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Disknet works by using a shared directory between two or more computers to emulate the functionality of a modem. A channel file is opened, which can be used to send/receive messages to/from it. While one machine is receiving, it is constantly checking the channel file for changes. If it finds one, it will re-read it and see if a new message was sent.
disknet.open(string channelName)
Opens a channel for use. Unopened channels can't be used.
disknet.close(string channelName)
Closes a channel.
Closes all channels.
disknet.isOpen(string channel)
Returns true/false is a channel is already open.
disknet.send(string channel, string message, optional number recipientID)
Sends message
on channel
. If a recipientID
is specified, then only a disknet recipient whose computer ID matches it will be able to receive the message.
disknet.receive(optional string channel, optional number senderID)
Receives a disknet message. If channel
is specified, it will only accept messages from that channel. If senderID
is specified, it will only accept messages from that sender computer ID.