Also adds the janet_lengthv API call. This is
needed because janet_length returns a 32 bit integer, where
as lengthv lets us return larger values (useful for typed arrays).
janet_mcall is an api function that should make it easier to call
a janet method from C code. It shares a similar signature with
Remove the multiple caching tables we were using
and use the grammar table for caching. This works
well because we can use raw_get for checking the local cache, and normal
get fro checking the global cache.
A keyword reference only counts as visited if we have
it as cached in the memoized->table, and we know it was
originally referenced from the same grammar table. If these
two conditions are true, then compilation must work correctly.
Also add janet_table_get_ex.
(backmatch [tag?]) is similar to a back reference in regular expressions
(NOT to backwards capture in a peg). It only matches a pattern if
it exactly matches the text of the last capture. It does not consume
or push any captures to the capture stack.
We normally only track memory allocated with janet_gcalloc, but
if only a few very large normal memory blocks are allocated, the GC
will never run. Se simply need to increment a count when we allocate
memory so that the next time we enter the VM, we will be able to
run a collection if needed.
Mostly changes to cook and jpm. Also some
code for file associations in the windows installer, and
adding the :linux value from os/which (instead of just :posix).
This allows better stacktraces when manually intercepting
signals to clean up resources. Also allows functionality
from Common Lisp's unwind-protect, such as calling cleanup code
while unwindinding the stack, restarting on certain signals, and
just in general having more control over signal and signal propagation.
Also fix a bug encountered while implementing with-resource in the
compiler. Desturcturing arguments that were not the last argument
would often result in bad code generation, as slots used to destructure
the earlier arguments would invalidate the later parameters. This is
fixed by allocating all named parameters before doing any destructuring.
This will allow some one constructing an abstract to
only make it visible to the garbage collector after it
is in a valid state. If code in the constructing cfunction
panics before janet_abstract_end is called, the GC will not try
to mark the incomplete abstract type. This is often not needed through
careful programming, but should work well.