mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-03-06 00:08:09 +00:00

Make require simpler and module/find more useful.

This replaces a lot of the functionality in require by moving
it to module/find. module/native-paths and module/image-paths are also
merged into the one module/paths to make it easier to extend. This of
course breaks some of the less important API - module/native-paths no
longer exists.
This commit is contained in:
Calvin Rose 2019-02-16 13:21:29 -05:00
parent ec02d55145
commit 1f91ee30fe
2 changed files with 81 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## 0.4.0 - ??
- `write-image` function creates pre compiled images for janet. These images
link to the core library. They can be loaded via require.
- `make-image` function creates pre compiled images for janet. These images
link to the core library. They can be loaded via require or manually via
- Add bracketed tuples as tuple constructor.
- Add partition function to core library.
- Pre-compile core library into an image for faster startup.

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@ -1565,32 +1565,39 @@ value, one key will be ignored."
(error (res :error))))
(defn make-image
"Create an image from an environment returned by require.
Returns the image source as a string."
(marshal env (invert (env-lookup _env))))
(defn load-image
"The inverse operation to make-image. Returns an environment."
(unmarshal image (env-lookup _env)))
(def module/paths
"The list of paths to look for modules. The following
substitutions are preformed on each path. :sys: becomes
module/*syspath*, :name: becomes the last part of the module
name after the last /, and :all: is the module name literally.
:native: becomes the dynamic library file extension, usually dll
or so."
(def module/native-paths
"See doc for module/paths"
(def module/image-paths
"See doc for module/paths"
or so. Each element is a two element tuple, containing the path
template and a keyword :source, :native, or :image indicating how
require should load files found at these paths."
@[["./:all:.janet" :source]
["./:all:/init.janet" :source]
[":sys:/:all:.janet" :source]
[":sys:/:all:/init.janet" :source]
["./:all:.:native:" :native]
["./:all:/:name:.:native:" :native]
[":sys:/:all:.:native:" :native]
[":sys:/:all:/:name:.:native:" :native]
["./:all:.jimage" :image]
["./:all:.:name:.jimage" :image]
[":sys:/:all:.jimage" :image]
[":sys:/:all:/:name:.jimage" :image]
[":all:" :source]])
(var module/*syspath*
"The path where globally installed libraries are located.
@ -1600,20 +1607,36 @@ value, one key will be ignored."
(or (os/getenv "JANET_PATH")
(if (= :windows (os/which)) "" "/usr/local/lib/janet")))
(defn- fexists [path]
(def f (file/open path))
(if f (do (file/close f) path)))
(defn module/find
"Try to match a module or path name from the patterns in paths."
[path paths]
"Try to match a module or path name from the patterns in module/paths.
Returns a tuple (fullpath kind) where the kind is one of :source, :native,
or image if the module is found, otherise a tuple with nil followed by
an error message."
(def parts (string/split "/" path))
(def name (get parts (- (length parts) 1)))
(def nati (if (= :windows (os/which)) "dll" "so"))
(defn sub-path
(->> p
(string/replace ":name:" name)
(string/replace ":sys:" module/*syspath*)
(string/replace ":native:" nati)
(string/replace ":all:" path)))
(map sub-path paths))
(defn make-full
[[p mod-kind]]
(def fullpath (->> p
(string/replace ":name:" name)
(string/replace ":sys:" module/*syspath*)
(string/replace ":native:" nati)
(string/replace ":all:" path)))
[fullpath mod-kind])
(defn check-path [x] (if (fexists (x 0)) x))
(def paths (map make-full module/paths))
(def res (find check-path paths))
(if res res [nil (string "could not find module "
":\n "
;(interpose "\n " (map 0 paths)))]))
(put _env 'fexists nil)
(def module/cache
"Table mapping loaded module identifiers to their environments."
@ -1624,11 +1647,6 @@ value, one key will be ignored."
circular dependencies."
# Require helpers
(defn- fexists [path]
(def f (file/open path))
(if f (do (file/close f) path)))
(defn require
"Require a module with the given name. Will search all of the paths in
module/paths, then the path as a raw file path. Returns the new environment
@ -1637,55 +1655,31 @@ value, one key will be ignored."
(def {:exit exit-on-error} (table ;args))
(if-let [check (get module/cache path)]
(if-let [modpath (find fexists (module/find path module/paths))]
(when (get module/loading modpath)
(error (string "circular dependency: file " modpath " is loading")))
# Normal janet module
(def f (file/open modpath))
(def newenv (make-env))
(put module/loading modpath true)
(defn chunks [buf _] (file/read f 2048 buf))
(run-context {:env newenv
:chunks chunks
:on-status (fn [f x]
(when (not= (fiber/status f) :dead)
(debug/stacktrace f x)
(if exit-on-error (os/exit 1))))
:source modpath})
(file/close f)
(table/setproto newenv nil)
(put module/loading modpath false)
(put module/cache modpath newenv)
(put module/cache path newenv)
(if-let [imgpath (find fexists (module/find path module/image-paths))]
# Try image
(def imgsource (slurp imgpath))
(def img (unmarshal imgsource (env-lookup *env*)))
# Try native module
(def n (find fexists (module/find path module/native-paths)))
(if (not n)
(error (string "could not open file for module " path)))
(def e (make-env))
(native n e)
(put module/cache n e)
(put module/cache path e)
(put _env 'fexists nil)
(defn write-image
"Create an image from the file at path. Writes the output
image to a file at out."
[path out]
(def env (require path))
(def img (marshal env (invert (env-lookup _env))))
(spit out img)
(def [fullpath mod-kind] (module/find path))
(unless fullpath (error mod-kind))
(def env (case mod-kind
:source (do
# Normal janet module
(def f (file/open fullpath))
(def newenv (make-env))
(put module/loading fullpath true)
(defn chunks [buf _] (file/read f 2048 buf))
(run-context {:env newenv
:chunks chunks
:on-status (fn [f x]
(when (not= (fiber/status f) :dead)
(debug/stacktrace f x)
(if exit-on-error (os/exit 1))))
:source fullpath})
(file/close f)
(put module/loading fullpath nil)
(table/setproto newenv nil))
:native (native fullpath (make-env))
:image (load-image (slurp fullpath))))
(put module/cache fullpath env)
(put module/cache path env)
(defn import*
"Import a module into a given environment table. This is the