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synced 2025-02-03 02:39:09 +00:00
Add each.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(import "examples/iterators.dst")
(defn sum3
"Solve the 3SUM problem O(n^2) time."
"Solve the 3SUM problem in O(n^2) time."
(def tab @{})
(def solutions @{})
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Get the number of occurences of each value in a indexed structure."
(def freqs @{})
(map (fn [x]
(each (fn [x]
(let [n (get freqs x)]
(put freqs x (if n (+ 1 n) 1)))) ind)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(def t (type ith))
(def tuple? (= t :tuple))
(def array? (= t :array))
(if (if tuple? tuple? array?) i
(if (if tuple? tuple? array?) i
(if (< i len) (recur (+ i 1))))))
(def start (fstart 0))
(def fnbody (tuple-prepend (tuple-prepend (tuple-slice more start) name) 'fn))
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Define a macro."
(def defn* (get (get _env 'defn) :value))
(fn [name & more]
(fn [name & more]
(apply1 defn* (array-concat
@[name :macro] more)))))
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
(defn indexed? [x]
(def t (type x))
(if (= t :array) true (= t :tuple)))
(defn function? [x]
(def t (type x))
(defn function? [x]
(def t (type x))
(if (= t :function) true (= t :cfunction)))
(defn true? [x] (= (type x) true))
(defn false? [x] (= (type x) false))
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ value."
(array-concat accum body)
(apply1 tuple accum))
(defmacro for
(defmacro for
"An imperative for loop over an integer range. Use with caution and discretion."
[head & body]
(def [sym start end _inc] (ast-unwrap1 head))
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ evaluates to true."
(def atm (atomic? (ast-unwrap1 bl)))
(def sym (if atm bl (gensym)))
(if atm
(if atm
# Simple binding
(tuple 'do
(tuple 'def sym br)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ evaluates to true."
(tuple 'do
(tuple 'def sym br)
(tuple 'if sym
(tuple 'do
(tuple 'do
(tuple 'def bl sym)
(aux (+ 2 i)))
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Returns nil if args is empty."
(def sort
(def sort
"Sort an array in-place. Uses quicksort and is not a stable sort."
@ -394,14 +394,35 @@ the same type as the input sequence."
2 (for [i 0 limit] (array-push res (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i))))
3 (for [i 0 limit] (array-push res (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i) (get i3 i))))
4 (for [i 0 limit] (array-push res (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i) (get i3 i) (get i4 i))))
(for [i 0 limit]
(for [i 0 limit]
(def args @[])
(for [j 0 ninds] (array-push args (get (get inds j) i)))
(array-push res (apply1 f args))))
(defn each
"Map a function over every element in an array or tuple but do not
return a new indexed type."
[f & inds]
(def ninds (length inds))
(if (= 0 ninds) (error "expected at least 1 indexed collection."))
(var limit (length (get inds 0)))
(for [i 0 ninds]
(def l (length (get inds i)))
(if (< l limit) (:= limit l)))
(def [i1 i2 i3 i4] inds)
(switch ninds
1 (for [i 0 limit] (f (get i1 i)))
2 (for [i 0 limit] (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i)))
3 (for [i 0 limit] (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i) (get i3 i)))
4 (for [i 0 limit] (f (get i1 i) (get i2 i) (get i3 i) (get i4 i)))
(for [i 0 limit]
(def args @[])
(for [j 0 ninds] (array-push args (get (get inds j) i)))
(apply1 f args))))
(defn mapcat
"Map a function over every element in an array or tuple and
"Map a function over every element in an array or tuple and
use array to concatenate the results. Returns the same
type as the input sequence."
[f ind t]
@ -517,7 +538,7 @@ in the same manner, and so on. Useful for expressing pipelines of data."
(apply1 tuple parts))
(reduce fop x forms))
(defn partial
(defn partial
"Partial function application."
[f & more]
(if (zero? (length more)) f
@ -628,7 +649,7 @@ in the same manner, and so on. Useful for expressing pipelines of data."
(defn pp
(defn pp
"Pretty print a value. Displays values inside collections, and is safe
to call on any table. Does not print table prototype information."
@ -706,7 +727,7 @@ to call on any table. Does not print table prototype information."
:table (fn [y] (do-ds y "@{" "}" true pp-dict))
:struct (fn [y] (do-ds y "{" "}" false pp-dict))
(:= recur (fn [y]
(def p (get printers (type y)))
(if p
@ -731,7 +752,7 @@ to call on any table. Does not print table prototype information."
(defn doarray [a]
(def len (length a))
(def newa @[])
(for [i 0 len]
(for [i 0 len]
(array-push newa (macroexpand1 (get a i))))
@ -851,7 +872,7 @@ onvalue."
# Fiber stream of values
(def vals (coro
(def p (parser 1))
(def p (parser 1))
(while going
(switch (parser-status p)
:full (yield (parser-produce p))
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