mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-03-06 08:18:09 +00:00
Calvin Rose 367c9da856 Fix some typos and update style.
Add bars.janet tool for templating arbitrary
strings, especially HTML.
2019-01-31 22:38:59 -05:00

56 lines
1.5 KiB

# A flexible templater for janet. Compiles
# templates to janet functions that produce buffers.
(defn template
"Compile a template string into a function"
# State for compilation machine
(def p (parser/new))
(def forms @[])
(defn parse-chunk
"Parse a string and push produced values to forms."
(parser/consume p chunk)
(while (parser/has-more p)
(array/push forms (parser/produce p)))
(if (= :error (parser/status p))
(error (parser/error p))))
(defn code-chunk
"Parse all the forms in str and return them
in a tuple prefixed with 'do."
(parse-chunk str)
(defn string-chunk
"Insert string chunk into parser"
(parser/insert p str)
(parse-chunk "")
# Run peg
(def grammar
~{:code-chunk (* "{%" (drop (cmt '(any (if-not "%}" 1)) ,code-chunk)) "%}")
:main-chunk (drop (cmt '(any (if-not "{%" 1)) ,string-chunk))
:main (any (+ :code-chunk :main-chunk (error "")))})
(def parts (peg/match grammar source))
# Check errors in template and parser
(unless parts (error "invalid template syntax"))
(parse-chunk "\n")
(case (parser/status p)
:pending (error (string "unfinished parser state " (parser/state p)))
:error (error (parser/error p)))
# Make ast from forms
(def ast ~(fn [params &] (default params @{}) (,buffer ;forms)))
(def ctor (compile ast *env* source))
(if-not (function? ctor)
(error (string "could not compile template")))