- Add Forge's "name" field to the loot tables. This doesn't resolve all
our missing loot providers, but it's a start.
- Add back GUIs for pocket computers, printouts, view computer, etc...
Equivalent to `pastebin run`, but allows running arbitrary URLs
Is this a little questionable? Yes - people shouldn't be downloading
and running code from the internet. But hey, people do that already,
so we might as well make it convenient.
So very little works, but it compiles and runs.
Things to resolve over the next few days:
- Horrible mappings (should largely be resolved by tomorrow).
- Cannot send extra data over containers - we'll have to see what Forge
does here.
- Turtle models are broken
- No block drops yet - this will largely be cherry-picking whatever I
did on Fabric.
- Weird inventory desyncs (items don't show up initially when
interacting with a CC inventory).
- Probably lots of other things.
- Adds a CheckStyle configuration which is pretty similar to CC's
existing one.
- Add the Gradle license plugin.
- Ensure the existing source code is compatible with these additional
See #239
- Make mcfly's stubbing system a little more fault-tolerant.
- Add a small utility function which redirects print, printError and
write to capture their output, rather than printing to the terminal.
This can then be matched against in order to determine a program's
It's a little flakey - you can't use it multiple times in an it
block, etc... but it's a nice feature.
- Add a small couple of tests to delete as a proof-of-concept.
- Convert existing changelog over to use Markdown. This mostly involves
wrapping code in backticks, and marking things as headers where
- Copy all of CC:T's release notes over to the changelog. This is
somewhat more verbose than Dan's notes, but keeping them in sync
seems reasonable (and allows for automation!).
As 'require' operates relative to the current program's directory,
rather than the current directory, it meant we were trying to load files
from /rom/programs.
This is never a good idea, so we add the current directory to the
package path, allowing you to use require as one'd expect.
- Define an expect(index, actual_value, types...) helper function which
takes an argument index, value and list of permissable types and
ensures the value is of one of those types.
If not, it will produce an error message with the expected and actual
type, as well as the argument number and (if available) the function
- Expose expect in the global scope as _G["~expect"], hopefully making
it clear it is internal.
- Replace most manual type checks with this helper method.
- Write tests to ensure this argument validation works as expected
Also fix a couple of bugs exposed by this refactor and the subsequent
- Make rednet checks a little more strict - rednet.close(false) is no
longer valid.
- Error when attempting to redirect the terminal to itself
This only renders the bounding box on non-screen edges of the monitor,
meaning you have an uninterrupted view of the screen when hovering
Rendering an item worked in principle, but had several caveats:
- The terminal did not fit well within the item's texture, so we had a
rather large border.
- The "correctness" of this was very tied to Minecraft's item rendering
code. This changed a little in 1.13, causing problems like #208.
Instead we effectively reuse the computer GUI rendering code, though
also handling coloured pocket computers and rendering the modem light.
This fixes#208, and hopefully fixes#212.
Actually, many *globs*. It additionally prints the glob if no files
matched it, since that's clearer.
Also move the ComputerTestDelegate's filesystem to be disk-based. This
is what actual computers use, and the MemoryMount is a little broken.