mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2024-06-25 22:53:16 +00:00
Leaf 75bc69ba2f Implement os/realpath on Window with _fullpath
This is similar to realpath but differs in that realpath will complain
if the path does not exist. We could add our own exists check if we
really wanted to match that behaviour.
2020-06-02 09:05:41 +00:00

1508 lines
47 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020 Calvin Rose
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
* rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "features.h"
#include <janet.h>
#include "util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define RETRY_EINTR(RC, CALL) do { (RC) = CALL; } while((RC) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
#include <windows.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
extern char **environ;
#include <pthread.h>
/* For macos */
#ifdef __MACH__
#include <mach/clock.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
/* Setting C99 standard makes this not available, but it should
* work/link properly if we detect a BSD */
#if defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(JANET_APPLE)
void arc4random_buf(void *buf, size_t nbytes);
/* Not POSIX, but all Unixes but Solaris have this function. */
#if defined(JANET_POSIX) && !defined(__sun)
time_t timegm(struct tm *tm);
#elif defined(JANET_WINDOWS)
#define timegm _mkgmtime
/* Access to some global variables should be synchronized if not in single threaded mode, as
* setenv/getenv are not thread safe. */
static int env_lock_initialized = 0;
static CRITICAL_SECTION env_lock;
static void janet_lock_environ(void) {
static void janet_unlock_environ(void) {
# else
static pthread_mutex_t env_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static void janet_lock_environ(void) {
static void janet_unlock_environ(void) {
# endif
static void janet_lock_environ(void) {
static void janet_unlock_environ(void) {
#endif /* JANET_REDCUED_OS */
/* Core OS functions */
/* Full OS functions */
#define janet_stringify1(x) #x
#define janet_stringify(x) janet_stringify1(x)
static Janet os_which(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
(void) argv;
#if defined(JANET_OS_NAME)
return janet_ckeywordv(janet_stringify(JANET_OS_NAME));
#elif defined(JANET_WINDOWS)
return janet_ckeywordv("windows");
#elif defined(JANET_APPLE)
return janet_ckeywordv("macos");
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
return janet_ckeywordv("web");
#elif defined(JANET_LINUX)
return janet_ckeywordv("linux");
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
return janet_ckeywordv("freebsd");
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
return janet_ckeywordv("netbsd");
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
return janet_ckeywordv("openbsd");
#elif defined(JANET_BSD)
return janet_ckeywordv("bsd");
return janet_ckeywordv("posix");
/* Detect the ISA we are compiled for */
static Janet os_arch(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
(void) argv;
/* Check 64-bit vs 32-bit */
#if defined(JANET_ARCH_NAME)
return janet_ckeywordv(janet_stringify(JANET_ARCH_NAME));
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
return janet_ckeywordv("wasm");
#elif (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64))
return janet_ckeywordv("x64");
#elif defined(__i386) || defined(_M_IX86)
return janet_ckeywordv("x86");
#elif defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(__aarch64__)
return janet_ckeywordv("aarch64");
#elif defined(_M_ARM) || defined(__arm__)
return janet_ckeywordv("arm");
#elif (defined(__sparc__))
return janet_ckeywordv("sparc");
return janet_ckeywordv("unknown");
#undef janet_stringify1
#undef janet_stringify
static Janet os_exit(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 0, 1);
int status;
if (argc == 0) {
status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
} else if (janet_checkint(argv[0])) {
status = janet_unwrap_integer(argv[0]);
} else {
status = EXIT_FAILURE;
return janet_wrap_nil();
/* Get env for os_execute */
static char **os_execute_env(int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) {
char **envp = NULL;
if (argc > 2) {
JanetDictView dict = janet_getdictionary(argv, 2);
envp = janet_smalloc(sizeof(char *) * ((size_t)dict.len + 1));
int32_t j = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < dict.cap; i++) {
const JanetKV *kv = dict.kvs + i;
if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_STRING)) continue;
if (!janet_checktype(kv->value, JANET_STRING)) continue;
const uint8_t *keys = janet_unwrap_string(kv->key);
const uint8_t *vals = janet_unwrap_string(kv->value);
int32_t klen = janet_string_length(keys);
int32_t vlen = janet_string_length(vals);
/* Check keys has no embedded 0s or =s. */
int skip = 0;
for (int32_t k = 0; k < klen; k++) {
if (keys[k] == '\0' || keys[k] == '=') {
skip = 1;
if (skip) continue;
char *envitem = janet_smalloc((size_t) klen + (size_t) vlen + 2);
memcpy(envitem, keys, klen);
envitem[klen] = '=';
memcpy(envitem + klen + 1, vals, vlen);
envitem[klen + vlen + 1] = 0;
envp[j++] = envitem;
envp[j] = NULL;
return envp;
/* Free memory from os_execute */
static void os_execute_cleanup(char **envp, const char **child_argv) {
(void) child_argv;
janet_sfree((void *)child_argv);
if (NULL != envp) {
char **envitem = envp;
while (*envitem != NULL) {
/* Windows processes created via CreateProcess get only one command line argument string, and
* must parse this themselves. Each processes is free to do this however they like, but the
* standard parsing method is CommandLineToArgvW. We need to properly escape arguments into
* a single string of this format. Returns a buffer that can be cast into a c string. */
static JanetBuffer *os_exec_escape(JanetView args) {
JanetBuffer *b = janet_buffer(0);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < args.len; i++) {
const char *arg = janet_getcstring(args.items, i);
/* Push leading space if not first */
if (i) janet_buffer_push_u8(b, ' ');
/* Find first special character */
const char *first_spec = arg;
while (*first_spec) {
switch (*first_spec) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\v':
case '\n':
case '"':
goto found;
case '\0':
janet_panic("embedded 0 not allowed in command line string");
/* Check if needs escape */
if (*first_spec == '\0') {
/* No escape needed */
janet_buffer_push_cstring(b, arg);
} else {
/* Escape */
janet_buffer_push_u8(b, '"');
for (const char *c = arg; ; c++) {
unsigned numBackSlashes = 0;
while (*c == '\\') {
if (*c == '"') {
/* Escape all backslashes and double quote mark */
int32_t n = 2 * numBackSlashes + 1;
janet_buffer_extra(b, n + 1);
memset(b->data + b->count, '\\', n);
b->count += n;
janet_buffer_push_u8(b, '"');
} else if (*c) {
/* Don't escape backslashes. */
int32_t n = numBackSlashes;
janet_buffer_extra(b, n + 1);
memset(b->data + b->count, '\\', n);
b->count += n;
janet_buffer_push_u8(b, *c);
} else {
/* we finished Escape all backslashes */
int32_t n = 2 * numBackSlashes;
janet_buffer_extra(b, n + 1);
memset(b->data + b->count, '\\', n);
b->count += n;
janet_buffer_push_u8(b, '"');
janet_buffer_push_u8(b, 0);
return b;
static Janet os_execute(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 3);
/* Get flags */
uint64_t flags = 0;
if (argc > 1) {
flags = janet_getflags(argv, 1, "ep");
/* Get environment */
char **envp = os_execute_env(argc, argv);
/* Get arguments */
JanetView exargs = janet_getindexed(argv, 0);
if (exargs.len < 1) {
janet_panic("expected at least 1 command line argument");
/* Result */
int status = 0;
JanetBuffer *buf = os_exec_escape(exargs);
if (buf->count > 8191) {
janet_panic("command line string too long (max 8191 characters)");
const char *path = (const char *) janet_unwrap_string(exargs.items[0]);
char *cargv[2] = {(char *) buf->data, NULL};
/* Use _spawn family of functions. */
/* Windows docs say do this before any spawns. */
/* Use an empty env instead when envp is NULL to be consistent with other implementation. */
char *empty_env[1] = {NULL};
char **envp1 = (NULL == envp) ? empty_env : envp;
if (janet_flag_at(flags, 1) && janet_flag_at(flags, 0)) {
status = (int) _spawnvpe(_P_WAIT, path, cargv, envp1);
} else if (janet_flag_at(flags, 1)) {
status = (int) _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, path, cargv);
} else if (janet_flag_at(flags, 0)) {
status = (int) _spawnve(_P_WAIT, path, cargv, envp1);
} else {
status = (int) _spawnv(_P_WAIT, path, cargv);
os_execute_cleanup(envp, NULL);
/* Check error */
if (-1 == status) {
janet_panicf("%p: %s", argv[0], strerror(errno));
return janet_wrap_integer(status);
const char **child_argv = janet_smalloc(sizeof(char *) * ((size_t) exargs.len + 1));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < exargs.len; i++)
child_argv[i] = janet_getcstring(exargs.items, i);
child_argv[exargs.len] = NULL;
/* Coerce to form that works for spawn. I'm fairly confident no implementation
* of posix_spawn would modify the argv array passed in. */
char *const *cargv = (char *const *)child_argv;
/* Use posix_spawn to spawn new process */
int use_environ = !janet_flag_at(flags, 0);
if (use_environ) {
pid_t pid;
if (janet_flag_at(flags, 1)) {
status = posix_spawnp(&pid,
child_argv[0], NULL, NULL, cargv,
use_environ ? environ : envp);
} else {
status = posix_spawn(&pid,
child_argv[0], NULL, NULL, cargv,
use_environ ? environ : envp);
if (use_environ) {
/* Wait for child */
if (status) {
os_execute_cleanup(envp, child_argv);
janet_panicf("%p: %s", argv[0], strerror(errno));
} else {
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
os_execute_cleanup(envp, child_argv);
/* Use POSIX shell semantics for interpreting signals */
int ret;
if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
ret = WEXITSTATUS(status);
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
ret = WSTOPSIG(status) + 128;
} else {
ret = WTERMSIG(status) + 128;
return janet_wrap_integer(ret);
static Janet os_shell(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 0, 1);
const char *cmd = argc
? janet_getcstring(argv, 0)
int stat = system(cmd);
return argc
? janet_wrap_integer(stat)
: janet_wrap_boolean(stat);
static Janet os_environ(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
(void) argv;
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
int32_t nenv = 0;
char **env = environ;
while (*env++)
nenv += 1;
JanetTable *t = janet_table(nenv);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nenv; i++) {
char *e = environ[i];
char *eq = strchr(e, '=');
if (!eq) {
janet_panic("no '=' in environ");
char *v = eq + 1;
int32_t full_len = (int32_t) strlen(e);
int32_t val_len = (int32_t) strlen(v);
janet_stringv((const uint8_t *)e, full_len - val_len - 1),
janet_stringv((const uint8_t *)v, val_len)
return janet_wrap_table(t);
static Janet os_getenv(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
const char *cstr = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
const char *res = getenv(cstr);
Janet ret = res
? janet_cstringv(res)
: argc == 2
? argv[1]
: janet_wrap_nil();
return ret;
static Janet os_setenv(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
#define SETENV(K,V) _putenv_s(K, V)
#define UNSETENV(K) _putenv_s(K, "")
#define SETENV(K,V) setenv(K, V, 1)
#define UNSETENV(K) unsetenv(K)
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
const char *ks = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
const char *vs = janet_optcstring(argv, argc, 1, NULL);
if (NULL == vs) {
} else {
SETENV(ks, vs);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_time(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
(void) argv;
double dtime = (double)(time(NULL));
return janet_wrap_number(dtime);
/* Clock shims */
static int gettime(struct timespec *spec) {
int64_t wintime = (int64_t)(ftime.dwLowDateTime) | ((int64_t)(ftime.dwHighDateTime) << 32);
/* Windows epoch is January 1, 1601 apparently */
wintime -= 116444736000000000LL;
spec->tv_sec = wintime / 10000000LL;
/* Resolution is 100 nanoseconds. */
spec->tv_nsec = wintime % 10000000LL * 100;
return 0;
#elif defined(__MACH__)
static int gettime(struct timespec *spec) {
clock_serv_t cclock;
mach_timespec_t mts;
host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
spec->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
spec->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
return 0;
#define gettime(TV) clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, (TV))
static Janet os_clock(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
(void) argv;
struct timespec tv;
if (gettime(&tv)) janet_panic("could not get time");
double dtime = tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_nsec / 1E9);
return janet_wrap_number(dtime);
static Janet os_sleep(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
double delay = janet_getnumber(argv, 0);
if (delay < 0) janet_panic("invalid argument to sleep");
Sleep((DWORD)(delay * 1000));
int rc;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = (time_t) delay;
ts.tv_nsec = (delay <= UINT32_MAX)
? (long)((delay - ((uint32_t)delay)) * 1000000000)
: 0;
RETRY_EINTR(rc, nanosleep(&ts, &ts));
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_cwd(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 0);
(void) argv;
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
char *ptr;
ptr = _getcwd(buf, FILENAME_MAX);
ptr = getcwd(buf, FILENAME_MAX);
if (NULL == ptr) janet_panic("could not get current directory");
return janet_cstringv(ptr);
static Janet os_cryptorand(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
JanetBuffer *buffer;
const char *genericerr = "unable to get sufficient random data";
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
int32_t offset;
int32_t n = janet_getinteger(argv, 0);
if (n < 0) janet_panic("expected positive integer");
if (argc == 2) {
buffer = janet_getbuffer(argv, 1);
offset = buffer->count;
} else {
offset = 0;
buffer = janet_buffer(n);
/* We could optimize here by adding setcount_uninit */
janet_buffer_setcount(buffer, offset + n);
for (int32_t i = offset; i < buffer->count; i += sizeof(unsigned int)) {
unsigned int v;
if (rand_s(&v))
for (int32_t j = 0; (j < sizeof(unsigned int)) && (i + j < buffer->count); j++) {
buffer->data[i + j] = v & 0xff;
v = v >> 8;
#elif defined(JANET_LINUX)
/* We should be able to call getrandom on linux, but it doesn't seem
to be uniformly supported on linux distros.
In both cases, use this fallback path for now... */
int rc;
int randfd;
RETRY_EINTR(randfd, open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
if (randfd < 0)
while (n > 0) {
ssize_t nread;
RETRY_EINTR(nread, read(randfd, buffer->data + offset, n));
if (nread <= 0) {
RETRY_EINTR(rc, close(randfd));
offset += nread;
n -= nread;
RETRY_EINTR(rc, close(randfd));
#elif defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(JANET_APPLE)
(void) genericerr;
arc4random_buf(buffer->data + offset, n);
(void) genericerr;
janet_panic("cryptorand currently unsupported on this platform");
return janet_wrap_buffer(buffer);
static Janet os_date(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 0, 2);
(void) argv;
time_t t;
struct tm t_infos;
struct tm *t_info = NULL;
if (argc) {
int64_t integer = janet_getinteger64(argv, 0);
t = (time_t) integer;
} else {
if (argc >= 2 && janet_truthy(argv[1])) {
/* local time */
localtime_s(&t_infos, &t);
t_info = &t_infos;
t_info = localtime_r(&t, &t_infos);
} else {
/* utc time */
gmtime_s(&t_infos, &t);
t_info = &t_infos;
t_info = gmtime_r(&t, &t_infos);
JanetKV *st = janet_struct_begin(9);
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("seconds"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_sec));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("minutes"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_min));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("hours"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_hour));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("month-day"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_mday - 1));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("month"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_mon));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("year"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_year + 1900));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("week-day"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_wday));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("year-day"), janet_wrap_number(t_info->tm_yday));
janet_struct_put(st, janet_ckeywordv("dst"), janet_wrap_boolean(t_info->tm_isdst));
return janet_wrap_struct(janet_struct_end(st));
static int entry_getdst(Janet env_entry) {
Janet v;
if (janet_checktype(env_entry, JANET_TABLE)) {
JanetTable *entry = janet_unwrap_table(env_entry);
v = janet_table_get(entry, janet_ckeywordv("dst"));
} else if (janet_checktype(env_entry, JANET_STRUCT)) {
const JanetKV *entry = janet_unwrap_struct(env_entry);
v = janet_struct_get(entry, janet_ckeywordv("dst"));
} else {
v = janet_wrap_nil();
if (janet_checktype(v, JANET_NIL)) {
return -1;
} else {
return janet_truthy(v);
typedef int32_t timeint_t;
typedef int64_t timeint_t;
static timeint_t entry_getint(Janet env_entry, char *field) {
Janet i;
if (janet_checktype(env_entry, JANET_TABLE)) {
JanetTable *entry = janet_unwrap_table(env_entry);
i = janet_table_get(entry, janet_ckeywordv(field));
} else if (janet_checktype(env_entry, JANET_STRUCT)) {
const JanetKV *entry = janet_unwrap_struct(env_entry);
i = janet_struct_get(entry, janet_ckeywordv(field));
} else {
return 0;
if (janet_checktype(i, JANET_NIL)) {
return 0;
if (!janet_checkint(i)) {
janet_panicf("bad slot #%s, expected 32 bit signed integer, got %v",
field, i);
if (!janet_checkint64(i)) {
janet_panicf("bad slot #%s, expected 64 bit signed integer, got %v",
field, i);
return (timeint_t)janet_unwrap_number(i);
static Janet os_mktime(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
time_t t;
struct tm t_info;
/* Use memset instead of = {0} to silence paranoid warning in macos */
memset(&t_info, 0, sizeof(t_info));
if (!janet_checktype(argv[0], JANET_TABLE) &&
!janet_checktype(argv[0], JANET_STRUCT))
janet_panic_type(argv[0], 0, JANET_TFLAG_DICTIONARY);
t_info.tm_sec = entry_getint(argv[0], "seconds");
t_info.tm_min = entry_getint(argv[0], "minutes");
t_info.tm_hour = entry_getint(argv[0], "hours");
t_info.tm_mday = entry_getint(argv[0], "month-day") + 1;
t_info.tm_mon = entry_getint(argv[0], "month");
t_info.tm_year = entry_getint(argv[0], "year") - 1900;
t_info.tm_isdst = entry_getdst(argv[0]);
if (argc >= 2 && janet_truthy(argv[1])) {
/* local time */
t = mktime(&t_info);
} else {
/* utc time */
janet_panic("os/mktime UTC not supported on this platform");
return janet_wrap_nil();
t = timegm(&t_info);
if (t == (time_t) -1) {
janet_panicf("%s", strerror(errno));
return janet_wrap_number((double)t);
#define j_symlink link
#define j_symlink symlink
static Janet os_link(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 2, 3);
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
janet_panic("os/link not supported on Windows");
return janet_wrap_nil();
const char *oldpath = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
const char *newpath = janet_getcstring(argv, 1);
int res = ((argc == 3 && janet_truthy(argv[2])) ? j_symlink : link)(oldpath, newpath);
if (-1 == res) janet_panicf("%s: %s -> %s", strerror(errno), oldpath, newpath);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_symlink(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
janet_panic("os/symlink not supported on Windows");
return janet_wrap_nil();
const char *oldpath = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
const char *newpath = janet_getcstring(argv, 1);
int res = j_symlink(oldpath, newpath);
if (-1 == res) janet_panicf("%s: %s -> %s", strerror(errno), oldpath, newpath);
return janet_wrap_nil();
#undef j_symlink
static Janet os_mkdir(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
int res = _mkdir(path);
int res = mkdir(path, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
if (res == 0) return janet_wrap_true();
if (errno == EEXIST) return janet_wrap_false();
janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
static Janet os_rmdir(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
int res = _rmdir(path);
int res = rmdir(path);
if (-1 == res) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_cd(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
int res = _chdir(path);
int res = chdir(path);
if (-1 == res) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_touch(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 3);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
struct utimbuf timebuf, *bufp;
if (argc >= 2) {
bufp = &timebuf;
timebuf.actime = (time_t) janet_getnumber(argv, 1);
if (argc >= 3) {
timebuf.modtime = (time_t) janet_getnumber(argv, 2);
} else {
timebuf.modtime = timebuf.actime;
} else {
bufp = NULL;
int res = utime(path, bufp);
if (-1 == res) janet_panic(strerror(errno));
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_remove(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
int status = remove(path);
if (-1 == status) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_readlink(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
janet_panic("os/readlink not supported on Windows");
return janet_wrap_nil();
static char buffer[PATH_MAX];
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
ssize_t len = readlink(path, buffer, sizeof buffer);
if (len < 0 || (size_t)len >= sizeof buffer)
janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
return janet_stringv((const uint8_t *)buffer, len);
typedef struct _stat jstat_t;
typedef unsigned short jmode_t;
static int32_t janet_perm_to_unix(unsigned short m) {
int32_t ret = 0;
if (m & S_IEXEC) ret |= 0111;
if (m & S_IWRITE) ret |= 0222;
if (m & S_IREAD) ret |= 0444;
return ret;
static unsigned short janet_perm_from_unix(int32_t x) {
unsigned short m = 0;
if (x & 111) m |= S_IEXEC;
if (x & 222) m |= S_IWRITE;
if (x & 444) m |= S_IREAD;
return m;
static const uint8_t *janet_decode_mode(unsigned short m) {
const char *str = "other";
if (m & _S_IFREG) str = "file";
else if (m & _S_IFDIR) str = "directory";
else if (m & _S_IFCHR) str = "character";
return janet_ckeyword(str);
static int32_t janet_decode_permissions(jmode_t mode) {
return (int32_t)(mode & (S_IEXEC | S_IWRITE | S_IREAD));
typedef struct stat jstat_t;
typedef mode_t jmode_t;
static int32_t janet_perm_to_unix(mode_t m) {
return (int32_t) m;
static mode_t janet_perm_from_unix(int32_t x) {
return (mode_t) x;
static const uint8_t *janet_decode_mode(mode_t m) {
const char *str = "other";
if (S_ISREG(m)) str = "file";
else if (S_ISDIR(m)) str = "directory";
else if (S_ISFIFO(m)) str = "fifo";
else if (S_ISBLK(m)) str = "block";
else if (S_ISSOCK(m)) str = "socket";
else if (S_ISLNK(m)) str = "link";
else if (S_ISCHR(m)) str = "character";
return janet_ckeyword(str);
static int32_t janet_decode_permissions(jmode_t mode) {
return (int32_t)(mode & 0777);
static int32_t os_parse_permstring(const uint8_t *perm) {
int32_t m = 0;
if (perm[0] == 'r') m |= 0400;
if (perm[1] == 'w') m |= 0200;
if (perm[2] == 'x') m |= 0100;
if (perm[3] == 'r') m |= 0040;
if (perm[4] == 'w') m |= 0020;
if (perm[5] == 'x') m |= 0010;
if (perm[6] == 'r') m |= 0004;
if (perm[7] == 'w') m |= 0002;
if (perm[8] == 'x') m |= 0001;
return m;
static Janet os_make_permstring(int32_t permissions) {
uint8_t bytes[9] = {0};
bytes[0] = (permissions & 0400) ? 'r' : '-';
bytes[1] = (permissions & 0200) ? 'w' : '-';
bytes[2] = (permissions & 0100) ? 'x' : '-';
bytes[3] = (permissions & 0040) ? 'r' : '-';
bytes[4] = (permissions & 0020) ? 'w' : '-';
bytes[5] = (permissions & 0010) ? 'x' : '-';
bytes[6] = (permissions & 0004) ? 'r' : '-';
bytes[7] = (permissions & 0002) ? 'w' : '-';
bytes[8] = (permissions & 0001) ? 'x' : '-';
return janet_stringv(bytes, sizeof(bytes));
static int32_t os_get_unix_mode(const Janet *argv, int32_t n) {
int32_t unix_mode;
if (janet_checkint(argv[n])) {
/* Integer mode */
int32_t x = janet_unwrap_integer(argv[n]);
if (x < 0 || x > 0777) {
janet_panicf("bad slot #%d, expected integer in range [0, 8r777], got %v", n, argv[n]);
unix_mode = x;
} else {
/* Bytes mode */
JanetByteView bytes = janet_getbytes(argv, n);
if (bytes.len != 9) {
janet_panicf("bad slot #%d: expected byte sequence of length 9, got %v", n, argv[n]);
unix_mode = os_parse_permstring(bytes.bytes);
return unix_mode;
static jmode_t os_getmode(const Janet *argv, int32_t n) {
return janet_perm_from_unix(os_get_unix_mode(argv, n));
/* Getters */
static Janet os_stat_dev(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_dev);
static Janet os_stat_inode(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_ino);
static Janet os_stat_mode(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_keyword(janet_decode_mode(st->st_mode));
static Janet os_stat_int_permissions(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_integer(janet_perm_to_unix(janet_decode_permissions(st->st_mode)));
static Janet os_stat_permissions(jstat_t *st) {
return os_make_permstring(janet_perm_to_unix(janet_decode_permissions(st->st_mode)));
static Janet os_stat_uid(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_uid);
static Janet os_stat_gid(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_gid);
static Janet os_stat_nlink(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_nlink);
static Janet os_stat_rdev(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_rdev);
static Janet os_stat_size(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_size);
static Janet os_stat_accessed(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_atime);
static Janet os_stat_modified(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_mtime);
static Janet os_stat_changed(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_ctime);
static Janet os_stat_blocks(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(0);
static Janet os_stat_blocksize(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(0);
static Janet os_stat_blocks(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_blocks);
static Janet os_stat_blocksize(jstat_t *st) {
return janet_wrap_number(st->st_blksize);
struct OsStatGetter {
const char *name;
Janet(*fn)(jstat_t *st);
static const struct OsStatGetter os_stat_getters[] = {
{"dev", os_stat_dev},
{"inode", os_stat_inode},
{"mode", os_stat_mode},
{"int-permissions", os_stat_int_permissions},
{"permissions", os_stat_permissions},
{"uid", os_stat_uid},
{"gid", os_stat_gid},
{"nlink", os_stat_nlink},
{"rdev", os_stat_rdev},
{"size", os_stat_size},
{"blocks", os_stat_blocks},
{"blocksize", os_stat_blocksize},
{"accessed", os_stat_accessed},
{"modified", os_stat_modified},
{"changed", os_stat_changed},
static Janet os_stat_or_lstat(int do_lstat, int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
JanetTable *tab = NULL;
int getall = 1;
const uint8_t *key;
if (argc == 2) {
if (janet_checktype(argv[1], JANET_KEYWORD)) {
getall = 0;
key = janet_getkeyword(argv, 1);
} else {
tab = janet_gettable(argv, 1);
} else {
tab = janet_table(0);
/* Build result */
jstat_t st;
(void) do_lstat;
int res = _stat(path, &st);
int res;
if (do_lstat) {
res = lstat(path, &st);
} else {
res = stat(path, &st);
if (-1 == res) {
return janet_wrap_nil();
if (getall) {
/* Put results in table */
for (const struct OsStatGetter *sg = os_stat_getters; sg->name != NULL; sg++) {
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv(sg->name), sg->fn(&st));
return janet_wrap_table(tab);
} else {
/* Get one result */
for (const struct OsStatGetter *sg = os_stat_getters; sg->name != NULL; sg++) {
if (janet_cstrcmp(key, sg->name)) continue;
return sg->fn(&st);
janet_panicf("unexpected keyword %v", janet_wrap_keyword(key));
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_stat(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
return os_stat_or_lstat(0, argc, argv);
static Janet os_lstat(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
return os_stat_or_lstat(1, argc, argv);
static Janet os_chmod(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
int res = _chmod(path, os_getmode(argv, 1));
int res = chmod(path, os_getmode(argv, 1));
if (-1 == res) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), path);
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_umask(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
int mask = (int) os_getmode(argv, 0);
int res = _umask(mask);
int res = umask(mask);
return janet_wrap_integer(janet_perm_to_unix(res));
static Janet os_dir(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
const char *dir = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
JanetArray *paths = (argc == 2) ? janet_getarray(argv, 1) : janet_array(0);
/* Read directory items with FindFirstFile / FindNextFile / FindClose */
struct _finddata_t afile;
char pattern[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (strlen(dir) > (sizeof(pattern) - 3))
janet_panicf("path too long: %s", dir);
sprintf(pattern, "%s/*", dir);
intptr_t res = _findfirst(pattern, &afile);
if (-1 == res) janet_panicv(janet_cstringv(strerror(errno)));
do {
if (strcmp(".", afile.name) && strcmp("..", afile.name)) {
janet_array_push(paths, janet_cstringv(afile.name));
} while (_findnext(res, &afile) != -1);
/* Read directory items with opendir / readdir / closedir */
struct dirent *dp;
DIR *dfd = opendir(dir);
if (dfd == NULL) janet_panicf("cannot open directory %s", dir);
while ((dp = readdir(dfd)) != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dp->d_name, "..")) {
janet_array_push(paths, janet_cstringv(dp->d_name));
return janet_wrap_array(paths);
static Janet os_rename(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
const char *src = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
const char *dest = janet_getcstring(argv, 1);
int status = rename(src, dest);
if (status) {
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_realpath(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
const char *src = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
char *dest = _fullpath(NULL, src, _MAX_PATH);
char *dest = realpath(src, NULL);
if (NULL == dest) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), src);
Janet ret = janet_cstringv(dest);
return ret;
static Janet os_permission_string(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
return os_make_permstring(os_get_unix_mode(argv, 0));
static Janet os_permission_int(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
return janet_wrap_integer(os_get_unix_mode(argv, 0));
#endif /* JANET_REDUCED_OS */
static const JanetReg os_cfuns[] = {
"os/exit", os_exit,
JDOC("(os/exit &opt x)\n\n"
"Exit from janet with an exit code equal to x. If x is not an integer, "
"the exit with status equal the hash of x.")
"os/which", os_which,
"Check the current operating system. Returns one of:\n\n"
"\t:web - Web assembly (emscripten)\n"
"\t:posix - A POSIX compatible system (default)\n\n"
"May also return a custom keyword specified at build time.")
"os/arch", os_arch,
"Check the ISA that janet was compiled for. Returns one of:\n\n"
"os/environ", os_environ,
"Get a copy of the os environment table.")
"os/getenv", os_getenv,
JDOC("(os/getenv variable &opt dflt)\n\n"
"Get the string value of an environment variable.")
"os/dir", os_dir,
JDOC("(os/dir dir &opt array)\n\n"
"Iterate over files and subdirectories in a directory. Returns an array of paths parts, "
"with only the file name or directory name and no prefix.")
"os/stat", os_stat,
JDOC("(os/stat path &opt tab|key)\n\n"
"Gets information about a file or directory. Returns a table If the third argument is a keyword, returns "
" only that information from stat. If the file or directory does not exist, returns nil. The keys are\n\n"
"\t:dev - the device that the file is on\n"
"\t:mode - the type of file, one of :file, :directory, :block, :character, :fifo, :socket, :link, or :other\n"
"\t:int-permissions - A Unix permission integer like 8r744\n"
"\t:permissions - A Unix permission string like \"rwxr--r--\"\n"
"\t:uid - File uid\n"
"\t:gid - File gid\n"
"\t:nlink - number of links to file\n"
"\t:rdev - Real device of file. 0 on windows.\n"
"\t:size - size of file in bytes\n"
"\t:blocks - number of blocks in file. 0 on windows\n"
"\t:blocksize - size of blocks in file. 0 on windows\n"
"\t:accessed - timestamp when file last accessed\n"
"\t:changed - timestamp when file last changed (permissions changed)\n"
"\t:modified - timestamp when file last modified (content changed)\n")
"os/lstat", os_lstat,
JDOC("(os/lstat path &opt tab|key)\n\n"
"Like os/stat, but don't follow symlinks.\n")
"os/chmod", os_chmod,
JDOC("(os/chmod path mode)\n\n"
"Change file permissions, where mode is a permission string as returned by "
"os/perm-string, or an integer as returned by os/perm-int. "
"When mode is an integer, it is interpreted as a Unix permission value, best specified in octal, like "
"8r666 or 8r400. Windows will not differentiate between user, group, and other permissions, and thus will combine all of these permissions. Returns nil.")
"os/touch", os_touch,
JDOC("(os/touch path &opt actime modtime)\n\n"
"Update the access time and modification times for a file. By default, sets "
"times to the current time.")
"os/cd", os_cd,
JDOC("(os/cd path)\n\n"
"Change current directory to path. Returns nil on success, errors on failure.")
"os/umask", os_umask,
JDOC("(os/umask mask)\n\n"
"Set a new umask, returns the old umask.")
"os/mkdir", os_mkdir,
JDOC("(os/mkdir path)\n\n"
"Create a new directory. The path will be relative to the current directory if relative, otherwise "
"it will be an absolute path. Returns true if the directory was created, false if the directory already exists, and "
"errors otherwise.")
"os/rmdir", os_rmdir,
JDOC("(os/rmdir path)\n\n"
"Delete a directory. The directory must be empty to succeed.")
"os/rm", os_remove,
JDOC("(os/rm path)\n\n"
"Delete a file. Returns nil.")
"os/link", os_link,
JDOC("(os/link oldpath newpath &opt symlink)\n\n"
"Create a link at newpath that points to oldpath and returns nil. "
"Iff symlink is truthy, creates a symlink. "
"Iff symlink is falsey or not provided, "
"creates a hard link. Does not work on Windows.")
"os/symlink", os_symlink,
JDOC("(os/symlink oldpath newpath)\n\n"
"Create a symlink from oldpath to newpath, returning nil. Same as (os/link oldpath newpath true).")
"os/readlink", os_readlink,
JDOC("(os/readlink path)\n\n"
"Read the contents of a symbolic link. Does not work on Windows.\n")
"os/execute", os_execute,
JDOC("(os/execute args &opts flags env)\n\n"
"Execute a program on the system and pass it string arguments. Flags "
"is a keyword that modifies how the program will execute.\n\n"
"\t:e - enables passing an environment to the program. Without :e, the "
"current environment is inherited.\n"
"\t:p - allows searching the current PATH for the binary to execute. "
"Without this flag, binaries must use absolute paths.\n\n"
"env is a table or struct mapping environment variables to values. "
"Returns the exit status of the program.")
"os/shell", os_shell,
JDOC("(os/shell str)\n\n"
"Pass a command string str directly to the system shell.")
"os/setenv", os_setenv,
JDOC("(os/setenv variable value)\n\n"
"Set an environment variable.")
"os/time", os_time,
"Get the current time expressed as the number of seconds since "
"January 1, 1970, the Unix epoch. Returns a real number.")
"os/mktime", os_mktime,
JDOC("(os/mktime date-struct &opt local)\n\n"
"Get the broken down date-struct time expressed as the number "
" of seconds since January 1, 1970, the Unix epoch. "
"Returns a real number. "
"Date is given in UTC unless local is truthy, in which case the "
"date is computed for the local timezone.\n\n"
"Inverse function to os/date.")
"os/clock", os_clock,
"Return the number of seconds since some fixed point in time. The clock "
"is guaranteed to be non decreasing in real time.")
"os/sleep", os_sleep,
JDOC("(os/sleep nsec)\n\n"
"Suspend the program for nsec seconds. 'nsec' can be a real number. Returns "
"os/cwd", os_cwd,
"Returns the current working directory.")
"os/cryptorand", os_cryptorand,
JDOC("(os/cryptorand n &opt buf)\n\n"
"Get or append n bytes of good quality random data provided by the OS. Returns a new buffer or buf.")
"os/date", os_date,
JDOC("(os/date &opt time local)\n\n"
"Returns the given time as a date struct, or the current time if no time is given. "
"Returns a struct with following key values. Note that all numbers are 0-indexed. "
"Date is given in UTC unless local is truthy, in which case the date is formatted for "
"the local timezone.\n\n"
"\t:seconds - number of seconds [0-61]\n"
"\t:minutes - number of minutes [0-59]\n"
"\t:hours - number of hours [0-23]\n"
"\t:month-day - day of month [0-30]\n"
"\t:month - month of year [0, 11]\n"
"\t:year - years since year 0 (e.g. 2019)\n"
"\t:week-day - day of the week [0-6]\n"
"\t:year-day - day of the year [0-365]\n"
"\t:dst - If Day Light Savings is in effect")
"os/rename", os_rename,
JDOC("(os/rename oldname newname)\n\n"
"Rename a file on disk to a new path. Returns nil.")
"os/realpath", os_realpath,
JDOC("(os/realpath path)\n\n"
"Get the absolute path for a given path, following ../, ./, and symlinks. "
"Returns an absolute path as a string. Will raise an error on Windows.")
"os/perm-string", os_permission_string,
JDOC("(os/perm-string int)\n\n"
"Convert a Unix octal permission value from a permission integer as returned by os/stat "
"to a human readable string, that follows the formatting "
"of unix tools like ls. Returns the string as a 9 character string of r, w, x and - characters. Does not "
"include the file/directory/symlink character as rendered by `ls`.")
"os/perm-int", os_permission_int,
JDOC("(os/perm-int bytes)\n\n"
"Parse a 9 character permission string and return an integer that can be used by chmod.")
/* Module entry point */
void janet_lib_os(JanetTable *env) {
#if !defined(JANET_REDUCED_OS) && defined(JANET_WINDOWS) && defined(JANET_THREADS)
/* During start up, the top-most abstract machine (thread)
* in the thread tree sets up the critical section. */
if (!env_lock_initialized) {
env_lock_initialized = 1;
janet_core_cfuns(env, NULL, os_cfuns);