mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-02-25 20:40:00 +00:00

Update os/stat

os/stat can now take a keyword as the second argument
to avoid creating a table if one only wants on value
from stat.
This commit is contained in:
Calvin Rose 2019-04-01 11:11:15 -04:00
parent 429dc70374
commit b15cf193a0
3 changed files with 98 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -450,43 +450,94 @@ static const uint8_t *janet_decode_mode(mode_t m) {
/* Can we do this? */
#define stat _stat
/* Getters */
static Janet os_stat_dev(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_dev); }
static Janet os_stat_inode(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_ino); }
static Janet os_stat_mode(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_keyword(janet_decode_mode(st->st_mode)); }
static Janet os_stat_permissions(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_string(janet_decode_permissions(st->st_mode)); }
static Janet os_stat_uid(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_uid); }
static Janet os_stat_gid(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_gid); }
static Janet os_stat_nlink(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_nlink); }
static Janet os_stat_rdev(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_rdev); }
static Janet os_stat_size(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_size); }
static Janet os_stat_accessed(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_atime); }
static Janet os_stat_modified(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_mtime); }
static Janet os_stat_changed(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number((double) st->st_ctime); }
static Janet os_stat_blocks(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(0); }
static Janet os_stat_blocksize(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(0); }
static Janet os_stat_blocks(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_blocks); }
static Janet os_stat_blocksize(struct stat *st) { return janet_wrap_number(st->st_blksize); }
struct OsStatGetter {
const char *name;
Janet (*fn)(struct stat *st);
static const struct OsStatGetter os_stat_getters[] = {
{"dev", os_stat_dev},
{"inode", os_stat_inode},
{"mode", os_stat_mode},
{"permissions", os_stat_permissions},
{"uid", os_stat_uid},
{"gid", os_stat_gid},
{"nlink", os_stat_nlink},
{"rdev", os_stat_rdev},
{"size", os_stat_size},
{"blocks", os_stat_blocks},
{"blocksize", os_stat_blocksize},
{"accessed", os_stat_accessed},
{"modified", os_stat_modified},
{"changed", os_stat_changed},
static Janet os_stat(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, 2);
const char *path = janet_getcstring(argv, 0);
JanetTable *tab;
JanetTable *tab = NULL;
int getall = 1;
const uint8_t *key;
if (argc == 2) {
tab = janet_gettable(argv, 1);
if (janet_checktype(argv[1], JANET_KEYWORD)) {
getall = 0;
key = janet_getkeyword(argv, 1);
} else {
tab = janet_gettable(argv, 1);
} else {
tab = janet_table(0);
/* Build result */
struct _stat st;
int res = _stat(path, &st);
struct stat st;
int res = stat(path, &st);
if (-1 == res) {
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("dev"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_dev));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("inode"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_ino));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("mode"), janet_wrap_keyword(janet_decode_mode(st.st_mode)));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("permissions"), janet_wrap_string(janet_decode_permissions(st.st_mode)));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("uid"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_uid));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("gid"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_gid));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("size"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_size));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("nlink"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_nlink));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("rdev"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_rdev));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("blocksize"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_blksize));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("blocks"), janet_wrap_number(st.st_blocks));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("accessed"), janet_wrap_number((double) st.st_atime));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("modified"), janet_wrap_number((double) st.st_mtime));
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv("changed"), janet_wrap_number((double) st.st_ctime));
return janet_wrap_table(tab);
if (getall) {
/* Put results in table */
for (const struct OsStatGetter *sg = os_stat_getters; sg->name != NULL; sg++) {
janet_table_put(tab, janet_ckeywordv(sg->name), sg->fn(&st));
return janet_wrap_table(tab);
} else {
/* Get one result */
for (const struct OsStatGetter *sg = os_stat_getters; sg->name != NULL; sg++) {
if (janet_cstrcmp(key, sg->name)) continue;
return sg->fn(&st);
janet_panicf("unexpected keyword %v", janet_wrap_keyword(key));
return janet_wrap_nil();
static Janet os_dir(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
@ -555,8 +606,22 @@ static const JanetReg os_cfuns[] = {
"os/stat", os_stat,
JDOC("(os/stat path [, tab])\n\n"
"Gets information about a file or directory. Returns a table.")
JDOC("(os/stat path [, tab|key])\n\n"
"Gets information about a file or directory. Returns a table If the third argument is a keyword, returns "
" only that information from stat. The keys are\n\n"
"\t:dev - the device that the file is on\n"
"\t:mode - the type of file, one of :file, :directory, :block, :character, :fifo, :socket, :link, or :other\n"
"\t:permissions - A unix permission string like \"rwx--x--x\"\n"
"\t:uid - File uid\n"
"\t:gid - File gid\n"
"\t:nlink - number of links to file\n"
"\t:rdev - Real device of file. 0 on windows.\n"
"\t:size - size of file in bytes\n"
"\t:blocks - number of blocks in file. 0 on windows\n"
"\t:blocksize - size of blocks in file. 0 on windows\n"
"\t:accessed - timestamp when file last accessed\n"
"\t:changed - timestamp when file last chnaged (permissions changed)\n"
"\t:modified - timestamp when file last modified (content changed)\n")
"os/touch", os_touch,

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@ -18,11 +18,13 @@
(os/exit res)))
(defn- rm
"Remove a directory. Not safe for user code."
"Remove a directory and all sub directories."
(if is-win
(shell "rmdir " path " /s")
(shell "rm -rf " path)))
(if (= ((os/stat path) :mode) :directory)
(each subpath (os/dir path) (rm subpath))
(os/rmdir path))
(os/rm path)))
(defn- needs-build
[dest src]

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"Generate title"
(string "<h1>Janet Core API</h1>"
"<p>Version " janet/version "-" janet/build "</p>"
"<p>Version " janet/version "-" janet/build "</p>"
"<p>Generated "