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# Library to help build janet natives and other
# build artifacts.
# Windows is the OS outlier
(def- is-win (= (os/which) :windows))
(defn- shell
"Do a shell command"
[& args]
(print ;args)
(def res (os/shell (string ;args)))
(unless (zero? res)
(print "Error executing command: " ;args)
(os/exit res)))
(defn- mkdir
"Make a directory. Not safe for user code."
(if is-win
(shell "mkdir " path)
(shell "mkdir -p " path)))
(defn- rm
"Remove a directory. Not safe for user code."
(if is-win
(shell "rmdir " path " /s")
(shell "rm -rf " path)))
(defn- object-name
"Rename a source file so it can be built in a flat source tree."
(if is-win
(->> path
(string/replace-all "\\" "___")
(string/replace-all ".c" ".obj")
(string "build\\")))
(->> path
(string/replace-all "/" "___")
(string/replace-all ".c" ".o")
(string "build/")))
(defn- lib-name
"Generate name for dynamic library."
(if is-win
(string "build\\" name ".dll")
(string "build/" name ".so")))
# Defaults
(def OPTIMIZE 2)
(def CC (if is-win "cl" "cc"))
(def LD (if is-win "link" (string CC " -shared")))
(def CFLAGS (string (if is-win "/0" "-std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -fpic -O") OPTIMIZE))
(defn- compile-c
"Compile a C file into an object file."
[opts src dest]
(def cc (or opts:compiler CC))
(def cflags (or opts:cflags CFLAGS))
(if is-win
(shell cc " /nologo /c " cflags " /Fo" dest " " src)
(shell cc " " cflags " -o " dest " -c " src)))
(defn- link-c
"Link a number of object files together."
[opts target & objects]
(def ld (or opts:linker LD))
(def cflags (or opts:cflags CFLAGS))
(def olist (string/join objects " "))
(if is-win
(shell ld "/out:" target " " olist)
(shell ld " " cflags " -o " target " " olist)))
# Public
(defn make-native
"Build a native binary. This is a shared library that can be loaded
dynamically by a janet runtime."
[& opts]
(def opt-table (table ;opts))
(mkdir "build")
(loop [src :in opt-table:source]
(compile-c opt-table src (object-name src)))
(link-c opt-table (lib-name opt-table:name) ;(map object-name opt-table:source)))
(defn clean
"Remove all built artifacts."
(rm "build"))
(defn make-archive
"Build a janet archive. This is a file that bundles together many janet
scripts into a janet form. This file can the be moved to any machine with
a janet vm and the required dependencies and run there."
[& opts]
(error "Not Yet Implemented."))
(defn make-binary
"Make a binary executable that can be run on the current platform. This function
generates a self contained binary that can be run of the same architecture as the
build machine, as the current janet vm will be packaged with the output binary."
[& opts]
(error "Not Yet Implemented."))