Get lockfile info from manifest, not cache.

Make manifest files track more information.
Use jdn to store manifest files, as well as repo url and
This commit is contained in:
Calvin Rose 2020-03-25 20:55:04 -05:00
parent e380c01dd1
commit b8c1c1c144
1 changed files with 40 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -551,6 +551,15 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
# Public utilities
(defn parse
"Read a string of Janet source and parse out the first expression."
(let [p (parser/new)]
(:consume p src)
(if (= :error (:status p))
(error (string "Could not parse: " (parser/error p))))
(:produce p)))
(defn find-manifest-dir
"Get the path to the directory containing manifests for installed
@ -560,7 +569,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(defn find-manifest
"Get the full path of a manifest file given a package name."
(string (find-manifest-dir) sep name ".txt"))
(string (find-manifest-dir) sep name ".jdn"))
(defn find-cache
"Return the path to the global cache."
@ -572,17 +581,14 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
"Uninstall bundle named name"
(def manifest (find-manifest name))
(def f (file/open manifest :r))
(unless f (print manifest " does not exist") (break))
(loop [line :iterate (:read f :line)]
(def path ((string/split "\n" line) 0))
(def path ((string/split "\r" path) 0))
(print "removing " path)
(rm path))
(:close f)
(print "removing " manifest)
(rm manifest)
(print "Uninstalled."))
(when-with [f (file/open manifest)]
(def man (parse (:read f :all)))
(each path (get man :paths [])
(print "removing " path)
(rm path))
(print "removing " manifest)
(rm manifest)
(print "Uninstalled.")))
(defn- rimraf
"Hard delete directory tree"
@ -636,13 +642,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(rimraf module-dir)
(error (string "could not clone git dependency " repo))))
(def olddir (os/cwd))
(os/cd module-dir)
(defer (os/cd olddir)
(with-dyns [:rules @{}
:modpath (abspath (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH))
:headerpath (abspath (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH))
:libpath (abspath (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH))
:binpath (abspath (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH))]
(os/cd module-dir)
(unless fresh
(os/execute ["git" "pull" "origin" "master"] :p))
(when tag
@ -651,7 +657,9 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(import-rules "./project.janet")
(unless no-deps (do-rule "install-deps"))
(do-rule "build")
(do-rule "install"))))
(do-rule "install"))
([err] (print "Error building git repository dependency: " err)))
(os/cd olddir))
(defn install-rule
"Add install and uninstall rule for moving file from src into destdir."
@ -674,24 +682,21 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(default filename "lockfile.janet")
(def cwd (os/cwd))
(def packages @[])
(os/cd (find-cache))
# Read installed modules from manifests
(os/cd (find-manifest-dir))
(defer (os/cd cwd)
(each repo (os/dir ".")
(os/cd repo)
(def sha (pslurp "git rev-parse HEAD"))
(def url (pslurp "git remote get-url origin"))
(def deps
(with-dyns [:rules @{}]
(def env (import-rules "./project.janet"))
((env :project) :dependencies)))
(array/push packages {:repo url :sha sha :deps (or deps [])})
(each man (os/dir ".")
(def package (parse slurp man))
(if (or (not package :repo) (not package :sha))
(print "Cannot add local package " man " to lockfile, skipping...")
(array/push packages package))
(os/cd "..")))
# Put in correct order, such that a package is preceded by all of its dependencies
(def ordered-packages @[])
(def resolved @{})
(while (< (length ordered-packages) (length packages))
(each p packages
(def {:repo r :sha s :deps d} p)
(def {:repo r :sha s :dependencies d} p)
(unless (resolved r)
(when (all resolved d)
(array/push ordered-packages p)
@ -702,13 +707,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(defn- load-lockfile
[&opt filename]
(default filename "lockfile.janet")
(def locksource (slurp filename))
(def lockarray
(let [p (parser/new)]
(:consume p locksource)
(if (= :error (:status p))
(error (string "Could not parse lockfile " filename ": " (parser/error p))))
(:produce p)))
(def lockarray (parse (slurp filename)))
(each {:repo url :sha sha} lockarray
(install-git {:repo url :tag sha} nil true)))
@ -857,7 +856,14 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
(phony "manifest" []
(print "generating " manifest "...")
(mkdir manifests)
(spit manifest (string (string/join installed-files "\n") "\n")))
(def sha (pslurp "git rev-parse HEAD"))
(def url (pslurp "git remote get-url origin"))
(def man
{:sha (if-not (empty? sha) sha)
:repo (if-not (empty? url) url)
:dependencies (array/slice (get meta :dependencies []))
:paths installed-files})
(spit manifest (string/format "%j\n" man)))
(phony "install" ["uninstall" "build" "manifest"]
(when (dyn :test)