mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 14:46:52 +00:00
Also remove all (limited) type inference from the sysir. Type inference is better done in frontend, limited inference in backend just covers compilers issues. Simple hello world with nasm working.
382 lines
9.6 KiB
382 lines
9.6 KiB
# Make a language frontend for the sysir.
# Dialect:
# TODO -
# * basic types
# * constants
# * sequence (do)
# * basic arithmetic
# * bindings
# * branch (if)
# * looping
# * returns
# * tail call returns
# * function definitions
# * arrays (declaration, loads, stores)
# * ...
# insight - using : inside symbols for types can be used to allow manipulating symbols with macros
(def slot-to-name @[])
(def name-to-slot @{})
(def type-to-name @[])
(def name-to-type @{})
(defn get-slot
[&opt new-name]
(def next-slot (length slot-to-name))
(array/push slot-to-name new-name)
(if new-name (put name-to-slot new-name next-slot))
(defn named-slot
(assert (get name-to-slot name)))
(defn make-type
[&opt new-name]
(def next-type (length type-to-name))
(array/push type-to-name new-name)
(if new-name (put name-to-type new-name next-type))
(defn named-type
(def t (get name-to-type name))
(assert t)
(defn setup-default-types
(def into @[])
(defn add-prim-type
[name native-name]
(array/push into ~(type-prim ,name ,native-name))
(make-type name))
(add-prim-type 'float 'f32)
(add-prim-type 'double 'f64)
(add-prim-type 'int 's32)
(add-prim-type 'pointer 'pointer)
(add-prim-type 'boolean 'boolean)
(sysir/asm ctx into)
(defn type-extract
"Given a symbol:type combination, extract the proper name and the type separately"
[combined-name &opt default-type]
(def parts (string/split ":" combined-name 0 2))
(def [name tp] parts)
[(symbol name) (symbol (or tp default-type))])
(var do-binop nil)
(var do-comp nil)
### Inside functions
(defn visit1
"Take in a form and compile code and put it into `into`. Return result slot."
[code into &opt no-return]
# Compile a constant
(or (string? code) (number? code) (boolean? code))
# Binding
(symbol? code)
(named-slot code)
# Compile forms
(and (tuple? code) (= :parens (tuple/type code)))
(assert (> (length code) 0))
(def [op & args] code)
(case op
# Arithmetic
'+ (do-binop 'add args into)
'- (do-binop 'subtract args into)
'* (do-binop 'multiply args into)
'/ (do-binop 'divide args into)
'<< (do-binop 'shl args into)
'>> (do-binop 'shl args into)
# Comparison
'= (do-comp 'eq args into)
'not= (do-comp 'neq args into)
'< (do-comp 'lt args into)
'<= (do-comp 'lte args into)
'> (do-comp 'gt args into)
'>= (do-comp 'gte args into)
# Type hinting
(assert (= 2 (length args)))
(def [xtype x] args)
(def result (visit1 x into))
(if (tuple? result) # constant
(let [r (get-slot)]
(array/push into ~(bind ,r ,xtype))
(array/push into ~(move ,r ,result))
(array/push into ~(bind ,result ,xtype))
# Named bindings
# TODO - type inference
(assert (= 2 (length args)))
(def [full-name value] args)
(assert (symbol? full-name))
(def [name tp] (type-extract full-name 'int))
(def result (visit1 value into))
(def slot (get-slot name))
(when tp
(array/push into ~(bind ,slot ,tp)))
(array/push into ~(move ,slot ,result))
# Named variables
(assert (= 2 (length args)))
(def [full-name value] args)
(assert (symbol? full-name))
(def [name tp] (type-extract full-name 'int))
(def result (visit1 value into))
(def slot (get-slot name))
(when tp
(array/push into ~(bind ,slot ,tp)))
(array/push into ~(move ,slot ,result))
# Assignment
(assert (= 2 (length args)))
(def [to x] args)
(def result (visit1 x into))
(def toslot (named-slot to))
(array/push into ~(move ,toslot ,result))
# Return
(assert (>= 1 (length args)))
(if (empty? args)
(array/push into '(return))
(def [x] args)
(array/push into ~(return ,(visit1 x into)))))
# Sequence of operations
(each form (slice args 0 -2) (visit1 form into true))
(visit1 (last args) into))
# While loop
(def lab-test (keyword (gensym)))
(def lab-exit (keyword (gensym)))
(assert (< 1 (length args)))
(def [cnd & body] args)
(array/push into lab-test)
(def condition-slot (visit1 cnd into))
(array/push into ~(branch-not ,condition-slot ,lab-exit))
(each code body
(visit1 code into true))
(array/push into ~(jump ,lab-test))
(array/push into lab-exit)
# Branch
(def lab (keyword (gensym)))
(def lab-end (keyword (gensym)))
(assert (< 2 (length args) 4))
(def [cnd tru fal] args)
(def condition-slot (visit1 cnd into))
(def ret (get-slot))
(array/push into ~(branch ,condition-slot ,lab))
# false path
(array/push into ~(move ,ret ,(visit1 tru into)))
(array/push into ~(jump ,lab-end))
(array/push into lab)
# true path
(array/push into ~(move ,ret ,(visit1 fal into)))
(array/push into lab-end)
# Insert IR
(do (array/push into ;args) nil)
# Syscall
(def slots @[])
(def ret (if no-return nil (get-slot)))
(each arg args
(array/push slots (visit1 arg into)))
(array/push into ~(syscall :default ,ret ,;slots))
# Assume function call
(def slots @[])
(def ret (if no-return nil (get-slot)))
(each arg args
(array/push slots (visit1 arg into)))
(array/push into ~(call :default ,ret [,op] ,;slots))
(errorf "cannot compile %q" code)))
(varfn do-binop
"Emit an operation such as (+ x y).
Extended to support any number of arguments such as (+ x y z ...)"
[opcode args into]
(var final nil)
(each arg args
(def right (visit1 arg into))
(set final
(if final
(let [result (get-slot)]
# TODO - finish type inference - we should be able to omit the bind
# call and sysir should be able to infer the type
(array/push into ~(bind ,result int))
(array/push into ~(,opcode ,result ,final ,right))
(assert final))
(varfn do-comp
"Emit a comparison form such as (= x y z ...)"
[opcode args into]
(def result (get-slot))
(def needs-temp (> 2 (length args)))
(def temp-result (if needs-temp (get-slot) nil))
(array/push into ~(bind ,result boolean))
(when needs-temp
(array/push into ~(bind ,temp-result boolean)))
(var left nil)
(var first-compare true)
(each arg args
(def right (visit1 arg into))
(when left
(if first-compare
(array/push into ~(,opcode ,result ,left ,right))
(array/push into ~(,opcode ,temp-result ,left ,right))
(array/push into ~(and ,result ,temp-result ,result))))
(set first-compare false))
(set left right))
### Top level
(defn top
"Visit and emit code for a top level form."
[ctx form]
(assert (tuple? form))
(def [head & rest] form)
(case head
# Top level function definition
# TODO doc strings
(table/clear name-to-slot)
(array/clear slot-to-name)
(def [name args & body] rest)
(assert (tuple? args))
(def [fn-name fn-tp] (type-extract name 'int))
(def pcount (length args)) #TODO - more complicated signatures
(def ir-asm
@[~(link-name ,(string fn-name))
~(parameter-count ,pcount)])
(each arg args
(def [name tp] (type-extract arg 'int))
(def slot (get-slot name))
(array/push ir-asm ~(bind ,slot ,tp)))
(each part body
(visit1 part ir-asm true))
#(eprintf "%.99M" ir-asm)
(sysir/asm ctx ir-asm))
(errorf "unknown form %v" form)))
(def simple
'(defn simple [x:int]
(def xyz:int (+ 1 2 3))
(return (* x 2 x))))
(def myprog
'(defn myprog []
(def xyz:int (+ 1 2 3))
(def abc:int (* 4 5 6))
(def x:boolean (= 5 7))
(var i:int 0)
(while (< i 10)
(set i (+ 1 i))
(printf (the pointer "i = %d\n") (the int i)))
(printf (the pointer "hello, world!\n%d\n") (the int (if x abc xyz)))
(return (/ abc xyz))))
(def doloop
'(defn doloop [x:int y:int]
(var i:int x)
(while (< i y)
(set i (+ 1 i))
(printf "i = %d\n" (the int i)))
(return x)))
(def main-fn
'(defn _start:void []
(syscall 1 1 "Hello, world!\n" 14)
(syscall 60 0)
#(write 1 "Hello, world!\n" 14)
(def ctx (sysir/context))
(setup-default-types ctx)
(defn compile1
(top ctx x))
(defn dump
(eprintf "%.99M\n" (sysir/to-ir ctx)))
(defn dumpx64
(print (sysir/to-x64 ctx)))
(defn dumpc
(print (sysir/to-c ctx)))
#(compile1 myprog)
#(compile1 doloop)
(compile1 main-fn)