*. **Textual hypha.** This is a stand-alone text unit such as an article, a diary or a poem. It is written in a special markup, called [[/help/en/mycomarkup | Mycomarkup]].
*. **Media hypha.** This is a media resource such as an image. Media hyphae also have descriptions, also written in Mycomarkup. See [[/help/en/media | media]].
Understanding the difference between the two is really important, as it is one of the defining features of the engine. It can be confusing at first.
Some links on wiki are red. It means that they link a hypha that does not exist yet. If you follow this link, you will see a special page where you can upload a media or open the text editor. This is how you create hyphae.
Hypha names are case-insensitive. It means that names //amanita muscaria// and //Amanita Muscaria// are the same. Also, space and underscore are also the same (//amanita muscaria// = //amanita_muscaria//). Canonical names are all lowercase and underscored.
There are some characters that cannot be part of a hypha name: `?!:#@><*|"'&%{}\\` Others can be used.
A **subhypha** is a hypha that has a name starting with a name of a different hypha, followed by a slash and by the rest of the name. For example, hypha //Fruit/Apple// is a subhypha of hypha //Fruit//. There can be as many subhyphae as you want. Subhyphae can have subhyphae themselves.
Thus, a **superhypha** is a reverse of subhypha: //Fruit// is the superhypha of //Fruit/Apple//. There can be only one superhypha.
Read the word //hypha// as /ˈhaɪfə/. The plural form is //hyphae//. Read it as /ˈhaɪfi/.
The word is taken from mycology, the study of fungi. In a fungus, hyphae are thin white threads from which the mycelium is made. See [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypha | this Wikipedia article]] for more information about real hyphae.
Think of Mycorrhiza Wiki hyphae as of small elements that build up your wiki.