ray:: better raycaster in SL/sphere

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Zeno Rogue 2020-07-28 16:46:23 +02:00
parent fbe0df9814
commit 64279e33cc
1 changed files with 97 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -583,14 +583,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fsh += "mediump mat4 s_itranslate(vec4 h) {\n"
"h.xyz = -h.xyz; return s_translate(h);\n"
fsh += "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
"vel = s_itranslate(pos) * vel;\n"
"tra = s_itranslate(pos) * tra;\n"
"return s_translate(pos) * vec4(\n"
" (vel.y*tra.z+vel.z*tra.y) * " + to_glsl(-(-stretch::factor-2)) + ", "
" (vel.x*tra.z+vel.z*tra.x) * " + to_glsl(-stretch::factor-2.) + ", "
" 0, 0);\n"
use_christoffel = false;
else if(stretch::in()) {
fsh += "mediump mat4 s_translate(vec4 h) {\n"
@ -599,14 +592,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
fsh += "mediump mat4 s_itranslate(vec4 h) {\n"
"h.xyz = -h.xyz; return s_translate(h);\n"
fsh += "mediump vec4 christoffel(mediump vec4 pos, mediump vec4 vel, mediump vec4 tra) {\n"
"vel = s_itranslate(pos) * vel;\n"
"tra = s_itranslate(pos) * tra;\n"
"return s_translate(pos) * vec4(\n"
" (vel.y*tra.z+vel.z*tra.y) * " + to_glsl(-stretch::factor) + ", "
" (vel.x*tra.z+vel.z*tra.x) * " + to_glsl(stretch::factor) + ", "
" 0, 0);\n"
use_christoffel = false;
else use_christoffel = false;
@ -643,12 +629,101 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"mediump vec4 acc4 = get_acc(position + vel + acc2/2., vel + acc3/2.);\n"
"mediump vec4 nposition = position + vel + (acc1+acc2+acc3)/6.;\n";
if(sl2) fmain +=
"nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(position.zw, position.zw) - dot(nposition.xy, nposition.xy));\n";
else if(stretch::in()) fmain +=
"nposition = nposition / sqrt(dot(nposition, nposition));\n";
if(sl2 || stretch::in()) {
ld SV = stretch::not_squared();
ld mul = (sphere?1:-1)-1/SV/SV;
fmain +=
"vec4 vel = s_itranslate(position) * tangent * dist;\n"
"mediump float vlen = length(vel.xyz);\n"
"if(vel.z<0.) vlen=-vlen;\n"
"float z_part = vel.z/vlen;\n"
"float x_part = sqrt(1.-z_part*z_part);\n"
"const float SV = " + to_glsl(SV) + ";\n"
"float rparam = x_part / z_part / SV;\n"
"float beta = atan2(vel.y,vel.x);\n"
"if(vlen<0.) beta += PI;\n"
"mediump vec4 nposition, ntangent;\n";
if(sl2) fmain +=
"if(rparam > 1.) {\n"
"float cr = 1./sqrt(rparam*rparam-1.);\n"
"float sr = rparam*cr;\n"
"float z = cr * " + to_glsl(mul) + ";\n"
"float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n"
"float k = -a;\n"
"float u = z*a;\n"
"float xy = sr * sinh(k);\n"
"float zw = cr * sinh(k);\n"
"nposition = vec4("
"ntangent = vec4("
"-sr*cosh(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta),"
"-sr*cosh(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta),"
"else {\n"
"float r = atanh(rparam);\n"
"float cr = cosh(r);\n"
"float sr = sinh(r);\n"
"float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n"
"float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n"
"float k = -a;\n"
"float u = z*a;\n"
"float xy = sr * sin(k);\n"
"float zw = cr * sin(k);\n"
"ntangent = vec4("
"-sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) + u*xy*sin(u+beta),"
"-sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) - u*xy*cos(u+beta),"
"nposition = vec4("
"-xy * cos(u+beta),"
"-xy * sin(u+beta),"
"zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u),"
"zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)"
else fmain +=
"if(true) {\n"
"float r = atan(rparam);\n"
"float cr = cos(r);\n"
"float sr = sin(r);\n"
"float z = cr * "+to_glsl(mul)+";\n"
"float a = vlen / length(vec2(sr, cr/SV));\n"
"float k = a;\n"
"float u = z*a;\n"
"float xy = sr * sin(k);\n"
"float zw = cr * sin(k);\n"
"ntangent = vec4("
"sr*cos(k)*k*cos(u+beta) - u*xy*sin(u+beta),"
"sr*cos(k)*k*sin(u+beta) + u*xy*cos(u+beta),"
"nposition = vec4("
"xy * cos(u+beta),"
"xy * sin(u+beta),"
"zw * cos(u) - cos(k) * sin(u),"
"zw * sin(u) + cos(k)*cos(u)"
fmain +=
"ntangent = s_itranslate(nposition) * ntangent / dist;\n"
"ntangent.z *= SV;\n"
"nposition = s_translate(position) * nposition;\n"
"ntangent = s_translate(nposition) * ntangent;\n";
if(nil) {
fmain +=
"mediump vec4 xp, xt;\n"
@ -700,7 +775,7 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
" mediump vec4 nposition = v;\n";
if(sphere && !use_christoffel) {
if(sphere && !stretch::in()) {
fmain +=
" mediump float ch = cos(dist); mediump float sh = sin(dist);\n"
" mediump vec4 v = position * ch + tangent * sh;\n"
@ -810,15 +885,6 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
"tangent = translatev(position, xt);\n";
else fmain +=
"tangent = ntangent;\n";
if(stretch::in() || sl2) {
fmain +=
"tangent = s_itranslate(position) * tangent;\n"
"tangent[3] = 0.;\n"
"float nvelsquared = dot(tangent.xy, tangent.xy) + " + to_glsl(stretch::squared()) + " * tangent.z * tangent.z;\n"
"tangent /= sqrt(nvelsquared);\n"
"tangent = s_translate(position) * tangent;\n";
else fmain +=
"position = position + tangent * dist;\n";