mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-03-03 02:10:09 +00:00

renamed Tutorial to Guided tour

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2019-09-13 18:01:28 +02:00
parent d0955c20ac
commit d3802ed9e9
7 changed files with 51 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void buildHelpText() {
+ "http//roguetemple.com/z/hyper/\n\n";
help += XLAT("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
help += XLAT("Try the Guided Tour to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n");

View File

@ -5116,12 +5116,12 @@ S("firewall lines: Palace", "čáry ohnivých stěn: Palác")
S("firewall lines: Power", "čáry ohnivých stěn: Moc")
S("(ESC) tour menu", "(ESC) menu prohlídky")
S("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
S("Try the Guided Tour to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n",
"Zkuste Tutoriál, chcete-li pomoci s chápáním geometrie "
"HyperRogue (menu -> speciální módy.\n\n")
S("Tutorial", "Tutoriál")
S("guided tour", "Tutoriál")
S("spherical geometry", "sférická geometrie")
S("Euclidean geometry", "eukleidovská geometrie")
S("more curved hyperbolic geometry", "zakřivenější hyperbolická geometrie")
@ -5139,7 +5139,7 @@ S("Help texts disabled.", "Texty nápovědy vypnuty.")
S("next slide", "další snímek")
S("previous slide", "předešlý snímek")
S("This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
S("This guided tour is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"you are not forced to do anything, and you can go wherever you want.\n\n"
"However, %the1 is not what we are talking about now. "
"We will not explain this land at the moment, and you could potentially "
@ -5153,7 +5153,7 @@ S("This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"Nezapomeň, že stiskem klávesy Enter můžeš přejít na další snímek.")
S("Introduction", "Úvod")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!", "Vítej v tutoriálu HyperRogue!")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue Guided Tour!", "Vítej v tutoriálu HyperRogue!")
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
@ -5511,13 +5511,13 @@ S("In the shoot'em up mode, space and time is continuous. "
"způsob hry nebo jsou zaměřené na určitý úkol.")
S("leave the Tutorial", "opusť Tutoriál")
S("leave the tour mode", "opusť Tutoriál")
"This tour shows just a small part of what you can see in the world of HyperRogue. "
"For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much nicer than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode.",
"Press '5' to leave the tour mode.",
"Tato prohlídka ukazuje jen malou část toho, co můžeš vidět ve světě "
"HyperRogue. Tak například: hyperbolická bludiště jsou mnohem hezčí "
@ -5656,7 +5656,7 @@ S("four triangles", "ètyøi trojúhelníky")
S("big triangles: rings", "velké trojúhelníky: prstence")
// missing for the Tutorial
S("tutorial", "tutoriál")
S("guided tour", "tutoriál")
S("This Orb is not compatible with the Tutorial.", "Tato Sféra není kompatibilní s tutoriálem.")
// local scores
@ -5685,7 +5685,7 @@ S(
"Nezapomeò, že témìø na všechno mùžeš kliknout pravým tlaèítkem a získat "
"o tom více informací.")
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Tutorial!",
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Guided Tour!",
"Chceš porozumìt geometrii v HyperRogue? Zkus Tutoriál!")
@ -6315,7 +6315,7 @@ S("\n\nThis orb also allows you to collect items encased in ice.",
S("%The1 drains your powers!", "%The1 vysává tvou sílu!")
// additions
S(" This tutorial will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
S(" This tour will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
" Tento tutoriál nepostupuje sám od sebe -- musíš stisknout Enter (ale ne při čtení nápovědy)."

View File

@ -5057,11 +5057,11 @@ S("firewall lines: Palace", "linie ścian ognia: Pałac")
S("firewall lines: Power", "linie ścian ognia: Moc")
S("(ESC) tour menu", "(ESC) menu ucznia")
S("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
S("Try the Guided tour to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n",
"Uruchom Podręcznik, by zrozumieć geometrię HyperRogue (menu -> tryby specjalne.\n\n")
"Uruchom Wycieczkę, by zrozumieć geometrię HyperRogue (menu -> tryby specjalne).\n\n")
S("Tutorial", "Podręcznik")
S("guided tour", "Wycieczka")
S("spherical geometry", "geometria sferyczna")
S("Euclidean geometry", "geometria euklidesowa")
S("more curved hyperbolic geometry", "większa krzywizna")
@ -5079,23 +5079,23 @@ S("Help texts disabled.", "Teksty pomocy wyłączone.")
S("next slide", "kolejny slajd")
S("previous slide", "poprzedni slajd")
S("This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
S("This guided tour is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"you are not forced to do anything, and you can go wherever you want.\n\n"
"However, %the1 is not what we are talking about now. "
"We will not explain this land at the moment, and you could potentially "
"get lost there.\n\n"
"Remember that you can get to the next slide by pressing Enter.",
"Ten podręcznik różni się od większości innych -- "
"Ta wycieczka różni się od większości podręczników w grach -- "
"nie masz obowiązku robić tego, co tutorial sugeruje, możesz iść, dokąd chcesz.\n\n"
"Ale %1 nie jest miejscem, o którym teraz mówimy. Nie wyjaśnimy go "
"i potencjalnie możesz się zgubić.\n\n"
"Naciśnij Enter, by przejść do kolejnego slajdu.")
S("Introduction", "Wstęp")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!", "Witaj w podręczniku HyperRogue!")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue Guided Tour!", "Witaj w Wycieczce HyperRogue!")
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"This tour is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
"It also shows the basics of gameplay, and "
"how is it affected by geometry.\n\n"
@ -5104,7 +5104,7 @@ S(
"press ESC to see a "
"menu with other options.",
"Zadaniem tego podręcznika jest pokazanie szczególnych własności "
"Zadaniem tej wycieczki jest pokazanie szczególnych własności "
"geometrii używanej przez HyperRogue; są też pokazane podstawy "
"rozgrywki i jak geometria na nie wpływa.\n\n"
"Ty decydujesz, kiedy chcesz skończyć bawić się obecnym \"slajdem\" "
@ -5447,13 +5447,13 @@ S("In the shoot'em up mode, space and time is continuous. "
"koncentrujących się na konkretnym wyzwaniu.")
S("leave the Tutorial", "opuść Podręcznik")
S("leave the tour mode", "opuść wycieczkę")
"This tour shows just a small part of what you can see in the world of HyperRogue. "
"For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much nicer than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode.",
"Press '5' to leave the tour mode.",
"Ten podręcznik pokazuje tylko małą część świata HyperRogue. Na przykład, "
"hiperboliczne labirynty są ciekawsze niż euklidesowe. Miłej zabawy!"
@ -5597,7 +5597,6 @@ S("four triangles", "cztery trójkąty")
S("big triangles: rings", "duże trójkąty: pierścenie")
// missing for the Tutorial
S("tutorial", "podręcznik")
S("This Orb is not compatible with the Tutorial.", "Ta Sfera nie jest kompatybilna z podręcznikiem.")
// local scores
@ -5625,8 +5624,8 @@ S(
"Pamiętaj, że prawie wszystko możesz kliknąć prawym przyciskiem, "
"by dowiedzieć się czegoś na dany temat.")
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Tutorial!",
"Chcesz zrozumieć geometrię w HyperRogue? Obejrzyj Podręcznik!")
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Guided Tour!",
"Chcesz zrozumieć geometrię w HyperRogue? Idź na wycieczkę!")
"Collecting 25 treasures in a given land may be dangerous, "
@ -5852,14 +5851,14 @@ S("save a Princess", "uratuj Księżniczkę")
S("Note for mobiles", "Notka dla urządzeń mobilnych")
"This tutorial is designed for computers, "
"This tour is designed for computers, "
"and keys are given for all actions. It will "
"work without a keyboard though, although less "
"comfortably -- just ignore the keys "
"given and select options from MENU.\n\n"
"Select 'next slide' from MENU.",
"Ten tutorial jest przeznaczony głównie "
"Ta wycieczka jest przeznaczony głównie "
"dla komputerów i klawisze są podane "
"dla wszystkich akcji. Działa jednak bez "
"klawiatury, choć mniej wygodnie -- "
@ -6167,8 +6166,8 @@ S("\n\nThis orb also allows you to collect items encased in ice.",
S("%The1 drains your powers!", "%The1 wysysa Twoje moce!")
// additions
S(" This tutorial will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
" Ten podręcznik nie idzie do przodu sam z siebie -- musisz nacisnąć Enter (nie podczas czytania tekstu pomocy)."
S(" This tour will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
" Ta wycieczka nie idzie do przodu sama z siebie -- musisz nacisnąć Enter (nie podczas czytania tekstu pomocy)."
S("Hint: hold Alt to highlights enemies and other important features.",
@ -8160,3 +8159,5 @@ S("Welcome to PSL(2,R)-ogue!", "Witaj w PSL(2,R)-ogue!")
S("play this Strange Challenge unofficially", "gram nieoficjalnie")
S("floors in 2D geometries", "podłogi w geometriach 2D")
S("slides", "slajdy")

View File

@ -5212,11 +5212,11 @@ S("firewall lines: Palace", "стены огня: Дворец")
S("firewall lines: Power", "стены огня: Сила")
S("(ESC) tour menu", "(ESC) меню обучения")
S("Try the Tutorial to help with understanding the "
S("Try the Guided Tour to help with understanding the "
"geometry of HyperRogue (menu -> special modes).\n\n",
"Попробуйте Руководство, чтобы понять геометрию HyperRogue (меню -> специальные режимы.\n\n")
S("Tutorial", "Руководство")
S("guided tour", "Руководство")
S("spherical geometry", "сферическая геометрия")
S("Euclidean geometry", "евклидова геометрия")
S("more curved hyperbolic geometry", "более искривлённая геометрия")
@ -5234,7 +5234,7 @@ S("Help texts disabled.", "Тексты помощи выключены.")
S("next slide", "следующий слайд")
S("previous slide", "предыдущий слайд")
S("This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
S("This guided tour is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"you are not forced to do anything, and you can go wherever you want.\n\n"
"However, %the1 is not what we are talking about now. "
"We will not explain this land at the moment, and you could potentially "
@ -5248,7 +5248,7 @@ S("This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"Нажми Enter, чтобы перейти на следующий слайд.")
S("Introduction", "Введение")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!", "Добро пожаловать в руководство HyperRogue!")
S("Welcome to the HyperRogue Guided Tour!", "Добро пожаловать в руководство HyperRogue!")
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
@ -5595,13 +5595,13 @@ S("In the shoot'em up mode, space and time is continuous. "
"концентрирующиеся на определённых задачах.")
S("leave the Tutorial", "выйти из Руководства")
S("leave the tour mode", "выйти из Руководства")
"This tour shows just a small part of what you can see in the world of HyperRogue. "
"For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much nicer than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode.",
"Press '5' to leave the tour mode.",
"Это путешествие показало лишь малую часть мира HyperRogue. Например, "
"гиперболические лабиринты намного приятнее евклидовых. Приятной игры!"
@ -5745,7 +5745,7 @@ S("four triangles", "четыре треугольника")
S("big triangles: rings", "большие треугольники: кольца")
// missing for the Tutorial
S("tutorial", "руководство")
S("guided tour", "руководство")
S("This Orb is not compatible with the Tutorial.", "Эта сфера не совместима с Руководством.")
// local scores
@ -5773,7 +5773,7 @@ S(
"Remember that you can right click almost anything for more information.",
"Помни, что правая кнопка мыши даст информацию практически обо всём.")
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Tutorial!",
S("Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Guided Tour!",
"Хочешь понять геометрию в HyperRogue? Воспользуйся Руководством!")
@ -6390,7 +6390,7 @@ S("\n\nThis orb also allows you to collect items encased in ice.",
S("%The1 drains your powers!", "%1 пьет ваши силы!")
// additions
S(" This tutorial will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
S(" This tour will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).",
" Это руководство не будет продвигаться вперед само по себе -- нужно нажать Enter (не во время чтения текста помощи)."

View File

@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ EX void showChangeMode() {
// gameplay modes
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("Tutorial"), tour::on, 'T');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("guided tour"), tour::on, 'T');
dialog::addBoolItem(XLAT("creative mode"), (false), 'c');
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ EX void showStartMenu() {
dialog::addBigItem(XLAT("tutorial"), 't');
dialog::addBigItem(XLAT("guided tour"), 't');
dialog::addInfo(XLAT("learn about hyperbolic geometry!"));

View File

@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ hint hints[] = {
[]() { return !canmove; },
[]() {
"Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Tutorial!"
"Want to understand the geometry in HyperRogue? Try the Guided Tour!"
dialog::addItem(XLAT("Tutorial"), 'z');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("guided tour"), 'z');
[]() {
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ EX void showMission() {
tour::on ? (canmove ? XLAT("Tutorial") : XLAT("GAME OVER")) :
tour::on ? (canmove ? XLAT("guided tour") : XLAT("GAME OVER")) :
(cheater && !autocheat)? XLAT("It is a shame to cheat!") :
racing::on ? "racing mode" :
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ EX void showMission() {
dialog::addItem(XLAT("next slide"), SDLK_RETURN);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("previous slide"), SDLK_BACKSPACE);
dialog::addItem(XLAT("list of slides"), '9');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("exit the Tutorial"), '0');
dialog::addItem(XLAT("leave the tour mode"), '0');

View File

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ bool handleKeyTour(int sym, int uni) {
EX void checkGoodLand(eLand l) {
if(!showland(l) && texts)
"This tutorial is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"This guided tour is different than most other game tutorials -- "
"you are not forced to do anything, and you can go wherever you want.\n\n"
"However, %the1 is not what we are talking about now. "
"We will not explain this land at the moment, and you could potentially "
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ EX void checkGoodLand(eLand l) {
"Remember that you can get to the next slide by pressing Enter.",
) +
XLAT(" This tutorial will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).")
XLAT(" This tour will not advance on its own -- you have to press Enter (not while reading help text).")
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ EX void start() {
EX slide default_slides[] = {
{"Note for mobiles", 10, LEGAL_NONE | QUICKSKIP,
"This tutorial is designed for computers, "
"This tour is designed for computers, "
"and keys are given for all actions. It will "
"work without a keyboard though, although less "
"comfortably -- just ignore the keys "
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ EX slide default_slides[] = {
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == pmStartAll) firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue Guided Tour!"));
else clearMessages();
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ EX slide default_slides[] = {
{"Introduction", 10, LEGAL_NONE | QUICKSKIP,
"This tutorial is mostly aimed to show what is "
"This tour is mostly aimed to show what is "
"special about the geometry used by HyperRogue. "
"It also shows the basics of gameplay, and "
"how is it affected by geometry.\n\n"
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ EX slide default_slides[] = {
[] (presmode mode) {
if(mode == pmStartAll) firstland = specialland = laIce;
if(mode == 1) {
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue tutorial!"));
if(tour::texts) addMessage(XLAT("Welcome to the HyperRogue Guided Tour!"));
else clearMessages();
SHOWLAND( l == laIce );
@ -814,9 +814,9 @@ EX slide default_slides[] = {
"For example, "
"hyperbolic mazes are much nicer than their Euclidean counterparts. "
"Have fun exploring!\n\n"
"Press '5' to leave the tutorial mode.",
"Press '5' to leave the tour mode.",
[] (presmode mode) {
slidecommand = "leave the Tutorial";
slidecommand = XLAT("leave the tour mode");
if(mode == 4) restart_game(rg::tour);