mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2024-10-05 01:50:39 +00:00
2019-01-20 13:31:26 -05:00

198 lines
5.4 KiB

# Copyright (C) Calvin Rose 2019
# Takes in a janet string and colorizes for multiple
# output formats.
# Constants for checking if symbols should be
# highlighted.
(def- core-env (table/getproto *env*))
(def- specials {'fn true
'var true
'do true
'while true
'def true
'splice true
'set true
'unquote true
'quasiquote true
'quote true
'if true})
(defn check-number [text] (and (scan-number text) text))
(defn- make-grammar
"Creates the grammar based on the paint function, which
colorizes fragments of text."
(defn <-c
"Peg rule for capturing and coloring a rule."
[color what]
~(/ (<- ,what) ,(partial paint color)))
(defn color-symbol
"Color a symbol only if it is a core library binding or special."
(def sym (symbol text))
(def should-color (or (specials sym) (core-env sym)))
(paint (if should-color :coresym :symbol) text))
~{:ws (set " \t\r\f\n\0")
:readermac (set "';~,")
:symchars (+ (range "09" "AZ" "az" "\x80\xFF") (set "!$%&*+-./:<?=>@^_|"))
:token (some :symchars)
:hex (range "09" "af" "AF")
:escape (* "\\" (+ (set "ntrzf0\"\\e")
(* "x" :hex :hex)
(error (constant "bad hex escape"))))
:comment ,(<-c :comment ~(* "#" (any (if-not (+ "\n" -1) 1))))
:symbol (/ ':token ,color-symbol)
:keyword ,(<-c :keyword ~(* ":" (any :symchars)))
:constant ,(<-c :constant ~(+ "true" "false" "nil"))
:bytes (* "\"" (any (+ :escape (if-not "\"" 1))) "\"")
:string ,(<-c :string :bytes)
:buffer ,(<-c :string ~(* "@" :bytes))
:long-bytes {:delim (some "`")
:open (capture :delim :n)
:close (cmt (* (not (> -1 "`")) (-> :n) ':delim) ,=)
:main (drop (* :open (any (if-not :close 1)) :close))}
:long-string ,(<-c :string :long-bytes)
:long-buffer ,(<-c :string ~(* "@" :long-bytes))
:number (/ (cmt ':token ,check-number) ,(partial paint :number))
:raw-value (+ :comment :constant :number :keyword
:string :buffer :long-string :long-buffer
:parray :barray :ptuple :btuple :struct :dict :symbol)
:value (* (? '(some (+ :ws :readermac))) :raw-value '(any :ws))
:root (any :value)
:root2 (any (* :value :value))
:ptuple (* '"(" :root (+ '")" (error "")))
:btuple (* '"[" :root (+ '"]" (error "")))
:struct (* '"{" :root2 (+ '"}" (error "")))
:parray (* '"@" :ptuple)
:barray (* '"@" :btuple)
:dict (* '"@" :struct)
:main (+ (% :root) (error ""))})
# Terminal syntax highlighting
(def- terminal-colors
{:number 32
:keyword 33
:string 35
:coresym 31
:constant 34
:comment 36})
(defn- terminal-paint
"Paint colors for ansi terminals"
[what str]
(def code (get terminal-colors what))
(if code (string "\e[" code "m" str "\e[0m") str))
# HTML syntax highlighting
(def- html-colors
{:number "j-number"
:keyword "j-keyword"
:string "j-string"
:coresym "j-coresym"
:constant "j-constant"
:comment "j-comment"
:line "j-line"})
(def- escapes
{38 "&amp;"
60 "&lt;"
62 "&gt;"
34 "&quot;"
39 "&#39;"
47 "&#47;"})
(def html-style
"Style tag to add to a page to highlight janet code"
<style type="text/css">
.j-main { color: white; background: #111; font-size: 1.4em; }
.j-number { color: #89dc76; }
.j-keyword { color: #ffd866; }
.j-string { color: #ab90f2; }
.j-coresym { color: #ff6188; }
.j-constant { color: #fc9867; }
.j-comment { color: darkgray; }
.j-line { color: gray; }
(defn html-escape
"Escape special characters for HTML encoding."
(def buf @"")
(loop [byte :in str]
(if-let [rep (get escapes byte)]
(buffer/push-string buf rep)
(buffer/push-byte buf byte)))
(defn- html-paint
"Paint colors for HTML"
[what str]
(def color (get html-colors what))
(def escaped (html-escape str))
(if color
(string "<span class=\"" color "\">" escaped "</span>")
# Create Pegs
(def- terminal-grammar (peg/compile (make-grammar terminal-paint)))
(def- html-grammar (peg/compile (make-grammar html-paint)))
(defn ansi
"Highlight janet source code ANSI Termianl escape colors."
(0 (peg/match terminal-grammar source)))
(defn html
"Highlight janet source code and output HTML."
(string "<pre class=\"j-main\"><code>"
(0 (peg/match html-grammar source))
(defn html-file
"Highlight a janet file and print out a highlighted HTML version
of the file. Must provide a default title when creating the file."
[in-path out-path title &]
(default title in-path)
(def f (file/open in-path :r))
(def source (file/read f :all))
(file/close f)
(def markup (0 (peg/match html-grammar source)))
(def out (file/open out-path :w))
(file/write out
"<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\">"
"<body class=\"j-main\"><pre>"
(file/close out))
(defn ansi-file
"Highlight a janet file and print the highlighted output to stdout."
(def f (file/open in-path :r))
(def source (file/read f :all))
(file/close f)
(def markup (0 (peg/match terminal-grammar source)))
(print markup))