mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2024-12-26 00:10:27 +00:00
Also add ev/give-supervisor to the core.
This commit is contained in:
Calvin Rose 2021-01-16 07:18:07 -06:00
parent 16fe32215b
commit a1cc5ca045
4 changed files with 58 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -2004,7 +2004,6 @@ error:
static void janet_ev_go(JanetFiber *fiber, Janet value, JanetChannel *supervisor_channel) {
fiber->supervisor_channel = supervisor_channel;
/* janet_channel_push(supervisor_channel, make_supervisor_event("new", fiber), 2); */
janet_schedule(fiber, value);
@ -2031,6 +2030,17 @@ static Janet cfun_ev_call(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
return janet_wrap_fiber(fiber);
static Janet cfun_ev_give_supervisor(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) {
janet_arity(argc, 1, -1);
JanetChannel *chan = janet_vm_root_fiber->supervisor_channel;
if (NULL != chan) {
if (janet_channel_push(chan, janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n(argv, argc)), 0)) {
return janet_wrap_nil();
JANET_NO_RETURN void janet_sleep_await(double sec) {
JanetTimeout to;
to.when = ts_delta(ts_now(), sec);
@ -2139,6 +2149,13 @@ static const JanetReg ev_cfuns[] = {
"events occur in the newly scheduled fiber, an event will be pushed to the supervisor. "
"If not provided, the new fiber will inherit the current supervisor.")
"ev/give-supervisor", cfun_ev_give_supervisor,
JDOC("(ev/give-supervsior tag & payload)\n\n"
"Send a message to the current supervior channel if there is one. The message will be a "
"tuple of all of the arguments combined into a single message, where the first element is tag. "
"By convention, tag should be a keyword indicating the type of message. Returns nil.")
"ev/sleep", cfun_ev_sleep,
JDOC("(ev/sleep sec)\n\n"

View File

@ -602,7 +602,10 @@ static const JanetReg fiber_cfuns[] = {
"Create a new fiber with function body func. Can optionally "
"take a set of signals to block from the current parent fiber "
"when called. The mask is specified as a keyword where each character "
"is used to indicate a signal to block. The default sigmask is :y. "
"is used to indicate a signal to block. If the ev module is enabled, and "
"this fiber is used as an argument to `ev/go`, these \"blocked\" signals "
"will result in messages being sent to the supervisor channel. "
"The default sigmask is :y. "
"For example,\n\n"
" (fiber/new myfun :e123)\n\n"
"blocks error signals and user signals 1, 2 and 3. The signals are "

View File

@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ static const JanetAbstractType ProcAT;
typedef struct {
int flags;
@ -889,12 +892,9 @@ static Janet os_execute_impl(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int is_spawn) {
/* Wait for child */
os_execute_cleanup(envp, child_argv);
if (status) {
os_execute_cleanup(envp, child_argv);
janet_panicf("%p: %s", argv[0], strerror(errno));
} else {
/* Wait to complete */
os_execute_cleanup(envp, child_argv);
@ -909,6 +909,12 @@ static Janet os_execute_impl(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int is_spawn) {
proc->in = NULL;
proc->out = NULL;
proc->err = NULL;
proc->flags = 0;
if (janet_flag_at(flags, 2)) {
if (is_spawn) {
/* Only set up pointers to stdin, stdout, and stderr if os/spawn. */
if (new_in != JANET_HANDLE_NONE) {
proc->in = get_stdio_for_handle(new_in, orig_in, 1);
if (NULL == proc->in) janet_panic("failed to construct proc");
@ -921,12 +927,6 @@ static Janet os_execute_impl(int32_t argc, Janet *argv, int is_spawn) {
proc->err = get_stdio_for_handle(new_err, orig_err, 0);
if (NULL == proc->err) janet_panic("failed to construct proc");
proc->flags = 0;
if (janet_flag_at(flags, 2)) {
if (is_spawn) {
return janet_wrap_abstract(proc);
} else {
#ifdef JANET_EV

View File

@ -74,6 +74,25 @@
(calc-2 "(+ 9 10 11 12)"))
@[10 26 42]) "parallel subprocesses 2")
# File piping
(assert-no-error "file writing 1"
(with [f (file/temp)]
(os/execute [janet "-e" `(repeat 20 (print :hello))`] :p {:out f})))
(assert-no-error "file writing 2"
(with [f (file/open "unique.txt" :w)]
(os/execute [janet "-e" `(repeat 20 (print :hello))`] :p {:out f})
(file/flush f)))
# Issue #593
(assert-no-error "file writing 3"
(def outfile (file/open "unique.txt" :w))
(os/execute [janet "-e" "(pp (seq [i :range (1 10)] i))"] :p {:out outfile})
(file/flush outfile)
(file/close outfile)
(os/rm "unique.txt"))
# ev/gather
(assert (deep= @[1 2 3] (ev/gather 1 2 3)) "ev/gather 1")