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### Create a .bmp file on linux.
# Quick run and view on Linux:
# build/janet examples/sysir/drawing.janet > temp.c && cc temp.c && ./a.out > temp.bmp && feh temp.bmp
(use ./frontend)
(defn-external write:void [fd:int mem:pointer size:uint])
(defn-external exit:void [x:int])
# assume 128x128 32 bit color image
# Size : 128 * 128 * 4 + align(14 + 40, 4) = 65592
# dib offset : align(14 + 40, 4) = 56
(defsys write_32:void [x:uint]
(write 1 (address x) 4)
(defsys write_16:void [x:uint]
(write 1 (address x) 2)
(defsys write_header:void [w:uint h:uint]
(write 1 "BM" 2)
(def size:uint (+ 56 (* w h 4)))
(write_32 size)
(write_32 0)
(write_32 56) # pixel array offset
# Begin DIB
(write_32 40) # dib size
(write_32 w)
(write_32 h)
(write_16 1) # color panes - must be 1
(write_16 32) # bits per pixel
(write_32 0) # compression method - no compression
(write_32 0) # image size - not needed when no compression, 0 should be fine
(write_32 4096) # pixels per meter - horizontal resolution
(write_32 4096) # pixels per meter - vertical resolution
(write_32 0) # number of colors in palette - no palette so 0
(write_32 0) # number of "important colors" ignored in practice
(write_16 0) # add "gap 1" to align pixel array to multiple of 4 bytes
(defsys draw:void [w:uint h:uint]
(def red:uint 0xFFFF0000)
(def blue:uint 0xFF0000FF)
(def size:uint (* w h 4))
(var y:uint 0)
(while (< y h)
(var x:uint 0)
(while (< x w)
(write_32 (if (> y 64) blue red))
(set x (+ 1 x)))
(set y (+ y 1)))
(defsys main:int []
(def w:uint 512)
(def h:uint 512)
(write_header w h)
(draw w h)
(return 0))
(print "#include <unistd.h>")