mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 07:16:57 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' into threads-3
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Use `(doc)` with no arguments to see available bindings and dynamic bindings.
- `jpm` will use `CC` and `AR` environment variables when compiling programs.
- Add `comptime` macro for compile time evaluation.
- Run `main` functions in scripts if they exist, just like jpm standalone binaries.
- Change marshalling protocol with regard to abstract types.
- Numerous small bug fixes and usability improvements.
### 1.5.1 - 2019-11-16
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
"# Metadata for static library %s\n\n%.20p"
(string name statext)
{:static-entry ename
:lflags (opts :lflags)})))
:lflags ~',(opts :lflags)})))
(add-dep "build" metaname)
(install-rule metaname path)
@ -1876,7 +1876,6 @@
(unmarshal image load-image-dict))
(def- nati (if (= :windows (os/which)) ".dll" ".so"))
(defn- check-. [x] (if (string/has-prefix? "." x) x))
(defn- not-check-. [x] (unless (string/has-prefix? "." x) x))
@ -1893,19 +1892,19 @@
[":cur:/:all:.jimage" :image check-.]
[":cur:/:all:.janet" :source check-.]
[":cur:/:all:/init.janet" :source check-.]
[(string ":cur:/:all:" nati) :native check-.]
[":cur:/:all::native:" :native check-.]
# As a path from (os/cwd)
[":all:.jimage" :image not-check-.]
[":all:.janet" :source not-check-.]
[":all:/init.janet" :source not-check-.]
[(string ":all:" nati) :native not-check-.]
[":all::native:" :native not-check-.]
# System paths
[":sys:/:all:.jimage" :image not-check-.]
[":sys:/:all:.janet" :source not-check-.]
[":sys:/:all:/init.janet" :source not-check-.]
[(string ":sys:/:all:" nati) :native not-check-.]])
[":sys:/:all::native:" :native not-check-.]])
(setdyn :syspath (boot/opts "JANET_PATH"))
(setdyn :headerpath (boot/opts "JANET_HEADERPATH"))
@ -1959,7 +1958,6 @@
[nil (string "could not find module " path ":\n " ;str-parts)])))
(put _env 'fexists nil)
(put _env 'nati nil)
(put _env 'mod-filter nil)
(put _env 'check-. nil)
(put _env 'not-check-. nil)
@ -2228,8 +2226,12 @@
(set *no-file* false)
(def env (make-env))
(put env :args (array/slice args i))
(def subargs (array/slice args i))
(put env :args subargs)
(dofile arg :prefix "" :exit *exit-on-error* :evaluator evaluator :env env)
(if-let [main (get (in env 'main) :value)]
(let [thunk (compile [main ;(tuple/slice args i)] env arg)]
(if (function? thunk) (thunk) (error (thunk :error)))))
(set i lenargs))))
(when (and (not *compile-only*) (or *should-repl* *no-file*))
@ -177,6 +177,13 @@ static Janet janet_core_expand_path(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
} else if (strncmp(template + i, ":name:", 6) == 0) {
janet_buffer_push_cstring(out, name);
i += 5;
} else if (strncmp(template + i, ":native:", 8) == 0) {
janet_buffer_push_cstring(out, ".dll");
janet_buffer_push_cstring(out, ".so");
i += 7;
} else {
janet_buffer_push_u8(out, (uint8_t) template[i]);
@ -668,7 +675,13 @@ static const JanetReg corelib_cfuns[] = {
"Expands a path template as found in module/paths for module/find. "
"This takes in a path (the argument to require) and a template string, template, "
"to expand the path to a path that can be "
"used for importing files.")
"used for importing files. The replacements are as follows:\n\n"
"\t:all:\tthe value of path verbatim\n"
"\t:cur:\tthe current file, or (dyn :current-file)\n"
"\t:dir:\tthe directory containing the current file\n"
"\t:name:\tthe filename component of path, with extenion if given\n"
"\t:native:\tthe extension used to load natives, .so or .dll\n"
"\t:sys:\tthe system path, or (syn :syspath)")
"int?", janet_core_check_int,
@ -40,11 +40,14 @@ static Janet it_s64_get(void *p, Janet key);
static Janet it_u64_get(void *p, Janet key);
static void int64_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p);
janet_marshal_int64(ctx, *((int64_t *)p));
static void int64_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
*((int64_t *)p) = janet_unmarshal_int64(ctx);
static void *int64_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
int64_t *p = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, sizeof(int64_t));
p[0] = janet_unmarshal_int64(ctx);
return p;
static void it_s64_tostring(void *p, JanetBuffer *buffer) {
@ -338,6 +338,13 @@ void janet_marshal_janet(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, Janet x) {
marshal_one(st, x, ctx->flags + 1);
void janet_marshal_abstract(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, void *abstract) {
MarshalState *st = (MarshalState *)(ctx->m_state);
#define MARK_SEEN() \
janet_table_put(&st->seen, x, janet_wrap_integer(st->nextid++))
@ -345,11 +352,9 @@ static void marshal_one_abstract(MarshalState *st, Janet x, int flags) {
void *abstract = janet_unwrap_abstract(x);
const JanetAbstractType *at = janet_abstract_type(abstract);
if (at->marshal) {
JanetMarshalContext context = {st, NULL, flags, NULL};
pushbyte(st, LB_ABSTRACT);
marshal_one(st, janet_csymbolv(at->name), flags + 1);
push64(st, (uint64_t) janet_abstract_size(abstract));
JanetMarshalContext context = {st, NULL, flags, NULL, at};
at->marshal(abstract, &context);
} else {
janet_panicf("try to marshal unregistered abstract type, cannot marshal %p", x);
@ -983,6 +988,11 @@ static const uint8_t *unmarshal_one_fiber(
return data;
void janet_unmarshal_ensure(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, size_t size) {
UnmarshalState *st = (UnmarshalState *)(ctx->u_state);
MARSH_EOS(st, ctx->data + size);
int32_t janet_unmarshal_int(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
UnmarshalState *st = (UnmarshalState *)(ctx->u_state);
return readint(st, &(ctx->data));
@ -1017,17 +1027,28 @@ Janet janet_unmarshal_janet(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
return ret;
void *janet_unmarshal_abstract(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, size_t size) {
UnmarshalState *st = (UnmarshalState *)(ctx->u_state);
if (ctx->at == NULL) {
janet_panicf("janet_unmarshal_abstract called more than once");
void *p = janet_abstract(ctx->at, size);
janet_v_push(st->lookup, janet_wrap_abstract(p));
ctx->at = NULL;
return p;
static const uint8_t *unmarshal_one_abstract(UnmarshalState *st, const uint8_t *data, Janet *out, int flags) {
Janet key;
data = unmarshal_one(st, data, &key, flags + 1);
const JanetAbstractType *at = janet_get_abstract_type(key);
if (at == NULL) return NULL;
if (at->unmarshal) {
void *p = janet_abstract(at, (size_t) read64(st, &data));
*out = janet_wrap_abstract(p);
JanetMarshalContext context = {NULL, st, flags, data};
janet_v_push(st->lookup, *out);
at->unmarshal(p, &context);
JanetMarshalContext context = {NULL, st, flags, data, at};
*out = janet_wrap_abstract(at->unmarshal(&context));
if (context.at != NULL) {
janet_panicf("janet_unmarshal_abstract not called");
return context.data;
return NULL;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ static Janet janet_rng_get(void *p, Janet key);
static void janet_rng_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetRNG *rng = (JanetRNG *)p;
janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t) rng->a);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t) rng->b);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t) rng->c);
@ -40,13 +41,14 @@ static void janet_rng_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t) rng->counter);
static void janet_rng_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetRNG *rng = (JanetRNG *)p;
static void *janet_rng_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetRNG *rng = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, sizeof(JanetRNG));
rng->a = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
rng->b = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
rng->c = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
rng->d = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
rng->counter = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
return rng;
static JanetAbstractType JanetRNG_type = {
@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ static void peg_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
Peg *peg = (Peg *)p;
janet_marshal_size(ctx, peg->bytecode_len);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t)peg->num_constants);
janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p);
for (size_t i = 0; i < peg->bytecode_len; i++)
janet_marshal_int(ctx, (int32_t) peg->bytecode[i]);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < peg->num_constants; j++)
@ -1030,25 +1031,28 @@ static size_t size_padded(size_t offset, size_t size) {
return x - (x % size);
static void peg_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
char *mem = p;
Peg *peg = (Peg *)p;
peg->bytecode_len = janet_unmarshal_size(ctx);
peg->num_constants = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
static void *peg_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
size_t bytecode_len = janet_unmarshal_size(ctx);
uint32_t num_constants = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
/* Calculate offsets. Should match those in make_peg */
size_t bytecode_start = size_padded(sizeof(Peg), sizeof(uint32_t));
size_t bytecode_size = peg->bytecode_len * sizeof(uint32_t);
size_t bytecode_size = bytecode_len * sizeof(uint32_t);
size_t constants_start = size_padded(bytecode_start + bytecode_size, sizeof(Janet));
size_t total_size = constants_start + sizeof(Janet) * num_constants;
/* DOS prevention? I.E. we could read bytecode and constants before
* hand so we don't allocated a ton of memory on bad, short input */
/* Allocate PEG */
char *mem = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, total_size);
Peg *peg = (Peg *)mem;
uint32_t *bytecode = (uint32_t *)(mem + bytecode_start);
Janet *constants = (Janet *)(mem + constants_start);
peg->bytecode = NULL;
peg->constants = NULL;
/* Ensure not too large */
if (constants_start + sizeof(Janet) * peg->num_constants > janet_abstract_size(p)) {
janet_panic("size mismatch");
peg->bytecode_len = bytecode_len;
peg->num_constants = num_constants;
for (size_t i = 0; i < peg->bytecode_len; i++)
bytecode[i] = (uint32_t) janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
@ -1176,7 +1180,7 @@ static void peg_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
peg->bytecode = bytecode;
peg->constants = constants;
return peg;
@ -94,17 +94,20 @@ static int ta_buffer_gc(void *p, size_t s) {
static void ta_buffer_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetTArrayBuffer *buf = (JanetTArrayBuffer *)p;
janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p);
janet_marshal_size(ctx, buf->size);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, buf->flags);
janet_marshal_bytes(ctx, buf->data, buf->size);
static void ta_buffer_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetTArrayBuffer *buf = (JanetTArrayBuffer *)p;
static void *ta_buffer_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetTArrayBuffer *buf = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, sizeof(JanetTArrayBuffer));
size_t size = janet_unmarshal_size(ctx);
int32_t flags = janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
ta_buffer_init(buf, size);
buf->flags = janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
buf->flags = flags;
janet_unmarshal_bytes(ctx, buf->data, size);
return buf;
static const JanetAbstractType ta_buffer_type = {
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ static int ta_mark(void *p, size_t s) {
static void ta_view_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetTArrayView *view = (JanetTArrayView *)p;
size_t offset = (view->buffer->data - view->as.u8);
janet_marshal_abstract(ctx, p);
janet_marshal_size(ctx, view->size);
janet_marshal_size(ctx, view->stride);
janet_marshal_int(ctx, view->type);
@ -135,11 +139,11 @@ static void ta_view_marshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
janet_marshal_janet(ctx, janet_wrap_abstract(view->buffer));
static void ta_view_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
JanetTArrayView *view = (JanetTArrayView *)p;
static void *ta_view_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
size_t offset;
int32_t atype;
Janet buffer;
JanetTArrayView *view = janet_unmarshal_abstract(ctx, sizeof(JanetTArrayView));
view->size = janet_unmarshal_size(ctx);
view->stride = janet_unmarshal_size(ctx);
atype = janet_unmarshal_int(ctx);
@ -157,6 +161,7 @@ static void ta_view_unmarshal(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
if (view->buffer->size < buf_need_size)
janet_panic("bad typed array offset in marshalled data");
view->as.u8 = view->buffer->data + offset;
return view;
static JanetMethod tarray_view_methods[6];
@ -891,6 +891,7 @@ typedef struct {
void *u_state;
int flags;
const uint8_t *data;
const JanetAbstractType *at;
} JanetMarshalContext;
/* Defines an abstract type */
@ -901,7 +902,7 @@ struct JanetAbstractType {
Janet(*get)(void *data, Janet key);
void (*put)(void *data, Janet key, Janet value);
void (*marshal)(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
void (*unmarshal)(void *p, JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
void *(*unmarshal)(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
void (*tostring)(void *p, JanetBuffer *buffer);
@ -1441,13 +1442,16 @@ JANET_API void janet_marshal_int64(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, int64_t value);
JANET_API void janet_marshal_byte(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, uint8_t value);
JANET_API void janet_marshal_bytes(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
JANET_API void janet_marshal_janet(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, Janet x);
JANET_API void janet_marshal_abstract(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, void *abstract);
JANET_API void janet_unmarshal_ensure(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, size_t size);
JANET_API size_t janet_unmarshal_size(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
JANET_API int32_t janet_unmarshal_int(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
JANET_API int64_t janet_unmarshal_int64(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
JANET_API uint8_t janet_unmarshal_byte(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
JANET_API void janet_unmarshal_bytes(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, uint8_t *dest, size_t len);
JANET_API Janet janet_unmarshal_janet(JanetMarshalContext *ctx);
JANET_API void *janet_unmarshal_abstract(JanetMarshalContext *ctx, size_t size);
JANET_API void janet_register_abstract_type(const JanetAbstractType *at);
JANET_API const JanetAbstractType *janet_get_abstract_type(Janet key);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user