mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-24 20:37:04 +00:00

Updated to 9.4f (tutorial)

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2017-04-08 17:18:29 +02:00
parent 38206e5149
commit 9c350ed761
18 changed files with 2484 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ bool wrongMode(char flags) {
if(randomPatternsMode) return true;
if(yendor::on) return true;
if(tactic::on) return true;
if(tour::on) return true;
if(chaosmode != (flags == 'C')) return true;
if((numplayers() > 1) != (flags == 'm')) return true;
return false;
@ -516,8 +517,9 @@ void improveItemScores() {
void achievement_final(bool really_final) {
if(offlineMode) return;
upload_score(LB_STATISTICS, time(NULL));
// upload_score(LB_STATISTICS, time(NULL));
if(cheater) return;
if(tour::on) return;
if(sphere && euclidland == laHalloween) {
if(shmup::on || chaosmode || purehepta || numplayers() > 1 || tactic::on || randomPatternsMode)

View File

@ -1324,39 +1324,60 @@ int celldistance(cell *c1, cell *c2) {
if(quotient == 2)
return fp43.getdist(fieldpattern::fieldval(c1), fieldpattern::fieldval(c2));
int d1 = celldist(c1), d2 = celldist(c2);
cell *cl1=c1, *cr1=c1, *cl2=c2, *cr2=c2;
while(true) {
if(cl1 == cl2) return d;
/* if(cl1 == cl2) return d;
if(cl1 == cr2) return d;
if(cr1 == cl2) return d;
if(cr1 == cr2) return d;
if(cr1 == cr2) return d; */
if(isNeighbor(cl1, cl2)) return d+1;
if(isNeighbor(cl1, cr2)) return d+1;
if(isNeighbor(cr1, cl2)) return d+1;
if(isNeighbor(cr1, cr2)) return d+1;
forCellEx(c, cl2) if(isNeighbor(c, cr1)) return d+2;
//if(isNeighbor(cl1, cl2)) return d+1;
//if(isNeighbor(cl1, cr2)) return d+1;
//if(isNeighbor(cr1, cl2)) return d+1;
//if(isNeighbor(cr1, cr2)) return d+1;
if(d1 == d2) for(int u=0; u<2; u++) {
cell *ac0 = u ? cr1 : cr2, *ac = ac0;
cell *tgt = u ? cl2 : cl1;
cell *xtgt = u ? cr2 : cr1;
if(ac == tgt) return d;
ac = chosenDown(ac, 1, 1, celldist);
if(ac == tgt) return d+1;
if(ac == xtgt) return d;
ac = chosenDown(ac, 1, 1, celldist);
if(ac == tgt) return d+2;
if(!purehepta) {
ac = chosenDown(ac, 1, 1, celldist);
if(ac == tgt) {
if(chosenDown(ac0, 1, 0, celldist) ==
chosenDown(tgt, -1, 0, celldist))
return d+2;
return d+3;
/* forCellEx(c, cl2) if(isNeighbor(c, cr1)) return d+2;
forCellEx(c, cl1) if(isNeighbor(c, cr2)) return d+2;
forCellEx(ca, cl2) forCellEx(cb, cr1) if(isNeighbor(ca, cb)) return d+3;
forCellEx(ca, cl1) forCellEx(cb, cr2) if(isNeighbor(ca, cb)) return d+3;
forCellEx(ca, cl1) forCellEx(cb, cr2) if(isNeighbor(ca, cb)) return d+3; */
int d1 = celldist(cl1), d2 = celldist(cl2);
if(d1 >= d2) {
cl1 = chosenDown(cl1, -1, 0, celldist);
// cl1->item = eItem(rand() % 10);
cr1 = chosenDown(cr1, 1, 0, celldist);
// cr1->item = eItem(rand() % 10);
d++; d1--;
if(d1 <= d2) {
if(d1 < d2) {
cl2 = chosenDown(cl2, -1, 0, celldist);
// cl2->item = eItem(rand() % 10);
cr2 = chosenDown(cr2, 1, 0, celldist);
// cr2->item = eItem(rand() % 10);
d++; d2--;

certify.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
namespace anticheat {
bool tampered;
void save(FILE *f) {
int cert = 0x1234;
for(int i=0; i<boxid; i++)
cert = 3 * cert + (761349061 + 1463190*i) * savebox[i];
if(!tampered) fprintf(f, " C %d\n", cert);
bool load(FILE *f, score& sc, string ver) {
int cert = 0x1234;
for(int i=0; i<boxid; i++)
cert = 3 * cert + (761349061 + 1463190*i) * sc.box[i];
char cr;
int scert;
int err = fscanf(f, "%c%d", &cr, &scert);
if(err != 2) return true;
// if(cr == 'C' && cert == scert) printf("Certificate OK\n");
return cert != scert;
int vcertify(string ver, string ss, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
ss = ver + ss;
const char *s = ss.c_str();
if(tampered) return -1;
int cert = 0x5678;
while(*s) cert = cert * 37113 + (*s), s++;
cert = cert + a * 681491 + b * 681390411 + c * 581911 + d * 16406101;
return cert;
int certify(string ss, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
return vcertify(VER, ss, a, b, c, d);
int check(int cv, const string& ver, const string& s, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
if(ver < "8.0f" && cv == d) return true;
return cv == vcertify(ver, s, a, b, c, d);
void nextid(int& tid, const string& ver, int cert) {
if(ver >= "8.0i") tid += 1 + cert + cert * cert / 7;
else tid++;
// 8.0i: ver included in achievements
// 8.0f: fixed in Windows
#ifndef MOBILE
void SDL_Delay_anticheat(int i) {
int i0 = 0; savebox[1] = savebox[65] = anticheat::tampered; // do not consider Timer
for(int t=0; t<boxid; t++)
i0 = 73 * i0 + savebox[t] + savebox[t] * (savebox[t] + 7103);
for(int t=0; t<boxid; t++) savebox[t] = 0;
int i1 = 0; savebox[1] = savebox[65] = anticheat::tampered; // do not consider Timer
for(int t=0; t<boxid; t++)
i1 = 73 * i1 + savebox[t] + savebox[t] * (savebox[t] + 7103);
if(i0 != i1) {
anticheat::tampered = true;
#define SDL_Delay SDL_Delay_anticheat

View File

@ -106,14 +106,24 @@ namespace spiral {
int CX, CY, SX, SY, Yshift;
SDL_Surface *band, *out;
vector<SDL_Surface*> band;
SDL_Surface *out;
bool displayhelp = true;
int& bandpixel(int x, int y) {
int i = 0;
while(i < size(band) && x >= band[i]->w)
x -= band[i]->w, i++;
return qpixel(band[i], x, y);
void precompute() {
CX = band->w;
CY = band->h;
CX = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size(band); i++) CX += band[i]->w;
if(CX == 0) { printf("ERROR: no CX\n"); return; }
CY = band[0]->h;
SX = out->w;
SY = out->h;
@ -151,11 +161,11 @@ namespace spiral {
cy -= d * CY; cx -= d * Yshift;
if(cy<0) cy += CY, cx += Yshift;
cx %= CX; if(cx<0) cx += CX;
qpixel(out, x, y) = qpixel(band, cx, cy);
qpixel(out, x, y) = bandpixel(cx, cy);
void loop(SDL_Surface *_band) {
void loop(vector<SDL_Surface*> _band) {
bool saveGL = vid.usingGL;
if(saveGL) { vid.usingGL = false; setvideomode(); }
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@ namespace spiral {
band = _band;
out = s;
if(CX == 0) return;
shiftx = shifty = 0;
velx=1; vely=1;
bool dosave = false;
@ -399,6 +410,8 @@ namespace conformal {
int xpos = 0;
vector<SDL_Surface*> bands;
SDL_Surface *band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, min(len, bandsegment), bandfull,32,0,0,0,0);
if(!band) {
@ -451,14 +464,13 @@ namespace conformal {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++);
if(dospiral) {
swap(vid.xres, vid2.xres); swap(vid.yres, vid2.yres); s = sav;
swap(vid.xres, vid2.xres); swap(vid.yres, vid2.yres); s = bbuf;
IMAGESAVE(band, buf);
len -= bandsegment; xpos -= bandsegment;
band = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, min(len, bandsegment), bandfull,32,0,0,0,0);
goto drawsegment;
@ -470,12 +482,22 @@ namespace conformal {
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "bandmodel-%s-%03d" IMAGEEXT, timebuf, segid++);
IMAGESAVE(band, buf);
addMessage(XLAT("Saved the band image as: ") + buf);
s = sav; vid = vid2; sightrange = ssr; cheater = sch;
if(includeHistory) restoreBack();
if(dospiral) spiral::loop(band);
addMessage(XLAT("Saved the band image as: ") + buf);
if(dospiral) {
for(int i=0; i<size(bands); i++) SDL_FreeSurface(bands[i]);
inHighQual = false;

View File

@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ namespace dialog {
if(k == SDLK_F5) return "F5";
if(k == SDLK_F10) return "F10";
if(k == SDLK_HOME) return "Home";
if(k == SDLK_BACKSPACE) return "Backspace";
if(k == SDLK_RETURN) return "Enter";
if(k == 32) return "space";
if(k >= 1 && k <= 26) { string s = "Ctrl+"; s += (k+64); return s; }
if(k < 128) { string s; s += k; return s; }
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ namespace dialog {
int xs, xo;
xs = dwidth - vid.fsize, xo = vid.xres + vid.fsize;
xs = dwidth - vid.fsize*2, xo = vid.yres + vid.fsize;
xs = vid.xres * 618/1000, xo = vid.xres * 186/1000;
@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ namespace dialog {
if(sidescreen) {
dwidth = vid.xres - vid.yres;
dcenter = (vid.xres + dwidth) / 2;
dcenter = vid.xres - dwidth / 2;
while(tothei > vid.yres - 5 * vid.fsize) {

google-games.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
void viewAchievements();
void viewLeaderboard(string id);
void switchGoogleConnection();
namespace leader {
bool currentlyConnecting();
bool currentlyConnected();
string leaderboardIDs[NUMLEADER] = {
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQPg", // 15
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQVA", // 20
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQcQ", // Grimories
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQcg", // 25 Holy Grails
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQdA", // 26 Red Gems
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQcw", // 27 Pirate Treasures
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ4QE", // 28 Shmup mode
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ4gE", // 29 Shmup time to win
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ4wE", // 30 Shmup knives to win
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQigE", // 31 bombeggs
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQiwE", // 32 ambers
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQjAE", // 33 pearls
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQjQE", // 34 hyperrugs
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQjgE", // 35 garnets
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ5gE", // 36 princess challenge
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQnAE", // 37 Ivory Figurines
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQmgE", // 38 Elemental Gems
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQmwE", // 39 Onyxes
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQwAE", // 40 Yendor Challenge
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ5AE", // 41 Pure Tactics Mode
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQpgE", // 42 Mutant Saplings
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQpQE", // 43 Fulgurites
"", // 44
"", // 45
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQswE", // 46 Black Lotuses
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQsgE", // 47 Mutant Fruits
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQsQE", // 48 White Dove
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ5QE", // 49 PTM shmup
"", // 50
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQtQE", // 51 Corals
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQtgE", // 52 Thornless Roses
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQtwE", // 53 Chaos Mode
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQwwE", // 54 Tortoise Points
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQwgE", // 55 Dragon Scales
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQwQE", // 56 Apples
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ4AE", // 57 Heptagonal mode
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ3gE", // 58 Sunken treasures
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ3QE", // 59 Ancient Jewelry
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ3wE", // 60 Golden Eggs
"", // 61 multiplayer
"", // 62 statistics
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ6gE", // 63 Halloween
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ9AE", // 64 Amethyst
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ9QE", // 65 Slime Molds
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ9gE", // 66 Dodecahedra
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ_gE", // 67 Green Grass
"CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ_QE", // 68 Spinels
const char* achievementIDs[] = {
"DIAMOND2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQAw",
"SPICE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQBA",
"GOLD2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQBQ",
"RUBY2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQCQ",
"MIRROR2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQBw",
"ELIXIR2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQDQ",
"STATUE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQBg",
"FERN2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQDg",
"TOTEM2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQCA",
"DAISY2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQCw",
"SAPPHIRE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQDw",
"HYPER2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQCg",
"SPICE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQEQ",
"GOLD3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQEg",
"RUBY3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQEw",
"MIRROR3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQFA",
"ELIXIR3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQFg",
"STATUE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQFw",
"FERN3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQGA",
"TOTEM3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQGQ",
"DAISY3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQGg",
"SAPPHIRE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQGw",
"HYPER3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQHA",
"SPICE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQHg",
"GOLD4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQHw",
"RUBY4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQIA",
"MIRROR4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQIQ",
"FEATHER4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQIg",
"ELIXIR4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQIw",
"STATUE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQJA",
"FERN4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQJQ",
"TOTEM4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQJg",
"DAISY4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQJw",
"HYPER4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQKQ",
"STABBER2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQPw",
"FLASH2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQQQ",
"FLASH3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQQg",
"GOLEM2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQRg",
"GOLEM3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQRw",
"YENDOR1", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQTQ",
"YENDOR2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQTg",
"WINE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQVg",
"EMERALD2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQVw",
"SILVER2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQWA",
"JELLY2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQWQ",
"POWER2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQWg",
"WINE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQWw",
"SILVER3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQXA",
"JELLY3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQXg",
"POWER3 ", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQXw",
"WINE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQYA",
"SILVER4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQYg",
"JELLY4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQYw",
"POWER4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQZA",
"ORB3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQZQ",
"BUG3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQZg",
"GARDENER ", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQaA",
"MELEE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQaQ",
"MELEE5", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQag",
"GRIMOIRE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQaw",
"GRIMOIRE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQbA",
"GRIMOIRE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQbQ",
"GRAIL2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQbg",
"GRAIL3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQbw",
"GRAIL4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQcA",
"PIRATE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQdQ",
"PIRATE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQdg",
"PIRATE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQdw",
"REDGEM2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQeA",
"REDGEM3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQeQ",
"REDGEM4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQeg",
"COAST2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQew",
"COAST3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQfA",
"COAST4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQfQ",
"WHIRL2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQfg",
"WHIRL3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQfw",
"WHIRL4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQgAE",
"MINE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQgQE",
"MINE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQggE",
"MINE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQgwE",
"RUG2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQhAE",
"RUG3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQhQE",
"RUG4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQhgE",
"GARNET2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQhwE",
"GARNET3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQiAE",
"GARNET4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQiQE",
"ZEBRA2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQkQE",
"ZEBRA3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQkgE",
"ZEBRA4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQkwE",
"ELEMENT2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQlAE",
"ELEMENT3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQlQE",
"ELEMENT4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQlgE",
"TOWER2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQlwE",
"TOWER3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQmAE",
"TOWER4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQmQE",
"PRINCESS1", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQjwE",
// Achievements.unlock(mGoogleApiClient, "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQAw"),
"FULGUR2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQoAE",
"FULGUR3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQoQE",
"FULGUR4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQogE",
"ELEC3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQowE",
"MUTANT2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQnQE",
"MUTANT3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQngE",
"MUTANT4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQnwE",
"DOVE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQqwE",
"DOVE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQrAE",
"DOVE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQrQE",
"LOTUS2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQpwE",
"LOTUS3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQqAE",
"LOTUS4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQqQE",
"FRUIT2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQrgE",
"FRUIT3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQrwE",
"FRUIT4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQsAE",
"SURVIVAL", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQqgE",
"CORAL2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQuAE",
"CORAL3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQuQE",
"CORAL4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQugE",
"ROSE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQuwE",
"ROSE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQvAE",
"ROSE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQvQE",
"CR4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQvgE",
"CHAOS", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQvwE",
"APPLE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQxAE",
"APPLE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQxQE",
"APPLE4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQxgE",
"DRAGON2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQxwE",
"DRAGON3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQyAE",
"DRAGON4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQyQE",
"TORTOISE2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQygE",
"TORTOISE3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQywE",
"KRAKEN2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ0QE",
"KRAKEN3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ0gE",
"KRAKEN4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ0wE",
"BARROW2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ1AE",
"BARROW3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ1QE",
"BARROW4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ1gE",
"TROLL2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ1wE",
"TROLL3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ2AE",
"TROLL4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ2QE",
"GRAILH", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ2gE",
"SHMUP", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ2wE",
"SLASH2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQzwE",
"HALLOWEEN1", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ5wE",
"DOD2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ6wE",
"DOD3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ7AE",
"DOD4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ7QE",
"DUNG2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ7gE",
"DUNG3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ7wE",
"DUNG4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ8AE",
"MOUNT2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ8QE",
"MOUNT3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ8gE",
"MOUNT4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ8wE",
"PRAIR2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ9wE",
"PRAIR3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ-AE",
"PRAIR4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ-QE",
"BULL2", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ-gE",
"BULL3", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ-wE",
"BULL4", "CgkIspzRq_8NEAIQ_AE",
const char *getGoogleAchievementID(const string& s) {
const char** a = achievementIDs;
while(*a && **a) {
if(a[0] == s) return a[1];
return NULL;
int qleader, leaders[NUMLEADER];
int pshift;
void showMenu() {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("return to the game"), ' ');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("connected to Google Games"), currentlyConnected(), '1');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("view your achievements"), '2');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("next page"), '3');
qleader = 0;
for(int i=0; i<NUMLEADER; i++) if(leaderboardIDs[i] != "")
leaders[qleader++] = i;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
int ip = i + pshift;
if(ip < qleader) {
int id = leaders[ip];
int sco = currentscore[id];
string ss = sco >= 0 ? its(sco) : SCORE_UNKNOWN ? "?" : "-";
dialog::addSelItem(leadernames[id], ss, 'a' + i);
void handleKey(int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
if(uni == '1')
else if(uni == '2')
else if(uni == '3') {
pshift += 10;
if(pshift >= qleader) pshift = 0;
else if(uni >= 'a' && uni <= 'a' + 10) {
int id = (uni - 'a') + pshift;
if(id >= qleader) return;
cmode = emNormal;
bool ccon = false;
bool incon = false;
bool currentlyConnected() { return ccon; }
bool currentlyConnecting() { return incon; }
int scale(int i) { if(i == 13 || i == 15 || i == 29 || i == 45) return 1000; else return 1; }
bool isDescending(int i) { return !isAscending(i); }

View File

@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ charstyle& getcs() {
return vid.cs;
bool camelotcheat;
int playergender() {
return (getcs().charid&1) ? GEN_F : GEN_M;
@ -3263,8 +3265,15 @@ void setcolors(cell *c, int& wcol, int &fcol) {
if(c->land == laCamelot) {
int d = showoff ? 0 : ((euclid||c->master->alt) ? celldistAltRelative(c) : 0);
if(d < 0)
#ifdef TOUR
if(!tour::on) camelotcheat = false;
fcol = (d&1) ? 0xC0C0C0 : 0x606060;
if(d < 0) {
fcol = 0xA0A0A0;
else {
// a nice floor pattern
int v = emeraldval(c);
@ -4336,7 +4345,7 @@ void drawcell(cell *c, transmatrix V, int spinv, bool mirrored) {
#ifndef NOEDIT
if(cmode == emMapEditor && mapeditor::displaycodes) {
if(mapeditor::displaycodes) {
int labeli = mapeditor::displaycodes == 1 ? mapeditor::realpattern(c) : mapeditor::subpattern(c);
@ -5416,7 +5425,11 @@ string buildHelpText() {
h += XLAT("See more on the website: ")
+ "http//roguetemple.com/z/hyper/\n\n";
#ifdef TOUR
h += XLAT("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n");
h += XLAT("Still confused? Read the FAQ on the HyperRogue website!\n\n");
@ -6249,6 +6262,9 @@ void drawthemap() {
mouseovers = XLAT("Press F1 or right click for help");
if(rogueviz::on) mouseovers = " ";
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) mouseovers = tour::tourhelp;
centdist = 1e20; centerover = NULL;
@ -6283,6 +6299,10 @@ void drawthemap() {
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) tour::presentation(2);
@ -6612,9 +6632,9 @@ void calcparam() {
vid.ycenter = vid.yres - realradius - vid.fsize - (ISIOS ? 10 : 0);
else {
if(vid.xres >= vid.yres * 4/3 && dialog::sidedialog && cmode == emNumber)
if(vid.xres >= vid.yres * 5/4-16 && dialog::sidedialog && cmode == emNumber)
sidescreen = true;
if(viewdists && cmode == emNormal && vid.xres >= vid.yres * 4/3) sidescreen = true;
if(viewdists && cmode == emNormal && vid.xres > vid.yres) sidescreen = true;
if(sidescreen) vid.xcenter = vid.yres/2;
@ -6689,6 +6709,9 @@ string timeline() {
void showGameover() {
#ifdef TOUR
tour::on ? (canmove ? XLAT("Tutorial") : XLAT("GAME OVER")) :
cheater ? XLAT("It is a shame to cheat!") :
showoff ? XLAT("Showoff mode") :
canmove && princess::challenge ? XLAT("%1 Challenge", moPrincess) :
@ -6699,7 +6722,8 @@ void showGameover() {
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Your score: %1", its(gold())));
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Enemies killed: %1", its(tkills())));
if(items[itOrbYendor]) {
if(tour::on) ;
else if(items[itOrbYendor]) {
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Orbs of Yendor found: %1", its(items[itOrbYendor])), iinf[itOrbYendor].color);
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("CONGRATULATIONS!"), iinf[itOrbYendor].color);
@ -6728,6 +6752,9 @@ void showGameover() {
timerstart = time(NULL);
if(princess::challenge) ;
#ifdef TOUR
else if(tour::on) ;
else if(tkills() < 100)
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("Defeat 100 enemies to access the Graveyard"));
else if(kills[moVizier] == 0 && (items[itFernFlower] < 5 || items[itGold] < 5))
@ -6773,15 +6800,40 @@ void showGameover() {
dialog::addItem(canmove ? "continue" : "see how it ended", SDLK_ESCAPE);
dialog::addItem("main menu", 'v');
dialog::addItem("restart", SDLK_F5);
#ifndef MOBILE
dialog::addItem(quitsaves() ? "save" : "quit", SDLK_F10);
dialog::addItem("SHARE", 's'-96);
bool intour = false;
#ifdef TOUR
intour = tour::on;
if(intour) {
if(canmove) {
dialog::addItem("spherical geometry", '1');
dialog::addItem("Euclidean geometry", '2');
dialog::addItem("more curved hyperbolic geometry", '3');
dialog::addItem("teleport away", '4');
if(canmove) {
dialog::addItem("slide-specific command", '5');
dialog::addItem("static mode", '6');
dialog::addItem("enable/disable texts", '7');
dialog::addItem("next slide", SDLK_RETURN);
dialog::addItem("previous slide", SDLK_BACKSPACE);
dialog::addItem("main menu", 'v');
else {
dialog::addItem(canmove ? "continue" : "see how it ended", SDLK_ESCAPE);
dialog::addItem("main menu", 'v');
dialog::addItem("restart", SDLK_F5);
#ifndef MOBILE
dialog::addItem(quitsaves() ? "save" : "quit", SDLK_F10);
dialog::addItem("SHARE", 's'-96);
@ -7118,12 +7170,12 @@ void drawStats() {
dialog::addInfo(its(qty[i]), distcolors[i&7]);
if(geometry == gNormal && !purehepta) {
dialog::addInfo("a(d+4) = a(d+3) + a(d+2) + a(d+1) - a(d)", 0xFFFFFF);
dialog::addHelp("a(d+4) = a(d+3) + a(d+2) + a(d+1) - a(d)");
dialog::addInfo("a(d) ~ 1.72208^d", 0xFFFFFF);
if(geometry == gNormal && purehepta) {
dialog::addInfo("a(d+2) = 3a(d+1) - a(d+2)", 0xFFFFFF);
dialog::addHelp("a(d+2) = 3a(d+1) - a(d+2)");
dialog::addInfo("a(d) ~ 2.61803^d", 0xFFFFFF);
if(geometry == gEuclid) {
@ -7572,8 +7624,12 @@ void drawscreen() {
#ifndef MOBILE
if(cmode == emNormal || cmode == emVisual1 || cmode == emVisual2 || cmode == emChangeMode )
displayButton(vid.xres-8, vid.yres-vid.fsize, XLAT("(v) menu"), 'v', 16);
if(cmode == emNormal || cmode == emVisual1 || cmode == emVisual2 || cmode == emChangeMode ) {
displayButton(vid.xres-8, vid.yres-vid.fsize, XLAT("(ESC) tour menu"), SDLK_ESCAPE, 16);
displayButton(vid.xres-8, vid.yres-vid.fsize, XLAT("(v) menu"), 'v', 16);
if(cmode == emQuit) {
@ -8321,6 +8377,10 @@ void handleKeyNormal(int sym, int uni, extra& ev) {
void handlekey(int sym, int uni, extra& ev) {
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on && tour::handleKeyTour(sym, uni)) return;
if(((cmode == emNormal && canmove) || (cmode == emQuit && !canmove) || cmode == emDraw || cmode == emMapEditor) && DEFAULTCONTROL && !rug::rugged) {
#ifndef PANDORA
if(sym == SDLK_RIGHT)

View File

@ -241,6 +241,15 @@ else if(args()[0] == '-' && args()[1] == x && args()[2] == '0') { PHASE(2); para
else if(argis("--run")) {
PHASE(3); mainloop(); quitmainloop = false;
#ifdef TOUR
else if(argis("--tour")) {
PHASE(3); tour::start();
else if(argis("--presentation")) {
PHASE(3); tour::texts = false;
else if(argis("--draw")) {
PHASE(3); drawscreen();

View File

@ -1127,3 +1127,24 @@ void clearHexes(heptagon *at);
void verifycells(heptagon *at);
int zebra40(cell *c);
cell *createMov(cell *c, int d);
#ifndef MOBWEB
#ifndef TOUR
#define TOUR
#ifdef TOUR
namespace tour {
extern bool on;
extern string tourhelp;
bool handleKeyTour(int sym, int uni);
void presentation(int mode);
int getid();
eLand getNext(eLand old);
bool quickfind(eLand next);
void start();

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#define VER "9.4e"
#define VERNUM 9405
#define VERNUM_HEX 0x9405
#define VER "9.4f"
#define VERNUM 9406
#define VERNUM_HEX 0x9406
#define GEN_M 0
#define GEN_F 1
@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ const char *loadlevel = NULL;
#include "graph.cpp"
#include "sound.cpp"
#include "achievement.cpp"
#ifdef TOUR
#include "tour.cpp"
#ifndef MOBILE
#include <unistd.h>

View File

@ -1582,6 +1582,13 @@ eLand getNewLand(eLand old) {
// return landtab[items[itStrongWind]++ % 10];
// if(old != laPrairie) return laRiver;
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) {
eLand l = tour::getNext(old);
if(l) return l;
#ifdef LOCAL
extern bool doAutoplay;
@ -2680,6 +2687,14 @@ void setLandQuotient(cell *c) {
setland(c, eLand(laEFire + (fv%4)));
bool quickfind(eLand l) {
if(l == cheatdest) return true;
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on && tour::quickfind(l)) return true;
return false;
void setLandSphere(cell *c) {
if(euclidland == laWarpCoast)
setland(c, getHemisphere(c, 0) > 0 ? laWarpCoast : laWarpSea);
@ -2908,7 +2923,7 @@ void buildBigStuff(cell *c, cell *from) {
if((!chaosmode) && bearsCamelot(c->land) && c->type == 7 &&
(cheatdest == laCamelot || (hrand(2000) < 200 &&
(quickfind(laCamelot) || (hrand(2000) < 200 &&
items[itEmerald] >= 5 && !tactic::on))) {
int rtr = newRoundTableRadius();
heptagon *alt = createAlternateMap(c, rtr+14, hsOrigin);
@ -2923,18 +2938,18 @@ void buildBigStuff(cell *c, cell *from) {
// buildbigstuff
if(c->land == laRlyeh && c->type == 7 &&
(cheatdest == laTemple || (hrand(2000) < 100 &&
(quickfind(laTemple) || (hrand(2000) < 100 &&
items[itStatue] >= 5 && !randomPatternsMode &&
!tactic::on && !yendor::on)))
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(c->land == laJungle && c->type == 7 &&
(cheatdest == laMountain || (hrand(2000) < 100 &&
(quickfind(laMountain) || (hrand(2000) < 100 &&
!randomPatternsMode && !tactic::on && !yendor::on && landUnlocked(laMountain))))
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
if(c->land == laOvergrown && c->type == 7 &&
(cheatdest == laClearing || (hrand(2000) < 25 &&
(quickfind(laClearing) || (hrand(2000) < 25 &&
!randomPatternsMode && items[itMutant] >= 5 &&
!tactic::on && !yendor::on))) {
heptagon *h = createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
@ -2947,7 +2962,7 @@ void buildBigStuff(cell *c, cell *from) {
if(c->land == laOcean && c->type == 7 && deepOcean && !generatingEquidistant &&
(cheatdest == laWhirlpool || (
(quickfind(laWhirlpool) || (
hrand(2000) < (purehepta ? 500 : 1000) && !tactic::on && !yendor::on)))
createAlternateMap(c, 2, hsA);
@ -3555,6 +3570,7 @@ void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from) {
c->wparam = 1 + hrand(reptilemax());
// c->wall = waReptile; c->wparam = 100;
if(c->land == laBurial) {
@ -4659,7 +4675,10 @@ void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from) {
c->monst = moTortoise;
c->hitpoints = 3;
if((tactic::on || euclid) && hrand(4000) < 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2 && !safety) {
int chance = 50 + items[itBabyTortoise]*2;
if(quickfind(laTortoise)) chance += 150;
if((tactic::on || euclid) && hrand(4000) < chance && !safety) {
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
@ -4885,7 +4904,7 @@ void setdist(cell *c, int d, cell *from) {
if(c->land == laBurial && !safety) {
if(hrand(15000) < 5 + 3 * items[itBarrow] + 4 * hard)
c->monst = moDraugr;
else if(hrand(5000) < 20)
else if(hrand(5000) < 20 + (quickfind(laBurial) ? 40 : 0))
c->item = itOrbSword;
if(c->land == laJungle) {

local.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -819,6 +819,10 @@ void showChangeMode() {
// gameplay modes
#ifdef TOUR
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("tutorial"), tour::on, 'T');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Euclidean/elliptic mode"), (euclid || sphere), 'e');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT(SHMUPTITLE), (shmup::on || multi::players > 1), 's');
if(!shmup::on) dialog::addSelItem(XLAT("hardcore mode"),
@ -863,8 +867,6 @@ void handleChangeMode(int sym, int uni) {
dialog::handleNavigation(sym, uni);
char xuni = uni;
if((uni >= 'A' && uni <= 'Z') || (uni >= 1 && uni <= 26)) xuni |= 96;
if(xuni == 'v' || sym == SDLK_F2 || sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) cmode = emNormal;
else if(uni == 'c') {
@ -923,6 +925,12 @@ void handleChangeMode(int sym, int uni) {
else if(uni == 'a')
cmode = emConformal;
#ifdef TOUR
else if(uni == 'T') {
cmode = emNormal;
else if(uni == 'C') {
if(!chaosmode) {
cmode = emHelp;

View File

@ -1194,6 +1194,7 @@ void readcolor(const char *cfname) {
void init() {
if(on) return;
on = autocheat = true;
#ifndef WEB
mapeditor::drawplayer = false;
@ -1216,6 +1217,7 @@ void close() {
on = false;
void turn(int delta) {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# set the version numbers in hyper.rc automatically
export VER=`grep "#define VER " hyper.cpp | sed "s/#define VER \"//" | sed "s/\"//"`
#export VERNUM=`grep "#define VERNUM " hyper.cpp | sed "s/#define VERNUM //" | sed "s/^\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)$/\1.\2.\4.\3/"`
#echo $VERNUM
sed "s/\"ProductVersion\", \"\(.*\)\"/\"ProductVersion\", \"$VER\"/" -i hyper.rc

steamvisualinterface.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#include "sdk/public/steam/steam_api.h"
#include "steamvisualinterface.h"
class SteamContact {
STEAM_CALLBACK( SteamContact, OnUserStatsReceived, UserStatsReceived_t, m_CallbackStatsReceived );
SteamContact ();
void OnFindLeaderboard( LeaderboardFindResult_t *pFindLearderboardResult, bool bIOFailure );
void OnDownloadScores( LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t *pLeaderboardScoresDownloaded, bool bIOFailure );
CCallResult<SteamContact, LeaderboardFindResult_t> m_SteamCallResultCreateLeaderboard;
CCallResult<SteamContact, LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t> m_SteamCallResultScoresDownloaded;
SteamContact :: SteamContact()
: m_CallbackStatsReceived(this, &SteamContact::OnUserStatsReceived)
{ }
static SteamContact *steam;
callback_statsreceived sr;
callback_findleaderboard fl;
callback_scoresdownload sdl;
void init_steamvisualinterface(callback_statsreceived _sr, callback_findleaderboard _fl, callback_scoresdownload _sdl) {
sr = _sr;
fl = _fl;
sdl = _sdl;
steam = new SteamContact;
void register_callback(SteamAPICall_t handle) {
steam->m_SteamCallResultCreateLeaderboard.Set( handle, steam, &SteamContact::OnFindLeaderboard );
void register_callback_download(SteamAPICall_t handle) {
steam->m_SteamCallResultScoresDownloaded.Set( handle, steam, &SteamContact::OnDownloadScores );
void SteamContact::OnFindLeaderboard( LeaderboardFindResult_t *pFindLeaderboardResult, bool bIOFailure ) {
fl(pFindLeaderboardResult, bIOFailure);
void SteamContact::OnDownloadScores( LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t *pLeaderboardScoresDownloaded, bool bIOFailure ) {
sdl(pLeaderboardScoresDownloaded, bIOFailure);
void SteamContact::OnUserStatsReceived( UserStatsReceived_t *pCallback ) {

View File

@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ void initgame() {
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) tour::presentation(5);
if(multi::players > 1 && !shmup::on) {
for(int i=0; i<numplayers(); i++)
@ -170,6 +173,9 @@ void initgame() {
if(firstland != (princess::challenge ? laPalace : laIce)) cheater++;
if(tactic::trailer) ;
#ifdef TOUR
else if(tour::on) ; // displayed by tour
else if(princess::challenge) {
kills[moVizier] = 1;
princess::forceMouse = true;
@ -617,6 +623,9 @@ void saveStats(bool emergency = false) {
DEBB(DF_INIT, (debugfile,"saveStats [%s]\n", scorefile));
if(autocheat) return;
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) return;
if(randomPatternsMode) return;
@ -738,6 +747,10 @@ void saveStats(bool emergency = false) {
// load the save
void loadsave() {
if(autocheat) return;
#ifdef TOUR
if(tour::on) return;
DEBB(DF_INIT, (debugfile,"loadSave\n"));
for(int xc=0; xc<MODECODES; xc++)
@ -851,6 +864,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
heptspin viewctr;
transmatrix View;
eGeometry geometry;
bool hepta;
vector<gamedata> gd;
@ -868,6 +882,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
gdn.viewctr = viewctr;
gdn.View = View;
gdn.geometry = geometry;
gdn.hepta = purehepta;
@ -878,6 +893,7 @@ namespace gamestack {
viewctr = gdn.viewctr;
View = gdn.View;
geometry = gdn.geometry;
purehepta = gdn.hepta;
@ -928,6 +944,16 @@ void restartGame(char switchWhat, bool push) {
chaosmode = !chaosmode;
#ifdef TOUR
if(switchWhat == 'T') {
geometry = gNormal;
yendor::on = tactic::on = princess::challenge = false;
chaosmode = purehepta = randomPatternsMode = false;
shmup::on = false;
tour::on = !tour::on;
if(switchWhat == '7') {
if(euclid) geometry = gNormal;
purehepta = !purehepta;

tour.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
// work in progress
namespace tour {
bool on;
bool texts = true;
string tourhelp;
int currentslide;
static struct { const char *name; int id; const char *help; } slides[] = {
{"Introduction", 10,
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
"It also shows the basics of gameplay, and "
"how is it affected by geometry.\n\n"
"Press Enter to go to the next slide, or ESC to see a "
"menu with other options."
{"Basics of gameplay", 11,
"The game starts in the Icy Lands. Collect the Ice Diamonds "
"(press F1 if you do not know how to move). "
"After you collect many of them, monsters will start to pose a challenge.\n"
"As is typical in roguelikes and other games based on tactical skill rather "
"than story, if you lose, you have to start a new one from the start. "
"However, in this tutorial, you can simply press '4' "
"to teleport away from a bad situation."
"In general, the tutorial is rigged to show you what it "
"wants -- for example, in this slide, you can press '5' to get "
"lots of Ice Diamonds quickly."
{"Hypersian Rug model", 21,
"New players think that the action of HyperRogue takes place on a sphere. "
"This is not true -- the next slide will show the surface HyperRogue "
"actually takes place on.\n\n"
"Use arrow keys to rotate the model, and Page Up/Down to zoom.\n\n"
"If you do not see anything, press '5' to try a safer renderer."
{"Expansion", 22,
"The next slide shows the number of cells in distance 1, 2, 3, ... from you. "
"It grows exponentially: there are more than 10^100 cells "
"in radius 1000 around you, and you will move further away during the game!\n\n"
"This is extremely important in the design of HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue has many navigational puzzles -- what would be simple in Euclidean world "
"is extremely tricky "
"in hyperbolic geometry (you want to reach a specific location 20 cells away, "
"which of the thousands of possible directions should you take?); however, other things virtually impossible in Euclidean "
"world become easy in HyperRogue. "
"HyperRogue had to be specially designed so that it is impossible to grind the "
"infinite world. There are almost no permanent upgrades; collecting treasures "
"brings you benefits, but trying to get too many of the same kind is extremely dangerous."
{"Tiling and Tactics", 23,
"The tactics of fighting simple monsters, such as the Yetis from the Icy Lands, "
"might appear shallow, but hyperbolic geometry is essential even there. "
"In the next slide, you are attacked by two monsters at once. "
"You can make them line up simply by "
"running away in a straight line. "
"Press '2' to try the same in the Euclidean world -- it is impossible."
{"Straight Lines", 24,
"Hyperbolic geometry has been created by 19th century mathematicians who "
"wondered about the nature of paralellness. Take a line L and a point A. "
"Can a world exist where there is more than one line passing through A "
"which does not cross L?\n\n"
"Wander further, and you should find Crossroads quickly -- "
"the Great Walls are straight lines, and indeed, they work differently than in "
"Euclidean. On the other side of Great Walls, you see other lands -- "
"there are about 50 lands in HyperRogue, based "
"on different mechanics and aspects of hyperbolic geometry."
{"Running Dogs", 25,
"To learn more about straight lines, "
"wander further, and you should find the Land of Eternal Motion. "
"Try to run in a straight line, with a Running Dog next to you. "
"Even though the Running Dog runs at the same speed as you, "
"it will appear to go slower -- this is because you are running "
"in a straight line, and the Running Dog has to run in a curve "
"called an equidistant."
{"Equidistants", 27,
"Equidistants are curves which are at some fixed distance from a "
"straight line. Some lands in HyperRogue are based on equidistants; "
"you should see them after wandering a bit more.\n\n"
"This tutorial gives you freedom to go wherever you choose, "
"but we do not recommend going deep into the Dungeon or the Ocean -- "
"getting back might be difficult."
{"Circles", 26,
"Circles are strange in hyperbolic geometry too. "
"Look for the Castle of Camelot in the Crossroads; "
"the Round Table inside is a circle of radius 28. "
"Finding its center is a difficult challenge.\n\n"
"Press '5' to cheat by seeing the smaller circles too."
{"Horocycles", 28,
"Horocycles are similar to circles, but you cannot reach their center at all -- "
"they can be understood as limit circles of infinite radius centered in some point "
"in infinity (also called an ideal point).\n\n"
"Go to R'Lyeh, and you should quickly find a Temple of Cthulhu there. "
"Each circle of columns is actually a horocycle. Horocycles in a given "
"temple are concentric, and there is an infinite number of them."
{"Half-plane model", 47,
"The game is normally displayed in the so called Poincaré disk model, "
"which is a kind of a map of the infinite hyperbolic world. "
"There are many projections of Earth, but since Earth is curved, "
"all of them have to distort distances or angles in some way -- "
"the same is true in hyperbolic geometry. "
"The next slide shows another model, called the Poincaré upper half-plane model. In this model, "
"horocycles centered at one specific ideal point are drawn as straight lines."
{"Curvature", 29,
"Now, go to the Burial Grounds and find an Orb of the Sword. The Sword appears to "
"always be facing in the same direction whatever you do, and it appears that "
"you have to rotate the sword to excavate the treasures; "
"yet, it is possible to excavate them! You migth have already noticed "
"that the world rotates after you move around a loop and return to an old "
"This is related to the fact that the world of HyperRogue is curved, and "
"the sum of angles in a triangle is not equal to 180 degrees."
{"Periodic patterns", 30,
"Hyperbolic geometry yields much more interesting periodic patterns "
"than Euclidean."
{"Periodic patterns: application", 31,
"Many lands in HyperRogue are based around periodic patterns. "
"For example, both Zebra and Windy Plains are based on the pattern "
"shown in the previous slide. "
"Such lands often have tree-like nature."
{"Fractal landscapes", 32,
"On the following slide, the colors change smoothly in the whole infinite world. "
"Again, this works better than in Euclidean geometry."
{"Fractal landscapes: application", 33,
"This is applied in HyperRogue to create landscapes, such as the chasms in the "
"land of Reptiles or the Dragon Chasms, which you should find quickly. "
"Also in the Dragon Chasms, you can find a Baby Tortoise, and try to find "
"a matching adult tortoise in the Galápagos. "
"There are over two millions of species, but since there is so much space in "
"hyperbolic geometry, finding a matching tortoise is possible. The brighter "
"the color in Galápagos is, the more aspects of the tortoises in the given "
"area are matching."
{"Poincaré Ball model", 41,
"The Poincaré disk model is a model of a hyperbolic *plane* -- you "
"might wonder why are the walls rendered in 3D then.\n\n"
"HyperRogue actually assumes that the floor level is an equidistant surface "
"in a three-dimensional hyperbolic world, and the camera is placed above the "
"plane that the surface is equidistant to (which boils down to showing "
"the floor level in Poincaré disk model).\n\n"
"This is shown on the next slide, in the Poincaré ball model, which is "
"the 3D analog of the Poincaré disk model."
{"Hyperboloid model", 42,
"Let's see more models of the hyperbolic plane. "
"This model uses a hyperboloid in the Minkowski geometry; "
"it is used internally by HyperRogue."
{"Beltrami-Klein model", 43,
"This model renders straight lines as straight, but it distorts angles."
{"Gans model", 44,
"Yet another model, which corresponds to orthographic projection of the "
"sphere. Poincaré disk model, Beltrami-Klein model, and the Gans "
"model are all obtained by looking at either the hyperboloid model or an "
"equidistant surface from various distances."
{"Band model", 45,
"The band model is the hyperbolic analog of the Mercator projection of the sphere: "
"a given straight line is rendered as a straight line, and the rest of the "
"world is mapped conformally, that is, angles are not distorted. "
"Here, we take the straight line connecting your starting point and your "
"current position -- usually the path taken by the player is surprisingly "
"close to a straight line. Press '8' to see this path.\n\n"
"If you want, press '5' to see it rendered as a spiral, although it takes lots of time and "
{"Conformal square model", 46,
"The world can be mapped conformally to a square too."
{"Collatz conjecture", 51,
"Your version of HyperRogue includes RogueViz, which "
"is an adaptation of HyperRogue as a visualization tool "
"rather than a game. Hyperbolic space is great "
"for visualizing some kinds of data because of the vast amount "
"of space.\n\n"
"The following slide is a visualization of the Collatz conjecture. "
"Press '5' for a spiral rendering of the Collatz conjecture visualization."},
{"THE END", 99,
"This is not everything you can see in HyperRogue. For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much fun than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode."
int getid() {
if(!on) return 0;
return slides[currentslide].id;
// modes:
// 1 - enter the slide
// 2 - each frame
// 3 - leave the slide
// 4 - quicken or modify the slide
// 5 - on initgame
void setCanvas(int mode, char canv) {
static char wc;
static eLand ld;
if(mode == 1) {
wc = mapeditor::whichCanvas;
mapeditor::whichCanvas = canv;
ld = firstland;
firstland = laCanvas;
restartGame(0, true);
if(mode == 3) {
mapeditor::whichCanvas = wc;
firstland = ld;
restartGame(0, false);
bool sickmode;
void presentation(int mode) {
int id = getid();
cheater = 0;
if(id && mode == 1) tourhelp = slides[currentslide].name;
if(sickmode && !items[itOrbTeleport]) items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
if(id == 10 && mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
else clearMessages();
if(id == 11 && mode == 4)
forCellEx(c2, cwt.c)
forCellEx(c3, c2)
if(c3->wall == waNone && c3->item == itNone && c3->monst == moNone && c3 != cwt.c)
c3->item = itDiamond;
// Hypersian Rug
if(id == 21) {
static int wm, mm;
if(mode == 1) {
wm = vid.wallmode;
mm = vid.monmode;
vid.wallmode = 3;
vid.monmode = 2;
if(mode == 3) {
vid.wallmode = wm;
vid.monmode = mm;
if(mode == 4) {
rug::rendernogl = !rug::rendernogl;
// Expansion
if(id == 22) {
if(mode == 1) viewdists = true;
if(mode == 3) viewdists = false;
// Tiling and Tactics
if(id == 23) {
setCanvas(mode, 'F');
if(mode == 5) {
cwt.c->mov[0]->monst = moRunDog;
cwt.c->mov[1]->monst = moGoblin;
if(id == 26 && mode == 4)
camelotcheat = !camelotcheat;
// Curvature
if(id == 29) {
if(mode == 4)
items[itOrbSword] = 90;
if(id == 30) {
setCanvas(mode, 't');
if(mode == 1)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 2,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 'z';
if(mode == 3)
mapeditor::displaycodes = 0,
mapeditor::whichPattern = 0;
if(id == 32)
setCanvas(mode, 'l');
if(id == 33) {
if(mode == 4) {
cell *c = cwt.c->mov[0];
c->item = itBabyTortoise;
tortoise::babymap[c] = getBits(c) ^ tortoise::getRandomBits();
if(id == 41) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBall;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 42) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdHyperboloid;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 43) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 0;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = 1;
if(id == 44) {
if(mode == 1) vid.alpha = 400, vid.scale = 150;
if(mode == 3) vid.alpha = vid.scale = 1;
if(id == 45) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdBand, conformal::create(), conformal::rotation = 0;
if(mode == 3) {
conformal::clear(), pmodel = mdDisk;
if(mode == 4) conformal::createImage(true);
if(id == 46) {
if(mode == 1) pmodel = mdPolygonal, polygonal::solve();
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 47) {
if(mode == 1)
pmodel = mdHalfplane;
if(mode == 2)
conformal::rotation = cwt.c->land == laDungeon ? 0 : 2;
if(mode == 3) pmodel = mdDisk, conformal::rotation = 0;
if(id == 51) {
setCanvas(mode, 'd');
if(mode == 1) {
rogueviz::dftcolor = 0x206020FF;
rogueviz::collatz::s2 = .3;
rogueviz::collatz::p2 = .5;
rogueviz::collatz::s3 = -.4;
rogueviz::collatz::p3 = .4;
rogueviz::showlabels = true;
rogueviz::on = true;
gmatrix0 = gmatrix;
if(mode == 4)
pmodel = mdBand, conformal::create(), conformal::rotation = 0,
conformal::clear(), pmodel = mdDisk;
if(id == 99 && mode == 4)
eLand getNext(eLand old) {
// Straight Lines
int id = getid();
if(id == 24) {
return pick(
pick(laRedRock, laWarpCoast, laMirror),
pick(laLivefjord, laAlchemist, laHell),
pick(laJungle, laDesert, laRose),
pick(laGraveyard, laMotion, laDryForest)
else return laCrossroads;
// Running Dogs
if(id == 25) {
if(isCrossroads(old)) return pick(laMotion, laNone);
else if(old == laMotion) return laCrossroads;
else return laMotion;
// Circles
if(id == 26) {
if(!isCrossroads(old)) return laCrossroads;
// Camelot is a circle
// Equidistants
if(id == 27) {
return hrand(100) < 20 ? laNone :
pick(laOcean, laIvoryTower, laDungeon, laEndorian);
else return laCrossroads;
// Horocycles
if(id == 28) {
return pick(laRlyeh, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laRlyeh ? laNone : laRlyeh);
// Curvature
if(id == 29) {
return pick(laBurial, laNone, laNone);
else return pick(laCrossroads, old == laBurial ? laNone : laBurial);
// periodic patterns application
if(id == 31) {
return pick(
pick(laWineyard, laEmerald, laPower),
pick(laZebra, laWhirlwind),
laPalace, laNone
else return laCrossroads;
// fractal landscapes application
if(id == 33) {
if(old == laDragon) return pick(laTortoise, laTortoise, laCrossroads);
else if(isCrossroads(old))
return pick(laDragon, laReptile, laNone);
return laNone;
void slidehelp() {
if(texts) {
help =
helptitle(slides[currentslide].name, 0xFF8000) +
if(cmode != emHelp)
lastmode = cmode;
cmode = emHelp;
bool handleKeyTour(int sym, int uni) {
if(sym == SDLK_RETURN && (cmode != emHelp || getid() == 10)) {
if(geometry) { restartGame(0, false); return true; }
if(getid() == 99) return true;
return true;
if(sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) {
if(geometry) { restartGame(0, false); return true; }
if(currentslide == 0) { slidehelp(); return true; }
if(cmode == emHelp) slidehelp();
return true;
if(sym == '1' || sym == '2' || sym == '3') {
if(geometry) {
restartGame(0, false); return true;
if(sym == '1') targetgeometry = gSphere;
if(sym == '2') targetgeometry = gEuclid;
firstland = euclidland = cwt.c->land;
restartGame(sym == '3' ? '7' : 'g', true);
return true;
if(sym == '4') {
items[itOrbTeleport] = 1;
canmove = true;
return true;
if(sym == '5') {
return true;
if(sym == '6') {
sickmode = !sickmode;
static ld spd;
if(sickmode == true) {
spd = vid.sspeed, vid.sspeed = 5;
addMessage("Static mode enabled.");
else {
vid.sspeed = spd;
addMessage("Static mode disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '7') {
texts = !texts;
if(texts) slidehelp();
else addMessage("Help texts disabled.");
return true;
if(sym == '8')
conformal::includeHistory = !conformal::includeHistory;
return false;
bool quickfind(eLand l) {
int id = getid();
if(id == 26 && l == laCamelot) return true;
if(id == 28 && l == laTemple) return true;
if(id == 29 && l == laBurial && !items[itOrbSword]) return true;
if(id == 33 && l == laTortoise && !items[itBabyTortoise]) return true;
return false;
void start() {
currentslide = 0;
vid.scale = 1;
vid.alpha = 1;
pmodel = mdDisk;
if(tour::on) {