mirror of https://github.com/janet-lang/janet synced 2025-01-24 22:26:52 +00:00

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Calvin Rose 2017-03-11 17:06:22 -05:00
parent 4191b86895
commit 1611a9eeb4

View File

@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL https://ctags.io/ /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 0.0.0 /d9090e1b/
$(TARGET) Makefile /^$(TARGET): $(OBJECTS)$/;" t
%.o Makefile /^%.o : %.c$/;" t
ARRAY_H_BW48JZSK array.h /^#define ARRAY_H_BW48JZSK$/;" d
Array datatypes.h /^struct Array {$/;" s
Array datatypes.h /^typedef struct Array Array;$/;" t typeref:struct:Array
ArrayEnsure array.c /^void ArrayEnsure(GC * gc, Array * array, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ArrayGet array.c /^Value ArrayGet(Array * array, uint32_t index) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
ArrayInit array.c /^void ArrayInit(GC * gc, Array * array, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ArrayNew array.c /^Array * ArrayNew(GC * gc, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Array *
ArrayPeek array.c /^Value ArrayPeek(Array * array) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
ArrayPop array.c /^Value ArrayPop(Array * array) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
ArrayPush array.c /^void ArrayPush(GC * gc, Array * array, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ArraySet array.c /^int ArraySet(Array * array, uint32_t index, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
BUFFER_H_OEA9T4DJ buffer.h /^#define BUFFER_H_OEA9T4DJ$/;" d
Boolean datatypes.h /^typedef uint8_t Boolean;$/;" t typeref:typename:uint8_t
Buffer datatypes.h /^struct Buffer {$/;" s
Buffer datatypes.h /^typedef struct Buffer Buffer;$/;" t typeref:struct:Buffer
BufferAppendData buffer.c /^void BufferAppendData(GC * gc, Buffer * buffer, uint8_t * string, uint32_t length) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
BufferDefine buffer.h /^#define BufferDefine(/;" d
BufferEnsure buffer.c /^void BufferEnsure(GC * gc, Buffer * buffer, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
BufferGet buffer.c /^int32_t BufferGet(Buffer * buffer, uint32_t index) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int32_t
BufferInit buffer.c /^void BufferInit(GC * gc, Buffer * buffer, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
BufferNew buffer.c /^Buffer * BufferNew(GC * gc, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Buffer *
BufferPush buffer.c /^void BufferPush(GC * gc, Buffer * buffer, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
BufferToString buffer.c /^uint8_t * BufferToString(GC * gc, Buffer * buffer) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t *
CError compile.c /^#define CError(/;" d file:
CFLAGS Makefile /^CFLAGS=-std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -m32 -g$/;" m
CFunction datatypes.h /^typedef Value (*CFunction)(VM * vm);$/;" t typeref:typename:Value (*)(VM * vm)
COMPILE_H_9VXF71HY compile.h /^#define COMPILE_H_9VXF71HY$/;" d
CompileAddition compile.c /^static Slot CompileAddition(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileArray compile.c /^static Slot CompileArray(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * array) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileAssign compile.c /^static Slot CompileAssign(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Value left, Value right) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileBlock compile.c /^static Slot CompileBlock(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form, uint32_t startIndex) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileDict compile.c /^static Slot CompileDict(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Dictionary * dict) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileDivision compile.c /^static Slot CompileDivision(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileDo compile.c /^static Slot CompileDo(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileForm compile.c /^static Slot CompileForm(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileFunction compile.c /^static Slot CompileFunction(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileIf compile.c /^static Slot CompileIf(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileLiteral compile.c /^static Slot CompileLiteral(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileMultiplication compile.c /^static Slot CompileMultiplication(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileNonReferenceType compile.c /^static Slot CompileNonReferenceType(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileOperator compile.c /^static Slot CompileOperator(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form,$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileQuote compile.c /^static Slot CompileQuote(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileSet compile.c /^static Slot CompileSet(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileSubtraction compile.c /^static Slot CompileSubtraction(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileSymbol compile.c /^static Slot CompileSymbol(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Value sym) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
CompileValue compile.c /^static Slot CompileValue(Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
Compiler datatypes.h /^struct Compiler {$/;" s
Compiler datatypes.h /^typedef struct Compiler Compiler;$/;" t typeref:struct:Compiler
CompilerAddGlobal compile.c /^void CompilerAddGlobal(Compiler * c, const char * name, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
CompilerAddLiteral compile.c /^static uint16_t CompilerAddLiteral(Compiler * c, Scope * scope, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
CompilerCompile compile.c /^Func * CompilerCompile(Compiler * c, Value form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Func *
CompilerDeclareSymbol compile.c /^static uint16_t CompilerDeclareSymbol(Compiler * c, Scope * scope, Value sym) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
CompilerDropSlot compile.c /^static void CompilerDropSlot(Compiler * c, Scope * scope, Slot slot) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerFreeLocal compile.c /^static void CompilerFreeLocal(Compiler * c, Scope * scope, uint16_t slot) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerGC compile.c /^#define CompilerGC(/;" d file:
CompilerGenFuncDef compile.c /^static FuncDef * CompilerGenFuncDef(Compiler * c, uint32_t lastNBytes, uint32_t arity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:FuncDef * file:
CompilerGetLocal compile.c /^static uint16_t CompilerGetLocal(Compiler * c, Scope * scope) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
CompilerInit compile.c /^void CompilerInit(Compiler * c, VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
CompilerPopScope compile.c /^static void CompilerPopScope(Compiler * c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerPushScope compile.c /^static Scope * CompilerPushScope(Compiler * c, int sameFunction) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Scope * file:
CompilerReturnSlot compile.c /^static void CompilerReturnSlot(Compiler * c, Slot slot) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerTrackerFree compile.c /^static void CompilerTrackerFree(Compiler * c, Scope * scope, SlotTracker * tracker, int writeToB/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerTrackerInit compile.c /^static void CompilerTrackerInit(Compiler * c, SlotTracker * tracker) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
CompilerTrackerPush compile.c /^static void CompilerTrackerPush(Compiler * c, SlotTracker * tracker, Slot slot) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
DATATYPES_H_PJJ035NT datatypes.h /^#define DATATYPES_H_PJJ035NT$/;" d
DICT_H_YN2BKHUQ dict.h /^#define DICT_H_YN2BKHUQ$/;" d
DO_MULTI_MATH vm.c /^ #define DO_MULTI_MATH(/;" d file:
DictBucket datatypes.h /^struct DictBucket {$/;" s
DictBucket datatypes.h /^typedef struct DictBucket DictBucket;$/;" t typeref:struct:DictBucket
DictFind dict.c /^static DictBucket * DictFind(Dictionary * dict, Value * key, DictBucket ** prev) {$/;" f typeref:typename:DictBucket * file:
DictGet dict.c /^Value DictGet(Dictionary * dict, Value * key) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
DictInit dict.c /^void DictInit(GC * gc, Dictionary * dict, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
DictIterate dict.c /^void DictIterate(Dictionary * dict, DictionaryIterator * iterator) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
DictIterateNext dict.c /^int DictIterateNext(DictionaryIterator * iterator, DictBucket ** bucket) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
DictNew dict.c /^Dictionary * DictNew(GC * gc, uint32_t capacity) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Dictionary *
DictPut dict.c /^void DictPut(GC * gc, Dictionary * dict, Value * key, Value * value) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
DictReHash dict.c /^static void DictReHash(GC * gc, Dictionary * dict, uint32_t size) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
DictRemove dict.c /^Value DictRemove(GC * gc, Dictionary * dict, Value * key) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
Dictionary datatypes.h /^struct Dictionary {$/;" s
Dictionary datatypes.h /^typedef struct Dictionary Dictionary;$/;" t typeref:struct:Dictionary
DictionaryIterator datatypes.h /^struct DictionaryIterator {$/;" s
DictionaryIterator datatypes.h /^typedef struct DictionaryIterator DictionaryIterator;$/;" t typeref:struct:DictionaryIterator
DirectoryOfThisScript .ycm_extra_conf.py /^def DirectoryOfThisScript():$/;" f
EXPECTED_FUNCTION vm.c /^static const char EXPECTED_FUNCTION[] = "Expected function";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
FRAME_SIZE datatypes.h /^#define FRAME_SIZE /;" d
FlagsForFile .ycm_extra_conf.py /^def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ):$/;" f
FormOptions compile.c /^struct FormOptions {$/;" s file:
FormOptions compile.c /^typedef struct FormOptions FormOptions;$/;" t typeref:struct:FormOptions file:
FormOptionsDefault compile.c /^static FormOptions FormOptionsDefault() {$/;" f typeref:typename:FormOptions file:
FrameCallee datatypes.h /^#define FrameCallee(/;" d
FrameEnv datatypes.h /^#define FrameEnv(/;" d
FrameEnvValue datatypes.h /^#define FrameEnvValue(/;" d
FrameMeta datatypes.h /^#define FrameMeta(/;" d
FramePC datatypes.h /^#define FramePC(/;" d
FramePCValue datatypes.h /^#define FramePCValue(/;" d
FramePrevSize datatypes.h /^#define FramePrevSize(/;" d
FrameReturn datatypes.h /^#define FrameReturn(/;" d
FrameSize datatypes.h /^#define FrameSize(/;" d
Func datatypes.h /^struct Func {$/;" s
Func datatypes.h /^typedef struct Func Func;$/;" t typeref:struct:Func
FuncDef datatypes.h /^struct FuncDef {$/;" s
FuncDef datatypes.h /^typedef struct FuncDef FuncDef;$/;" t typeref:struct:FuncDef
FuncEnv datatypes.h /^struct FuncEnv {$/;" s
FuncEnv datatypes.h /^typedef struct FuncEnv FuncEnv;$/;" t typeref:struct:FuncEnv
GC datatypes.h /^struct GC {$/;" s
GC datatypes.h /^typedef struct GC GC;$/;" t typeref:struct:GC
GCAlloc gc.c /^void * GCAlloc(GC * gc, uint32_t size) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void *
GCClear gc.c /^void GCClear(GC * gc) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
GCCollect gc.h /^#define GCCollect(/;" d
GCHeader gc.c /^#define GCHeader(/;" d file:
GCInit gc.c /^void GCInit(GC * gc, uint32_t memoryInterval) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
GCMark gc.c /^void GCMark(GC * gc, Value * x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
GCMarkFuncEnv gc.c /^static void GCMarkFuncEnv(GC * gc, FuncEnv * env) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
GCMarkMemory gc.c /^void GCMarkMemory(GC * gc, void * memory) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
GCMaybeCollect gc.h /^#define GCMaybeCollect(/;" d
GCMemoryHeader gc.c /^struct GCMemoryHeader {$/;" s file:
GCMemoryHeader gc.c /^typedef struct GCMemoryHeader GCMemoryHeader;$/;" t typeref:struct:GCMemoryHeader file:
GCNeedsCollect gc.h /^#define GCNeedsCollect(/;" d
GCPrepare gc.c /^static void * GCPrepare(GC * gc, char * rawBlock, uint32_t size) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void * file:
GCSweep gc.c /^void GCSweep(GC * gc) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
GCZalloc gc.c /^void * GCZalloc(GC * gc, uint32_t size) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void *
GC_H_N8L3U4KK gc.h /^#define GC_H_N8L3U4KK$/;" d
GetCompilationInfoForFile .ycm_extra_conf.py /^def GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ):$/;" f
GetSpecial compile.c /^static SpecialFormHelper GetSpecial(Array * form) {$/;" f typeref:typename:SpecialFormHelper file:
GetUpValue vm.c /^static Value * GetUpValue(VM * vm, Func * fn, uint16_t level, uint16_t index) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value * file:
HEX value.c /^#define HEX(/;" d file:
HEX_CHARACTERS value.c /^static const char * HEX_CHARACTERS = "0123456789ABCDEF";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char * file:
IsHeaderFile .ycm_extra_conf.py /^def IsHeaderFile( filename ):$/;" f
LoadCString value.c /^static uint8_t * LoadCString(GC * gc, const char * string, uint32_t len) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t * file:
LoadConstant vm.c /^static Value * LoadConstant(VM * vm, Func * fn, uint16_t index) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value * file:
MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute .ycm_extra_conf.py /^def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, working_directory ):$/;" f
NO_UPVALUE vm.c /^static const char NO_UPVALUE[] = "Out of memory";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
Number datatypes.h /^typedef double Number;$/;" t typeref:typename:double
NumberToString value.c /^static uint8_t * NumberToString(GC * gc, Number x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t * file:
OBJECTS Makefile /^OBJECTS=$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SOURCES))$/;" m
OOM vm.c /^static const char OOM[] = "Out of memory";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
OPCODES_H_EFPEYNZ0 opcodes.h /^#define OPCODES_H_EFPEYNZ0$/;" d
OpCode opcodes.h /^enum OpCode {$/;" g
PARSER_ERROR datatypes.h /^#define PARSER_ERROR /;" d
PARSER_FULL datatypes.h /^#define PARSER_FULL /;" d
PARSER_PENDING datatypes.h /^#define PARSER_PENDING /;" d
PARSE_ERROR parse.h /^#define PARSE_ERROR /;" d
PARSE_H_ONYWMADW parse.h /^#define PARSE_H_ONYWMADW$/;" d
PARSE_VALUE_READ parse.h /^#define PARSE_VALUE_READ /;" d
PError parse.c /^#define PError(/;" d file:
PREFIX Makefile /^PREFIX=\/usr\/local$/;" m
PTYPE_ARRAY parse.c /^ PTYPE_ARRAY,$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
PTYPE_DICTIONARY parse.c /^ PTYPE_DICTIONARY,$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
PTYPE_FORM parse.c /^ PTYPE_FORM,$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
PTYPE_ROOT parse.c /^ PTYPE_ROOT,$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
PTYPE_STRING parse.c /^ PTYPE_STRING,$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
PTYPE_TOKEN parse.c /^ PTYPE_TOKEN$/;" e enum:ParseType file:
ParseReadNumber parse.c /^static int ParseReadNumber(const uint8_t * string, const uint8_t * end, double * ret, int forceI/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParseState datatypes.h /^typedef struct ParseState ParseState;$/;" t typeref:struct:ParseState
ParseState parse.c /^struct ParseState {$/;" s file:
ParseType parse.c /^typedef enum ParseType {$/;" g file:
ParseType parse.c /^} ParseType;$/;" t typeref:enum:ParseType file:
Parser datatypes.h /^struct Parser {$/;" s
Parser datatypes.h /^typedef struct Parser Parser;$/;" t typeref:struct:Parser
ParserArrayState parse.c /^static int ParserArrayState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserBuildTokenBuffer parse.c /^static Value ParserBuildTokenBuffer(Parser * p, Buffer * buf) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value file:
ParserDictState parse.c /^static int ParserDictState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserDispatchChar parse.c /^static int ParserDispatchChar(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserFormState parse.c /^static int ParserFormState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserInit parse.c /^void ParserInit(Parser * p, VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ParserMainState parse.c /^static int ParserMainState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserParseCString parse.c /^int ParserParseCString(Parser * p, const char * string) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
ParserPeek parse.c /^static ParseState * ParserPeek(Parser * p) {$/;" f typeref:typename:ParseState * file:
ParserPop parse.c /^static ParseState * ParserPop(Parser * p) {$/;" f typeref:typename:ParseState * file:
ParserPush parse.c /^static void ParserPush(Parser *p, ParseType type) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
ParserRootState parse.c /^static int ParserRootState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserStringState parse.c /^static int ParserStringState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserTokenState parse.c /^static int ParserTokenState(Parser * p, uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
ParserTopAppend parse.c /^static void ParserTopAppend(Parser * p, Value x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
SOURCES Makefile /^SOURCES=main.c parse.c value.c vm.c dict.c array.c buffer.c gc.c compile.c$/;" m
SOURCE_EXTENSIONS .ycm_extra_conf.py /^SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c', '.m', '.mm' ]$/;" v
STRING_STATE_BASE parse.c /^ STRING_STATE_BASE,$/;" e enum:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308::__anon9bce43d10403 file:
STRING_STATE_ESCAPE parse.c /^ STRING_STATE_ESCAPE,$/;" e enum:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308::__anon9bce43d10403 file:
STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX parse.c /^ STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_HEX$/;" e enum:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308::__anon9bce43d10403 file:
STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE parse.c /^ STRING_STATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE,$/;" e enum:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308::__anon9bce43d10403 file:
Scope compile.c /^struct Scope {$/;" s file:
Scope datatypes.h /^typedef struct Scope Scope;$/;" t typeref:struct:Scope
ScopeSymbolResolve compile.c /^static int ScopeSymbolResolve(Scope * scope, Value x,$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
Slot compile.c /^struct Slot {$/;" s file:
Slot compile.c /^typedef struct Slot Slot;$/;" t typeref:struct:Slot file:
SlotDefault compile.c /^static Slot SlotDefault() {$/;" f typeref:typename:Slot file:
SlotTracker compile.c /^struct SlotTracker {$/;" s file:
SlotTracker compile.c /^typedef struct SlotTracker SlotTracker;$/;" t typeref:struct:SlotTracker file:
SpecialFormHelper compile.c /^typedef Slot (*SpecialFormHelper) (Compiler * c, FormOptions opts, Array * form);$/;" t typeref:typename:Slot (*)(Compiler * c,FormOptions opts,Array * form) file:
StringDescription value.c /^static uint8_t * StringDescription(GC * gc, const char * title, uint32_t titlelen, void * pointe/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t * file:
TARGET Makefile /^TARGET=interp$/;" m
THREAD_STATUS_DEAD datatypes.h /^#define THREAD_STATUS_DEAD /;" d
TYPE_ARRAY datatypes.h /^ TYPE_ARRAY,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_BOOLEAN datatypes.h /^ TYPE_BOOLEAN,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_BYTEBUFFER datatypes.h /^ TYPE_BYTEBUFFER,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_CFUNCTION datatypes.h /^ TYPE_CFUNCTION,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_DICTIONARY datatypes.h /^ TYPE_DICTIONARY,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_FORM datatypes.h /^ TYPE_FORM,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_FUNCDEF datatypes.h /^ TYPE_FUNCDEF,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_FUNCENV datatypes.h /^ TYPE_FUNCENV$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_FUNCTION datatypes.h /^ TYPE_FUNCTION,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_NIL datatypes.h /^ TYPE_NIL = 0,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_NUMBER datatypes.h /^ TYPE_NUMBER,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_STRING datatypes.h /^ TYPE_STRING,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_SYMBOL datatypes.h /^ TYPE_SYMBOL,$/;" e enum:Type
TYPE_THREAD datatypes.h /^ TYPE_THREAD,$/;" e enum:Type
ThreadStack datatypes.h /^#define ThreadStack(/;" d
Type datatypes.h /^typedef enum Type {$/;" g
Type datatypes.h /^} Type;$/;" t typeref:enum:Type
UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM parse.c /^static const char UNEXPECTED_CLOSING_DELIM[] = "Unexpected closing delimiter";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
VALUE_H_1RJPQKFM value.h /^#define VALUE_H_1RJPQKFM$/;" d
VM datatypes.h /^struct VM {$/;" s
VM datatypes.h /^typedef struct VM VM;$/;" t typeref:struct:VM
VMArg vm.c /^#define VMArg(/;" d file:
VMAssert vm.h /^#define VMAssert(/;" d
VMCallOp vm.c /^static void VMCallOp(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMCollect vm.c /^void VMCollect(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMDeinit vm.c /^void VMDeinit(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMError vm.h /^#define VMError(/;" d
VMExit vm.h /^#define VMExit(/;" d
VMHandleOutOfMemory vm.c /^static void VMHandleOutOfMemory(GC * gc) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMInit vm.c /^void VMInit(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMLoad vm.c /^void VMLoad(VM * vm, Func * func) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMMakeClosure vm.c /^static void VMMakeClosure(VM * vm, uint16_t ret, uint16_t literal) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMMark vm.c /^void VMMark(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMMaybeCollect vm.c /^void VMMaybeCollect(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
VMOpArg vm.c /^#define VMOpArg(/;" d file:
VMPushCallee vm.c /^static void VMPushCallee(VM * vm, uint32_t ret, uint32_t arity, Value * callee) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMResult vm.h /^#define VMResult(/;" d
VMReturn vm.c /^static void VMReturn(VM * vm, Value ret) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMS_EXPECTED_NUMBER_LOP vm.c /^static const char VMS_EXPECTED_NUMBER_LOP[] = "Expected left operand to be number";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
VMS_EXPECTED_NUMBER_ROP vm.c /^static const char VMS_EXPECTED_NUMBER_ROP[] = "Expected right operand to be number";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char[] file:
VMStart vm.c /^int VMStart(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
VMTailCallOp vm.c /^static void VMTailCallOp(VM * vm) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMThreadPop vm.c /^static void VMThreadPop(VM * vm, Array * thread) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMThreadPush vm.c /^static void VMThreadPush(VM * vm, Array * thread, Value callee, uint32_t size) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VMThreadSplitStack vm.c /^static void VMThreadSplitStack(VM * vm, Array * thread) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
VM_H_C4OZU8CQ vm.h /^#define VM_H_C4OZU8CQ$/;" d
VM_OP_ADD opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_ADD = 0, \/* 0x0000 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_ADM opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_ADM, \/* 0x001c *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_ARR opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_ARR, \/* 0x0019 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_CAL opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_CAL, \/* 0x000e *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_CLN opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_CLN, \/* 0x0015 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_CST opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_CST, \/* 0x0011 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_DIC opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_DIC, \/* 0x001a *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_DIV opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_DIV, \/* 0x0003 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_DVM opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_DVM, \/* 0x001f *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_EQL opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_EQL, \/* 0x0016 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_F64 opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_F64, \/* 0x0013 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_FLS opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_FLS, \/* 0x0007 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_I16 opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_I16, \/* 0x000a *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_I32 opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_I32, \/* 0x0012 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_JIF opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_JIF, \/* 0x000c *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_JMP opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_JMP, \/* 0x000d *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_LD0 opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_LD0, \/* 0x0005 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_LD1 opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_LD1, \/* 0x0006 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_LTE opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_LTE, \/* 0x0018 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_LTN opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_LTN, \/* 0x0017 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_MOV opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_MOV, \/* 0x0014 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_MUL opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_MUL, \/* 0x0002 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_MUM opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_MUM, \/* 0x001e *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_NIL opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_NIL, \/* 0x0009 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_NOT opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_NOT, \/* 0x0004 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_RET opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_RET, \/* 0x000f *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_RTN opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_RTN \/* 0x0020 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_SBM opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_SBM, \/* 0x001d *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_SUB opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_SUB, \/* 0x0001 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_SUV opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_SUV, \/* 0x0010 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_TCL opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_TCL, \/* 0x001b *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_TRU opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_TRU, \/* 0x0008 *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VM_OP_UPV opcodes.h /^ VM_OP_UPV, \/* 0x000b *\/$/;" e enum:OpCode
VStringHash vstring.h /^#define VStringHash(/;" d
VStringRaw vstring.h /^#define VStringRaw(/;" d
VStringSize vstring.h /^#define VStringSize(/;" d
Value datatypes.h /^struct Value {$/;" s
Value datatypes.h /^typedef struct Value Value;$/;" t typeref:struct:Value
ValueCompare value.c /^int ValueCompare(Value * x, Value * y) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
ValueData datatypes.h /^typedef union ValueData ValueData;$/;" t typeref:union:ValueData
ValueData datatypes.h /^union ValueData {$/;" u
ValueEqual value.c /^int ValueEqual(Value * x, Value * y) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
ValueHash value.c /^uint32_t ValueHash(Value * x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint32_t
ValueLoadCString value.c /^Value ValueLoadCString(GC * gc, const char * string) {$/;" f typeref:typename:Value
ValuePrint value.c /^void ValuePrint(Value * x, uint32_t indent) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ValueToString value.c /^uint8_t * ValueToString(GC * gc, Value * x) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t *
__anon69403613010a value.c /^ union {$/;" u function:StringDescription file:
__anon69403613020a value.c /^ union {$/;" u function:ValueHash file:
__anon9bce43d1010a parse.c /^ union {$/;" u struct:ParseState file:
__anon9bce43d10208 parse.c /^ struct {$/;" s union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a file:
__anon9bce43d10308 parse.c /^ struct {$/;" s union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a file:
__anon9bce43d10403 parse.c /^ enum {$/;" g struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308 file:
all Makefile /^all: $(TARGET)$/;" t
arity datatypes.h /^ uint32_t arity;$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:uint32_t
array datatypes.h /^ Array * array;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Array *
array parse.c /^ Array * array;$/;" m union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a typeref:typename:Array * file:
base datatypes.h /^ Value * base;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:Value *
black datatypes.h /^ uint32_t black : 1;$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:uint32_t:1
blocks datatypes.h /^ void * blocks;$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:void *
boolean datatypes.h /^ Boolean boolean;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Boolean
bucket datatypes.h /^ DictBucket * bucket;$/;" m struct:DictionaryIterator typeref:typename:DictBucket *
buckets datatypes.h /^ DictBucket ** buckets;$/;" m struct:Dictionary typeref:typename:DictBucket **
buf parse.c /^ } buf;$/;" m struct:ParseState typeref:union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a file:
buffer datatypes.h /^ Buffer * buffer;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Buffer *
buffer datatypes.h /^ Buffer buffer;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:Buffer
buffer parse.c /^ Buffer * buffer;$/;" m struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308 typeref:typename:Buffer * file:
byteCode datatypes.h /^ uint16_t * byteCode;$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:uint16_t *
byteCodeLen datatypes.h /^ uint32_t byteCodeLen;$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:uint32_t
bytes value.c /^ uint8_t bytes[sizeof(void *)];$/;" m union:StringDescription::__anon69403613010a typeref:typename:uint8_t[] file:
canChoose compile.c /^ uint16_t canChoose : 1;$/;" m struct:FormOptions typeref:typename:uint16_t:1 file:
canDrop compile.c /^ uint16_t canDrop : 1;$/;" m struct:FormOptions typeref:typename:uint16_t:1 file:
cap datatypes.h /^ uint32_t cap;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:uint32_t
capacity compile.c /^ uint32_t capacity;$/;" m struct:SlotTracker typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
capacity datatypes.h /^ uint32_t capacity;$/;" m struct:Array typeref:typename:uint32_t
capacity datatypes.h /^ uint32_t capacity;$/;" m struct:Buffer typeref:typename:uint32_t
capacity datatypes.h /^ uint32_t capacity;$/;" m struct:Dictionary typeref:typename:uint32_t
cfunction datatypes.h /^ CFunction cfunction;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:CFunction
checkStrConst parse.c /^static int checkStrConst(const char * ref, const uint8_t * start, const uint8_t * end) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
clean Makefile /^clean:$/;" t
color gc.c /^ uint32_t color;$/;" m struct:GCMemoryHeader typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
compilation_database_folder .ycm_extra_conf.py /^compilation_database_folder = ''$/;" v
count compile.c /^ uint32_t count;$/;" m struct:SlotTracker typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
count datatypes.h /^ uint32_t count;$/;" m struct:Array typeref:typename:uint32_t
count datatypes.h /^ uint32_t count;$/;" m struct:Buffer typeref:typename:uint32_t
count datatypes.h /^ uint32_t count;$/;" m struct:Dictionary typeref:typename:uint32_t
count datatypes.h /^ uint32_t count;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:uint32_t
data datatypes.h /^ ParseState * data;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:ParseState *
data datatypes.h /^ Value * data;$/;" m struct:Array typeref:typename:Value *
data datatypes.h /^ ValueData data;$/;" m struct:Value typeref:typename:ValueData
data datatypes.h /^ uint8_t * data;$/;" m struct:Buffer typeref:typename:uint8_t *
data datatypes.h /^} data;$/;" v typeref:union:ValueData
database .ycm_extra_conf.py /^ database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase( compilation_database_folder )$/;" v
debug Makefile /^debug: $(TARGET)$/;" t
debugRepl main.c /^void debugRepl() {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
def datatypes.h /^ FuncDef * def;$/;" m struct:Func typeref:typename:FuncDef *
dict datatypes.h /^ Dictionary * dict;$/;" m struct:DictionaryIterator typeref:typename:Dictionary *
dict datatypes.h /^ Dictionary * dict;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Dictionary *
dict parse.c /^ Dictionary * dict;$/;" m struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10208 typeref:typename:Dictionary * file:
dictState parse.c /^ } dictState;$/;" m union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a typeref:struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10208 file:
djb2 value.c /^uint32_t djb2(const uint8_t * str) {$/;" f typeref:typename:uint32_t
env datatypes.h /^ Array env;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:Array
env datatypes.h /^ FuncEnv * env;$/;" m struct:Func typeref:typename:FuncEnv *
error datatypes.h /^ const char * error;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:const char *
error datatypes.h /^ const char * error;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:const char *
error datatypes.h /^ const char * error;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:const char *
exp10 parse.c /^static double exp10(int power) {$/;" f typeref:typename:double file:
flags .ycm_extra_conf.py /^flags = [$/;" v
freeHeap compile.c /^ uint16_t * freeHeap;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:uint16_t * file:
func datatypes.h /^ Func * func;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Func *
funcdef datatypes.h /^ FuncDef * funcdef;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:FuncDef *
funcenv datatypes.h /^ FuncEnv * funcenv;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:FuncEnv *
gc datatypes.h /^ GC gc;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:GC
handleOutOfMemory datatypes.h /^ void (*handleOutOfMemory)(GC * gc);$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:void (*)(GC * gc)
hash value.c /^ uint32_t hash;$/;" m union:ValueHash::__anon69403613020a typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
heapCapacity compile.c /^ uint32_t heapCapacity;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
heapSize compile.c /^ uint32_t heapSize;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:uint32_t file:
index compile.c /^ uint16_t index;$/;" m struct:Slot typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
index datatypes.h /^ uint32_t index;$/;" m struct:DictionaryIterator typeref:typename:uint32_t
index datatypes.h /^ uint32_t index;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:uint32_t
install Makefile /^install: $(TARGET)$/;" t
isDud compile.c /^ uint16_t isDud : 1;$/;" m struct:Slot typeref:typename:uint16_t:1 file:
isSymbolChar parse.c /^static int isSymbolChar(uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
isTail compile.c /^ uint16_t isTail : 1;$/;" m struct:FormOptions typeref:typename:uint16_t:1 file:
isTemp compile.c /^ uint16_t isTemp : 1;$/;" m struct:Slot typeref:typename:uint16_t:1 file:
isWhitespace parse.c /^static int isWhitespace(uint8_t c) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
jump datatypes.h /^ jmp_buf jump;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:jmp_buf
key datatypes.h /^ Value key;$/;" m struct:DictBucket typeref:typename:Value
key parse.c /^ Value key;$/;" m struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10208 typeref:typename:Value file:
keyFound parse.c /^ int keyFound;$/;" m struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10208 typeref:typename:int file:
literals compile.c /^ Dictionary * literals;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:Dictionary * file:
literals datatypes.h /^ Value * literals; \/* Contains strings, FuncDefs, etc. *\/$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:Value *
literalsArray compile.c /^ Array * literalsArray;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:Array * file:
literalsLen datatypes.h /^ uint32_t literalsLen;$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:uint32_t
locals compile.c /^ Dictionary locals;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:Dictionary file:
locals datatypes.h /^ uint32_t locals;$/;" m struct:FuncDef typeref:typename:uint32_t
main main.c /^int main() {$/;" f typeref:typename:int
memoryInterval datatypes.h /^ uint32_t memoryInterval;$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:uint32_t
next datatypes.h /^ DictBucket * next;$/;" m struct:DictBucket typeref:typename:DictBucket *
next gc.c /^ GCMemoryHeader * next;$/;" m struct:GCMemoryHeader typeref:typename:GCMemoryHeader * file:
nextCollection datatypes.h /^ uint32_t nextCollection;$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:uint32_t
nextLocal compile.c /^ uint16_t nextLocal;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
nextScope compile.c /^ Scope * nextScope;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:Scope * file:
number datatypes.h /^ Number number;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:Number
number value.c /^ Number number;$/;" m union:ValueHash::__anon69403613020a typeref:typename:Number file:
onError datatypes.h /^ jmp_buf onError;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:jmp_buf
p value.c /^ void * p;$/;" m union:StringDescription::__anon69403613010a typeref:typename:void * file:
parent datatypes.h /^ Func * parent;$/;" m struct:Func typeref:typename:Func *
pc datatypes.h /^ uint16_t * pc;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:uint16_t *
pointer datatypes.h /^ void * pointer;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:void *
previousScope compile.c /^ Scope * previousScope;$/;" m struct:Scope typeref:typename:Scope * file:
root datatypes.h /^ Scope * root;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:Scope *
run Makefile /^run: $(TARGET)$/;" t
slots compile.c /^ Slot * slots;$/;" m struct:SlotTracker typeref:typename:Slot * file:
stackOffset datatypes.h /^ uint32_t stackOffset; \/* Used as environment size when off stack *\/$/;" m struct:FuncEnv typeref:typename:uint32_t
state parse.c /^ } state;$/;" m struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308 typeref:enum:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308::__anon9bce43d10403 file:
status datatypes.h /^ uint32_t status;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:uint32_t
string datatypes.h /^ uint8_t * string;$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:uint8_t *
string parse.c /^ } string;$/;" m union:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a typeref:struct:ParseState::__anon9bce43d1010a::__anon9bce43d10308 file:
tail datatypes.h /^ Scope * tail;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:Scope *
target compile.c /^ uint16_t target;$/;" m struct:FormOptions typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
tempRoot datatypes.h /^ Value tempRoot; \/* Temporary GC root *\/$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:Value
thread datatypes.h /^ Array * thread; \/* When nil, index the local values *\/$/;" m struct:FuncEnv typeref:typename:Array *
thread datatypes.h /^ Array * thread;$/;" m struct:VM typeref:typename:Array *
truthy vm.c /^static int truthy(Value * v) {$/;" f typeref:typename:int file:
type datatypes.h /^ Type type;$/;" m struct:Value typeref:typename:Type
type parse.c /^ ParseType type;$/;" m struct:ParseState typeref:typename:ParseType file:
u16 datatypes.h /^ uint16_t u16[4];$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:uint16_t[4]
u8 datatypes.h /^ uint8_t u8[8];$/;" m union:ValueData typeref:typename:uint8_t[8]
user datatypes.h /^ void * user;$/;" m struct:GC typeref:typename:void *
value datatypes.h /^ Value value;$/;" m struct:DictBucket typeref:typename:Value
value datatypes.h /^ Value value;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:Value
values datatypes.h /^ Value * values;$/;" m struct:FuncEnv typeref:typename:Value *
vm datatypes.h /^ VM * vm;$/;" m struct:Compiler typeref:typename:VM *
vm datatypes.h /^ VM * vm;$/;" m struct:Parser typeref:typename:VM *