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Let us link in native code that itself neads to be linked to native code when creating standalone executables.
920 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
920 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env janet
# CLI tool for building janet projects.
# Basic Path Settings
# Windows is the OS outlier
(def- is-win (= (os/which) :windows))
(def- is-mac (= (os/which) :macos))
(def- sep (if is-win "\\" "/"))
(def- objext (if is-win ".obj" ".o"))
(def- modext (if is-win ".dll" ".so"))
(def- statext (if is-win ".static.lib" ".a"))
(def- absprefix (if is-win "C:\\" "/"))
# Rule Engine
(defn- getrules []
(if-let [rules (dyn :rules)] rules (setdyn :rules @{})))
(defn- gettarget [target]
(def item ((getrules) target))
(unless item (error (string "No rule for target " target)))
(defn- rule-impl
[target deps thunk &opt phony]
(put (getrules) target @[(array/slice deps) thunk phony]))
(defmacro rule
"Add a rule to the rule graph."
[target deps & body]
~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body)))
(defmacro phony
"Add a phony rule to the rule graph. A phony rule will run every time
(it is always considered out of date). Phony rules are good for defining
user facing tasks."
[target deps & body]
~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body) true))
(defn add-dep
"Add a dependency to an existing rule. Useful for extending phony
rules or extending the dependency graph of existing rules."
[target dep]
(def [deps] (gettarget target))
(array/push deps dep))
(defn- add-thunk
[target more]
(def item (gettarget target))
(def [_ thunk] item)
(put item 1 (fn [] (more) (thunk))))
(defmacro add-body
"Add recipe code to an existing rule. This makes existing rules do more but
does not modify the dependency graph."
[target & body]
~(,add-thunk ,target (fn [] ,;body)))
(defn- needs-build
[dest src]
(let [mod-dest (os/stat dest :modified)
mod-src (os/stat src :modified)]
(< mod-dest mod-src)))
(defn- needs-build-some
[dest sources]
(def f (file/open dest))
(if (not f) (break true))
(file/close f)
(some (partial needs-build dest) sources))
(defn do-rule
"Evaluate a given rule."
(def item ((getrules) target))
(unless item
(if (os/stat target :mode)
(break target)
(error (string "No rule for file " target " found."))))
(def [deps thunk phony] item)
(def realdeps (seq [dep :in deps :let [x (do-rule dep)] :when x] x))
(when (or phony (needs-build-some target realdeps))
(unless phony target))
# Configuration
(def JANET_MODPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_MODPATH") (dyn :syspath)))
(if-let [j (dyn :syspath)]
(string j "/../../include/janet"))))
(def JANET_BINPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_BINPATH")
(if-let [j (dyn :syspath)]
(string j "/../../bin"))))
(def JANET_LIBPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_LIBPATH")
(if-let [j (dyn :syspath)]
(string j "/.."))))
# Compilation Defaults
(def default-compiler (if is-win "cl" "cc"))
(def default-linker (if is-win "link" "cc"))
(def default-archiver (if is-win "lib" "ar"))
# Default flags for natives, but not required
(def default-lflags (if is-win ["/nologo"] []))
(def default-cflags
(if is-win
["-std=c99" "-Wall" "-Wextra"]))
# Required flags for dynamic libraries. These
# are used no matter what for dynamic libraries.
(def- dynamic-cflags
(if is-win
(def- dynamic-lflags
(if is-win
(if is-mac
["-shared" "-undefined" "dynamic_lookup"]
(defn- opt
"Get an option, allowing overrides via dynamic bindings AND some
default value dflt if no dynamic binding is set."
[opts key dflt]
(def ret (or (opts key) (dyn key dflt)))
(if (= nil ret)
(error (string "option :" key " not set")))
(defn check-cc
"Ensure we have a c compiler"
(if is-win
(if (os/getenv "INCLUDE") (break))
(error "Run jpm inside a Developer Command Prompt.
jpm needs a c compiler to compile natives. You can install the MSVC compiler at "))
# Importing a file
(def- _env (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))
(defn- proto-flatten
[into x]
(when x
(proto-flatten into (table/getproto x))
(loop [k :keys x]
(put into k (x k))))
(defn import-rules
"Import another file that defines more rules. This ruleset
is merged into the current ruleset."
(def env (make-env))
(unless (os/stat path :mode)
(error (string "cannot open " path)))
(loop [k :keys _env :when (symbol? k)]
(unless ((_env k) :private) (put env k (_env k))))
(def currenv (proto-flatten @{} (fiber/getenv (fiber/current))))
(loop [k :keys currenv :when (keyword? k)]
(put env k (currenv k)))
(dofile path :env env :exit true)
(when-let [rules (env :rules)] (merge-into (getrules) rules)))
# OS and shell helpers
(def- filepath-replacer
"Convert url with potential bad characters into a file path element."
(peg/compile ~(% (any (+ (/ '(set "<>:\"/\\|?*") "_") '1)))))
(defn filepath-replace
"Remove special characters from a string or path
to make it into a path segment."
(get (peg/match filepath-replacer repo) 0))
(defn shell
"Do a shell command"
[& args]
(if (dyn :verbose)
(print ;(interpose " " args)))
(def res (os/execute args :p))
(unless (zero? res)
(error (string "command exited with status " res))))
(defn- shell2
"Do a shell command, but don't assum 0 is the (only) passing exit code."
[pred & args]
(if (dyn :verbose)
(print ;(interpose " " args)))
(def res (os/execute args :p))
(unless (pred res)
(error (string "command exited with status " res))))
(defn rm
"Remove a directory and all sub directories."
(if (= (os/stat path :mode) :directory)
(each subpath (os/dir path)
(rm (string path sep subpath)))
(os/rmdir path))
(os/rm path)))
(defn copy
"Copy a file or directory recursively from one location to another."
[src dest]
(print "copying " src " to " dest "...")
(if is-win
(if (= (os/stat src :mode) :directory)
(let [dname (last (filter |(pos? (length $)) (string/split "/" src)))]
(shell2 |(< $ 9) "robocopy" "/MIR" "/COPY:DAT" "/NS" "/NS" "/NFL" "/NDL" "/NP" "/NJH" "/NJS"
src (string dest sep dname)))
(shell "xcopy" src dest "/y" "/e"))
(shell "cp" "-rf" src dest)))
# C Compilation
(defn- embed-name
"Rename a janet symbol for embedding."
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all ".janet" "")))
(defn- out-path
"Take a source file path and convert it to an output path."
[path from-ext to-ext]
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all from-ext to-ext)
(string "build" sep)))
(defn- make-define
"Generate strings for adding custom defines to the compiler."
[define value]
(if value
(string (if is-win "/D" "-D") define "=" value)
(string (if is-win "/D" "-D") define)))
(defn- make-defines
"Generate many defines. Takes a dictionary of defines. If a value is
true, generates -DNAME (/DNAME on windows), otherwise -DNAME=value."
(seq [[d v] :pairs defines] (make-define d (if (not= v true) v))))
(defn- getcflags
"Generate the c flags from the input options."
@[;(opt opts :cflags default-cflags)
(string (if is-win "/I" "-I") (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH))
(string (if is-win "/O" "-O") (opt opts :optimize 2))])
(defn- entry-name
"Name of symbol that enters static compilation of a module."
(string "janet_module_entry_" (filepath-replace name)))
(defn- compile-c
"Compile a C file into an object file."
[opts src dest &opt static?]
(def cc (opt opts :compiler default-compiler))
(def cflags [;(getcflags opts) ;(if static? [] dynamic-cflags)])
(def entry-defines (if-let [n (opts :entry-name)]
[(make-define "JANET_ENTRY_NAME" n)]
(def defines [;(make-defines (opt opts :defines {})) ;entry-defines])
(def headers (or (opts :headers) []))
(rule dest [src ;headers]
(print "compiling " dest "...")
(if is-win
(shell cc ;defines "/c" ;cflags (string "/Fo" dest) src)
(shell cc "-c" src ;defines ;cflags "-o" dest))))
(defn- libjanet
"Find libjanet.a (or libjanet.lib on windows) at compile time"
(def libpath (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH))
(unless libpath
(error "cannot find libpath: provide --libpath or JANET_LIBPATH"))
(string (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH)
(if is-win "libjanet.lib" "libjanet.a")))
(defn- win-import-library
"On windows, an import library is needed to link to a dll statically."
(def hpath (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH))
(unless hpath
(error "cannot find headerpath: provide --headerpath or JANET_HEADERPATH"))
(string hpath `\\janet.lib`))
(defn- link-c
"Link object files together to make a native module."
[opts target & objects]
(def ld (opt opts :linker default-linker))
(def cflags (getcflags opts))
(def lflags [;(opt opts :lflags default-lflags)
;(if (opts :static) [] dynamic-lflags)])
(rule target objects
(print "linking " target "...")
(if is-win
(shell ld ;lflags (string "/OUT:" target) ;objects (win-import-library))
(shell ld ;cflags `-o` target ;objects ;lflags))))
(defn- archive-c
"Link object files together to make a static library."
[opts target & objects]
(def ar (opt opts :archiver default-archiver))
(rule target objects
(print "creating static library " target "...")
(if is-win
(shell ar "/nologo" (string "/out:" target) ;objects)
(shell ar "rcs" target ;objects))))
(defn- create-buffer-c-impl
[bytes dest name]
(def out (file/open dest :w))
(def chunks (seq [b :in bytes] (string b)))
(file/write out
"#include <janet.h>\n"
"static const unsigned char bytes[] = {"
(string/join (interpose ", " chunks))
"const unsigned char *" name "_embed = bytes;\n"
"size_t " name "_embed_size = sizeof(bytes);\n")
(file/close out))
(defn- create-buffer-c
"Inline raw byte file as a c file."
[source dest name]
(rule dest [source]
(print "generating " dest "...")
(with [f (file/open source :r)]
(create-buffer-c-impl (:read f :all) dest name))))
(def- root-env (table/getproto (fiber/getenv (fiber/current))))
(defn- modpath-to-meta
"Get the meta file path (.meta.janet) corresponding to a native module path (.so)."
(string (string/slice path 0 (- (length modext))) "meta.janet"))
(defn- modpath-to-static
"Get the static library (.a) path corresponding to a native module path (.so)."
(string (string/slice path 0 (- -1 (length modext))) statext))
(defn- create-executable
"Links an image with libjanet.a (or .lib) to produce an
executable. Also will try to link native modules into the
final executable as well."
[opts source dest]
# Create executable's janet image
(def cimage_dest (string dest ".c"))
(rule dest [source]
(print "generating executable c source...")
# Load entry environment and get main function.
(def entry-env (dofile source))
(def main ((entry-env 'main) :value))
(def dep-lflags @[])
# Create marshalling dictionary
(def mdict (invert (env-lookup root-env)))
# Load all native modules
(def prefixes @{})
(def static-libs @[])
(loop [[name m] :pairs module/cache
:let [n (m :native)]
:when n
:let [prefix (gensym)]]
(print "found native " n "...")
(put prefixes prefix n)
(array/push static-libs (modpath-to-static n))
(def oldproto (table/getproto m))
(table/setproto m nil)
(loop [[sym value] :pairs (env-lookup m)]
(put mdict value (symbol prefix sym)))
(table/setproto m oldproto))
# Find static modules
(def declarations @"")
(def lookup-into-invocations @"")
(loop [[prefix name] :pairs prefixes]
(def meta (eval-string (slurp (modpath-to-meta name))))
(buffer/push-string lookup-into-invocations
" temptab = janet_table(0);\n"
" temptab->proto = env;\n"
" " (meta :static-entry) "(temptab);\n"
" janet_env_lookup_into(lookup, temptab, \""
"\", 0);\n\n")
(when-let [lfs (meta :lflags)]
(array/concat dep-lflags lfs))
(buffer/push-string declarations
"extern void "
(meta :static-entry)
"(JanetTable *);\n"))
# Build image
(def image (marshal main mdict))
# Make image byte buffer
(create-buffer-c-impl image cimage_dest "janet_payload_image")
# Append main function
(spit cimage_dest (string
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
/* Get core env */
JanetTable *env = janet_core_env(NULL);
JanetTable *lookup = janet_env_lookup(env);
JanetTable *temptab;
int handle = janet_gclock();
/* Load natives into unmarshalling dictionary */
/* Unmarshal bytecode */
Janet marsh_out = janet_unmarshal(
/* Verify the marshalled object is a function */
if (!janet_checktype(marsh_out, JANET_FUNCTION)) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid bytecode image - expected function.");
return 1;
/* Collect command line arguments */
JanetArray *args = janet_array(argc);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
janet_array_push(args, janet_cstringv(argv[i]));
/* Create enviornment */
JanetTable *runtimeEnv = janet_table(0);
runtimeEnv->proto = env;
janet_table_put(runtimeEnv, janet_ckeywordv("args"), janet_wrap_array(args));
/* Unlock GC */
/* Run everything */
JanetFiber *fiber = janet_fiber(janet_unwrap_function(marsh_out), 64, argc, args->data);
fiber->env = runtimeEnv;
Janet out;
JanetSignal result = janet_continue(fiber, janet_wrap_nil(), &out);
if (result) {
janet_stacktrace(fiber, out);
return result;
return 0;
```) :ab)
# Compile and link final exectable
(def extra-lflags (case (os/which)
:macos ["-ldl" "-lm"]
:windows []
:linux ["-lm" "-ldl" "-lrt"]
(def cc (opt opts :compiler default-compiler))
(def lflags [;dep-lflags ;(opt opts :lflags default-lflags) ;extra-lflags])
(def cflags (getcflags opts))
(def defines (make-defines (opt opts :defines {})))
(print "compiling and linking " dest "...")
(if is-win
(shell cc ;cflags cimage_dest ;static-libs (libjanet) ;lflags `/link` (string "/OUT:" dest))
(shell cc ;cflags `-o` dest cimage_dest ;static-libs (libjanet) ;lflags)))))
(defn- abspath
"Create an absolute path. Does not resolve . and .. (useful for
generating entries in install manifest file)."
(if (if is-win
(peg/match '(+ "\\" (* (range "AZ" "az") ":\\")) path)
(string/has-prefix? "/" path))
(string (os/cwd) sep path)))
# Public utilities
(defn find-manifest-dir
"Get the path to the directory containing manifests for installed
(string (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH) sep ".manifests"))
(defn find-manifest
"Get the full path of a manifest file given a package name."
(string (find-manifest-dir) sep name ".txt"))
(defn find-cache
"Return the path to the global cache."
(def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
(string path sep ".cache"))
(defn uninstall
"Uninstall bundle named name"
(def manifest (find-manifest name))
(def f (file/open manifest :r))
(unless f (print manifest " does not exist") (break))
(loop [line :iterate (:read f :line)]
(def path ((string/split "\n" line) 0))
(def path ((string/split "\r" path) 0))
(print "removing " path)
(try (rm path) ([err]
(unless (= err "No such file or directory")
(error err)))))
(:close f)
(print "removing " manifest)
(rm manifest)
(print "Uninstalled."))
(defn clear-cache
"Clear the global git cache."
(def cache (find-cache))
(print "clearing " cache "...")
(if is-win
# Git for windows decided that .git should be hidden and everything in it read-only.
# This means we can't delete things easily.
(os/shell (string `rmdir /S /Q "` cache `"`))
(rm cache)))
(defn install-git
"Install a bundle from git. If the bundle is already installed, the bundle
is reinistalled (but not rebuilt if artifacts are cached)."
(def repo (if (string? repotab) repotab (repotab :repo)))
(def tag (unless (string? repotab) (repotab :tag)))
(def cache (find-cache))
(os/mkdir cache)
(def id (filepath-replace repo))
(def module-dir (string cache sep id))
(var fresh false)
(when (os/mkdir module-dir)
(set fresh true)
(os/execute ["git" "clone" repo module-dir] :p))
(def olddir (os/cwd))
(with-dyns [:rules @{}
:modpath (abspath (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
:headerpath (abspath (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH))
:libpath (abspath (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH))
:binpath (abspath (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH))]
(os/cd module-dir)
(unless fresh
(os/execute ["git" "pull" "origin" "master"] :p))
(when tag
(os/execute ["git" "reset" "--hard" tag] :p))
(os/execute ["git" "submodule" "update" "--init" "--recursive"] :p)
(import-rules "./project.janet")
(do-rule "install-deps")
(do-rule "build")
(do-rule "install"))
([err] (print "Error building git repository dependency: " err)))
(os/cd olddir))
(defn install-rule
"Add install and uninstall rule for moving file from src into destdir."
[src destdir]
(def parts (string/split sep src))
(def name (last parts))
(def path (string destdir sep name))
(array/push (dyn :installed-files) path)
(add-body "install"
(try (os/mkdir destdir) ([err] nil))
(copy src destdir)))
# Declaring Artifacts - used in project.janet, targets specifically
# tailored for janet.
(defn declare-native
"Declare a native module. This is a shared library that can be loaded
dynamically by a janet runtime. This also builds a static libary that
can be used to bundle janet code and native into a single executable."
[&keys opts]
(def sources (opts :source))
(def name (opts :name))
(def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
# Make dynamic module
(def lname (string "build" sep name modext))
(loop [src :in sources]
(compile-c opts src (out-path src ".c" objext)))
(def objects (map (fn [path] (out-path path ".c" objext)) sources))
(when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)]
(loop [src :in embedded]
(def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c"))
(def o-src (out-path src ".janet" (if is-win ".janet.obj" ".janet.o")))
(array/push objects o-src)
(create-buffer-c src c-src (embed-name src))
(compile-c opts c-src o-src)))
(link-c opts lname ;objects)
(add-dep "build" lname)
(install-rule lname path)
# Add meta file
(def metaname (modpath-to-meta lname))
(def ename (entry-name name))
(rule metaname []
(print "generating meta file " metaname "...")
(spit metaname (string/format
"# Metadata for static library %s\n\n%.20p"
(string name statext)
{:static-entry ename
:lflags (opts :lflags)})))
(add-dep "build" metaname)
(install-rule metaname path)
# Make static module
(unless (dyn :nostatic)
(def sname (string "build" sep name statext))
(def opts (merge @{:entry-name ename} opts))
(def sobjext (string ".static" objext))
(def sjobjext (string ".janet" sobjext))
(loop [src :in sources]
(compile-c opts src (out-path src ".c" sobjext) true))
(def sobjects (map (fn [path] (out-path path ".c" sobjext)) sources))
(when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)]
(loop [src :in embedded]
(def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c"))
(def o-src (out-path src ".janet" sjobjext))
(array/push sobjects o-src)
# Buffer c-src is already declared by dynamic module
(compile-c opts c-src o-src true)))
(archive-c opts sname ;sobjects)
(add-dep "build" sname)
(install-rule sname path)))
(defn declare-source
"Create a Janet modules. This does not actually build the module(s),
but registers it for packaging and installation."
[&keys {:source sources}]
(def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
(if (bytes? sources)
(install-rule sources path)
(each s sources
(install-rule s path))))
(defn declare-bin
"Declare a generic file to be installed as an executable."
[&keys {:main main}]
(install-rule main (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH)))
(defn declare-executable
"Declare a janet file to be the entry of a standalone executable program. The entry
file is evaluated and a main function is looked for in the entry file. This function
is marshalled into bytecode which is then embedded in a final executable for distribution.\n\n
This executable can be installed as well to the --binpath given."
[&keys {:install install :name name :entry entry :headers headers}]
(def name (if is-win (string name ".exe") name))
(def dest (string "build" sep name))
(create-executable @{} entry dest)
(add-dep "build" dest)
(when headers
(each h headers (add-dep dest h)))
(when install
(install-rule dest (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH))))
(defn declare-binscript
"Declare a janet file to be installed as an executable script. Creates
a shim on windows."
[&keys opts]
(def main (opts :main))
(def binpath (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH))
(install-rule main binpath)
# Create a dud batch file when on windows.
(when is-win
(def name (last (string/split sep main)))
(def fullname (string binpath sep name))
(def bat (string "@echo off\r\njanet \"" fullname "\" %*"))
(def newname (string binpath sep name ".bat"))
(array/push (dyn :installed-files) newname)
(add-body "install"
(spit newname bat))))
(defn declare-archive
"Build a janet archive. This is a file that bundles together many janet
scripts into a janet image. This file can the be moved to any machine with
a janet vm and the required dependencies and run there."
[&keys opts]
(def entry (opts :entry))
(def name (opts :name))
(def iname (string "build" sep name ".jimage"))
(rule iname (or (opts :deps) [])
(spit iname (make-image (require entry))))
(def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
(add-dep "build" iname)
(install-rule iname path))
(defn declare-project
"Define your project metadata. This should
be the first declaration in a project.janet file.
Also sets up basic phony targets like clean, build, test, etc."
[&keys meta]
(setdyn :project meta)
(def installed-files @[])
(def manifests (find-manifest-dir))
(def manifest (find-manifest (meta :name)))
(setdyn :manifest manifest)
(setdyn :manifest-dir manifests)
(setdyn :installed-files installed-files)
(rule "./build" [] (os/mkdir "build"))
(phony "build" ["./build"])
(phony "manifest" []
(print "generating " manifest "...")
(os/mkdir manifests)
(spit manifest (string (string/join installed-files "\n") "\n")))
(phony "install" ["uninstall" "build" "manifest"]
(print "Installed as '" (meta :name) "'."))
(phony "install-deps" []
(if-let [deps (meta :dependencies)]
(each dep deps
(install-git dep))
(print "no dependencies found")))
(phony "uninstall" []
(uninstall (meta :name)))
(phony "clean" []
(when (os/stat "./build" :mode)
(rm "build")
(print "Deleted build directory.")))
(phony "test" ["build"]
(defn dodir
(each sub (sort (os/dir dir))
(def ndir (string dir sep sub))
(case (os/stat ndir :mode)
:file (when (string/has-suffix? ".janet" ndir)
(print "running " ndir " ...")
(def result (os/execute [(dyn :executable "janet") ndir] :p))
(when (not= 0 result)
(os/exit result)))
:directory (dodir ndir))))
(dodir "test")
(print "All tests passed.")))
(def- argpeg
'(* "--" '(some (if-not "=" 1)) (+ (* "=" '(any 1)) -1))))
(defn- local-rule
(import-rules "./project.janet")
(do-rule rule))
(defn- help
(print `
usage: jpm [--key=value, --flag] ... [subcommand] [args] ...
Run from a directory containing a project.janet file to perform operations
on a project, or from anywhere to do operations on the global module cache (modpath).
Subcommands are:
build : build all artifacts
help : show this help text
install (repo) : install artifacts. If a repo is given, install the contents of that
git repository, assuming that the repository is a jpm project. If not, build
and install the current project.
uninstall (module) : uninstall a module. If no module is given, uninstall the module
defined by the current directory.
clean : remove any generated files or artifacts
test : run tests. Tests should be .janet files in the test/ directory relative to project.janet.
deps : install dependencies for the current project.
clear-cache : clear the git cache. Useful for updating dependencies.
run rule : run a rule. Can also run custom rules added via (phony "task" [deps...] ...)
or (rule "ouput.file" [deps...] ...).
rules : list rules available with run.
Keys are:
--modpath : The directory to install modules to. Defaults to $JANET_MODPATH, $JANET_PATH, or (dyn :syspath)
--headerpath : The directory containing janet headers. Defaults to $JANET_HEADERPATH.
--binpath : The directory to install binaries and scripts. Defaults to $JANET_BINPATH.
--libpath : The directory containing janet C libraries (libjanet.*). Defaults to $JANET_LIBPATH.
--compiler : C compiler to use for natives. Defaults to cc (cl on windows).
--archiver : C compiler to use for static libraries. Defaults to ar (lib on windows).
--linker : C linker to use for linking natives. Defaults to cc (link on windows).
Flags are:
--verbose : Print shell commands as they are executed.
(defn- show-help
(print help))
(defn- build
(local-rule "build"))
(defn- clean
(local-rule "clean"))
(defn- install
[&opt repo]
(if repo
(install-git repo)
(local-rule "install")))
(defn- test
(local-rule "test"))
(defn- uninstall-cmd
[&opt what]
(if what
(uninstall what)
(local-rule "uninstall")))
(defn- deps
(local-rule "install-deps"))
(defn- list-rules
(import-rules "./project.janet")
(def ks (sort (seq [k :keys (dyn :rules)] k)))
(each k ks (print k)))
(def- subcommands
{"build" build
"clean" clean
"help" show-help
"install" install
"test" test
"help" help
"deps" deps
"clear-cache" clear-cache
"run" local-rule
"rules" list-rules
"uninstall" uninstall-cmd})
(def- args (tuple/slice (dyn :args) 1))
(def- len (length args))
(var i :private 0)
# Get flags
(while (< i len)
(if-let [m (peg/match argpeg (args i))]
(if (= 2 (length m))
(let [[key value] m]
(setdyn (keyword key) value))
(setdyn (keyword (m 0)) true))
(++ i))
# Run subcommand
(if (= i len)
(if-let [com (subcommands (args i))]
(com ;(tuple/slice args (+ i 1)))
(print "invalid command " (args i))