mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2024-11-28 11:09:54 +00:00
Calvin Rose c55d93512b Add buffer/push-at for easier manipulation of buffers
buffer/blit is difficult to use, and while buffer/push is the easiet
buffer manipulation function to use it only appends to the buffer.
buffer/push-at lets users manipulate buffers at any index - useful
for buffers used as an in-memory databases, for example.
2023-02-12 11:26:00 -06:00

49 lines
1.4 KiB

# test *debug* flags
(import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true)
(start-suite 15)
(assert (deep= (in (disasm (defn a [] (def x 10) x)) :symbolmap)
@[[0 3 0 'a] [1 3 1 'x]])
"symbolslots when *debug* is true")
(defn a [arg]
(def x 10)
(def y 20)
(def z 30)
(+ x y z)))
(def symbolslots (in (disasm a) :symbolslots))
(def f (asm (disasm a)))
(assert (deep= (in (disasm f) :symbolslots)
"symbolslots survive disasm/asm")
(setdyn *debug* true)
(setdyn :pretty-format "%.40M")
(def f (fn [x] (fn [y] (+ x y))))
(assert (deep= (map last (in (disasm (f 10)) :symbolmap))
@['x 'y])
"symbolslots upvalues"))
(assert (deep= (in (disasm (defn a [arg]
(def x 10)
(def y 20)
(def z 30)
(+ x y z)))) :symbolmap)
@[[0 7 0 'arg]
[0 7 1 'a]
[1 7 2 'x]
[2 7 3 'y]
[3 7 4 'z]])
"arg & inner symbolslots")
# buffer/push-at
(assert (deep= @"abc456" (buffer/push-at @"abc123" 3 "456")) "buffer/push-at 1")
(assert (deep= @"abc456789" (buffer/push-at @"abc123" 3 "456789")) "buffer/push-at 2")
(assert (deep= @"abc423" (buffer/push-at @"abc123" 3 "4")) "buffer/push-at 3")