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synced 2025-02-22 22:10:20 +00:00
ray:: now works with Binary4 product
This commit is contained in:
@ -604,6 +604,7 @@ EX namespace bt {
/** \brief by what factor do the lengths expand after moving one level in hr::bt::expansion_coordinate() */
EX ld expansion() {
if(WDIM == 2) return area_expansion_rate();
else if(prod) return PIU( area_expansion_rate() );
else return sqrt(area_expansion_rate());
@ -772,10 +772,11 @@ hyperpoint ray_kleinize(hyperpoint h, int id, ld pz) {
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
// ld co = vid.binary_width / log(2) / 4;
// hyperpoint res = point31(h[2]*log(2)/2, h[0]*co, h[1]*co);
return deparabolic13(bt::bt_to_minkowski(h));
return deparabolic13(final_coords(h));
if(prod) {
if(bt::in()) return point3(h[0], h[1], pz);
return point3(h[0]/h[2], h[1]/h[2], pz);
return kleinize(h);
@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ EX bool is_stepbased() {
return nonisotropic || stretch::in() || is_eyes();
EX bool horos() {
return (hyperbolic || in_h2xe()) && bt::in();
ld& maxstep_current() {
if(sn::in() || stretch::in()) return maxstep_sol;
#if CAP_VR
@ -332,8 +336,9 @@ struct raygen {
void emit_iterate(int gid1);
void create();
string f_xpush() { return hyperbolic ? "xpush_h" : "xpush_s"; }
string f_len() { return hyperbolic ? "len_h" : (sphere && rotspace) ? "len_sr" : sl2 ? "len_sl2" : sphere ? "len_s" : "len_x"; }
string f_xpush() { return hyperbolic ? "xpush_h3" : "xpush_s3"; }
string f_len() { return hyperbolic ? "len_h3" : (sphere && rotspace) ? "len_sr" : sl2 ? "len_sl2" : sphere ? "len_s3" : "len_x"; }
string f_len_prod() { return in_h2xe() ? "len_h2" : in_s2xe() ? "len_s2" : "len_e2"; }
void add_functions();
@ -352,7 +357,10 @@ void raygen::compute_which_and_dist(int flat1, int flat2) {
fmain +=
" if(which == -1) {\n";
fmain += "for(int i="+its(flat1)+"; i<"+(prod ? "sides-2" : ((WDIM == 2 || is_subcube_based(variation) || intra::in) && !bt::in()) ? "sides" : its(flat2))+"; i++) {\n";
if(in_h2xe() && bt::in())
fmain += "for(int i=2; i<=4; i++) if(i == 2 || i == 4) {";
fmain += "for(int i="+its(flat1)+"; i<"+(prod ? "sides-2" : ((WDIM == 2 || is_subcube_based(variation) || intra::in) && !bt::in()) ? "sides" : its(flat2))+"; i++) {\n";
fmain += " mediump mat4 m = " + getM("walloffset+i") + ";\n";
@ -416,14 +424,16 @@ void raygen::compute_which_and_dist(int flat1, int flat2) {
// 20: get to horosphere +uBLevel (take smaller root)
// 21: get to horosphere -uBLevel (take larger root)
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
if(horos()) {
string push = hyperbolic ? "xpush_h3" : "xpush_h2";
string w = hyperbolic ? "w" : "z";
fmain +=
"for(int i=20; i<22; i++) {\n"
"mediump float sgn = i == 20 ? -1. : 1.;\n"
"mediump vec4 zpos = xpush_h(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"mediump vec4 ztan = xpush_h(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"mediump float Mp = zpos.w - zpos.x;\n"
"mediump float Mt = ztan.w - ztan.x;\n"
"mediump vec4 zpos = "+push+"(uBLevel*sgn) * position;\n"
"mediump vec4 ztan = "+push+"(uBLevel*sgn) * tangent;\n"
"mediump float Mp = zpos."+w+" - zpos.x;\n"
"mediump float Mt = ztan."+w+" - ztan.x;\n"
"mediump float a = (Mp*Mp-Mt*Mt);\n"
"mediump float b = Mp/a;\n"
"mediump float c = (1.+Mt*Mt) / a;\n"
@ -432,8 +442,10 @@ void raygen::compute_which_and_dist(int flat1, int flat2) {
"mediump float zsgn = (Mt > 0. ? -sgn : sgn);\n"
"mediump float u = sqrt(b*b-c)*zsgn + b;\n"
"mediump float v = -(Mp*u-1.) / Mt;\n"
"mediump float d = asinh(v);\n"
"if(d < 0. && abs(log(position.w*position.w-position.x*position.x)) < uBLevel) continue;\n"
"mediump float d = asinh(v);\n";
if(prod) fmain += "d /= xspeed;\n";
fmain +=
"if(d < 0. && abs(log(position."+w+"*position."+w+"-position.x*position.x)) < uBLevel) continue;\n"
"if(d < dist) { dist = d; which = i; }\n"
@ -922,17 +934,27 @@ void raygen::move_forward() {
void raygen::apply_reflect(int flat1, int flat2) {
if(prod) fmain += "if(reflect && which >= sides-2) { zspeed = -zspeed; continue; }\n";
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) fmain +=
"if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n"
if(horos()) {
fmain +=
"if(reflect && (which < "+its(flat1)+" || which >= "+its(flat2)+")) {\n";
if(hyperbolic) fmain +=
" mediump float x = -log(position.w - position.x);\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush_h(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush_h3(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump float diag = (position.y*position.y+position.z*position.z)/2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -position.z, -diag);\n"
" mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n"
" mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xyz, normal.xyz) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n";
else fmain +=
" mediump float x = -log(position.z - position.x);\n"
" mediump vec4 xtan = xpush_h2(-x) * tangent;\n"
" mediump float diag = position.y*position.y/2.;\n"
" mediump vec4 normal = vec4(1.-diag, -position.y, -diag, 0.);\n"
" mediump float mdot = dot(xtan.xy, normal.xy) - xtan.w * normal.w;\n";
fmain +=
" xtan = xtan - normal * mdot * 2.;\n"
" tangent = xpush_h(x) * xtan;\n"
" continue;\n"
" }\n";
if(asonov) {
fmain +=
" if(reflect) {\n"
@ -1149,7 +1171,7 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
if(prod || rotspace) flat2 -= 2;
#if CAP_BT
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
if(horos()) {
fmain += "mediump float uBLevel = " + to_glsl(log(bt::expansion()) / 2) + ";\n";
@ -1200,22 +1222,30 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
"tangent /= sqrt(dot(tangent.xy, tangent.xy) - tangent.z*tangent.z);\n";
if(hyperbolic && bt::in()) {
if(horos()) {
string w20, w21;
if(in_h2xe() && hybrid::underlying == gBinary4) {
w21 = " for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {\n";
w20 = "int i=3; {\n";
else {
w20 = " for(int i="+its(flat2)+"; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n";
w21 = "for(int i=0; i<"+its(flat1)+"; i++) {\n";
fmain +=
"if(which == 20) {\n"
" mediump float best = 999.;\n"
" for(int i="+its(flat2)+"; i<"+its(S7)+"; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len_prod()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
"if(which == 21) {\n"
"mediump float best = 999.;\n"
"for(int i=0; i<"+its(flat1)+"; i++) {\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" mediump float cand = "+f_len_prod()+"(" + getM("i") + " * position);\n"
" if(cand < best) { best = cand; which = i; }\n"
" }\n"
// "gl_FragColor = vec4(.5 + .5 * sin((go+dist)*100.), 1, float(which)/3., 1); return;\n"
@ -1264,8 +1294,12 @@ void raygen::emit_iterate(int gid1) {
"pos.xyz = pos.zxy;\n";
else if(hyperbolic || sphere) fmain +=
"pos /= pos.w;\n";
else if(prod && bt::in()) fmain +=
"pos.xy = deparabolic12(pos).xy;\n"
"pos.z = -pos.w; pos.w = 0.;\n"
else if(prod) fmain +=
"pos = vec4(pos.x/pos.z, pos.y/pos.z, pos.w, 0);\n";
"pos = vec4(pos.x/pos.z, pos.y/pos.z, -pos.w, 0);\n";
fmain +=
" mediump vec2 inface = map_texture(pos, which+walloffset);\n"
" mediump vec3 tmap = texture2D(tTextureMap, u).rgb;\n"
@ -1440,18 +1474,27 @@ void enable_raycaster() {
void raygen::add_functions() {
"mediump mat4 xpush_h(float x) { return mat4("
"mediump mat4 xpush_h3(float x) { return mat4("
"cosh(x), 0., 0., sinh(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
"sinh(x), 0., 0., cosh(x)"
"mediump mat4 xpush_h2(float x) { return mat4("
"cosh(x), 0., sinh(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"sinh(x), 0., cosh(x), 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 0., 1."
"mediump mat4 xpush(float x) { return mat4("
"mediump mat4 xpush_s(float x) { return mat4("
"cos(x), 0., 0., sin(x),\n"
"0., 1., 0., 0.,\n"
"0., 0., 1., 0.,\n"
@ -1492,6 +1535,19 @@ void raygen::add_functions() {
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 deparabolic12(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" h /= (1. + h.z);\n"
" h[0] -= 1.;\n"
" h /= h.x*h.x + h.y*h.y;\n"
" h[0] += .5;\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
" res.x = (log(2.) + log(-h.x));\n"
" res.y = h.y * 2.;\n"
" res.w = 1.;\n"
" return res;\n"
" }\n\n");
"mediump vec4 enparabolic13(mediump vec4 h) {\n"
" mediump vec4 res;\n"
@ -1577,11 +1633,14 @@ void raygen::add_functions() {
add_if("len_rotspace", "mediump float len_rotspace(vec4 h) { return 1. - h[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_h", " mediump float len_h(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_h3", " mediump float len_h3(mediump vec4 x) { return x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_sr", " mediump float len_sr(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y-x.z*x.z-x.w*x.w; }\n");
add_if("len_sl2"," mediump float len_sl2(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.+x.x*x.x+x.y*x.y; }\n");
add_if("len_s", " mediump float len_s(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.-x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_s3", " mediump float len_s3(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.-x[3]; }\n");
add_if("len_x", " mediump float len_x(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xyz); }\n");
add_if("len_h2", " mediump float len_h2(mediump vec4 x) { return x[2]; }\n");
add_if("len_s2", " mediump float len_s2(mediump vec4 x) { return 1.-x[2]; }\n");
add_if("len_e2", " mediump float len_e2(mediump vec4 x) { return length(x.xy); }\n");
void raygen::create() {
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