mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-02-18 17:50:00 +00:00

Merge branch 'master' into ev

This commit is contained in:
Calvin Rose 2020-06-11 19:20:51 -05:00
commit ce2079104a
7 changed files with 328 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -667,6 +667,68 @@
(get xs (- (length xs) 1)))
## Polymorphic comparisons
(defn compare-primitive
"Compare x and y using primitive operators.
Returns -1,0,1 for x < y, x = y, x > y respectively.
Present mostly for constructing 'compare' methods in prototypes."
[x y]
(= x y) 0
(< x y) -1
(> x y) 1))
(defn compare
"Polymorphic compare. Returns -1,0,1 for x < y, x = y, x > y respectively.
Differs from the primitive comparators in that it first checks to
see whether either x or y implement a 'compare' method which can
compare x and y. If so it uses that compare method. If not, it
delegates to the primitive comparators."
[x y]
(when-let [f (get x :compare)] (f x y))
(when-let [f (get y :compare)
fyx (f y x)] (- fyx))
(compare-primitive x y)))
(defn- compare-reduce [op xs]
(var r true)
(loop [i :range [0 (- (length xs) 1)]
:let [c (compare (xs i) (xs (+ i 1)))
ok (op c 0)]
:when (not ok)]
(set r false)
(defn compare=
"Equivalent of '=' but using compare function instead of primitive comparator"
[& xs]
(compare-reduce = xs))
(defn compare<
"Equivalent of '<' but using compare function instead of primitive comparator"
[& xs]
(compare-reduce < xs))
(defn compare<=
"Equivalent of '<=' but using compare function instead of primitive comparator"
[& xs]
(compare-reduce <= xs))
(defn compare>
"Equivalent of '>' but using compare function instead of primitive comparator"
[& xs]
(compare-reduce > xs))
(defn compare>=
"Equivalent of '>=' but using compare function instead of primitive comparator"
[& xs]
(compare-reduce >= xs))
(put _env 'compare-reduce nil)
### Indexed Combinators

View File

@ -197,6 +197,122 @@ static Janet cfun_it_u64_new(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
return janet_wrap_u64(janet_unwrap_u64(argv[0]));
// Code to support polymorphic comparison.
// int/u64 and int/s64 support a "compare" method that allows
// comparison to each other, and to Janet numbers, using the
// "compare" "compare<" ... functions.
// In the following code explicit casts are sometimes used to help
// make it clear when int/float conversions are happening.
static int64_t compare_double_double(double x, double y) {
return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0);
static int64_t compare_int64_double(int64_t x, double y) {
if (isnan(y)) {
return 0; // clojure and python do this
} else if ((y > ((double) - MAX_INT_IN_DBL)) && (y < ((double) MAX_INT_IN_DBL))) {
double dx = (double) x;
return compare_double_double(dx, y);
} else if (y > ((double) INT64_MAX)) {
return -1;
} else if (y < ((double) INT64_MIN)) {
return 1;
} else {
int64_t yi = (int64_t) y;
return (x < yi) ? -1 : ((x > yi) ? 1 : 0);
static int64_t compare_uint64_double(uint64_t x, double y) {
if (isnan(y)) {
return 0; // clojure and python do this
} else if (y < 0) {
return 1;
} else if ((y >= 0) && (y < ((double) MAX_INT_IN_DBL))) {
double dx = (double) x;
return compare_double_double(dx, y);
} else if (y > ((double) UINT64_MAX)) {
return -1;
} else {
uint64_t yi = (uint64_t) y;
return (x < yi) ? -1 : ((x > yi) ? 1 : 0);
static Janet cfun_it_s64_compare(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
if (janet_is_int(argv[0]) != JANET_INT_S64)
janet_panic("compare method requires int/s64 as first argument");
int64_t x = janet_unwrap_s64(argv[0]);
switch (janet_type(argv[1])) {
double y = janet_unwrap_number(argv[1]);
return janet_wrap_number(compare_int64_double(x, y));
void *abst = janet_unwrap_abstract(argv[1]);
if (janet_abstract_type(abst) == &janet_s64_type) {
int64_t y = *(int64_t *)abst;
return janet_wrap_number((x < y) ? -1 : (x > y ? 1 : 0));
} else if (janet_abstract_type(abst) == &janet_u64_type) {
// comparing signed to unsigned -- be careful!
uint64_t y = *(uint64_t *)abst;
if (x < 0) {
return janet_wrap_number(-1);
} else if (y > INT64_MAX) {
return janet_wrap_number(-1);
} else {
int64_t y2 = (int64_t) y;
return janet_wrap_number((x < y2) ? -1 : (x > y2 ? 1 : 0));
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet cfun_it_u64_compare(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 2);
if (janet_is_int(argv[0]) != JANET_INT_U64) // is this needed?
janet_panic("compare method requires int/u64 as first argument");
uint64_t x = janet_unwrap_u64(argv[0]);
switch (janet_type(argv[1])) {
double y = janet_unwrap_number(argv[1]);
return janet_wrap_number(compare_uint64_double(x, y));
void *abst = janet_unwrap_abstract(argv[1]);
if (janet_abstract_type(abst) == &janet_u64_type) {
uint64_t y = *(uint64_t *)abst;
return janet_wrap_number((x < y) ? -1 : (x > y ? 1 : 0));
} else if (janet_abstract_type(abst) == &janet_s64_type) {
// comparing unsigned to signed -- be careful!
int64_t y = *(int64_t *)abst;
if (y < 0) {
return janet_wrap_number(1);
} else if (x > INT64_MAX) {
return janet_wrap_number(1);
} else {
int64_t x2 = (int64_t) x;
return janet_wrap_number((x2 < y) ? -1 : (x2 > y ? 1 : 0));
return janet_wrap_nil();
#define OPMETHOD(T, type, name, oper) \
static Janet cfun_it_##type##_##name(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { \
janet_arity(argc, 2, -1); \
@ -266,14 +382,6 @@ static Janet cfun_it_##type##_##name(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { \
return janet_wrap_abstract(box); \
} \
#define COMPMETHOD(T, type, name, oper) \
static Janet cfun_it_##type##_##name(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { \
janet_fixarity(argc, 2); \
T v1 = janet_unwrap_##type(argv[0]); \
T v2 = janet_unwrap_##type(argv[1]); \
return janet_wrap_boolean(v1 oper v2); \
static Janet cfun_it_s64_mod(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 2, -1);
int64_t *box = janet_abstract(&janet_s64_type, sizeof(int64_t));
@ -316,13 +424,6 @@ OPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, or, |)
OPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, xor, ^)
OPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, lshift, <<)
OPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, rshift, >>)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, lt, <)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, gt, >)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, le, <=)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, ge, >=)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, eq, ==)
COMPMETHOD(int64_t, s64, ne, !=)
OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, add, +)
OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, sub, -)
OPMETHODINVERT(uint64_t, u64, subi, -)
@ -336,18 +437,13 @@ OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, or, |)
OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, xor, ^)
OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, lshift, <<)
OPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, rshift, >>)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, lt, <)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, gt, >)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, le, <=)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, ge, >=)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, eq, ==)
COMPMETHOD(uint64_t, u64, ne, !=)
static JanetMethod it_s64_methods[] = {
{"+", cfun_it_s64_add},
{"r+", cfun_it_s64_add},
@ -361,12 +457,6 @@ static JanetMethod it_s64_methods[] = {
{"rmod", cfun_it_s64_modi},
{"%", cfun_it_s64_rem},
{"r%", cfun_it_s64_remi},
{"<", cfun_it_s64_lt},
{">", cfun_it_s64_gt},
{"<=", cfun_it_s64_le},
{">=", cfun_it_s64_ge},
{"=", cfun_it_s64_eq},
{"!=", cfun_it_s64_ne},
{"&", cfun_it_s64_and},
{"r&", cfun_it_s64_and},
{"|", cfun_it_s64_or},
@ -375,6 +465,7 @@ static JanetMethod it_s64_methods[] = {
{"r^", cfun_it_s64_xor},
{"<<", cfun_it_s64_lshift},
{">>", cfun_it_s64_rshift},
{"compare", cfun_it_s64_compare},
@ -392,12 +483,6 @@ static JanetMethod it_u64_methods[] = {
{"rmod", cfun_it_u64_modi},
{"%", cfun_it_u64_mod},
{"r%", cfun_it_u64_modi},
{"<", cfun_it_u64_lt},
{">", cfun_it_u64_gt},
{"<=", cfun_it_u64_le},
{">=", cfun_it_u64_ge},
{"=", cfun_it_u64_eq},
{"!=", cfun_it_u64_ne},
{"&", cfun_it_u64_and},
{"r&", cfun_it_u64_and},
{"|", cfun_it_u64_or},
@ -406,6 +491,7 @@ static JanetMethod it_u64_methods[] = {
{"r^", cfun_it_u64_xor},
{"<<", cfun_it_u64_lshift},
{">>", cfun_it_u64_rshift},
{"compare", cfun_it_u64_compare},

View File

@ -1224,17 +1224,16 @@ static Janet os_rename(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
static Janet os_realpath(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_fixarity(argc, 1);
(void) argv;
janet_panic("os/realpath not supported on this platform");
const char *src = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
char *dest = _fullpath(NULL, src, _MAX_PATH);
char *dest = realpath(src, NULL);
if (NULL == dest) janet_panicf("%s: %s", strerror(errno), src);
Janet ret = janet_cstringv(dest);
return ret;
static Janet os_permission_string(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {

View File

@ -206,6 +206,29 @@ tail:
return (result) ? NULL : text;
case RULE_TO: {
const uint32_t *rule_a = s->bytecode + rule[1];
const uint8_t *next_text;
CapState cs = cap_save(s);
while (text < s->text_end) {
CapState cs2 = cap_save(s);
next_text = peg_rule(s, rule_a, text);
if (next_text) {
if (rule[0] == RULE_TO) cap_load(s, cs2);
if (text >= s->text_end) {
cap_load(s, cs);
return NULL;
return rule[0] == RULE_TO ? text : next_text;
uint32_t lo = rule[1];
uint32_t hi = rule[2];
@ -765,6 +788,12 @@ static void spec_error(Builder *b, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) {
static void spec_drop(Builder *b, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) {
spec_onerule(b, argc, argv, RULE_DROP);
static void spec_to(Builder *b, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) {
spec_onerule(b, argc, argv, RULE_TO);
static void spec_thru(Builder *b, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) {
spec_onerule(b, argc, argv, RULE_THRU);
/* Rule of the form [rule, tag] */
static void spec_cap1(Builder *b, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv, uint32_t op) {
@ -895,6 +924,8 @@ static const SpecialPair peg_specials[] = {
{"sequence", spec_sequence},
{"set", spec_set},
{"some", spec_some},
{"thru", spec_thru},
{"to", spec_to},
/* Compile a janet value into a rule and return the rule index. */
@ -997,6 +1028,14 @@ static uint32_t peg_compile1(Builder *b, Janet peg) {
const Janet *tup = janet_unwrap_tuple(peg);
int32_t len = janet_tuple_length(tup);
if (len == 0) peg_panic(b, "tuple in grammar must have non-zero length");
if (janet_checkint(tup[0])) {
int32_t n = janet_unwrap_integer(tup[0]);
if (n < 0) {
peg_panicf(b, "expected non-negative integer, got %d", n);
spec_repeat(b, len, tup);
if (!janet_checktype(tup[0], JANET_SYMBOL))
peg_panicf(b, "expected grammar command, found %v", tup[0]);
const uint8_t *sym = janet_unwrap_symbol(tup[0]);
@ -1180,6 +1219,8 @@ static void *peg_unmarshal(JanetMarshalContext *ctx) {
case RULE_NOT:
case RULE_TO:
/* [rule] */
if (rule[1] >= blen) goto bad;
op_flags[rule[1]] |= 0x01;

View File

@ -138,11 +138,6 @@ extern "C" {
/* Add some windows flags */
/* Define how global janet state is declared */
@ -1658,6 +1653,8 @@ typedef enum {
RULE_ERROR, /* [rule] */
RULE_DROP, /* [rule] */
RULE_BACKMATCH, /* [tag] */
RULE_TO, /* [rule] */
RULE_THRU, /* [rule] */
RULE_LENPREFIX, /* [rule_a, rule_b (repeat rule_b rule_a times)] */
} JanetPegOpcode;

View File

@ -334,5 +334,86 @@
(assert (deep= @{:a 3 :b 2} @{:a 1 :b 2 :a 3}) "table literal duplicate keys")
(assert (deep= @{:a 3 :b 2} (table :a 1 :b 2 :a 3)) "table constructor duplicate keys")
## Polymorphic comparison -- Issue #272
# confirm polymorphic comparison delegation to primitive comparators:
(assert (= 0 (compare-primitive 3 3)) "compare-primitive integers (1)")
(assert (= -1 (compare-primitive 3 5)) "compare-primitive integers (2)")
(assert (= 1 (compare-primitive "foo" "bar")) "compare-primitive strings")
(assert (= 0 (compare 1 1)) "compare integers (1)")
(assert (= -1 (compare 1 2)) "compare integers (2)")
(assert (= 1 (compare "foo" "bar")) "compare strings (1)")
(assert (compare< 1 2 3 4 5 6) "compare less than integers")
(assert (not (compare> 1 2 3 4 5 6)) "compare not greater than integers")
(assert (compare< 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0) "compare less than reals")
(assert (compare> 6 5 4 3 2 1) "compare greater than integers")
(assert (compare> 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0) "compare greater than reals")
(assert (not (compare< 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0)) "compare less than reals")
(assert (compare<= 1 2 3 3 4 5 6) "compare less than or equal to integers")
(assert (compare<= 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0) "compare less than or equal to reals")
(assert (compare>= 6 5 4 4 3 2 1) "compare greater than or equal to integers")
(assert (compare>= 6.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0) "compare greater than or equal to reals")
(assert (compare< 1.0 nil false true
(fiber/new (fn [] 1))
(quote hello)
(array 1 2 3)
(tuple 1 2 3)
(table "a" "b" "c" "d")
(struct 1 2 3 4)
(buffer "hi")
(fn [x] (+ x x))
print) "compare type ordering")
# test polymorphic compare with 'objects' (table/setproto)
(def mynum
@{:type :mynum :v 0 :compare
(fn [self other]
(case (type other)
:number (compare-primitive (self :v) other)
:table (when (= (get other :type) :mynum)
(compare-primitive (self :v) (other :v)))))})
(let [n3 (table/setproto @{:v 3} mynum)]
(assert (= 0 (compare 3 n3)) "compare num to object (1)")
(assert (= -1 (compare n3 4)) "compare object to num (2)")
(assert (= 1 (compare (table/setproto @{:v 4} mynum) n3)) "compare object to object")
(assert (compare< 2 n3 4) "compare< poly")
(assert (compare> 4 n3 2) "compare> poly")
(assert (compare<= 2 3 n3 4) "compare<= poly")
(assert (compare= 3 n3 (table/setproto @{:v 3} mynum)) "compare= poly")
(assert (deep= (sorted @[4 5 n3 2] compare<) @[2 n3 4 5]) "polymorphic sort"))
(let [
MAX_INT_64_STRING "9223372036854775807"
MAX_UINT_64_STRING "18446744073709551615"
MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING "9007199254740991"
NAN (math/log -1)
INF (/ 1 0)
MINUS_INF (/ -1 0)
[(int/s64 3) (int/u64 3) 0]
[(int/s64 -3) (int/u64 3) -1]
[(int/s64 3) (int/u64 2) 1]
[(int/s64 3) 3 0] [(int/s64 3) 4 -1] [(int/s64 3) -9 1]
[(int/u64 3) 3 0] [(int/u64 3) 4 -1] [(int/u64 3) -9 1]
[3 (int/s64 3) 0] [3 (int/s64 4) -1] [3 (int/s64 -5) 1]
[3 (int/u64 3) 0] [3 (int/u64 4) -1] [3 (int/u64 2) 1]
[(int/s64 MAX_INT_64_STRING) (int/u64 MAX_UINT_64_STRING) -1]
[(int/s64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 0]
[(int/u64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 0]
[(+ 1 (int/u64 MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING)) (scan-number MAX_INT_IN_DBL_STRING) 1]
[(int/s64 0) INF -1] [(int/u64 0) INF -1]
[MINUS_INF (int/u64 0) -1] [MINUS_INF (int/s64 0) -1]
[(int/s64 1) NAN 0] [NAN (int/u64 1) 0]
(each [x y c] compare-poly-tests
(assert (= c (compare x y)) (string/format "compare polymorphic %q %q %d" x y c)))

View File

@ -288,4 +288,23 @@ neldb\0\0\0\xD8\x05printG\x01\0\xDE\xDE\xDE'\x03\0marshal_tes/\x02
# Issue #412
(assert (peg/match '(* "a" (> -1 "a") "b") "abc") "lookhead does not move cursor")
(def peg3
~{:main (* "(" (thru ")"))})
(def peg4 (peg/compile ~(* (thru "(") '(to ")"))))
(assert (peg/match peg3 "(12345)") "peg thru 1")
(assert (not (peg/match peg3 " (12345)")) "peg thru 2")
(assert (not (peg/match peg3 "(12345")) "peg thru 3")
(assert (= "abc" (0 (peg/match peg4 "123(abc)"))) "peg thru/to 1")
(assert (= "abc" (0 (peg/match peg4 "(abc)"))) "peg thru/to 2")
(assert (not (peg/match peg4 "123(abc")) "peg thru/to 3")
(def peg5 (peg/compile [3 "abc"]))
(assert (:match peg5 "abcabcabc") "repeat alias 1")
(assert (:match peg5 "abcabcabcac") "repeat alias 2")
(assert (not (:match peg5 "abcabc")) "repeat alias 3")