addresses GH #3636, which reports that if you're searching for "test
body", and "test" only appears in the title field, and "body" only appears
in the text field, 5.1.18's search method won't yield that tiddler as a
result, which appears to be a regression from the 5.1.17 behavior
* Add test for searching for multiple tokens across fields
Verifies GH #3636:
> If I create a tiddler in the empty edition with the title "Test tiddler" and content "Body content", searching the wiki for "test body" yields no results under either "title matches" or "all matches". Searching for either word individually turns up "Test tiddler", and repeating this in an empty wiki I created from the 5.1.17 tag causes "Test tiddler" to show up under "all matches".
* Revert "v5.1.18 banner artwork"
This reverts commit 70500140b9b4597294a3e3d129913f8986ff55e4.
* Revert "Revert #3607 and #3608"
This reverts commit 87b3e470c2618801c9371eeb3cad6bcb12874d82.
* Revert "Fix default global keyboard shortcuts for Mac"
This reverts commit e466f62e7e8b8619fdee992919c09939633c089f.
* Revert "Comment plugin: Improve styles"
This reverts commit e17456e3bcb5605f7d3cef20e39e67b8c644868e.
* Revert "Style tweaks for framed editor + preview (#3608)"
This reverts commit c058378da08c4fcfddddafefe0866afae20ae861.
* Revert "Change to natural counting in range[N] operator (#3609)"
This reverts commit b9df224f99c425923c1fd8c25826e4d00a5fb39e.
* Revert "Update release note contributors list"
This reverts commit 0f3912ba95c2a8bd0569a8e52aac0d2ccbd4cf0b.
* Revert "Make editor-preview not hide text-editor shadow (#3607)"
This reverts commit 11f02dc36260de18ac7942a2c5b3bd99d84ea55b.
* Revert "Editor needs to stand out a bit more (#3606)"
This reverts commit d711ef25ed7d6cbfe26e61cb47d2d0ce72e29ed7.
* Revert "Tweak for keyboard-shortcuts how-to (#3605)"
This reverts commit 419ea9a2431bff87329c74ff59b327381d53a3ab.
* Revert "Remove unnecessary border-radius already set on the iframe (#3604)"
This reverts commit 288d25e733e29b137b61b9aeb13cbe99bb746729.
Hi @BurningTreeC apologies I merged these without properly looking at them, but I think we should move them to 5.1.19 because:
* On Chrome, the new version hides the resize handle on textarea, which can be quite useful
* It's visually quite different, and I think might benefit from more discussion
* It's inconsistent with the CodeMirror editor
Would you mind perhaps starting another PR for edit template enhancements?
* remove border: none for iframe from framed.js
... inherits the iframe border 1px solid editor-border in vanilla base
* last style tweaks for editor-preview
same border-radius as framed editor
same additional space at the right as at the left
* Update base.tid
* Update base.tid
* looks actually better with this border
Addresses GH #3484
As far as I can tell, the popup level checks in this module are
meant to handle nested popups. It seems to me that the goal is
for at most a single hierarchy of popups to exist at any given time
- bearing that in mind, this change checks any popups currently tracked
by the module, canceling any that don't share an element hierarchy with
the new popup.
* add tv-override-missing-links variable
this lets us set `tv-override-missing-links` true so that we can fix edge cases like the `Filter` dropdown in the `Advanced Search` when `enable missing links` is unchecked in the `Settings` tab of the Control Panel
* add tv-override-missing-links to filter dropdown
* add tv-override-missing-links to type dropdown
* add tv-override-missing-links to fieldname dropd
* add tv-override-missing-links to TagManager(icons)
* undo tv-override-missing-links TagManager
not needed here
* Update link.js
* Update dropdown.tid
* Update fields.tid
* Update type.tid
* Update dropdown.tid
* Update link.js
* simplify all together
* add tv-hide-missing-links to pagetemplate
* do we need to refresh here...
... if the variable gets set on top of the pagetemplate?
* Make modals display in source Window
this makes modals display within the window where they got opened, with the parameter `rootwindow` that, if `yes` or `true`, shows the modal always in the root TW window (`<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="mymodal" rootwindow="yes|true"/>`)
* pass the full event to $tw.modal.display
we need the event there to find `srcDocument` and `srcWindow`
* pass event in options object
* update modal.js to use options.event
* add docs for rootwindow tm-modal attribute
* make triggerPopup optionally set state directly
* update button widget for new state attributes
* update reveal widget for new state attributes
* fix errors in button widget