textures in wrl export

This commit is contained in:
Zeno Rogue 2020-04-16 03:36:48 +02:00
parent bf2eece2d8
commit 0ef619739e
2 changed files with 186 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -1011,6 +1011,8 @@ auto floor_hook =
#if MAXMDIM >= 4
EX ld floor_texture_square_size;
void draw_shape_for_texture(floorshape* sh) {
int id = sh->id;
@ -1071,16 +1073,23 @@ void draw_shape_for_texture(floorshape* sh) {
floor_texture_map[sh->id] = tmap;
// SL2 needs 6 times more
texture_order([&] (ld x, ld y) {
auto tvec_at = [&] (ld x, ld y) {
hyperpoint h = center + v1 * x + v2 * y;
hyperpoint inmodel;
applymodel(h, inmodel);
glvec2 v;
v[0] = (1 + inmodel[0] * vid.scale) / 2;
v[1] = (1 - inmodel[1] * vid.scale) / 2;
return v;
// SL2 needs 6 times more
texture_order([&] (ld x, ld y) {
auto v = tvec_at(x, y);
ftv.tvertices.push_back(glhr::makevertex(v[0], v[1], 0));
floor_texture_square_size = 2 * (tvec_at(1, 0)[0] - tvec_at(0, 0)[0]);
/** copy the texture vertices so that there are at least qty of them */
@ -1102,7 +1111,9 @@ EX void bind_floor_texture(hpcshape& li, int id) {
#if HDR
const int FLOORTEXTURESIZE = 4096;
void geometry_information::make_floor_textures_here() {

View File

@ -339,25 +339,38 @@ EX always_false in;
bool used_rug;
map<pair<color_t, glvertex>, int> texture_position;
map<color_t, int> gradient_position;
pair<color_t, glvertex> texid(dqi_poly& p) {
return make_pair(p.color, p.tinf->tvertices[0]);
/** 0 = no/unknown texture, 1 = rug, 2 = gradient, 3 = floor texture */
EX int texture_type(dqi_poly& p) {
if(!p.tinf) return 0;
if(p.tinf == &rug::tinf) return 1;
if(p.tinf->texture_id == (int) floor_textures->renderedTexture)
return (p.tinf->tvertices[0][0] == 0) ? 2 : 3;
return 0;
EX void prepare(dqi_poly& p) {
if(print && !(p.flags & POLY_PRINTABLE)) return;
if(!(p.flags & POLY_TRIANGLES)) return;
int tt = texture_type(p);
if(tt == 2) gradient_position[p.color] = 0;
if(tt == 3) texture_position[texid(p)] = 0;
int fts_int, fts, fts_row;
map<string, pair<vector<hyperpoint>, vector<glvertex>>> all_data;
EX void polygon(dqi_poly& p) {
if(print && !(p.flags & POLY_PRINTABLE)) return;
if(!(p.flags & POLY_TRIANGLES)) return;
println(f, "Shape {");
println(f, " appearance Appearance {");
println(f, " material Material {");
println(f, " diffuseColor ", color(p.color, .8));
if(part(p.color, 0) != 255) println(f, " transparency ", (255 - part(p.color, 0)) / 255.);
println(f, " }");
if(p.tinf && p.tinf == &rug::tinf) {
println(f, " texture ImageTexture {");
println(f, " url \"", filename, "-rug.png\"");
println(f, " }");
used_rug = true;
println(f, " }");
// println(f, "# V = ", p.V);
println(f, " geometry IndexedFaceSet {");
println(f, " coord Coordinate {");
int tt = texture_type(p);
vector<hyperpoint> data;
vector<glvertex> tdata;
@ -379,54 +392,85 @@ EX always_false in;
else if(print) {
hyperpoint ctr1;
applymodel(p.V * p.intester, ctr1);
println(hlog, "intester = ", p.intester);
ld sdet = 0;
if(1) {
dynamicval<eGeometry> g(geometry, gEuclid);
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i+=3) {
transmatrix T;
T[0] = data[i];
T[1] = data[i+1];
T[2] = data[i+2];
T[0] = data[i] - ctr1;
T[1] = data[i+1] - ctr1;
T[2] = data[i+2] - ctr1;
sdet += det(T);
println(hlog, "sdet = ", sdet);
if(sdet > 0)
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i+=3)
swap(data[i+1], data[i+2]),
swap(tdata[i+1], tdata[i+2]);
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i+=3) {
swap(data[i+1], data[i+2]);
swap(tdata[i+1], tdata[i+2]);
println(f, " point [");
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i++) {
println(f, " ", coord(data[i], 3), ",");
shstream app;
println(app, " material Material {");
if(!tt) println(app, " diffuseColor ", color(p.color, .8));
if(part(p.color, 0) != 255) println(app, " transparency ", (255 - part(p.color, 0)) / 255.);
println(app, " }");
if(tt == 1) {
println(f, " texture ImageTexture {");
println(app, " url \"", filename, "-rug.png\"");
println(app, " }");
used_rug = true;
if(tt == 2 || tt == 3) {
println(app, " texture ImageTexture {");
println(app, " url \"", filename, "-floors.png\"");
println(app, " }");
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " }");
if(p.tinf) {
println(f, " texCoord TextureCoordinate {");
println(f, " point [");
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i++) {
println(f, " ", coord(tdata[i][0]), " ", coord(tdata[i][1]), ",");
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " }");
auto &ad = all_data[app.s];
for(auto& d: data) ad.first.push_back(d);
println(f, " coordIndex [");
for(int i=0; i<p.cnt; i+=3) {
println(f, " ", i, " ", i+1, " ", i+2, " -1,");
if(tt == 2) {
ld x = (fts - .5 - gradient_position[p.color]) / fts;
for(auto& d: tdata) d[0] = x;
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " creaseAngle 0.0 convex FALSE solid TRUE ccw FALSE");
println(f, " creaseAngle 0.0 convex FALSE solid FALSE");
println(f, " }");
println(f, " }");
if(tt == 3) {
int tp = texture_position[texid(p)];
auto xy = make_array<int>(tp % fts_row, tp / fts_row);
auto zero = p.tinf->tvertices[0];
ld sca = FLOORTEXTURESIZE*1./fts_int;
for(auto& d: tdata)
for(int c: {0, 1})
d[c] = ((d[c] - zero[c])*sca + xy[c] + .5) * fts_int / fts;
for(auto& d: tdata) ad.second.push_back(d);
EX void render() {
for(auto& p: ptds) {
auto p2 = dynamic_cast<dqi_poly*>(&*p);
int tps = 0;
for(auto& p: texture_position) p.second = tps++;
int gps = 0;
for(auto& p: gradient_position) p.second = gps++;
fts_int = floor_texture_square_size * FLOORTEXTURESIZE + 4;
fts = 64;
while(fts < gps || (fts-gps)/fts_int * fts/fts_int < tps)
fts *= 2;
fts_row = (fts-gps)/fts_int;
for(auto& p: ptds) {
auto p2 = dynamic_cast<dqi_poly*>(&*p);
@ -439,13 +483,54 @@ EX always_false in;
dynamicval<bool> v3(noshadow, true);
filename = fname;
f.f = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wt");
println(f, "#VRML V2.0 utf8");
println(f, "WorldInfo { title \"3D model exported from HyperRogue\" info [ \"3D models exported from HyperRogue are public domain\" ] }");
for(auto& p: all_data) {
const string& app = p.first;
auto& data = p.second.first;
auto& tdata = p.second.second;
println(f, "Shape {");
println(f, " appearance Appearance {");
println(f, app);
println(f, " }");
// println(f, "# V = ", p.V);
println(f, " geometry IndexedFaceSet {");
println(f, " coord Coordinate {");
println(f, " point [");
for(auto& d: data) println(f, " ", coord(d, 3), ",");
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " }");
if(!tdata.empty()) {
println(f, " texCoord TextureCoordinate {");
println(f, " point [");
for(auto& d: tdata)
println(f, " ", coord(glhr::gltopoint(d), 2), ",");
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " }");
println(f, " coordIndex [");
for(int i=0; i<isize(data); i+=3) {
println(f, " ", i, " ", i+1, " ", i+2, " -1,");
println(f, " ]");
println(f, " creaseAngle 0.0 convex FALSE solid TRUE ccw FALSE");
println(f, " creaseAngle 0.0 convex FALSE solid FALSE");
println(f, " }");
println(f, " }");
if(used_rug) {
resetbuffer rb;
@ -455,6 +540,36 @@ EX always_false in;
dynamicval<int> dy(shot::shoty, rug::texturesize);
shot::postprocess(filename + "-rug.png", s, s);
if(isize(texture_position) || isize(gradient_position)) {
SDL_Surface *s = shot::empty_surface(fts, fts, false);
for(auto& p: gradient_position) {
int x = fts - p.second - 1;
for(int y=0; y<fts; y++) {
qpixel(s, x, fts-y-1) = gradient(0, p.first, 0, y, fts-1) >> 8;
part(qpixel(s, x, y), 3) = 0xFF;
SDL_Surface *floor = floor_textures->render();
for(auto& p: texture_position) {
int nx = p.second % fts_row;
int ny = p.second / fts_row;
color_t col = p.first.first;
int xs = p.first.second[0] * FLOORTEXTURESIZE - fts_int/2;
int ys = p.first.second[1] * FLOORTEXTURESIZE - fts_int/2;
for(int y=0; y<fts_int; y++)
for(int x=0; x<fts_int; x++) {
auto& tgt = qpixel(s, nx*fts_int+x, fts-1-(ny*fts_int+y));
auto& src = qpixel(floor, xs+x, ys+y);
for(int p=0; p<3; p++)
part(tgt, p) = (part(src, p) * part(col, p+1) + 127) / 255;
part(tgt, 3) = 0xFF;
IMAGESAVE(s, (filename + "-floors.png").c_str());
EX }
@ -513,6 +628,10 @@ EX void default_screenshot_content() {
EX SDL_Surface *empty_surface(int x, int y, bool alpha) {
return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,x,y,32,0xFF<<16,0xFF<<8,0xFF, (alpha) ? (0xFF<<24) : 0);
EX void postprocess(string fname, SDL_Surface *sdark, SDL_Surface *sbright) {
if(gamma == 1 && shot_aa == 1 && sdark == sbright) {
@ -520,7 +639,7 @@ EX void postprocess(string fname, SDL_Surface *sdark, SDL_Surface *sbright) {
SDL_Surface *sout = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,shotx,shoty,32,0xFF<<16,0xFF<<8,0xFF, (sdark == sbright) ? 0 : (0xFF<<24));
SDL_Surface *sout = empty_surface(shotx, shoty, sdark != sbright);
for(int y=0; y<shoty; y++)
for(int x=0; x<shotx; x++) {
int val[2][4];