
85 lines
2.9 KiB

# Copyright 2017-2019 (C) Calvin Rose
(var *should-repl* false)
(var *no-file* true)
(var *quiet* false)
(var *raw-stdin* false)
(var *handleopts* true)
(var *exit-on-error* true)
# Flag handlers
(def handlers :private
{"h" (fn [&]
(print "usage: " (get process/args 0) " [options] script args...")
`Options are:
-h : Show this help
-v : Print the version string
-s : Use raw stdin instead of getline like functionality
-e code : Execute a string of janet
-r : Enter the repl after running all scripts
-p : Keep on executing if there is a top level error (persistent)
-q : Hide prompt, logo, and repl output (quiet)
-m syspath : Set system path for loading global modules
-c source output : Compile janet source code into an image
-l path : Execute code in a file before running the main script
-- : Stop handling options`)
(os/exit 0)
"v" (fn [&] (print janet/version "-" janet/build) (os/exit 0) 1)
"s" (fn [&] (set *raw-stdin* true) (set *should-repl* true) 1)
"r" (fn [&] (set *should-repl* true) 1)
"p" (fn [&] (set *exit-on-error* false) 1)
"q" (fn [&] (set *quiet* true) 1)
"m" (fn [i &] (set module/*syspath* (get process/args (+ i 1))) 2)
"c" (fn [i &]
(def e (require (get process/args (+ i 1))))
(spit (get process/args (+ i 2)) (make-image e))
(set *no-file* false)
"-" (fn [&] (set *handleopts* false) 1)
"l" (fn [i &]
(import* *env* (get process/args (+ i 1))
:prefix "" :exit *exit-on-error*)
"e" (fn [i &]
(set *no-file* false)
(eval-string (get process/args (+ i 1)))
(defn- dohandler [n i &]
(def h (get handlers n))
(if h (h i) (do (print "unknown flag -" n) ((get handlers "h")))))
# Process arguments
(var i 1)
(def lenargs (length process/args))
(while (< i lenargs)
(def arg (get process/args i))
(if (and *handleopts* (= "-" (string/slice arg 0 1)))
(+= i (dohandler (string/slice arg 1 2) i))
(set *no-file* false)
(import* *env* arg :prefix "" :exit *exit-on-error*)
(set i lenargs))))
(when (or *should-repl* *no-file*)
(if-not *quiet*
(print "Janet " janet/version "-" janet/build " Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Calvin Rose"))
(defn noprompt [_] "")
(defn getprompt [p]
(def offset (parser/where p))
(string "janet:" offset ":" (parser/state p) "> "))
(def prompter (if *quiet* noprompt getprompt))
(defn getstdin [prompt buf]
(file/write stdout prompt)
(file/flush stdout)
(file/read stdin :line buf))
(def getter (if *raw-stdin* getstdin getline))
(defn getchunk [buf p]
(getter (prompter p) buf))
(def onsig (if *quiet* (fn [x &] x) nil))
(repl getchunk onsig)))