mirror of https://github.com/kepler155c/opus synced 2025-03-12 12:08:10 +00:00

crypto cleanup

This commit is contained in:
kepler155c@gmail.com 2019-06-28 06:33:47 -04:00
parent bcd33af599
commit c3d52c1aab
10 changed files with 35 additions and 306 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ local bxor = bit32.bxor
local band = bit32.band
local blshift = bit32.lshift
local brshift = bit32.arshift
local os = _G.os
local textutils = _G.textutils
local mod = 2^32
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ end
local mt = {
__tostring = function(a) return string.char(unpack(a)) end,
__index = {
toHex = function(self, s) return ("%02x"):rep(#self):format(unpack(self)) end,
toHex = function(self) return ("%02x"):rep(#self):format(unpack(self)) end,
isEqual = function(self, t)
if type(t) ~= "table" then return false end
if #self ~= #t then return false end
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ local function crypt(data, key, nonce, cntr, round)
assert(#key == 16 or #key == 32, "ChaCha20: Invalid key length ("..#key.."), must be 16 or 32")
assert(#nonce == 12, "ChaCha20: Invalid nonce length ("..#nonce.."), must be 12")
local data = type(data) == "table" and {unpack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)}
data = type(data) == "table" and {unpack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)}
cntr = tonumber(cntr) or 1
round = tonumber(round) or 20

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ local fq = require('crypto.ecc.fq')
local elliptic = require('crypto.ecc.elliptic')
local sha256 = require('crypto.sha2')
local os = _G.os
local q = {1372, 62520, 47765, 8105, 45059, 9616, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65532}
local sLen = 24
@ -35,9 +37,7 @@ local function exchange(sk, pk)
Z = elliptic.pointScale(Z)
local ss = fq.bytes(Z[2])
local ss = sha256.digest(ss)
return ss
return sha256.digest(ss)
local function sign(sk, message)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-- SHA-256, HMAC and PBKDF2 functions in ComputerCraft
-- By Anavrins
local mod32 = 2^32
local bit = _G.bit
local os = _G.os
local mod32 = 2^32
local band = bit32 and bit32.band or bit.band
local bnot = bit32 and bit32.bnot or bit.bnot
local bxor = bit32 and bit32.bxor or bit.bxor
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ local function counter(incr)
local t1, t2 = 0, 0
if 0xFFFFFFFF - t1 < incr then
t2 = t2 + 1
t1 = incr - (0xFFFFFFFF - t1) - 1
t1 = incr - (0xFFFFFFFF - t1) - 1
else t1 = t1 + incr
return t2, t1
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ end
local function digestblock(w, C)
for j = 17, 64 do
local v = w[j-15]
-- local v = w[j-15]
local s0 = bxor(bxor(rrotate(w[j-15], 7), rrotate(w[j-15], 18)), brshift(w[j-15], 3))
local s1 = bxor(bxor(rrotate(w[j-2], 17), rrotate(w[j-2], 19)), brshift(w[j-2], 10))
w[j] = (w[j-16] + s0 + w[j-7] + s1)%mod32
@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ end
local mt = {
__tostring = function(a) return string.char(unpack(a)) end,
__index = {
toHex = function(self, s) return ("%02x"):rep(#self):format(unpack(self)) end,
toHex = function(self) return ("%02x"):rep(#self):format(unpack(self)) end,
isEqual = function(self, t)
if type(t) ~= "table" then return false end
if #self ~= #t then return false end
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ local function toBytes(t, n)
local function digest(data)
local data = data or ""
data = data or ""
data = type(data) == "table" and {upack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)}
data = preprocess(data)
@ -130,8 +132,8 @@ local function digest(data)
local function hmac(data, key)
local data = type(data) == "table" and {upack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)}
local key = type(key) == "table" and {upack(key)} or {tostring(key):byte(1,-1)}
data = type(data) == "table" and {upack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)}
key = type(key) == "table" and {upack(key)} or {tostring(key):byte(1,-1)}
local blocksize = 64
@ -161,9 +163,9 @@ local function hmac(data, key)
local function pbkdf2(pass, salt, iter, dklen)
local salt = type(salt) == "table" and salt or {tostring(salt):byte(1,-1)}
salt = type(salt) == "table" and salt or {tostring(salt):byte(1,-1)}
local hashlen = 32
local dklen = dklen or 32
dklen = dklen or 32
local block = 1
local out = {}
@ -190,8 +192,13 @@ local function pbkdf2(pass, salt, iter, dklen)
return setmetatable(out, mt)
local function compute(data)
return digest(data):toHex()
return {
digest = digest,
compute = compute,
hmac = hmac,
pbkdf2 = pbkdf2,

View File

@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
local sha1 = {
_VERSION = "sha.lua 0.5.0",
_URL = "https://github.com/kikito/sha.lua",
SHA-1 secure hash computation, and HMAC-SHA1 signature computation in Lua (5.1)
Based on code originally by Jeffrey Friedl (http://regex.info/blog/lua/sha1)
And modified by Eike Decker - (http://cube3d.de/uploads/Main/sha1.txt)
Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique Garcia Cota + Eike Decker + Jeffrey Friedl
-- loading this file (takes a while but grants a boost of factor 13)
local PRELOAD_CACHE = false
local BLOCK_SIZE = 64 -- 512 bits
-- local storing of global functions (minor speedup)
local floor,modf = math.floor,math.modf
local char,format,rep = string.char,string.format,string.rep
-- merge 4 bytes to an 32 bit word
local function bytes_to_w32(a,b,c,d) return a*0x1000000+b*0x10000+c*0x100+d end
-- split a 32 bit word into four 8 bit numbers
local function w32_to_bytes(i)
return floor(i/0x1000000)%0x100,floor(i/0x10000)%0x100,floor(i/0x100)%0x100,i%0x100
-- shift the bits of a 32 bit word. Don't use negative values for "bits"
local function w32_rot(bits,a)
local b2 = 2^(32-bits)
local a,b = modf(a/b2)
return a+b*b2*(2^(bits))
-- caching function for functions that accept 2 arguments, both of values between
-- 0 and 255. The function to be cached is passed, all values are calculated
-- during loading and a function is returned that returns the cached values (only)
local function cache2arg(fn)
if not PRELOAD_CACHE then return fn end
local lut = {}
for i=0,0xffff do
local a,b = floor(i/0x100),i%0x100
lut[i] = fn(a,b)
return function(a,b)
return lut[a*0x100+b]
-- splits an 8-bit number into 8 bits, returning all 8 bits as booleans
local function byte_to_bits(b)
local b = function(n)
local b = floor(b/n)
return b%2==1
return b(1),b(2),b(4),b(8),b(16),b(32),b(64),b(128)
-- builds an 8bit number from 8 booleans
local function bits_to_byte(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
local function n(b,x) return b and x or 0 end
return n(a,1)+n(b,2)+n(c,4)+n(d,8)+n(e,16)+n(f,32)+n(g,64)+n(h,128)
-- bitwise "and" function for 2 8bit number
local band = cache2arg (function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A and a, B and b, C and c, D and d,
E and e, F and f, G and g, H and h)
-- bitwise "or" function for 2 8bit numbers
local bor = cache2arg(function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A or a, B or b, C or c, D or d,
E or e, F or f, G or g, H or h)
-- bitwise "xor" function for 2 8bit numbers
local bxor = cache2arg(function(a,b)
local A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = byte_to_bits(b)
local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = byte_to_bits(a)
return bits_to_byte(
A ~= a, B ~= b, C ~= c, D ~= d,
E ~= e, F ~= f, G ~= g, H ~= h)
-- bitwise complement for one 8bit number
local function bnot(x)
return 255-(x % 256)
-- creates a function to combine to 32bit numbers using an 8bit combination function
local function w32_comb(fn)
return function(a,b)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(b)
return bytes_to_w32(fn(aa,ba),fn(ab,bb),fn(ac,bc),fn(ad,bd))
-- create functions for and, xor and or, all for 2 32bit numbers
local w32_and = w32_comb(band)
local w32_xor = w32_comb(bxor)
local w32_or = w32_comb(bor)
-- xor function that may receive a variable number of arguments
local function w32_xor_n(a,...)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
for i=1,select('#',...) do
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(select(i,...))
aa,ab,ac,ad = bxor(aa,ba),bxor(ab,bb),bxor(ac,bc),bxor(ad,bd)
return bytes_to_w32(aa,ab,ac,ad)
-- combining 3 32bit numbers through binary "or" operation
local function w32_or3(a,b,c)
local aa,ab,ac,ad = w32_to_bytes(a)
local ba,bb,bc,bd = w32_to_bytes(b)
local ca,cb,cc,cd = w32_to_bytes(c)
return bytes_to_w32(
bor(aa,bor(ba,ca)), bor(ab,bor(bb,cb)), bor(ac,bor(bc,cc)), bor(ad,bor(bd,cd))
-- binary complement for 32bit numbers
local function w32_not(a)
return 4294967295-(a % 4294967296)
-- adding 2 32bit numbers, cutting off the remainder on 33th bit
local function w32_add(a,b) return (a+b) % 4294967296 end
-- adding n 32bit numbers, cutting off the remainder (again)
local function w32_add_n(a,...)
for i=1,select('#',...) do
a = (a+select(i,...)) % 4294967296
return a
-- converting the number to a hexadecimal string
local function w32_to_hexstring(w) return format("%08x",w) end
local function hex_to_binary(hex)
return hex:gsub('..', function(hexval)
return string.char(tonumber(hexval, 16))
-- building the lookuptables ahead of time (instead of littering the source code
-- with precalculated values)
local xor_with_0x5c = {}
local xor_with_0x36 = {}
for i=0,0xff do
xor_with_0x5c[char(i)] = char(bxor(i,0x5c))
xor_with_0x36[char(i)] = char(bxor(i,0x36))
-- calculating the SHA1 for some text
function sha1.sha1(msg)
local H0,H1,H2,H3,H4 = 0x67452301,0xEFCDAB89,0x98BADCFE,0x10325476,0xC3D2E1F0
local msg_len_in_bits = #msg * 8
local first_append = char(0x80) -- append a '1' bit plus seven '0' bits
local non_zero_message_bytes = #msg +1 +8 -- the +1 is the appended bit 1, the +8 are for the final appended length
local current_mod = non_zero_message_bytes % 64
local second_append = current_mod>0 and rep(char(0), 64 - current_mod) or ""
-- now to append the length as a 64-bit number.
local B1, R1 = modf(msg_len_in_bits / 0x01000000)
local B2, R2 = modf( 0x01000000 * R1 / 0x00010000)
local B3, R3 = modf( 0x00010000 * R2 / 0x00000100)
local B4 = 0x00000100 * R3
local L64 = char( 0) .. char( 0) .. char( 0) .. char( 0) -- high 32 bits
.. char(B1) .. char(B2) .. char(B3) .. char(B4) -- low 32 bits
msg = msg .. first_append .. second_append .. L64
assert(#msg % 64 == 0)
local chunks = #msg / 64
local W = { }
local start, A, B, C, D, E, f, K, TEMP
local chunk = 0
while chunk < chunks do
-- break chunk up into W[0] through W[15]
start,chunk = chunk * 64 + 1,chunk + 1
for t = 0, 15 do
W[t] = bytes_to_w32(msg:byte(start, start + 3))
start = start + 4
-- build W[16] through W[79]
for t = 16, 79 do
-- For t = 16 to 79 let Wt = S1(Wt-3 XOR Wt-8 XOR Wt-14 XOR Wt-16).
W[t] = w32_rot(1, w32_xor_n(W[t-3], W[t-8], W[t-14], W[t-16]))
A,B,C,D,E = H0,H1,H2,H3,H4
for t = 0, 79 do
if t <= 19 then
-- (B AND C) OR ((NOT B) AND D)
f = w32_or(w32_and(B, C), w32_and(w32_not(B), D))
K = 0x5A827999
elseif t <= 39 then
f = w32_xor_n(B, C, D)
K = 0x6ED9EBA1
elseif t <= 59 then
f = w32_or3(w32_and(B, C), w32_and(B, D), w32_and(C, D))
K = 0x8F1BBCDC
f = w32_xor_n(B, C, D)
K = 0xCA62C1D6
-- TEMP = S5(A) + ft(B,C,D) + E + Wt + Kt;
A,B,C,D,E = w32_add_n(w32_rot(5, A), f, E, W[t], K),
A, w32_rot(30, B), C, D
-- Let H0 = H0 + A, H1 = H1 + B, H2 = H2 + C, H3 = H3 + D, H4 = H4 + E.
H0,H1,H2,H3,H4 = w32_add(H0, A),w32_add(H1, B),w32_add(H2, C),w32_add(H3, D),w32_add(H4, E)
local f = w32_to_hexstring
return f(H0) .. f(H1) .. f(H2) .. f(H3) .. f(H4)
function sha1.binary(msg)
return hex_to_binary(sha1.sha1(msg))
function sha1.hmac(key, text)
assert(type(key) == 'string', "key passed to sha1.hmac should be a string")
assert(type(text) == 'string', "text passed to sha1.hmac should be a string")
if #key > BLOCK_SIZE then
key = sha1.binary(key)
local key_xord_with_0x36 = key:gsub('.', xor_with_0x36) .. string.rep(string.char(0x36), BLOCK_SIZE - #key)
local key_xord_with_0x5c = key:gsub('.', xor_with_0x5c) .. string.rep(string.char(0x5c), BLOCK_SIZE - #key)
return sha1.sha1(key_xord_with_0x5c .. sha1.binary(key_xord_with_0x36 .. text))
function sha1.hmac_binary(key, text)
return hex_to_binary(sha1.hmac(key, text))
setmetatable(sha1, {__call = function(_,msg) return sha1.sha1(msg) end })
return sha1

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local Config = require('config')
local Event = require('event')
local NFT = require('nft')
local Packages = require('packages')
local SHA1 = require('sha1')
local SHA = require('crypto.sha2')
local Tween = require('ui.tween')
local UI = require('ui')
local Util = require('util')
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ end
function page.editor:updateApplications(app)
if not app.key then
app.key = SHA1.sha1(app.title)
app.key = SHA.compute(app.title)
local filename = app.filename or fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, app.key)
Util.writeTable(filename, app)
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ end
Event.on('overview_shortcut', function(_, app)
if not app.key then
app.key = SHA1.sha1(app.title)
app.key = SHA.compute(app.title)
local filename = app.filename or fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, app.key)
if not fs.exists(filename) then

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
local Ansi = require('ansi')
local Security = require('security')
local SHA2 = require('crypto.sha2')
local SHA = require('crypto.sha2')
local UI = require('ui')
local colors = _G.colors
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ end
function page.wizard.pages.password:validate()
if #self.newPass.value > 0 then
if #self.group.value > 0 then

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
local Security = require('security')
local SHA2 = require('crypto.sha2')
local SHA = require('crypto.sha2')
local Terminal = require('terminal')
local password = Terminal.readPassword('Enter new password: ')
if password then
print('Password updated')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
local Security = require('security')
local SHA2 = require('crypto.sha2')
local SHA = require('crypto.sha2')
local UI = require('ui')
local colors = _G.colors
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ function passwordTab:eventHandler(event)
if #self.newPass.value == 0 then
self:emit({ type = 'error_message', message = 'Invalid password' })
elseif Security.getPassword() and not Security.verifyPassword(SHA2.digest(self.oldPass.value):toHex()) then
elseif Security.getPassword() and not Security.verifyPassword(SHA.compute(self.oldPass.value)) then
self:emit({ type = 'error_message', message = 'Passwords do not match' })
self.oldPass.inactive = false
self:emit({ type = 'success_message', message = 'Password updated' })

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
local Crypto = require('crypto.chacha20')
local Security = require('security')
local SHA2 = require('crypto.sha2')
local SHA = require('crypto.sha2')
local Socket = require('socket')
local Terminal = require('terminal')
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end
local publicKey = Security.getPublicKey()
socket:write(Crypto.encrypt({ pk = publicKey, dh = os.getComputerID() }, SHA2.digest(password):toHex()))
socket:write(Crypto.encrypt({ pk = publicKey, dh = os.getComputerID() }, SHA.compute(password)))
local data = socket:read(2)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ local Config = require('config')
local Util = require('util')
local fs = _G.fs
local os = _G.os
local shell = _ENV.shell
local config = Config.load('os')