
477 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const fsp = require("fs").promises
const fse = require("fs-extra")
const MarkdownIt = require("markdown-it")
const pug = require("pug")
const path = require("path")
2020-06-12 13:59:22 +00:00
const matter = require("gray-matter")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const mustache = require("mustache")
const globalData = require("./global.json")
const sass = require("sass")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const R = require("ramda")
const dayjs = require("dayjs")
const customParseFormat = require("dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat")
const nanoid = require("nanoid")
const htmlMinifier = require("html-minifier").minify
const terser = require("terser")
2020-08-25 21:52:23 +00:00
const util = require("util")
const childProcess = require("child_process")
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const chalk = require("chalk")
const crypto = require("crypto")
const uuid = require("uuid")
const sqlite = require("better-sqlite3")
const axios = require("axios")
const msgpack = require("@msgpack/msgpack")
const esbuild = require("esbuild")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const root = path.join(__dirname, "..")
const templateDir = path.join(root, "templates")
const experimentDir = path.join(root, "experiments")
const blogDir = path.join(root, "blog")
2020-06-12 13:59:22 +00:00
const errorPagesDir = path.join(root, "error")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const assetsDir = path.join(root, "assets")
const outDir = path.join(root, "out")
const srcDir = path.join(root, "src")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const buildID = nanoid()
globalData.buildID = buildID
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
const randomPick = xs => xs[Math.floor(Math.random() * xs.length)]
globalData.siteDescription = randomPick(globalData.taglines)
const hexPad = x => Math.round(x).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")
function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
var r, g, b;
if (s == 0) {
r = g = b = l; // achromatic
} else {
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
if (t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1/2) return q;
if (t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6;
return p;
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3);
return `#${hexPad(r * 255)}${hexPad(g * 255)}${hexPad(b * 255)}`
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
const hashBG = (cls, i) => {
const buf = crypto.createHash("md5").update(cls).digest()
const base = (buf[0] + 256 * buf[1]) % 360
const hue = (base + i * 37) % 360
return `background: ${hslToRgb(hue / 360, 1, 0.9)}; background: hsl(${hue}deg, var(--autocol-saturation), var(--autocol-lightness))`
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
globalData.hashBG = hashBG
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const removeExtension = x => x.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")
const mdutils = MarkdownIt().utils
const renderContainer = (tokens, idx) => {
let opening = true
if (tokens[idx].type === "container__close") {
let nesting = 0
for (; tokens[idx].type !== "container__open" && nesting !== 1; idx--) {
nesting += tokens[idx].nesting
opening = false
const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().split(" ");
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
const blockType = m.shift()
const options = {}
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
let inQuotes, k, v, arg = false
while (arg = m.shift()) {
let wasInQuotes = inQuotes
if (arg[arg.length - 1] == '"') {
arg = arg.slice(0, -1)
inQuotes = false
if (wasInQuotes) {
options[k] += " " + arg
} else {
[k, v] = arg.split("=", 2)
if (v && v[0] == '"') {
inQuotes = true
v = v.slice(1)
options[k] = v ?? true
if (opening) {
if (blockType === "captioned") {
const link = `<a href="${md.utils.escapeHtml(options.src)}">`
return `<div class="${options.wide ? "caption wider" : "caption"}">${ ? link : ""}<img src="${md.utils.escapeHtml(options.src)}">${ ? "</a>" : ""}`
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
} else if (blockType === "epigraph") {
return `<div class="epigraph"><div>`
} else {
if (blockType === "captioned") {
return `</div>`
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
} else if (blockType === "epigraph") {
let ret = `</div></div>`
if (options.attribution) {
let inner = md.utils.escapeHtml(options.attribution)
if ( {
inner = `<a href="${md.utils.escapeHtml(}">${inner}</a>`
ret = `<div class="attribution">${md.utils.escapeHtml("— ") + inner}</div>` + ret
return ret
throw new Error(`unrecognized blockType ${blockType}`)
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const readFile = path => fsp.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf8" })
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
const anchor = require("markdown-it-anchor")
const md = new MarkdownIt({ html: true })
.use(require("markdown-it-container"), "", { render: renderContainer, validate: params => true })
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
.use(anchor, {
permalink: anchor.permalink["headerLink"]({
symbol: "§"
const minifyHTML = x => htmlMinifier(x, {
collapseWhitespace: true,
sortAttributes: true,
sortClassName: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
conservativeCollapse: true,
collapseBooleanAttributes: true
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const renderMarkdown = x => md.render(x)
// basically just whitespace removal - fast and still pretty good versus unminified code
const minifyJS = (x, filename) => {
const res = terser.minify(x, {
mangle: true,
compress: true,
sourceMap: {
url: filename + ".map"
if (res.warnings) {
for (const warn of res.warnings) {
console.warn("MINIFY WARNING:", warn)
if (res.error) {
console.warn("MINIFY ERROR:", res.error)
throw new Error("could not minify " + filename)
return res
const minifyJSFile = (incode, filename, out) => {
const res = minifyJS(incode, filename)
return Promise.all([ fsp.writeFile(out, res.code), fsp.writeFile(out + ".map", ])
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const parseFrontMatter = content => {
const raw = matter(content)
if ( { = dayjs(, "DD/MM/YYYY")
if ( { = dayjs(, "DD/MM/YYYY")
if ( && ! { = }
return raw
const loadDir = async (dir, func) => {
const files = await fsp.readdir(dir)
const out = {}
await Promise.all( file => {
out[removeExtension(file)] = await func(path.join(dir, file), file)
return out
2020-06-12 13:59:22 +00:00
const applyTemplate = async (template, input, getOutput, options = {}) => {
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const page = parseFrontMatter(await readFile(input))
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
if (options.processMeta) { options.processMeta(, page) }
if (options.processContent) { page.originalContent = page.content; page.content = options.processContent(page.content) }
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const rendered = template({ ...globalData,, content: page.content })
await fsp.writeFile(await getOutput(page), minifyHTML(rendered))
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00 = page
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const addGuids = => ({ ...x, guid: uuid.v5(`${x.lastUpdate}:${x.slug}`, "9111a1fc-59c3-46f0-9ab4-47c607a958f2") }))
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const processExperiments = async () => {
const templates = globalData.templates
const experiments = await loadDir(experimentDir, (subdirectory, basename) => {
return applyTemplate(
path.join(subdirectory, "index.html"),
async page => {
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const out = path.join(outDir,
await fse.ensureDir(out)
const allFiles = await fsp.readdir(subdirectory)
await Promise.all( => {
if (file !== "index.html") {
return fse.copy(path.join(subdirectory, file), path.join(out, file))
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
return path.join(out, "index.html")
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
{ processMeta: meta => {
meta.slug = meta.slug || basename
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
console.log(chalk.yellow(`${Object.keys(experiments).length} experiments`))
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
globalData.experiments = R.sortBy(x => x.title, R.values(experiments))
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const processBlog = async () => {
const templates = globalData.templates
const blog = await loadDir(blogDir, async (file, basename) => {
return applyTemplate(templates.blogPost, file, async page => {
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
const out = path.join(outDir,
await fse.ensureDir(out)
return path.join(out, "index.html")
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
}, { processMeta: (meta, page) => {
meta.slug = meta.slug || removeExtension(basename)
meta.wordCount = page.content.split(/\s+/).map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x).length
2024-01-02 02:23:11 +00:00
meta.haveSidenotes = true
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
}, processContent: renderMarkdown })
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
console.log(chalk.yellow(`${Object.keys(blog).length} blog entries`))
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00 = addGuids(R.filter(x => !x.draft && !x.internal, R.sortBy(x => x.updated ? -x.updated.valueOf() : 0, R.values(blog))))
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const processErrorPages = () => {
const templates = globalData.templates
2020-06-12 13:59:22 +00:00
return loadDir(errorPagesDir, async (file, basename) => {
return applyTemplate(templates.experiment, file, async page => {
return path.join(outDir, basename)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const outAssets = path.join(outDir, "assets")
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
globalData.renderDate = date => date.format(globalData.dateFormat)
const metricPrefixes = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]
const applyMetricPrefix = (x, unit) => {
let log = Math.log10(x)
let exp = x !== 0 ? Math.floor(log / 3) : 0
let val = x / Math.pow(10, exp * 3)
return (exp !== 0 ? val.toFixed(3 - (log - exp * 3)) : val) + metricPrefixes[exp] + unit
globalData.metricPrefix = applyMetricPrefix
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const writeBuildID = () => fsp.writeFile(path.join(outDir, "buildID.txt"), buildID)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const index = async () => {
2023-03-18 15:29:21 +00:00
const index = globalData.templates.index({ ...globalData, title: "Index", posts:, description: globalData.siteDescription })
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
await fsp.writeFile(path.join(outDir, "index.html"), index)
2020-08-25 21:52:23 +00:00
const cache = sqlite("cache.sqlite3")
const writeCacheStmt = cache.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cache VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
const readCacheStmt = cache.prepare("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE k = ?")
const readCache = (k, maxAge=null, ts=null) => {
const row = readCacheStmt.get(k)
if (!row) return
if ((maxAge && row.ts < ( - maxAge) || (ts && row.ts != ts))) return
return msgpack.decode(row.v)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const writeCache = (k, v, => {
const enc = msgpack.encode(v), Buffer.from(enc.buffer, enc.byteOffset, enc.byteLength), ts)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const fetchMicroblog = async () => {
const cached = readCache("microblog", 60*60*1000)
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
if (cached) {
globalData.microblog = cached
} else {
const posts = (await axios({ url: globalData.microblogSource, headers: { "Accept": 'application/ld+json; profile=""' } })).data.orderedItems
writeCache("microblog", posts)
globalData.microblog = posts
globalData.microblog = globalData.microblog.slice(0, 6).map((post, i) => minifyHTML(globalData.templates.activitypub({
date: dayjs(post.object.published),
content: post.object.content,
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const runOpenring = async () => {
const cached = readCache("openring", 60*60*1000)
if (cached) { globalData.openring = cached; return }
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
// wildly unsafe but only runs on input from me anyway
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
const arg = `./openring -n6 ${ => '-s "' + x + '"').join(" ")} < ./src/openring.html`
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
console.log(chalk.keyword("orange")("Openring:") + " " + arg)
const out = await util.promisify(childProcess.exec)(arg)
console.log(chalk.keyword("orange")("Openring:") + "\n" + out.stderr.trim())
globalData.openring = minifyHTML(out.stdout)
writeCache("openring", globalData.openring)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const compileCSS = async () => {
2024-03-22 11:39:39 +00:00
let css = sass.renderSync({
data: await readFile(path.join(srcDir, "style.sass")),
outputStyle: "compressed",
indentedSyntax: true
2024-03-22 11:39:39 +00:00
css += "\n"
css += await fsp.readFile(path.join(srcDir, "comments.css"))
globalData.css = css
const loadTemplates = async () => {
globalData.templates = await loadDir(templateDir, async fullPath => pug.compile(await readFile(fullPath), { filename: fullPath }))
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const genRSS = async () => {
const rssFeed = globalData.templates.rss({ ...globalData, items:, lastUpdate: new Date() })
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
await fsp.writeFile(path.join(outDir, "rss.xml"), rssFeed)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const genManifest = async () => {
const m = mustache.render(await readFile(path.join(assetsDir, "manifest.webmanifest")), globalData)
fsp.writeFile(path.join(outAssets, "manifest.webmanifest"), m)
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const minifyJSTask = async () => {
const jsDir = path.join(assetsDir, "js")
const jsOutDir = path.join(outAssets, "js")
await Promise.all((await fsp.readdir(jsDir)).map(async file => {
const fullpath = path.join(jsDir, file)
await minifyJSFile(await readFile(fullpath), file, path.join(jsOutDir, file))
const compilePageJSTask = async () => {
entryPoints: [ path.join(srcDir, "page.js") ],
bundle: true,
outfile: path.join(outAssets, "js/page.js"),
minify: true,
sourcemap: true
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const genServiceWorker = async () => {
const serviceWorker = mustache.render(await readFile(path.join(assetsDir, "sw.js")), globalData)
await minifyJSFile(serviceWorker, "sw.js", path.join(outDir, "sw.js"))
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const copyAsset = subpath => fse.copy(path.join(assetsDir, subpath), path.join(outAssets, subpath))
2022-11-23 16:58:50 +00:00
const doImages = async () => {
2023-08-31 12:00:53 +00:00
2022-11-23 16:58:50 +00:00
globalData.images = {}
await Promise.all(
(await fse.readdir(path.join(assetsDir, "images"), { encoding: "utf-8" })).map(async image => {
if (image.endsWith(".original")) { // generate alternative formats
const stripped = image.replace(/\.original$/).split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".")
const fullPath = path.join(assetsDir, "images", image)
const stat = await fse.stat(fullPath)
const writeFormat = async (name, ext, cmd, supplementaryArgs, suffix="") => {
let bytes = readCache(`images/${stripped}/${name}`, null, stat.mtimeMs)
const destFilename = stripped + ext
const destPath = path.join(outAssets, "images", destFilename)
if (!bytes) {
console.log(chalk.keyword("orange")(`Compressing image ${stripped} (${name})`))
await util.promisify(childProcess.execFile)(cmd, supplementaryArgs.concat([
writeCache(`images/${stripped}/${name}`, await fsp.readFile(destPath), stat.mtimeMs)
} else {
await fsp.writeFile(destPath, bytes)
return "/assets/images/" + destFilename
const avif = await writeFormat("avif", ".avif", "avifenc", ["-s", "0", "-q", "20"], " 2x")
const avifc = await writeFormat("avif-compact", ".c.avif", path.join(srcDir, ""), [])
2024-04-22 18:19:53 +00:00
const jpeg = await writeFormat("jpeg-scaled", ".jpg", "convert", ["-resize", "25%", "-format", "jpeg"])
globalData.images[stripped] = [
["image/avif", `${avifc}, ${avif} 2x`],
["_fallback", jpeg]
} else {
globalData.images[image.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".")] = "/assets/images/" + image
2022-11-23 16:58:50 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const tasks = {
errorPages: { deps: ["pagedeps"], fn: processErrorPages },
templates: { deps: [], fn: loadTemplates },
pagedeps: { deps: ["templates", "css"] },
css: { deps: [], fn: compileCSS },
writeBuildID: { deps: [], fn: writeBuildID },
index: { deps: ["openring", "pagedeps", "blog", "experiments", "images", "fetchMicroblog"], fn: index },
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
openring: { deps: [], fn: runOpenring },
rss: { deps: ["blog"], fn: genRSS },
blog: { deps: ["pagedeps"], fn: processBlog },
2024-01-02 16:30:31 +00:00
fetchMicroblog: { deps: ["templates"], fn: fetchMicroblog },
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
experiments: { deps: ["pagedeps"], fn: processExperiments },
assetsDir: { deps: [], fn: () => fse.ensureDir(outAssets) },
manifest: { deps: ["assetsDir"], fn: genManifest },
minifyJS: { deps: ["assetsDir"], fn: minifyJSTask },
compilePageJS: { deps: ["assetsDir"], fn: compilePageJSTask },
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
serviceWorker: { deps: [], fn: genServiceWorker },
2022-11-23 16:58:50 +00:00
images: { deps: ["assetsDir"], fn: doImages },
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
offlinePage: { deps: ["assetsDir", "pagedeps"], fn: () => applyTemplate(globalData.templates.experiment, path.join(assetsDir, "offline.html"), () => path.join(outAssets, "offline.html"), {}) },
assets: { deps: ["manifest", "minifyJS", "serviceWorker", "images", "compilePageJS"] },
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
main: { deps: ["writeBuildID", "index", "errorPages", "assets", "experiments", "blog", "rss"] }
2020-03-08 17:13:14 +00:00
2021-02-24 10:32:10 +00:00
const compile = async () => {
const done = new Set()
const inProgress = new Set()
const go = async finished => {
if (finished) {
console.log(`[${done.size}/${Object.keys(tasks).length}] ` +`Done ${finished}`))
for (const [task, conf] of Object.entries(tasks)) {
if (!inProgress.has(task) && !done.has(task) && conf.deps.every(x => done.has(x))) { // dependencies now satisfied for task, execute it
const callback = () => go(task)
if (conf.fn) {
console.log(chalk.cyanBright(`Executing ${task}`))
Promise.resolve(conf.fn()).then(callback, err => {
console.error(`Error in ${task}: ${err.stack}`)
} else {