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Switch to rea dependency graph for a rake-like tool. This model is more powerful for writing build scripts.
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338 lines
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### cook.janet
### Library to help build janet natives and other
### build artifacts.
### Copyright 2019 © Calvin Rose
# Rule Engine
(defn- getrules []
(def rules (dyn :rules))
(if rules rules (setdyn :rules @{})))
(defn- gettarget [target]
(def item ((getrules) target))
(unless item (error (string "No rule for target " target)))
(defn- rule-impl
[target deps thunk &opt phony]
(put (getrules) target @[(array/slice deps) thunk phony]))
(defmacro rule
"Add a rule to the rule graph."
[target deps & body]
~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body)))
(defmacro phony
"Add a phony rule to the rule graph. A phony rule will run every time
(it is always considered out of date). Phony rules are good for defining
user facing tasks."
[target deps & body]
~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body) true))
(defn add-dep
"Add a dependency to an existing rule. Useful for extending phony
rules or extending the dependency graph of existing rules."
[target dep]
(def [deps] (gettarget target))
(array/push deps dep))
(defn- add-thunk
[target more]
(def item (gettarget target))
(def [_ thunk] item)
(put item 1 (fn [] (more) (thunk))))
(defmacro add-body
"Add recipe code to an existing rule. This makes existing rules do more but
does not modify the dependency graph."
[target & body]
~(,add-thunk ,target (fn [] ,;body)))
(defn- needs-build
[dest src]
(let [mod-dest (os/stat dest :modified)
mod-src (os/stat src :modified)]
(< mod-dest mod-src)))
(defn- needs-build-some
[dest sources]
(def f (file/open dest))
(if (not f) (break true))
(file/close f)
(some (partial needs-build dest) sources))
(defn do-rule
"Evaluate a given rule."
(def item ((getrules) target))
(unless item
(if (os/stat target :mode)
(break target)
(error (string "No rule for file " target " found."))))
(def [deps thunk phony] item)
(def realdeps (seq [dep :in deps :let [x (do-rule dep)] :when x] x))
(when (or phony (needs-build-some target realdeps))
(unless phony target))
# Configuration
# Windows is the OS outlier
(def- is-win (= (os/which) :windows))
(def- is-mac (= (os/which) :macos))
(def- sep (if is-win "\\" "/"))
(def- objext (if is-win ".obj" ".o"))
(def- modext (if is-win ".dll" ".so"))
# Get default paths and options from environment
(def PREFIX (or (os/getenv "PREFIX")
(if is-win "C:\\Janet" "/usr/local")))
(def BINDIR (or (os/getenv "BINDIR")
(string PREFIX sep "bin")))
(def LIBDIR (or (os/getenv "LIBDIR")
(string PREFIX sep (if is-win "Library" "lib/janet"))))
(def INCLUDEDIR (or (os/getenv "INCLUDEDIR")
(string PREFIX sep "include" sep "janet")))
(def OPTIMIZE (or (os/getenv "OPTIMIZE") 2))
(def CC (or (os/getenv "CC") (if is-win "cl" "cc")))
(def LD (or (os/getenv "LINKER") (if is-win "link" CC)))
(def LDFLAGS (or (os/getenv "LFLAGS")
(if is-win ""
(string " -shared"
(if is-mac " -undefined dynamic_lookup" "")))))
(def CFLAGS (or (os/getenv "CFLAGS") (if is-win "" " -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -fpic")))
(defn- opt
"Get an option, allowing overrides via dynamic bindings AND some
default value dflt if no dynamic binding is set."
[opts key dflt]
(or (opts key) (dyn key dflt)))
# OS and shell helpers
(defn shell
"Do a shell command"
[& args]
(def cmd (string/join args))
(print cmd)
(def res (os/shell cmd))
(unless (zero? res)
(error (string "command exited with status " res))))
(defn rm
"Remove a directory and all sub directories."
(if (= (os/stat path :mode) :directory)
(each subpath (os/dir path)
(rm (string path sep subpath)))
(os/rmdir path))
(os/rm path)))
(defn copy
"Copy a file or directory recursively from one location to another."
[src dest]
(shell (if is-win "robocopy " "cp -rf ") src " " dest (if is-win " /s /e" "")))
(defn- install-data
"Helper for installing file at path into dir."
[path dir]
(try (os/mkdir dir) ([err] nil))
(copy path dir))
# C Compilation
(defn- embed-name
"Rename a janet symbol for embedding."
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all ".janet" "")))
(defn- embed-c-name
"Rename a janet file for embedding."
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all ".janet" ".janet.c")
(string "build" sep)))
(defn- embed-o-name
"Get object file for c file."
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all ".janet" (string ".janet" objext))
(string "build" sep)))
(defn- object-name
"Rename a source file so it can be built in a flat source tree."
(->> path
(string/replace-all sep "___")
(string/replace-all ".c" (if is-win ".obj" ".o"))
(string "build" sep)))
(defn- lib-name
"Generate name for dynamic library."
(string "build" sep name modext))
(defn- make-define
"Generate strings for adding custom defines to the compiler."
[define value]
(def pre (if is-win "/D" "-D"))
(if value
(string pre define "=" value)
(string pre define)))
(defn- make-defines
"Generate many defines. Takes a dictionary of defines. If a value is
true, generates -DNAME (/DNAME on windows), otherwise -DNAME=value."
(seq [[d v] :pairs defines] (make-define d (if (not= v true) v))))
(defn- getcflags
"Generate the c flags from the input options."
(string (opt opts :cflags CFLAGS)
(if is-win " /I" " -I")
(opt opts :includedir INCLUDEDIR)
(if is-win " /O" " -O")
(opt opts :optimize OPTIMIZE)))
(defn- compile-c
"Compile a C file into an object file."
[opts src dest]
(def cc (opt opts :compiler CC))
(def cflags (getcflags opts))
(def defines (interpose " " (make-defines (opt opts :defines {}))))
(rule dest [src]
(if is-win
(shell cc " " ;defines " /nologo /c " cflags " /Fo" dest " " src)
(shell cc " -c " src " " ;defines " " cflags " -o " dest))))
(defn- link-c
"Link a number of object files together."
[opts target & objects]
(def ld (opt opts :linker LD))
(def cflags (getcflags opts))
(def lflags (opt opts :lflags LDFLAGS))
(def olist (string/join objects " "))
(rule target objects
(if is-win
(shell ld " " lflags " /DLL /OUT:" target " " olist " %JANET_PATH%\\janet.lib")
(shell ld " " cflags " -o " target " " olist " " lflags))))
(defn- create-buffer-c
"Inline raw byte file as a c file."
[source dest name]
(rule dest [source]
(def f (file/open source :r))
(if (not f) (error (string "file " f " not found")))
(def out (file/open dest :w))
(def chunks (seq [b :in (file/read f :all)] (string b)))
(file/write out
"#include <janet.h>\n"
"static const unsigned char bytes[] = {"
;(interpose ", " chunks)
"const unsigned char *" name "_embed = bytes;\n"
"size_t " name "_embed_size = sizeof(bytes);\n")
(file/close out)
(file/close f)))
# Declaring Artifacts - used in project.janet, targets specifically
# tailored for janet.
(defn declare-native
"Build a native binary. This is a shared library that can be loaded
dynamically by a janet runtime."
[&keys opts]
(def sources (opts :source))
(def name (opts :name))
(def lname (lib-name name))
(loop [src :in sources]
(compile-c opts src (object-name src)))
(def objects (map object-name sources))
(when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)]
(loop [src :in embedded]
(def c-src (embed-c-name src))
(def o-src (embed-o-name src))
(array/push objects o-src)
(create-buffer-c src c-src (embed-name src))
(compile-c opts c-src o-src)))
(link-c opts lname ;objects)
(add-dep "build" lname)
(def libdir (opt opts :libdir LIBDIR))
(add-body "install" (install-data lname LIBDIR))
(defn declare-source
"Create a Janet modules. This does not actually build the module(s),
but registers it for packaging and installation."
[&keys opts]
(def sources (opts :source))
(def libdir (opt opts :libdir LIBDIR))
(each s sources
(add-body "install" (install-data s libdir))))
(defn declare-binscript
"Declare a janet file to be installed as an executable script."
[&keys opts]
(def main (opts :main))
(def bindir (opt opts :bindir BINDIR))
(add-body "install" (install-data main bindir))
(defn declare-archive
"Build a janet archive. This is a file that bundles together many janet
scripts into a janet image. This file can the be moved to any machine with
a janet vm and the required dependencies and run there."
[&keys opts]
(def entry (opts :entry))
(def name (opts :name))
(def iname (string "build" sep name ".jimage"))
(rule iname (or (opts :deps) [])
(spit iname (make-image (require entry))))
(def libdir (opt opts :libdir LIBDIR))
(add-body "install" (install-data iname libdir))
(defn declare-project
"Define your project metadata. This should
be the first declaration in a project.janet file.
Also sets up basic phony targets like clean, build, test, etc."
[&keys meta]
(setdyn :project meta)
(try (os/mkdir "build") ([err] nil))
(phony "build" [] (print "Built."))
(phony "install" ["build"] (print "Installed."))
(phony "clean" [] (rm "build") (print "Deleted build directory."))
(phony "test" ["build"]
(defn dodir
(each sub (os/dir dir)
(def ndir (string dir sep sub))
(case (os/stat ndir :mode)
:file (when (string/has-suffix? ".janet" ndir)
(print "running " ndir " ...")
(dofile ndir :exit true))
:directory (dodir ndir))))
(dodir "test")
(print "All tests passed.")))