This Cascade from
[tag[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec]type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple]then[$:/core/ui/TestCaseTemplate]] [tag[$:/tags/wiki-test-spec-failing]type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki-multiple]then[$:/core/ui/TestCaseTemplate]]
Simplified. I also suggest using the same convention for all cascades
* Updates to make Excision more friendly to Markdown users by adding
Markdown as an option in the criteria to use excision and by making the
excise operation reuse the type of the tiddler being excised.
* Updated excise operation to use Markdown syntax for links.
* add trimSelection - both, start, end, no
* add documentation for trimSelection to tm-edit-text-operation tiddler
* add trimSelection both to all buttions where it makes sense
* change "both" to "yes" as a default
* fix trimSelection typo
* fix trimSelection typo
* docs trimSelection add "no" as possible value - it's the default
* remove some redundant variable declarations
* update from-version
* fix comment typos
* fix whitespace
* make local variables more visible
* add a search button to the control panel tiddler fields tab
* minor update
* use v5.3.x syntax
* use tf. prefix for the function
* make show-filter-count a global macro
* make table header translatable
* add documentation
* show-filter-count code cleanup
* remove the table-header
* remove erroneous caption field
* Let PageControls buttons use v5.3.2 syntax
* Rewrite buttons and actions
* Omit whitespace & use function to avoid duplicating
* Omit whitespace in conditional syntax
* Define tf.get-tags function to avoid duplicated text substitution
* Rewrite advanced search button
* Add space in join operator
* Rewrite buttons in plugins
* Remove tf prefix in new-journal.tid
* Remove tf prefix in new-tiddler.tid
* tc-subtitle is not a sibling to tc-body,
So tc-subtitle needs a clearfix to contains float:right
* add clearfix to all tiddler elements that could contain floats
* add clearfix to tc-tiddler-title in ViewTemplate
* add clearfix to plugin/blog/templates
* add clearfix to plugin/tour/templates
* remove test tiddler
* rename draft title class to tc-tiddler-title-draft
* undo title field covering
* move tc-clearfix to tc-float-right in the base CSS file
* rename clearfix CSS class to tc-clearfix
* update documentation tiddlers
* create empty tags only if template or additionalFields contain a tags-field
* fix typos
* add tests for tm-new-tiddler message
* tm-new-tiddler add standard test with tags field
* Convert "import" field of testcase tiddlers into $data widget with $filter attribute
* Add documentation for testcase tiddler import field and fixed typo and grammar
* fix 7142 search outline in chrome like browsers
* use moz-focusring only for FF, outline-initial for Chrome
* moz-focusring remove outline-offset
* remove box-sizing from base, because it's part of reset
* remove redundant box-sizing since it is part of reset
* fix distance between search input and first button to the right
The control panel name and the name in the template don't match. I
figured the shorter name is better, but let me know if you like the
longer name.
This is a small fix for recently merged PR #8441.