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### Utilties for running shell-like commands
(use ./config)
(defn is-win
"Check if we should assume a DOS-like shell or default
to posix shell."
(defn find-manifest-dir
"Get the path to the directory containing manifests for installed
(string (dyn:modpath) "/.manifests"))
(defn find-manifest
"Get the full path of a manifest file given a package name."
(string (find-manifest-dir) "/" name ".jdn"))
(defn find-cache
"Return the path to the global cache."
(def path (dyn:modpath))
(string path "/.cache"))
(defn rm
"Remove a directory and all sub directories."
(case (os/lstat path :mode)
:directory (do
(each subpath (os/dir path)
(rm (string path "/" subpath)))
(os/rmdir path))
nil nil # do nothing if file does not exist
# Default, try to remove
(os/rm path)))
(defn rimraf
"Hard delete directory tree"
(if (is-win)
# windows get rid of read-only files
(when (os/stat path :mode)
(os/shell (string `rmdir /S /Q "` path `"`)))
(rm path)))
(defn clear-cache
"Clear the global git cache."
(def cache (find-cache))
(print "clearing cache " cache "...")
(rimraf cache))
(defn clear-manifest
"Clear the global installation manifest."
(def manifest (find-manifest-dir))
(print "clearing manifests " manifest "...")
(rimraf manifest))
(defn pslurp
"Like slurp, but with file/popen instead file/open. Also trims output"
(string/trim (with [f (file/popen cmd)] (:read f :all))))
(def path-splitter
"split paths on / and \\."
(peg/compile ~(any (* '(any (if-not (set `\/`) 1)) (+ (set `\/`) -1)))))
(defn create-dirs
"Create all directories needed for a file (mkdir -p)."
(def segs (peg/match path-splitter dest))
(for i 1 (length segs)
(def path (string/join (slice segs 0 i) "/"))
(unless (empty? path) (os/mkdir path))))
(defn devnull
(os/open (if (= :windows (os/which)) "NUL" "/dev/null") :rw))
(defn shell
"Do a shell command"
[& args]
(def args (map string args))
(if (dyn :verbose)
(print ;(interpose " " args)))
(if (dyn :silent)
(with [dn (devnull)]
(os/execute args :px {:out dn :err dn}))
(os/execute args :px)))
(defn copy
"Copy a file or directory recursively from one location to another."
[src dest]
(print "copying " src " to " dest "...")
(if (is-win)
(let [end (last (peg/match path-splitter src))
isdir (= (os/stat src :mode) :directory)]
(shell "C:\\Windows\\System32\\xcopy.exe"
(string/replace "/" "\\" src) (string/replace "/" "\\" (if isdir (string dest "\\" end) dest))
"/y" "/s" "/e" "/i"))
(shell "cp" "-rf" src dest)))
(defn abspath
"Create an absolute path. Does not resolve . and .. (useful for
generating entries in install manifest file)."
(if (if (is-win)
(peg/match '(+ "\\" (* (range "AZ" "az") ":\\")) path)
(string/has-prefix? "/" path))
(string (os/cwd) "/" path)))
(def- filepath-replacer
"Convert url with potential bad characters into a file path element."
(peg/compile ~(% (any (+ (/ '(set "<>:\"/\\|?*") "_") '1)))))
(defn filepath-replace
"Remove special characters from a string or path
to make it into a path segment."
(get (peg/match filepath-replacer repo) 0))