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synced 2025-03-26 05:17:03 +00:00
Merge pull request #154 from josephcsible/patch-3
Mention the Cursed Canyon in the Shadow's description
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ MONSTER( 'N', 0x404040, "Necromancer", moNecromancer, CF_FACE_UP | CF_HIGH_THREA
"Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves."
MONSTER( 'S', 0x404040, "Shadow", moShadow, CF_FACE_UP | CF_NOBLOW | CF_NONLIVING | CF_SPAM, RESERVED, moNone,
"A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard."
"A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon."
MONSTER( 'T', 0x40E040, "Tentacle", moTentacle, ZERO | CF_NOGHOST | CF_NOBLOW | CF_MOUNTABLE | CF_MULTITILE | CF_WORM, RESERVED, moNone, tentdes )
MONSTER( 't', 0x008000, "Tentacle Tail", moTentacletail, ZERO | CF_NOGHOST | CF_NOBLOW | CF_MOUNTABLE | CF_MULTITILE | CF_WORM | CF_INACTIVE | CF_SPAM, RESERVED, moNone, tentdes )
@ -715,8 +715,8 @@ S("A typical monster from the Graveyard, who moves through walls.\n\n"
S("Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves.",
"Nekromanceři dokážou probouzet duchy a zombie z čerstvých hrobů.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Děsivý netvor, který tě sleduje po celém Hřbitově.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Děsivý netvor, který tě sleduje po celém Hřbitově.") //TODO UPDATE
S("People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
"Lidé uctívající Cthulhua. Jsou velmi nebezpeční.")
@ -680,8 +680,8 @@ S("A typical monster from the Graveyard, who moves through walls.\n\n"
S("Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves.",
"Totenbeschwörer können Geister und Zombies aus frischen Gräbern auferwecken.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Ein gruseliges Monster das dir über den ganzen Friedhof folgt!")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Ein gruseliges Monster das dir über den ganzen Friedhof folgt!") //TODO UPDATE
S("People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
"Verehrer Cthulhus. Sie sind sehr gefährlich.")
@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ S("A typical monster from the Graveyard, who moves through walls.\n\n"
S("Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves.",
"Nekromanci wzbudzają duchy i zombie ze świeżych grobów.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Ten odrażający potwór chodzi za Tobą po cmentarzu!")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Ten odrażający potwór chodzi za Tobą po cmentarzu!") //TODO UPDATE
S("People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
"Wyznawcy Cthulhu, bardzo niebiezpieczni.")
@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ S(
"Nekromanci wzbudzają duchy i zombie ze świeżych grobów.")
"A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Ten odrażający potwór chodzi za Tobą po cmentarzu!")
"A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Ten odrażający potwór chodzi za Tobą po cmentarzu!") //TODO UPDATE
"People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ S("A typical monster from the Graveyard, who moves through walls.\n\n"
S("Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves.",
"Некромант может призывать призраков и зомби из свежих могил.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Пугающий монстр, вечно преследующий Вас на Кладбище.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Пугающий монстр, вечно преследующий Вас на Кладбище.") //TODO UPDATE
S("People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
"Люди, поклоняющиеся Ктулху. Они довольно опасны.")
@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ S("A typical monster from the Graveyard, who moves through walls.\n\n"
S("Necromancers can raise ghosts and zombies from fresh graves.",
"Ölüçağıranlar mezarlardan hayaletler ve hortlaklar çağırabilirler.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard.",
"Seni Mezarlık boyunca takip eden ürpertici bir canavar.")
S("A creepy monster who follows you everywhere in the Graveyard and the Cursed Canyon.",
"Seni Mezarlık boyunca takip eden ürpertici bir canavar.") //TODO UPDATE
S("People worshipping Cthulhu. They are very dangerous.",
"Cthulhu'ya tapan insanlar. Çok tehlikeliler.")
Reference in New Issue
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