mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:20:09 +00:00
1140 lines
28 KiB
1140 lines
28 KiB
void saveAchShot(const char *b, double scale) {
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
SDL_Surface *sav = s;
s = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,512,512,32,0,0,0,0);
videopar vid2 = vid;
vid.xres = vid.yres = 512; vid.scale = scale;
bool bb = vid.usingGL; vid.usingGL = false;
darken = 0;
SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, i ? 0xFFFFFF : 0);
char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "steam/ach/%d%s.bmp", i, b);
SDL_SaveBMP(s, buf);
SDL_FreeSurface(s); s = sav; vid = vid2;
vid.usingGL = bb;
void saveFrame(int fr) {
fanframe = fr / 30.0;
for(int i=0; i<1; i++) {
SDL_Surface *sav = s;
s = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,2048,2048,32,0,0,0,0);
videopar vid2 = vid;
vid.xres = vid.yres = 2048; vid.scale = 1;
bool bb = vid.usingGL; vid.usingGL = false;
int ssr = sightrange; sightrange = 10; int sch = cheater; cheater = 0;
darken = 0;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, i ? 0xFFFFFF : 0);
char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "fanframe/image%02d.bmp", fr);
SDL_SaveBMP(s, buf);
SDL_FreeSurface(s); s = sav; vid = vid2;
vid.usingGL = bb;
cheater = sch; sightrange = ssr;
int fadeoutat = -1;
bool before;
int tv = -1;
int textat;
string landmsg;
string landmsg2;
int landcol;
eLand nextland;
void process_local_extra() {
if(fadeoutat != -1) {
fadeout = 1 - (SDL_GetTicks() - fadeoutat) / 1000.0;
if(fadeout < -1) { fadeoutat = -1; fadeout = 1; nextland = laNone; return; }
if(fadeout < 0) {
fadeout = -fadeout;
if(before) {
textat = SDL_GetTicks();
before = false;
firstland = nextland;
landmsg = linf[firstland].name;
landmsg2 = "";
landcol = linf[firstland].color;
if(shmup::on) restartGame('s');
if(euclid) restartGame('e');
tactic::trailer = true;
if(!tactic::on) restartGame('t');
else restartGame();
/* if(firstland == laCamelot) {
firstland = laIce;
landmsg = "Shmup Mode";
landmsg2 = "you can play with your friends!";
shmup::players = 2;
if(firstland == laMirror) {
landmsg2 = "featuring the Euclidean mode!";
} */
if(firstland == laWildWest)
landmsg2 = "(bonus land)";
// vid.female = hrand(2);
if(firstland == laRedRock)
landcol = 0xFF0000;
/* if(firstland == laPalace)
cwt.c->mov[0]->monst = moPrincessArmed,
cwt.c->mov[0]->hitpoints = 7,
landmsg2 = "featuring the Princess!",
vid.female = false,
vid.samegender = false; */
if(isCrossroads(firstland)) {
if(firstland == laCrossroads) landmsg2 = "and the Camelot!",
tactic::on = false;
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(itemclass(eItem(i)) == IC_TREASURE)
items[i] = 10;
items[itHyperstone] = 0;
items[itBounty] = 0;
if(firstland == laTortoise) {
tortoise::seekbits = rand();
void process_local_stats() {
if(ticks >= textat && ticks < textat + 2500) {
int dt = SDL_GetTicks()-textat;
int col = gradient(0, landcol, 0, min(dt, 1000), 1000);
displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/4, 2, vid.fsize * 2, landmsg, col, 8);
displayfr(vid.xres/2, vid.yres/4 + vid.fsize*2, 2, vid.fsize, landmsg2, col, 8);
bool nomusic = false; // true;
bool local_changemusic(eLand& id) {
if(nomusic) return true;
if(nextland) id = nextland;
return false;
int syserr;
int tab[3000][3000];
vector<int> gtab[600][600][20];
int gromovprod(int x, int y, int o) {
return tab[o][x] + tab[o][y] - tab[x][y];
void gromov1() {
int N = size(dcal);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
tab[i][j] = celldistance(dcal[i], dcal[j]);
int deltas[100];
for(int k=0; k<100; k++) deltas[k] = 0;
int fdelta = -1;
for(int x=0; x<N; x++) {
for(int y=0; y<N; y++)
for(int z=0; z<N; z++)
for(int o=0; o<N; o++) {
int deltabound =
min(gromovprod(x,z,o), gromovprod(y,z,o)) - gromovprod(x,y,o);
fdelta = max(deltabound, fdelta);
printf("x=%d/%d (%d)\n", x, N, fdelta);
for(int t=0; t<100; t++) if(deltas[t])
printf("%4d: %d\n", t-50, deltas[t]);
int pdst(int a, vector<int>& v) {
int maxd = -1;
for(int i=0; i<size(v); i++) if(tab[a][v[i]] > maxd) maxd = tab[a][v[i]];
return maxd;
void gromov() {
static bool done = false;
if(done) return;
done = true;
int N = 120; // size(dcal);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
tab[i][j] = celldistance(dcal[i], dcal[j]);
printf("built tab\n");
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
for(int k=0; k<N; k++)
if(tab[i][k] + tab[k][j] == tab[i][j])
printf("built geos\n");
int fdelta = -1;
int fi, fj, fk;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
for(int d=0; d<=tab[i][j]; d++)
if(size(gtab[i][j][d]) == 0)
printf("Error in celldistance!\n");
for(int l=0; l<N; l++)
for(int i=0; i<=l; i++)
for(int j=0; j<=l; j++)
for(int k=(i==l||j==l?0:l); k<=l; k++) {
int dij = tab[i][j];
int dik = tab[i][k];
int dkj = tab[k][j];
for(int d=0; d<=dij; d++) for(int v=0; v<size(gtab[i][j][d]); v++) {
int chk = gtab[i][j][d][v];
int mindelta = 100;
for(int d1=0; d1<=dik; d1++)
mindelta = min(mindelta, pdst(chk, gtab[i][k][d1]));
for(int d2=0; d2<=dkj; d2++)
mindelta = min(mindelta, pdst(chk, gtab[j][k][d2]));
if(mindelta > fdelta) {
fdelta = mindelta;
printf("found delta of %d [%d %d %d]\n", fdelta, i, j, k);
fi=i; fj=j; fk=k;
dcal[fi]->item = itRuby;
dcal[fj]->item = itAmethyst;
dcal[fk]->item = itCompass;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if(tab[i][fi] + tab[i][fj] == tab[fi][fj]) dcal[i]->wall = waFloorA;
if(tab[i][fj] + tab[i][fk] == tab[fj][fk]) dcal[i]->wall = waFloorB;
if(tab[i][fk] + tab[i][fi] == tab[fk][fi]) dcal[i]->wall = waFloorC;
void process_local0(int sym) {
// gromov();
if(sym == SDLK_F4) {
fadeoutat = SDL_GetTicks();
before = true;
tv %= LAND_TAC;
nextland = land_tac[tv].l;
vid.axes = 0;
if(nextland == laCamelot) process_local0(sym);
if(sym == SDLK_F6 && nomusic && !items[itOrbFriend]) { nomusic = false; return; } */
/* if(sym == SDLK_F9) {
syserr = system("killall recordmydesktop");
if(sym == SDLK_F8) {
syserr = system("killall -s SIGUSR1 recordmydesktop");
} */
void process_local(int sym) {
if(sym == SDLK_F9) {
showoff = true; showid = 0;
for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) landcount[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) items[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) kills[i] = 0;
int lat = 0;
for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) if(landcount[i]) lat++;
addMessage("lat = "+its(lat));
//if(sym == SDLK_F8)
// saveHighQualityShot();
if(sym == SDLK_F8)
for(int i=0; i<30; i++)
if(sym == SDLK_F5) {
int dcs = size(dcal);
for(int i=0; i<dcs; i++) {
cell *c = dcal[i];
if(c->cpdist <= 4) setdist(c, 1, NULL);
time_t timer;
timer = time(NULL);
SDL_Surface *sav = s;
s = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,1920,1200,32,0,0,0,0);
int ssr = sightrange; sightrange = 10; int sch = cheater; cheater = 0;
bool b = vid.usingGL;
vid.usingGL = false;
videopar vid2 = vid;
vid.xres = 1920; vid.yres = 1200; vid.scale = 1.9;
darken = 0;
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, i ? 0xFFFFFF : 0);
#ifdef GFX
aacircleColor(s, vid.xcenter, vid.ycenter, vid.radius, 0x0000FF80);
char buf[128]; strftime(buf, 128, "backshot-%y%m%d-%H%M%S.bmp", localtime(&timer));
buf[7] += i;
SDL_SaveBMP(s, buf);
addMessage(s0 + "Backshot saved");
SDL_FreeSurface(s); s = sav; vid = vid2; sightrange = ssr; cheater = sch;
vid.usingGL = b;
if(sym == SDLK_F3) {
showoff = true; showid = 0;
for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++) landcount[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) items[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<motypes; i++) kills[i] = 0;
vid.axes = 0;
if(purehepta) {
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
cwt.c->item = itHolyGrail;
for(int t=0; t<cwt.c->type; t++)
cwt.c->mov[t]->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("grailh", 5);
if(sphere && cwt.c->land == laHalloween) {
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
vid.alpha = 999;
View = spin(M_PI);
saveAchShot("halloween", 998);
for(int t=0; t<cwt.c->type; t++)
cwt.c->mov[t]->wall = waChasm;
/* mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laDryForest;
cwt.c->item = itFernFlower;
for(int t=0; t<cwt.c->type; t++)
cwt.c->mov[t]->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("fern", 5);
cwt.c->land = laPower;
cwt.c->item = itPower;
cwt.c->type = 6;
cwt.c->wall = waGlass;
saveAchShot("power", 5);
cwt.c->item = itOrbFire;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("fireorb", 5); */
cwt.c->type = 7;
/* cwt.c->land = laHive;
cwt.c->item = itRoyalJelly;
saveAchShot("jelly", 5);
cwt.c->land = laDeadCaves;
cwt.c->item = itSilver;
saveAchShot("silver", 5);
cwt.c->land = laEmerald;
cwt.c->item = itEmerald;
saveAchShot("emerald", 5);
cwt.c->land = laWineyard;
cwt.c->item = itWine;
saveAchShot("wine", 5);
cwt.c->land = laEmerald;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moFlailer;
saveAchShot("flailer", 5);
cwt.c->land = laHive;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moBug2;
saveAchShot("bug", 5);
cwt.c->land = laCaves;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waCavewall;
saveAchShot("cavea", 5);
cwt.c->land = laCrossroads;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waCavewall;
saveAchShot("caveb", 5);
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moHedge;
saveAchShot("hedge", 5);
cwt.c->item = itSapphire;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->land = laCocytus;
saveAchShot("sapphire", 5);
cwt.c->item = itGrimoire;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->land = laTemple;
saveAchShot("grimoire", 5);
cwt.c->item = itHolyGrail;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
saveAchShot("grail", 5);
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moKnight;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
cwt.c->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("knight", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moFlailer;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
cwt.c->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("flailer", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itHolyGrail;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
cwt.c->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("grail-emo", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itPirate;
cwt.c->land = laCaribbean;
cwt.c->wall = waCIsland;
saveAchShot("pirate", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itRedGem;
cwt.c->land = laRedRock;
cwt.c->wall = waRed3;
saveAchShot("redgem", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itWhirlpool;
cwt.c->land = laWhirlpool;
cwt.c->wall = waBoat;
cwt.c->master->alt = cwt.c->master;
cwt.c->master->distance = 0;
saveAchShot("whirlpool", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itCoast;
cwt.c->land = laOcean;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("amber", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itBombEgg;
cwt.c->land = laMinefield;
cwt.c->wall = waMineUnknown;
saveAchShot("bombegg", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itPalace;
cwt.c->land = laPalace;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("hyperrug", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itFjord;
cwt.c->land = laLivefjord;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("garnet", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moPrincess;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laPalace;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("princess_palace", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moPrincess;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laCrossroads;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("princess_cross", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moPrincess;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laEmerald;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("princess_emerald", 5); */
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itFireShard;
cwt.c->land = laEFire;
saveAchShot("elfire", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itWaterShard;
cwt.c->land = laEWater;
saveAchShot("elwater", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itAirShard;
cwt.c->land = laEAir;
saveAchShot("elair", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itEarthShard;
cwt.c->land = laEEarth;
saveAchShot("elearth", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itZebra;
cwt.c->land = laZebra;
saveAchShot("zebra", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itFulgurite;
cwt.c->land = laStorms;
saveAchShot("fulgurite", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itMutant;
cwt.c->land = laOvergrown;
saveAchShot("mutant", 5); */
/* cwt.c->monst = moMetalBeast2;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laStorms;
saveAchShot("metalbeast", 5); */
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itLotus;
cwt.c->land = laHaunted;
saveAchShot("lotus", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moGhost;
cwt.c->item = itLotus;
cwt.c->land = laHaunted;
saveAchShot("lotusghost", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itWindstone;
cwt.c->land = laWhirlwind;
saveAchShot("dove", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itMutant2;
cwt.c->land = laClearing;
saveAchShot("fruit", 5); */
/* mapeditor::drawplayer = true;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laIce;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
saveAchShot("rogue", 5); */
/* cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->land = laMinefield;
cwt.c->wall = waMineOpen;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
for(int t=0; t<cwt.c->type; t++)
cwt.c->mov[t]->land = laMinefield,
cwt.c->mov[t]->wall = waMineMine;
saveAchShot("sevenmine", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moCShark;
cwt.c->land = laCamelot;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->wall = waCamelotMoat;
cwt.c->mov[0]->wall = waCamelotMoat;
cwt.c->mov[1]->wall = waCamelot;
cwt.c->mov[2]->wall = waCamelotMoat;
cwt.c->mov[3]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[4]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[5]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[6]->wall = waNone;
for(int t=0; t<cwt.c->type; t++)
cwt.c->mov[t]->land = t<3? laCamelot : laCrossroads;
saveAchShot("moatshark", 5);
if(euclid) {
vid.female = true;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->monst = moMirage;
cwt.c->land = laMirror;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
s veAchShot("mirage", 9);
} */
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itCompass;
cwt.c->land = laCaribbean;
cwt.c->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("compass-emo", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moPirate;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laCaribbean;
cwt.c->wall = waChasm;
saveAchShot("pirate-emo", 5);
cwt.c->monst = moBullet;
cwt.c->item = itOrbYendor;
cwt.c->land = laHell;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("knife", 5);*/
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itRose;
cwt.c->land = laRose;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("rose", 5); */
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itCoral;
cwt.c->land = laWarpSea;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
for(int i=0; i<cwt.c->type; i++)
cwt.c->mov[i]->land = laWarpSea;
cwt.c->landparam = 1337;
cwt.c->wall = waBoat;
saveAchShot("coral", 5); */
for(int i=0; i<200; i++) {
cell *c = dcal[i];
c->wall = waChasm,
c->item = itNone;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itApple;
cwt.c->land = laEndorian;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waCanopy;
saveAchShot("apple", 5);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itDragon;
cwt.c->land = laDragon;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("dragon", 4);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itBabyTortoise;
cwt.c->land = laTortoise; tortoise::babymap[cwt.c] = 0;
cwt.c->monst = moTortoise; tortoise::emap[cwt.c] = cwt.c;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("tortoise", 4); */
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itKraken;
cwt.c->land = laKraken;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waSea;
items[itOrbInvis] = 10;
saveAchShot("kraken", 5);
items[itOrbInvis] = 0;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itBarrow;
cwt.c->land = laBurial;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waBarrowDig;
cwt.c->landparam = 2;
saveAchShot("burial", 5);
forCellEx(c2, cwt.c) forCellEx(c3, c2) forCellEx(c4, c3)
c4->wall = waChasm;
mapeditor::drawplayer = true;
mousing = true;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laBurial;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
items[itOrbSword] = 10;
saveAchShot("swordslash", 3);
items[itOrbSword] = 0;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->item = itTrollEgg;
cwt.c->land = laTrollheim;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("troll", 5); */
cwt.c->land = laCrossroads4;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->mov[0]->wall = waCavewall;
cwt.c->mov[0]->land = laCaves;
cwt.c->mov[1]->wall = waColumn;
cwt.c->mov[1]->land = laRlyeh;
cwt.c->mov[3]->wall = waRose;
cwt.c->mov[3]->land = laRose;
cwt.c->mov[2]->wall = waDune;
cwt.c->mov[2]->land = laDesert;
cwt.c->mov[4]->wall = waPalace;
cwt.c->mov[4]->land = laPalace;
cwt.c->mov[5]->wall = waIcewall;
cwt.c->mov[5]->land = laIce;
cwt.c->mov[6]->wall = waVinePlant;
cwt.c->mov[6]->land = laWineyard;
mapeditor::drawplayer = true;
saveAchShot("cr4", 2.3); */
/* mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laCaves;
cwt.c->monst = moGoblin;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->wall = waCavefloor;
saveAchShot("goblin", 5); */
/* mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laReptile;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itDodeca;
cwt.c->wall = waReptile;
cwt.c->wparam = 30;
saveAchShot("dod", 5);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laDungeon;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itSlime;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("slime", 5);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laMountain;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itAmethyst;
cwt.c->wall = waBigBush;
saveAchShot("amethyst", 5); */
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laDesert;
cwt.c->monst = moWorm;
cwt.c->item = itNone;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("wormhead", 5);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laPrairie;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itGreenGrass;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("ggrass", 5);
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->land = laBull;
cwt.c->monst = moNone;
cwt.c->item = itBull;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
saveAchShot("bull", 5);
forCellEx(c2, cwt.c) forCellEx(c3, c2) forCellEx(c4, c3)
c4->wall = waChasm, c4->item = itNone;
cwt.c->land = laHell;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->item = itOrbYendor;
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) cwt.c->mov[i]->item = itOrbYendor;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->mov[0]->wall = waBoat;
cwt.c->mov[0]->land = laOcean;
cwt.c->mov[1]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[1]->land = laGraveyard;
cwt.c->mov[2]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[2]->land = laJungle;
cwt.c->mov[3]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[3]->land = laOvergrown;
cwt.c->mov[4]->wall = waFloorA;
cwt.c->mov[4]->land = laAlchemist;
cwt.c->mov[5]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[5]->land = laPalace;
cwt.c->mov[6]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[6]->land = laWineyard;
saveAchShot("yendc", 2.3);
cwt.c->land = laIce;
cwt.c->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->item = itDiamond;
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
cwt.c->mov[0]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[0]->land = laDesert;
cwt.c->mov[0]->item = itSpice;
cwt.c->mov[1]->wall = waCavefloor;
cwt.c->mov[1]->land = laCaves;
cwt.c->mov[1]->item = itGold;
cwt.c->mov[2]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[2]->land = laJungle;
cwt.c->mov[2]->item = itRuby;
cwt.c->mov[3]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[3]->land = laRlyeh;
cwt.c->mov[3]->item = itStatue;
cwt.c->mov[4]->wall = waFloorA;
cwt.c->mov[4]->land = laAlchemist;
cwt.c->mov[4]->item = itElixir;
cwt.c->mov[5]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[5]->land = laMotion;
cwt.c->mov[5]->item = itFeather;
cwt.c->mov[6]->wall = waNone;
cwt.c->mov[6]->land = laHell;
cwt.c->mov[6]->item = itHell;
saveAchShot("ptm", 2.3); */
void verifyHell() {
for(int i=0; i<50000; i++) {
while(true) {
setdist(cwt.c, 5, NULL);
if(cwt.c->wall != waNone) break;
cwspin(cwt, 3);
cellwalker z = cwt;
int steps = 0;
do {
setdist(cwt.c, 6, NULL);
cwspin(cwt, 1);
if(cwt.c->wall != waNone) {
cwt.c->item = itGreenStone;
else {
if(cwt.c->item != itDiamond && cwt.c->item != itGreenStone) {
cwt.c->item = itDiamond;
cwspin(cwt, 1);
while(z.c != cwt.c || z.spin != cwt.spin);
if(steps == 0) {i--; continue; }
if(i % 20 == 0) { printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }
printf("%d,", steps);
if(steps > 100000000 || steps < 2) { fflush(stdout); break; }
bool sameland(eLand ll, eLand ln) {
if(ln == laBarrier || ln == laOceanWall)
return true;
if(ln == ll) return true;
if(isElemental(ln) && isElemental(ll)) return true;
if(isHaunted(ln) && isHaunted(ll)) return true;
return false;
bool doAutoplay;
void autoplay() {
// drawMesh();
// exit(0);
doAutoplay = true;
cheater = 1;
eLand lland = laIce;
eLand lland2 = laIce;
int lcount = 0;
int gcount = 0;
int lastgold = 0;
int lastdraw = 0;
while(doAutoplay) {
if(gold() > lastgold) {
lastgold = gold();
gcount = 0;
else gcount++;
if(sameland(lland, cwt.c->land)) lcount++;
else {
lcount = 0; lland2 = lland; lland = cwt.c->land;
printf("%10dcc %5dt %5de %5d$ %5dK %5dgc %-30s\n", cellcount, turncount, celldist(cwt.c), gold(), tkills(), gcount, dnameof(cwt.c->land));
if(int(SDL_GetTicks()) > lastdraw + 3000) {
lastdraw = SDL_GetTicks();
extern void fullcenter();
extern void mainloop();
int i = rand() % cwt.c->type;
cell *c2 = cwt.c->mov[i];
if(gcount < 500) for(int i=1; i<size(dcal); i++) {
c2 = dcal[i];
if(lcount >= 50 && !sameland(lland, c2->land) && !sameland(lland2, c2->land)) break;
else if(lcount < 50 && c2->item && c2->item != itOrbSafety) break;
items[rand() % ittypes] = 1 << (rand() % 11);
kills[rand() % motypes] = 1 << (rand() % 11);
items[itOrbYendor] &= 15;
if(c2->cpdist > 1) {
for(int j=0; j<c2->type; j++)
if(c2->mov[j] && c2->mov[j]->cpdist < c2->cpdist) {
c2 = c2->mov[j];
goto again;
killMonster(c2, moNone);
jumpTo(c2, itNone);
if(false) if(turncount % 5000 == 0) {
printf("cells travelled: %d\n", celldist(cwt.c));
for(int i=0; i<ittypes; i++) if(items[i])
printf("%4dx %s\n", items[i], iinf[i].name);
for(int i=1; i<motypes; i++) if(kills[i])
printf("%4dx %s <%d>\n", kills[i], minf[i].name, i);
if(rand() % 5000 == 0 || (isGravityLand(cwt.c->land) && coastvalEdge(cwt.c) >= 100) || gcount > 2000 || cellcount >= 20000000) {
gcount = 0;
cellcount = 0;
activateSafety(land_tac[rand() % LAND_TAC].l);
for(int i=0; i<size(dcal); i++) {
cell *c = dcal[i];
if(isChild(c, NULL))
if(childbug) doAutoplay = false;
if(c->land == laNone) {
printf("no-land found\n");
kills[moPlayer] = 0;
canmove = true;
doAutoplay = false;
if(buggyGeneration) break;
if(size(buggycells)) break;
// if(turncount == 50000) exit(0);
void verifyMutant(cell *c) {
if(!c) return;
if(c->monst == moMutant && c->mondir != NODIR && c->mov[c->mondir]->monst != moMutant) {
raiseBuggyGeneration(c, "mutant failed!");
childbug = true;
void verifyMutantAround(cell *c) {
if(!c) return;
for(int i=0; i<c->type; i++) verifyMutant(c->mov[i]);
if(childbug) printf("around!\n");
priority_queue<pair<int, cell*> > riverqueue;
void enriver(cell *c) {
if(c->wall != waNone) return;
c->wall = waBigTree;
int d = -(abs(getCdata(c, 0)-1) + abs(getCdata(c, 1)-1) + abs(getCdata(c, 2)-1));
riverqueue.push(make_pair(d, c));
/* void river() {
for(int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
cell *c = riverqueue.top().second;
c->wall = waFloorA;
forCellCM(c2, c) enriver(c2);
} */
void bandpicture();
int lcol(cell *c1, cell *c2) {
bool h7 = c1->type == 7;
if(!c2) return 0xFF0000FF;
int i0 = zebra40(c1)&2;
int i1 = zebra40(c2)&2;
/* if(i0 == 2 && i1 == 2) return 0xFFFFFFFF;
if(i0 == 0 && i1 == 0) return 0x404040FF;
return 0xA0A0A0FF; */
if(i0 == i1) return h7 ? 0x206020FF : 0x202020FF;
return h7 ? 0x40F040FF : 0x00F000FF;
void localdraw(const transmatrix &V, cell *c) {
int ct = c->type;
if(ct == 7) for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
queuepoly(V * spin(-2*M_PI*i/7), shBead1, lcol(c, c->mov[i]));
if(ct == 6) for(int i=1; i<6; i+=2) if(c < c->mov[i])
queuepoly(V * spin(-2*M_PI*i/6 + M_PI), shBead0, lcol(c, c->mov[i]));
bool doCross;
extern bool fixseed;
namespace arg {
int readLocal() {
if(argis("-auto")) { PHASE(3); autoplay(); }
else if(argis("-bmt")) buildmodetable();
else if(argis("-cross")) { PHASE(2); fixseed = doCross = true, firstland = laCrossroads2; }
else if(argis("-musictable")) {
for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++)
if(musfname[i] == "") printf(" NULL,\n");
else printf(" @\"%s\", // %2d : %s\n", musfname[i].c_str(), i, dnameof(eLand(i)));
for(int i=0; i<landtypes; i++)
if(musfname[i] != "") {
string s = musfname[i].substr(6, size(musfname[i])-10);
printf(" if(curland == %2d) id = R.raw.%s; // %s\n", i, s.c_str(), dnameof(eLand(i)));
printf("musiclicense = \"");
for(int i=0; i<size(musiclicense); i++)
if(musiclicense[i] == '\n') printf("\\n"); else printf("%c", musiclicense[i]);
else return 1;
return 0;
hyperpoint checkoptim(transmatrix T) {
return T*C0;