mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-02-14 15:50:03 +00:00

Update boot.dst and lazyseq examples.

This commit is contained in:
bakpakin 2018-03-16 13:40:10 -04:00
parent e8dfe673f2
commit d3a1d97649
2 changed files with 44 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(defmacro delay
"Macro for lazy evaluation"
[x] (tuple mem0 (tuple 'fn [] x)))
[& forms] (tuple mem0 (apply tuple (array-concat ['fn []] forms))))
# Use tuples instead of structs to save memory
(def HEAD :private 0)
@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
[h t]
(delay (tuple h t)))
(defn cons1
"Create a new sequence cons by prepending a value to the original sequence."
[h t]
(tuple h t))
(defn empty?
"Check if a sequence is empty."
@ -47,17 +52,24 @@
(get (s) TAIL))
(defn range
(defn range2
"Return a sequence of integers [start, end)."
[start end]
(if (< start end)
(cons start (range (+ 1 start) end))
(defn range
"Return a sequence of integers [0, end)."
(range2 0 end))
(defn map
"Return a sequence that is the result of apply f to each value in s."
[f s]
(if (s) (cons (f (head s)) (map f (tail s))) empty-seq))
(def x (s))
(if x (tuple (f (get x HEAD)) (map f (get x TAIL))))))
(defn realize
"Force evaluation of a lazy sequence."
@ -71,7 +83,9 @@
(defn drop
"Ignores the first n values of the sequence and returns the rest."
[n s]
(if (s) (if (zero? n) s (drop (- n 1) (tail s))) empty-seq))
(def x (s))
(if (s) (if (zero? n) s (drop (- n 1) (tail s))) empty-seq))
(defn take
"Returns at most the first n values of s."
@ -80,3 +94,8 @@
(cons (head s) (take (- n 1) (tail s)))
(defn take-while
"Returns a sequence of values until the predicate is false."
[pred s]
(delay (if (s) )))

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@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
# Bootstrap the dst environment
# Copyright 2018 (C) Calvin Rose
# Capture the current env
(var *env*
"A var that points to the current environment."
(def defn :macro
"Define a function"
(fn [name & more]
@ -82,16 +77,20 @@ are matched. If there are no matches, return nil."
(aux (+ i 2))))))
(aux 0))
(defn doc
"Shows documentation for the given symbol."
(def x (get *env* sym))
(defn doc*
[env sym]
(def x (get env sym))
(if (not x)
(print "symbol " x " not found.")
(def d (get x 'doc))
(print "\n" (if d d "no documentation found.") "\n"))))
(defmacro doc
"Shows documentation for the given symbol."
(tuple doc* '_env sym))
(defmacro select
"Select the body that equals the dispatch value. When pairs
has an odd number of arguments, the last is the default expression.
@ -141,13 +140,13 @@ If no match is found, returns nil"
(def iters {
:array array-iter
:tuple array-iter
:struct (fn [x] x)})
:struct identity})
(fn [x]
(def makei (get iters (type x)))
(if makei (makei x) (error "expected sequence")))))
(defn range [top]
(var i 0)
(defn range2 [bottom top]
(var i bottom)
:more (fn [] (< i top))
:next (fn []
@ -156,6 +155,8 @@ If no match is found, returns nil"
(defn range [top] (range2 0 top))
(defn doiter [itr]
(def {:more more :next next} (iter itr))
(while (more) (next)))
@ -337,6 +338,7 @@ If no match is found, returns nil"
(defn make-env [parent]
(def parent (if parent parent _env))
(def newenv (setproto @{} parent))
(put newenv '_env @{'value newenv})
# Remove the reference to the default _env
@ -401,10 +403,7 @@ onvalue."
(if (= (fiber-status f) :error)
(onerr "runtime" res)
(onvalue res)))
(def oldenv *env*)
(varset! *env* env)
(foreach (val-stream chunks onerr) doone)
(varset! *env* oldenv)
(def require (do
@ -426,14 +425,17 @@ onvalue."
(put loading path nil)
(defn import [path & args]
(def env (require path))
(defn import* [env path & args]
(def newenv (require path))
(def {
:prefix prefix
} (apply table args))
(foreach (pairs env) (fn [[k v]]
(foreach (pairs newenv) (fn [[k v]]
(when (not (get v :private))
(put *env* (symbol (if prefix prefix "") k) v)))))
(put env (symbol (if prefix prefix "") k) v)))))
(defmacro import [path & args]
(apply tuple (array-concat [import* '_env path] args)))
(defn repl [getchunk]
(def newenv (make-env))