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2021-06-14 02:11:08 +00:00
### dagbuild.janet
### A module for building files / running commands in an order.
### Building blocks for a Make-like build system.
# DAG Execution
(defn pmap
"Function form of `ev/gather`. If any of the
sibling fibers error, all other siblings will be canceled. Returns the gathered
results in an array."
[f data]
(def chan (ev/chan))
(def res @[])
(def fibers
(seq [[i x] :pairs data]
(ev/go (fiber/new (fn [] (put res i (f x))) :tp) nil chan)))
(repeat (length fibers)
(def [sig fiber] (ev/take chan))
(unless (= sig :ok)
(each f fibers (ev/cancel f "sibling canceled"))
(propagate (fiber/last-value fiber) fiber)))
(defn pdag
"Executes a dag by calling f on every node in the graph.
Can set the number of workers
for parallel execution. The graph is represented as a table
mapping nodes to arrays of child nodes. Each node will only be evaluated
after all children have been evaluated. Returns a table mapping each node
to the result of `(f node)`."
[f dag &opt n-workers]
# preprocess
(def res @{})
(def seen @{})
(def q (ev/chan math/int32-max))
(def dep-counts @{})
(def inv @{})
(defn visit [node]
(if (seen node) (break))
(put seen node true)
(def depends-on (get dag node []))
(put dep-counts node (length depends-on))
2021-06-14 02:11:08 +00:00
(if (empty? depends-on)
(ev/give q node))
(each r depends-on
(put inv r (array/push (get inv r @[]) node))
(visit r)))
(eachk r dag (visit r))
# run n workers in parallel
(default n-workers (max 1 (length seen)))
(assert (> n-workers 0))
(defn worker [&]
(while (next seen)
(def node (ev/take q))
(if-not node (break))
(when (in seen node)
(put seen node nil)
(put res node (f node)))
(each r (get inv node [])
(when (zero? (set (dep-counts r) (dec (get dep-counts r 1))))
(ev/give q r))))
(ev/give q nil))
(pmap worker (range n-workers))