mirror of https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue.git synced 2025-02-23 06:20:09 +00:00

updated the Czech translation

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2018-01-06 23:50:05 +01:00
parent 9412928914
commit 432f7ecda2

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@ -6435,8 +6435,420 @@ S("Not implemented for spherical geometry. Please tell me if you really want thi
// Hypersian Rug
S("This makes sense only in hyperbolic or Torus geometry.", "To dává smysl jenom v hyperbolické geometrii/torus.")
#undef Orb
S("score: %1", "skóre: %1")
S("kills: %1", "zabitých netvorů: %1")
// === 10.3 ===
// ============
// Missing/minor updated texts
// file selection dialog
S("Enter = choose", "Enter = vbr")
S("Esc = cancel", "Esc = zruit")
S("hyperbolic", "hyperbolick")
S("reset special modes", "resetovat speciln mdy")
S("orthogonal projection", "ortogonln projekce")
S("small Poincar model", "mal Poincarho model")
S("big Poincar model", "velk Poincarho model")
S("Klein-Beltrami model", "Klein-Beltramiho model")
S("bestiary of %the1", "besti: %1")
// for the map editor
N("Dragon Head", GEN_F, "Dra hlava", "Dra hlavy", "Dra hlavu", "Dra hlavou")
S("score: %1", "skre: %1")
S("kills: %1", "zabit: %1")
// advanced config of quotient geometry
"This geometry is obtained by applying the same 'generators' which "
"lead to creating the given basic hyperbolic geometry, "
"but using a fixed finite field instead of the field of reals. "
"It can be also interpreted as a quotient of the given basic geometry. "
"Warning: field patterns based on large primes might generate for a long time.",
"Tato geometrie vznik poutm stejnch 'genertor', kter vedou k vytvoen "
"dan zkladn hyperbolick geometrie, ale msto tlesa relnch sel pouv "
"pevn dan konen tleso. Lze ho tak interpretovat jako kvocient dan "
"zkladn geometrie. Varovn: vzory zaloen na velkch prvoslech se mohou "
"generovat velmi dlouho!")
S("find the next prime", "najdi dal prvoslo")
S("activate", "aktivovat")
S("order %1%2 (non-bitruncated cells: %3)", "d %1%2 (nezkosench polek: %3)")
// Torus/Klein bottle, Euclidean Squares, and their advanced configuration
S("square grid", "tvercov s")
S("torus/Klein bottle", "torus/Kleinova lhev")
S("mode", "md")
S("single row (hex)", "jedna ada (hexy)")
S("single row (squares)", "jedna ada (tverce)")
S("parallelogram (hex)", "rovnobnk (hexy)")
S("rectangle (squares)", "obdlnk (tverce)")
S("rectangle (hex)", "obdlnk (hexy)")
S("Klein bottle (squares)", "Kleinova lhev (tverce)")
S("Klein bottle (hex)", "Kleinova lhev (hexy)")
S("this mode has bad patterns", "v tomto mdu jsou patn vzory")
S("incompatible with bitruncating", "nekompatibiln se zkosenm")
S("best if %1 is divisible by %2", "nejlpe to funguje, kdy je %1 dliteln %2")
S("number of cells (n)", "poet polek (n)")
S("cell bottom-right from 0 (d)", "polko vpravo dole od 0 (d)")
S("cell below 0 (d)", "polko pod 0 (d)")
S("width (x)", "ka (x)")
S("height (y)", "vka (y)")
// upgraded Hypersian Rug mode
S("In the perspective projection, you can use arrows to rotate the camera, Page Up/Down to go forward/backward, Shift+arrows to strafe, and Ctrl+arrows to rotate the model.",
"V perspektivn projekci je mon otet kameru ipkami, Page Up/Down pro pohyb "
"vped/vzad, Shift+ipky pro pohyb do strany a Ctrl+ipky pro oten modelu.")
S("Note: this mode is based on what you see on the screen -- but re-rendered in another way. "
"If not everything is shown on the screen (e.g., too zoomed in), the results will be incorrect "
"(though possibly interesting). "
"Use a different projection to fix this.",
"Poznmka: tento md je zaloen na tom, co vidte na obrazovce -- je to pouze "
"re-renderovan jinm zpsobem. Pokud nen na obrazovce vechno vidt (napklad "
"proto, e pohled je pli piblen), budou vsledky nesprvn (i kdy "
"mon zajmav). Mete to opravit tm, e pouijete jinou projekci.")
S("vertex limit", "limit vrchol")
S("The more vertices, the more accurate the Hypersian Rug model is. "
"However, a number too high might make the model slow to compute and render.",
"m vce vrchol, tm budfe model Hyperskho koberce pesnj. Pli "
"vysok slo vak me zpsobit, e se model bude pomalu potat a renderovat.")
S("model distance", "vzdlenost modelu")
S("In the perspective projection, this sets the distance from the camera to the center of the model. "
"In the orthogonal projection this just controls the scale.",
"V perspektivn projekci tento parametr nastavuje vzdlenost kamery od stedu "
"modelu. V ortogonln projekci pouze upravuje mtko.")
S("maximum error", "maximln chyba")
S("New points are added when the current error in the model is smaller than this value.",
"Pokud je souasn chyba modelu men ne tato hodnota, pidaj se nov body.")
S("field of view", "zorn pole")
S("Horizontal field of view, in the perspective projection. "
"In the orthogonal projection this just controls the scale.",
"Horizontln zorn pole, v perspektivn projekci. V ortogonln "
"projekci tento parametr pouze upravuje mtko.")
S("native geometry", "rodn geometrie")
S("scale model", "mtko modelu")
S("This is relevant when the native geometry is not Euclidean. "
"For example, if the native geometry is spherical, and scale < 1, a 2d sphere will be rendered as a subsphere; "
"if the native geometry is hyperbolic, and scale > 1, a hyperbolic plane will be rendered as an equidistant surface. ",
"Toto je relevantn v situacch, kdy 'rodn geometrie' nen eukleidovsk. Pokud je "
"napklad sfrick a mtko je < 1, bude 2d koule vyrenderovan jako subsfra; "
"pokud je rodn geometrie hyperbolick a mtko je > 1, bude hyperbolick rovina "
"vyrenderovan jako ekvidistantn plocha.")
S("This just shows the 'z' coordinate of the selected point.",
"Tohle jenom ukazuje souadnici 'z' vybranho bodu.")
S("radar", "radar")
S("model iterations", "iterace modelu")
S("keep shape", "udrovat tvar")
// texture mode
S("texture mode", "texturov md")
"This mode lets you to change the floor tesselation easily -- "
"select 'paint a new texture' and draw like in a Paint program. "
"The obtained pattern can then be easily changed to another geometry, "
"or saved.\n\n"
"Instead of drawing, it is also possible to use an arbitrary image "
"as a texture. "
"Works best with spherical/Euclidean/hyperbolic tesselations "
"(e.g., a photo of a soccerball, or one of the tesselations by M. C. "
"Escher), but it can be also used on arbitrary photos to make them periodic "
"(these probably work best with the 'large picture' setting in geometry selection). "
"Again, tesselations can have their geometry changed.\n\n",
"Tento md vm umouje snadno mnit dlen podlahy -- vyberte 'namalovat "
"novou texturu' a kreslete jako v Malovn. Zskan vzor se pak d snadno "
"zmnit na jinou geometrii nebo uloit.\n\n"
"Msto kreslen tak mete pout jako texturu libovoln obrzek. "
"Nejlpe to funguje se sfrickmi/eukleidovskmi/hyperbolickmi dlenmi "
"(napklad s fotografi fotbalovho me nebo s jednm z dlen M. C. "
"Eschera), ale mete tak pout libovoln obrzky, abyste je udlali "
"periodickmi (nejlpe to funguje s nastavenm 'velk obrzek' ve vbru "
"geometrie). Geometrii dlen je opt mon mnit.\n\n")
S("texture mode (off)", "texturov md (vypnut)")
S("select geometry/pattern", "vyber geometrii/vzor")
S("reactivate the texture", "reaktivuj texturu")
S("open PNG as texture", "otwrz PNG jako tekstur")
S("load texture config", "nahraj konfiguraci textury")
S("warning: unable to find the center", "varovn: nemohu najt sted")
S("texture size", "rozmr textury")
S("paint a new texture", "namaluj novou texturu")
S("precision", "pesnost")
S("texture mode (overlay)", "texturov md (pekryv)")
S("select the texture's pattern", "vyber vzor textury")
S("enable the texture", "zapni texturu")
S("cancel the texture", "zru texturu")
S("move the model", "pesu model")
S("move the texture", "pesu texturu")
S("zoom/scale the texture", "zm piblen/mtko textury")
S("zoom/scale the model", "zm piblen/mtko modelu")
S("projection", "projekce")
S("affine transformations", "afinn transformace")
S("magic", "magie")
S("grid color (master)", "barva mky (hlavn)")
S("grid color (copy)", "barva mky (kopie)")
S("save the raw texture", "ulo surovou texturu")
S("Saved the raw texture to %1", "Surov textura uloena do %1")
S("texture auto-adjustment", "automatick prava textury")
S("drag from the model to the texture", "pethni z modelu na texturu")
S("affect model scale", "mtko modelu")
S("affect model projection", "projekce")
S("affect model rotation", "rotace modelu")
S("affect model position", "poloha modelu")
S("affect texture slanting", "zkosen textury")
S("affect texture stretching", "nataen textury")
S("delete markers", "vyma markery")
S("perform auto-adjustment", "prove automatickou pravu")
S("texture mode (active)", "texturov md (aktivn)")
S("deactivate the texture", "deaktivuj texturu")
S("back to overlay mode", "zptky do mdu pekryvu")
S("change the geometry", "zm geometrii")
S("grid color", "barva mky")
S("mesh color", "barva sky")
S("color alpha", "alfa barva")
S("The higher the value, the less important the color of underlying terrain is.",
"m vy hodnota, tm mn dleit je barva podlo.")
S("edit the texture", "edituj texturu")
S("save the full texture image", "ulo pln texturov obraz")
S("Saving full texture to %1...", "Ukldm plnou texturu do %1...")
S("save texture config", "ulo konfiguraci textury")
// pattern groups
S("football", "fotbalov m")
S("three colors", "ti barvy")
S("chessboard", "achovnice")
S("single type", "jeden typ")
S("large picture", "velk obrzek")
S("periodic patterns", "periodick vzory")
S("more tuning", "doladn")
S("BAD", "PATN")
// extra patterns
S("Docks pattern", "vzor Dok")
S("broken Emerald pattern", "polman smaragdov vzor")
S("coloring", "barven")
// Docks
N("Docks", GEN_O, "Dok", "Doky", "Dok", "v Doku")
N("dock", GEN_O, "dok", "doky", "dok", "dokem")
S("A dock.", "Dok.")
N("burning dock", GEN_O, "hoc dok", "hoc doky", "hoc dok", "hocm dokem")
S("A burning dock.", "Hoc dok.")
N("Sea Glass", GEN_N, "Mosk sklo", "Mosk skla", "Mosk sklo", "Moskm sklem")
// Snake Nest
N("Snake Nest", GEN_N, "Had hnzdo", "Had hnzda", "Had hnzdo", "v Hadm hnzd")
N("Snake Oil", GEN_O, "Had olej", "Had oleje", "Had olej", "Hadm olejem")
S("Made of actual snakes!", "Vyroben z pravch had!")
// Ruined City
N("Znien msto", GEN_N, "Znien msto", "Znien msta", "Znien msto", "ve Znienm mst")
S("Once a beautiful city... but now overrun by the mighty Raiders of unknown origin.\n\n"
"Raiders cannot be harmed with mundane weapons, but each color has its movement restrictions.",
"Kdysi to bylo krsn msto... ale te ho ovldli mocn Njezdnci neznmho pvodu.\n\n"
"Njezdnkm nemohou ublit obyejn zbran, ale kad barva m sv omezen pohybu.")
N("ruin wall", GEN_F, "znien ze", "znien zdi", "znienou ze", "znienu zd")
N("Chrysoberyl", GEN_O, "Chryzoberyl", "Chryzoberyly", "Chryzoberyl", "Chryzoberylem")
S("Fragment of the past glory.", "Fragment minul slvy.")
N("Red Raider", GEN_M, "erven njezdnk", "erven njezdnci", "ervenho njezdnka", "ervenm njezdnkem")
S("Red Raiders travel in pairs. They have promised to always watch another one's back. They are able to destroy walls on their way",
"erven njezdnci cestuj ve dvojicch. Slbili si, e si vdycky budou navzjem "
"hldat zda. Po cest mohou niit zdi.")
N("Gray Raider", GEN_M, "ed njezdnk", "ed njezdnci", "edho njezdnka", "edm njezdnkem")
S("Gray Raiders never step on gray cells.",
"ed njezdnci nikdy nevstupuj na ed polka.")
N("Green Raider", GEN_M, "Zelen njezdnk", "Zelen njezdnci", "Zelenho njezdnka", "Zelenm njezdnkem")
S("Green Raiders never step from one green cell to another.",
"Zelen njezdnci nikdy nepechzej z jednoho zelenho polka na druh.")
N("Brown Raider", GEN_M, "Hnd njezdnk", "Hnd njezdnci", "Hndho njezdnka", "Hndm njezdnkem")
S("Brown Raiders never move adjacent to an item.",
"Hnd njezdnci nikdy nevstupuj na polka, kter soused s pedmtem.")
N("Blue Raider", GEN_M, "Modr njezdnk", "Mod njezdnci", "Modrho njezdnka", "Modrm njezdnkem")
S("Blue Raiders have a powerful attack which takes two turns to complete, and also makes the Blue Raider stunned "
"for a long time. This attack can destroy other Raiders if it hits them.",
"Mod njezdnci maj mocn tok, kter trv dv kola a Modr njezdnk "
"po nm zstane dlouho omren. Tento tok doke zniit jin Njezdnky, pokud je zashne."
S("You cannot attack Raiders directly!", "Na Njezdnky neme toit pmo!")
Orb("Slaying", "Zhuby")
S("This Orb lets you defeat Raiders and other tough single-cell monsters in melee.",
"Tato Sgra ti umouje zabt v boji nablzko Njezdnky a jin odoln jednopolkov netvory.")
// Jelly Kingdom
N("Jelly Kingdom", GEN_N, "Krlovstv rosolu", "Krlovstv rosolu", "Krlovstv rosolu", "v Krlovstv rosolu")
S("Some of the Slime Beasts have decided to revolt against the color rules in the "
"Alchemist Lab. They have changed their shape and consistency, declared independence, and established their own Kingdom.\n\n"
"Jellies switch between being a wall and being a monster after every treasure you pick.",
"Nkte Slizov netvoi se rozhodli vzbouit proti barevnm pravidlm v Alchymistick laboratoi. Zmnili svj tvar a konzistencim vyhlsili nezvislost a zaloili si sv vlastn Krlovstv.\n\n"
"Kdykoli sebere njak poklad, rosoly se zmn ze zd na netvory a opan."
N("Red Jelly", GEN_O, "erven rosol", "erven rosoly", "erven rosol", "ervenm rosolem")
N("Blue Jelly", GEN_O, "Modr rosol", "Modr rosoly", "Modr rosol", "Modrm rosolem")
N("Tasty Jelly", GEN_O, "Chutn rosol", "Chutn rosoly", "Chutn rosol", "Chutnm rosolem")
S("A tasty byproduct of the Jelly Revolution.",
"Chutn vedlej produkt Rosolov revoluce.")
Orb("Phasing", "Fzovn")
S("This orb lets you pass through walls (one cell wide), and also through as long as they will not attack you in transit.",
"Tato Sfra ti umouje prochzet zdmi (o tlouce jednoho polka), a tak netvory, pokud na tebe pitom nemohou zatoit.")
S("You cannot attack Jellies in their wall form!", "Na Rosoly neme toit, kdy jsou v podob zdi!")
// keyboard help
S("advanced keyboard shortcuts", "pokroil klvesov zkratky")
/* not yet translated to Polish
"1 = orthogonal/Gans model",
"2 = small Poincare model/stereographic projection",
"3 = big Poincare model/stereographic projection",
"4 = Klein model/gnomonic projection",
"5 = change wall display mode",
"6 = change grid",
"7 = change heptagon marking",
"8 = change background color",
"9 = hyperboloid model",
"qweasdzxc, hjklyubn, numpad = move/skip turn",
"arrows = panning",
"o = world overview",
"v = menu",
"F1 = help",
"F5 = restart game",
"F10 = quit game",
"Esc = quest status",
"Alt+Enter = full screen",
"Alt = highlight interesting stuff",
"t = use a ranged Orb (target center of the screen)",
"g = drop a Dead Orb",
"click left mouse button = move/skip",
"shift+click left mouse button = use ranged Orb",
"click right mouse button = context help",
"mousewheel up = panning",
"hold middle mouse button = panning",
"mousewheel down = move/skip",
"shift + mousewheel = change projection",
"ctrl + mousewheel = change zoom",
"ctrl + shift + mousewheel = change both projection and zoom",
"ctrl + hold middle button = move the screen",
"shift + middle button = reset position"
/* not yet translated to Polish
"1 = ortogonln/Gansv model",
"2 = mal Poincarho model/stereografick projekce",
"3 = velk Poincarho model/stereografick projekce",
"4 = Kleinv model/gnmonick projekce",
"5 = zmna mdu zobrazovn zd",
"6 = zmna mky",
"7 = zmna oznaovn sedmihelnk",
"8 = zmna barvy pozad",
"9 = model hyperboloidu",
"qweasdzxc, hjklyubn, numpad = pohyb/ekn na mst",
"ipky = scrollovn",
"o = pehled svta",
"v = menu",
"F1 = npovda",
"F5 = restart",
"F10 = ukonen hry",
"Esc = status kolu",
"Alt+Enter = full screen",
"Alt = zvraznn zajmavch vc",
"t = pouit dlkov Sfry (zacluje sted obrazovky)",
"g = polo Mrtvou sfru",
"lev kliknut = pohyb/ekn na mst",
"shift+lev kliknut = pouit dlkov Sfry",
"prav kliknut = kontextov npovda",
"koleko myi nahoru = scrollovn",
"dren prostednho tlatka myi = scrollovn",
"koleko myi dol = pohyb/ekn na mst",
"shift + koleko myi = zmna projekce",
"ctrl + koleko myi = zmna piblen",
"ctrl + shift + koleko myi = zmna projekce a piblen najednou",
"ctrl + dret prostedn tlatko myi = pohyb obrazovky",
"shift + prostedn tlatko myi = reset polohy"
/* achievements
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_5_NAME" "Doel jsi do znienho msta"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_5_DESC" "Najdi a zskej Chryzoberyl."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_6_NAME" "Hnd njezdnk"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_6_DESC" "Zskej 10 Chryzoberyl (nebo 25 ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_7_NAME" "Modr njezdnk"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_7_DESC" "Zskej 25 Chryzoberyl (nebo 50 ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_8_NAME" "Pn njezdnk"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_8_DESC" "Zskej 50 Chryzoberyl (nikoli ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_9_NAME" "Doel jsi do Krlovstv rosolu"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_9_DESC" "Najdi a zskej Chutn rosol."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_10_NAME" "Chutn rosol"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_10_DESC" "Zskej 10 Chutnch rosol (nebo 25 ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_11_DESC" "Zskej 25 Chutnch rosol (nebo 50 ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_12_NAME" "Krl rosolu"
"NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_9_12_DESC" "Zskej 50 Chutnch rosol (nikoli ve Sfrostrategickm mdu)."
#undef Orb