
272 lines
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### Rule generation for adding native source code
(use ./config)
(use ./rules)
(use ./shutil)
(use ./cc)
(use ./pm)
(defn declare-native
"Declare a native module. This is a shared library that can be loaded
dynamically by a janet runtime. This also builds a static libary that
can be used to bundle janet code and native into a single executable."
[&keys opts]
(def sources (opts :source))
(def name (opts :name))
(def path (dyn:modpath))
(def modext (dyn:modext))
(def statext (dyn:statext))
# Make dynamic module
(def lname (string "build/" name modext))
# Get objects to build with
(var has-cpp false)
(def objects
(seq [src :in sources]
(def suffix
(string/has-suffix? ".cpp" src) ".cpp"
(string/has-suffix? ".cc" src) ".cc"
(string/has-suffix? ".c" src) ".c"
(errorf "unknown source file type: %s, expected .c, .cc, or .cpp" src)))
(def op (out-path src suffix ".o"))
(if (= suffix ".c")
(compile-c :cc opts src op)
(do (compile-c :c++ opts src op)
(set has-cpp true)))
(when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)]
(loop [src :in embedded]
(def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c"))
(def o-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.o"))
(array/push objects o-src)
(create-buffer-c src c-src (embed-name src))
(compile-c :cc opts c-src o-src)))
(link-c has-cpp opts lname ;objects)
(add-dep "build" lname)
(install-rule lname path)
# Add meta file
(def metaname (modpath-to-meta lname))
(def ename (entry-name name))
(rule metaname []
(print "generating meta file " metaname "...")
(os/mkdir "build")
(spit metaname (string/format
"# Metadata for static library %s\n\n%.20p"
(string name statext)
{:static-entry ename
:cpp has-cpp
:ldflags ~',(opts :ldflags)
:lflags ~',(opts :lflags)})))
(add-dep "build" metaname)
(install-rule metaname path)
# Make static module
(unless (dyn :nostatic)
(def sname (string "build/" name statext))
(def opts (merge @{:entry-name ename} opts))
(def sobjext ".static.o")
(def sjobjext ".janet.static.o")
# Get static objects
(def sobjects
(seq [src :in sources]
(def suffix
(string/has-suffix? ".cpp" src) ".cpp"
(string/has-suffix? ".cc" src) ".cc"
(string/has-suffix? ".c" src) ".c"
(errorf "unknown source file type: %s, expected .c, .cc, or .cpp" src)))
(def op (out-path src suffix sobjext))
(compile-c (if (= ".c" suffix) :cc :c++) opts src op true)
(when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)]
(loop [src :in embedded]
(def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c"))
(def o-src (out-path src ".janet" sjobjext))
(array/push sobjects o-src)
# Buffer c-src is already declared by dynamic module
(compile-c :cc opts c-src o-src true)))
(archive-c opts sname ;sobjects)
(add-dep "build" sname)
(install-rule sname path)))
(defn declare-source
"Create Janet modules. This does not actually build the module(s),
but registers them for packaging and installation. :source should be an
array of files and directores to copy into JANET_MODPATH or JANET_PATH.
:prefix can optionally be given to modify the destination path to be
(string JANET_PATH prefix source)."
[&keys {:source sources :prefix prefix}]
(def path (string (dyn:modpath) "/" (or prefix "")))
(if (bytes? sources)
(install-rule sources path)
(each s sources
(install-rule s path))))
(defn declare-headers
"Declare headers for a library installation. Installed headers can be used by other native
[&keys {:headers headers :prefix prefix}]
(def path (string (dyn:modpath) "/" (or prefix "")))
(if (bytes? headers)
(install-rule headers path)
(each h headers
(install-rule h path))))
(defn declare-bin
"Declare a generic file to be installed as an executable."
[&keys {:main main}]
(install-rule main (dyn:binpath)))
(defn declare-executable
"Declare a janet file to be the entry of a standalone executable program. The entry
file is evaluated and a main function is looked for in the entry file. This function
is marshalled into bytecode which is then embedded in a final executable for distribution.\n\n
This executable can be installed as well to the --binpath given."
[&keys {:install install :name name :entry entry :headers headers
:cflags cflags :lflags lflags :deps deps :ldflags ldflags
:no-compile no-compile :no-core no-core}]
(def name (if (= (os/which) :windows) (string name ".exe") name))
(def dest (string "build/" name))
(create-executable @{:cflags cflags :lflags lflags :ldflags ldflags :no-compile no-compile} entry dest no-core)
(if no-compile
(let [cdest (string dest ".c")]
(add-dep "build" cdest))
(add-dep "build" dest)
(when headers
(each h headers (add-dep dest h)))
(when deps
(each d deps (add-dep dest d)))
(when install
(install-rule dest (dyn:binpath))))))
(defn declare-binscript
``Declare a janet file to be installed as an executable script. Creates
a shim on windows. If hardcode is true, will insert code into the script
such that it will run correctly even when JANET_PATH is changed. if auto-shebang
is truthy, will also automatically insert a correct shebang line.
[&keys {:main main :hardcode-syspath hardcode :is-janet is-janet}]
(def binpath (dyn:binpath))
(def auto-shebang (and is-janet (dyn:auto-shebang)))
(if (or auto-shebang hardcode)
(let [syspath (dyn:modpath)]
(def parts (peg/match path-splitter main))
(def name (last parts))
(def path (string binpath "/" name))
(array/push (dyn :installed-files) path)
(task "install" []
(def contents
(with [f (file/open main)]
(def first-line (:read f :line))
(def second-line (string/format "(put root-env :syspath %v)\n" syspath))
(def rest (:read f :all))
(string (if auto-shebang
(string "#!" (dyn:binpath) "/janet\n"))
first-line (if hardcode second-line) rest)))
(create-dirs path)
(spit path contents)
(unless (= :windows (os/which)) (shell "chmod" "+x" path))))
(install-rule main binpath))
# Create a dud batch file when on windows.
(when (dyn:use-batch-shell)
(def name (last (peg/match path-splitter main)))
(def fullname (string binpath "/" name))
(def bat (string "@echo off\r\njanet \"" fullname "\" %*"))
(def newname (string binpath "/" name ".bat"))
(array/push (dyn :installed-files) newname)
(task "install" []
(spit newname bat))))
(defn declare-archive
"Build a janet archive. This is a file that bundles together many janet
scripts into a janet image. This file can the be moved to any machine with
a janet vm and the required dependencies and run there."
[&keys opts]
(def entry (opts :entry))
(def name (opts :name))
(def iname (string "build/" name ".jimage"))
(rule iname (or (opts :deps) [])
(create-dirs iname)
(spit iname (make-image (require entry))))
(def path (dyn:modpath))
(add-dep "build" iname)
(install-rule iname path))
(defn run-tests
"Run tests on a project in the current directory."
[&opt root-directory]
(defn dodir
(each sub (sort (os/dir dir))
(def ndir (string dir "/" sub))
(case (os/stat ndir :mode)
:file (when (string/has-suffix? ".janet" ndir)
(print "running " ndir " ...")
(def result (os/execute [(dyn:janet) ndir] :p))
(when (not= 0 result)
(errorf "non-zero exit code in %s: %d" ndir result)))
:directory (dodir ndir))))
(dodir (or root-directory "test"))
(print "All tests passed."))
(defn declare-project
"Define your project metadata. This should
be the first declaration in a project.janet file.
Also sets up basic task targets like clean, build, test, etc."
[&keys meta]
(setdyn :project meta)
(def installed-files @[])
(def manifests (find-manifest-dir))
(def manifest (find-manifest (meta :name)))
(setdyn :manifest manifest)
(setdyn :manifest-dir manifests)
(setdyn :installed-files installed-files)
(task "build" [])
(task "manifest" [manifest])
(rule manifest []
(print "generating " manifest "...")
(os/mkdir manifests)
(def sha (pslurp (string "\"" (dyn:gitpath) "\" rev-parse HEAD")))
(def url (pslurp (string "\"" (dyn:gitpath) "\" remote get-url origin")))
(def man
{:sha (if-not (empty? sha) sha)
:repo (if-not (empty? url) url)
:dependencies (array/slice (get meta :dependencies []))
:paths installed-files})
(spit manifest (string/format "%j\n" man)))
(task "install" ["uninstall" "build" manifest]
(when (dyn :test)
(print "Installed as '" (meta :name) "'."))
(task "install-deps" []
(if-let [deps (meta :dependencies)]
(each dep deps
(bundle-install dep))
(print "no dependencies found")))
(task "uninstall" []
(uninstall (meta :name)))
(task "clean" []
(when (os/stat "./build" :mode)
(rm "build")
(print "Deleted build directory.")))
(task "test" ["build"]